Abaza edit

Noun edit

па (pa)

  1. son

Belarusian edit

Alternative forms edit

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): [pa]
  • (file)

Preposition edit

па (pa)

  1. (with the locative case) along, on (movement or location)
    па вуліцы: along the street
    ехаць па абочыне: drive on the roadside
    бегчы па сцежцы: run on a trail
  2. (with the locative case) over, in, on (place or space where something takes place)
    ісці па полі: go in the field
    рэчка цячэ па даліне: the river flows over the valley
    Падарожжа па Беларусі: Journey over Belarus
  3. (with the locative case) along (direction)
    Ісці па слядах: Follow the footprints
    Уверх па ручаіне: Up along the brook
    Накіроўвацца па маршруце: Follow the route
  4. (with the accusative case) + бок, старана, край, рука) on (a place where something takes place or something situated; place is determined by pointing at a direction)
    Дзеці гулялі па той бок дарогі: The kids were playing across the street.
    Хаты стаялі па абодва бакі вуліцы: The huts were located on both sides of the street.
    Па парвую руку быў лес: There was a forest to the right.
  5. (with the accusative case) to used to name something that is a spatial border
    Улезці ў ваду па пояс: To come into the water half height.
    Снег па калені: Snow up to one's knees.
    Калёсы вязнуць у пяску аж па ступіцу: The wheels fall down in the sand as deep as the axis.
  6. (with the dative case) according to

Noun edit

па (pan inan (indeclinable)

  1. pas, step

References edit

  • па”, in Беларуска-рускі слоўнік. У 3 т. (Больш за 110.000 слоў)[1], 4-е выд., перапрац. і дап edition, Мінск: Беларуская Энцыклапедыя, 2012, →ISBN

Macedonian edit

Pronunciation edit

Conjunction edit

па (pa)

  1. so (consequence)
  2. and then (subsequently)

Interjection edit

па (pa)

  1. well (filler)
  2. well (reluctance)

Nanai edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Tungusic *pake, compare Manchu ᡶᠠᡥᡡᠨ (fahūn).

Pronunciation edit

  • IPA(key): /paː/
  • Hyphenation: па

Noun edit

па̄ ()

  1. liver
  2. playing card
  3. (archaic) traditional type of flatbread made by shamans

References edit

  • S. N. Onenko (1980) “па”, in V. A. Avrorina, editor, Нанайско-русский словарь [Nanai-Russian dictionary], Русский язык

Russian edit

Etymology edit

Borrowed from French pas.

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

па (pan inan (indeclinable)

  1. pas, step

Serbo-Croatian edit

Etymology edit

Common South Slavic; compare Slovene pa, Bulgarian па (pa). See also па-.

Pronunciation edit

Conjunction edit

па (Latin spelling pa)

  1. (and) then (= о̏нда̄)
    прво ћу скочити ја, па тиI'll jump first, (and) then you
    учење па одмор па забаваlearning, then rest, then fun
  2. (and) so
    потрошио сам сав новац, па сам се морао вратити кућиI've spent all of my money, so I had to return home
  3. (with да or ма̀кар) even if, even though, although
  4. (with и̏па̄к) (and, but) yet, still
    богат је, па ипак усамљенhe's rich, but still lonely
  5. (with да + и) even if

Particle edit

па (Latin spelling pa)

  1. (for emphasis) but, well
    па добро!well, all right!
    па што је с тобом?what's wrong with you?
    па и не башnot really
    па што онда?so what?

Yakut edit

Etymology edit

Expressive sound.

Particle edit

па (pa)

  1. (expresses disgust) bah, pah, phew
  2. (expresses surprise, bewilderment, disappointment) well
    See synonyms at чэ (ce).

Derived terms edit