Japanese edit

Kanji in this term
Grade: 3
Alternative spellings
扶ける (rare)
輔ける (rare)
右ける (rare)
佑ける (rare)

Etymology edit

From older 助く (tasuku), a compound of () (ta-, hand) + () (suku, to help). First appears in the late 900s.[1]

Pronunciation edit

  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of "助ける"
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
助ける すけ [tàsúkéꜜrù]
Imperative (命令形) 助けろ すけ [tàsúkéꜜrò]
Key constructions
Passive 助けられる すけられ [tàsúkéráréꜜrù]
Causative 助けさせる すけさせ [tàsúkésáséꜜrù]
Potential 助けられる すけられ [tàsúkéráréꜜrù]
Volitional 助けよう すけよ [tàsúkéyóꜜò]
Negative 助けない すけない [tàsúkéꜜnàì]
Negative perfective 助けなかった すけなかった [tàsúkéꜜnàkàttà]
Formal 助けます すけま [tàsúkémáꜜsù]
Perfective 助けた けた [tàsúꜜkètà]
Conjunctive 助けて けて [tàsúꜜkètè]
Hypothetical conditional 助ければ すければ [tàsúkéꜜrèbà]

Verb edit

(たす)ける (tasukerutransitive ichidan (stem (たす) (tasuke), past (たす)けた (tasuketa))

Japanese verb pair
active 助ける
mediopassive 助かる
  1. to help; to assist
    Tasukete kurete arigatō gozaimasu.
    Thank you for helping me.
  2. to save; to rescue
    Tasukete! Onegai!
    Help! Please!
    • ()(かん)()れ (ほっ)() ()(がみ)(へん)() (だれ)か……ヨシュア アズ… (だれ)(たす)けて……!クロノ……クロノが(かえ)ってこない (ひと)()で……いなくなる (かえ)()(しょ) クロノ クロノ…
      Jikangire Hossa Tegami no henji Dare ka…… Yoshua Azu… Dare ka tasukete……! Kurono…… Kurono ga kaette konai Hitori de…… inaku naru Kaeru basho Kurono Kurono…
      Time’s running out… The seizure… Letters to reply… Someone… Joshua… Az… Someone help me…! Chrono… Chrono hasn’t come back yet… I’m gonna die… all alone… Nowhere to go… Chrono… Chrono…

Conjugation edit

Verb edit

()ける (sukerutransitive ichidan (stem () (suke), past ()けた (suketa))

  1. Synonym of 助ける (tasukeru) above.

Conjugation edit

Synonyms edit

References edit

  1. ^ Shōgaku Tosho (1988) 国語大辞典(新装版) [Unabridged Dictionary of Japanese (Revised Edition)] (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Shogakukan, →ISBN
  2. ^ Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1974), 新明解国語辞典 (in Japanese), Second edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō
  3. ^ Hirayama, Teruo, editor (1960), 全国アクセント辞典 (Zenkoku Akusento Jiten, Nationwide Accent Dictionary) (in Japanese), Tōkyō: Tōkyōdō, →ISBN