See also: 担担面

Chinese edit

to carry on shoulder; to undertake; shoulder pole
to carry on shoulder; to undertake; shoulder pole; burden; load; responsibility; picul (133.33 lbs.)
to carry on shoulder; to undertake; shoulder pole
to carry on shoulder; to undertake; shoulder pole; burden; load; responsibility; picul (133.33 lbs.)
flour; noodles
trad. (擔擔麵/擔擔麪) /
simp. (担担面)
Wikipedia has articles on:
Dandan noodles served in a Sichuan restaurant in Shanghai with the traditional red chili-oil sauce, pork, and scallions

Etymology edit

The name refers to a type of carrying pole (dan dan) that was used by walking street vendors who sold the dish to passers-by. The pole was carried over the shoulder, with two baskets containing noodles and sauce attached at either end. The noodles cost almost nothing, and gradually local people came to call them dandan noodles. Literally, the name translates as "noodles carried on a pole," but may be better translated as "peddler's noodles."

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. dan dan noodles (a type of noodles in Sichuanese cuisine)
  2. ta-a noodles (a type of noodles found in Tainan, Taiwan)

Synonyms edit

Descendants edit