U+BD9A, 붚
Composition: + +

Hangul Syllables

뵤 ←→ 붜

Middle Korean edit

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

붚〮 (pwúph) (isolated 붑〮 (pwúp), locative 부페〮 (pwùph-éy))

  1. drum
    • 1459, 月印釋譜 / 월인석보 [Worin seokbo], pages 4:38b—39a:
      (솅〮)(갱〮)ㅅ 일〯ᄋᆞᆯ〮 보〮샤〮 아로〮미〮 훤ᄒᆞ〮시며〮 ᄯᅡᆺ〮 (샤ᇰ〮)이〮 드러〮치〮니〯
      (딩〮)(ᅘᆒᆼ〮) ᄇᆞᆯᄀᆞ샤〮 저푸〮미〮 업〯스〮시며〮 하ᄂᆞᆳ〮 부〮피〮 절로〮 우〯니〮
      SYÉY.KÁY-s ǐl-ól pwósyá àlwóm-í hwuèn-hósìmyé stá-s SYÁNG-í tùléchínǐ
      TÍ.HHYWUÉY pòlkòsyá cèphwúm-í ěpsúsìmyé hànól-s pwúp-í cèllwó ǔní
      He saw the affairs of the world; his knowledge was bright; the earth's image trembled.
      His wisdom was bright; he had no fears; the drum of heaven was beating by itself.

Descendants edit

  • Korean: (buk)