
Chinese edit

eight thousand li, a Chinese unit of length road; path; way cloud; Yunnan (abbrev.); surname
mix together; peace; harmony
mix together; peace; harmony; and; with; union; cap (a poem); respond in singing; soft; warm
moon; month
trad. (八千里路雲和月)
simp. (八千里路云和月)
Literally: “eight thousand li of clouds and the moon”.

Etymology edit

From Man Jiang Hong by Yue Fei:

三十功名 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
三十功名 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
From: Yue Fei (1103-1142), Man Jiang Hong (《滿江紅》)
Sānshí gōngmíng chén yǔ tǔ, qiān yún yuè. [Pinyin]
(please add an English translation of this usage example)

Pronunciation edit

Idiom edit


  1. Describes the great distances involved in a military campaign or a long journey.