Livvi edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Finnic *-t'oin. Cognates include Finnish -ton and Estonian -tu.

Pronunciation edit

Suffix edit

-toi (front vowel variant -töi)

  1. Indicates the lack of something; -less

Declension edit

Declension of -toi (Type 21/ozatoi, tt-t gradation)
singular plural
nominative -toi -ttomat
genitive -ttoman -ttomin
partitive -ttomua -ttomii
illative -ttomah -ttomih
inessive -ttomas -ttomis
elative -ttomaspäi -ttomispäi
allative -ttomale -ttomile
adessive -ttomal -ttomil
ablative -ttomalpäi -ttomilpäi
translative -ttomakse -ttomikse
essive -ttomannu -ttominnu
abessive -ttomattah -ttomittah
comitative -ttomanke -ttominke
instructive -ttomin
prolative -ttomači

Derived terms edit