Estonian edit

Etymology edit

Most likely from Proto-Finnic *ovi, from Proto-Uralic *owe. Compare Finnish ovi and Votic õvvi. Alternatively, and less likely, possibly a Low German loan, as in hoov, in which case the Votic word would be a loan from Estonian.

Noun edit

õu (genitive õue, partitive õue)

  1. yard
  2. outside

Declension edit

Declension of õu (ÕS type 22/põu, length gradation)
singular plural
nominative õu õued
accusative nom.
gen. õue
genitive õuede
partitive õue õuesid
illative õue
inessive õues õuedes
elative õuest õuedest
allative õuele õuedele
adessive õuel õuedel
ablative õuelt õuedelt
translative õueks õuedeks
terminative õueni õuedeni
essive õuena õuedena
abessive õueta õuedeta
comitative õuega õuedega

Derived terms edit