ôn, lương, cung, kiệm, nhượng

Vietnamese edit

Etymology edit


夫子 [Vietnamese Literary Sinitic, trad.]
From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
Phu tử ôn, lương, cung, kiệm, nhượng dĩ đắc chi. [Sino-Vietnamese]
Our master is benign, upright, courteous, temperate, and complaisant and thus he gets his information.

Pronunciation edit

  • (Hà Nội) IPA(key): [ʔon˧˧ lɨəŋ˧˧ kʊwŋ͡m˧˧ kiəm˧˨ʔ ɲɨəŋ˧˨ʔ]
  • (Huế) IPA(key): [ʔoŋ˧˧ lɨəŋ˧˧ kʊwŋ͡m˧˧ kiəm˨˩ʔ ɲɨəŋ˨˩ʔ]
  • (Hồ Chí Minh City) IPA(key): [ʔoŋ˧˧ lɨəŋ˧˧ kʊwŋ͡m˧˧ kim˨˩˨ ɲɨəŋ˨˩˨]

Idiom edit

ôn, lương, cung, kiệm, nhượng

  1. Be cordial, kind, courteous, modest, and deferential.