Bulgarian edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Slavic *umirati.

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit

уми́рам (umíram) first-singular present indicativeimpf (perfective умра́)

  1. to die, to mortify, to pass away, to depart
    Synonym: мра (mra)
    Той умря.
    Toj umrja.
    He is dead.
    Умирам от естествена смърт.
    Umiram ot estestvena smǎrt.
    To die a natural death.
    Умирам от насилствена смърт.
    Umiram ot nasilstvena smǎrt.
    To die a violent death.
    Да си умреш от мъка.
    Da si umreš ot mǎka.
    It’s enough to drive you mad.
    Умирам от смях.
    Umiram ot smjah.
    To die laughing/laugh one's head off.

Conjugation edit