Old Church Slavonic edit

И цръкви же такоже зажжена бысть

Etymology edit

за- (za-) +‎ жещи (žešti)

Verb edit

зажещи (zažeštipf

  1. set on fire, ignite, burn
    • lines 82-83, from the Primary Chronicle:
      и повелѣ зажещи ꙗ ѿ двєрии. ту изгорѣша вси.
      i povelě zažešti ja otŭ dverii. tu izgorěša vsi.
      And she gave the command to burn them from the doors. There they all perished in the flames.
    • from the Slavonic Josephus, книга 6, 458в:
      И цръкви же такоже зажжена бысть
      I crŭkvi že takože zažžena bystĭ
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Conjugation edit