Assyrian Neo-Aramaic edit

ܚ ܡ ܡ (ḥ m m)
10 terms

Etymology edit

Instance noun derived from the verb ܡܚܲܡܚܸܡ (mḥamḥim).

Pronunciation edit

  • (Standard) IPA(key): [xam.xam.tɑː]

Noun edit

ܚܲܡܚܲܡܬܵܐ (ḥamḥamtāf (plural ܚܲܡܚܲܡܝܵܬܹ̈ܐ (ḥamḥamyātē))

  1. fever (higher than normal body temperature usually caused by disease)
    Synonyms: ܚܸܡܬ݂ܵܐ (ḥimṯā), ܐ݇ܫܵܬ݂ܵܐ (šāṯā)
    ܐܸܢ ܚܲܕ݇ ܐ݇ܢܵܫܵܐ ܓܵܘܲܢ ܛܵܦܹܐ ܠܗܵܕ݂ܹܐ ܚܲܡܚܲܡܬܵܐ، ܘܵܠܹܐ ܕܡܲܒܠܲܚ ܠܹܗ ܠܒܹܝܬ݂ ܟܪ̈ܝܼܗܹܐ ܒܲܥܓ݂ܲܠ.
    in ḥa nāšā gāwan ṭāpē l-hāḏē ḥamḥamtā, wālē d-mablaḥ lēh lbēṯ krīhē baˁḡal.
    If anyone among us contracts this fever, we must take them quickly to the hospital.
  2. (pathology) hyperthermia

Inflection edit