Citations:Civil War

English citations of Civil War

  • 2007, Charles Marks, Threads of Destiny: A Surgeon's Odyssey, page 15:
    Ivan then married Sophia, the niece of Lars, the Byzantine emperor, and assumed the title of Czar. During the Civil War that lasted from 1919 through 1921, the thrust of Bolshevik policy had been the indigenization of the local populations.
  • 2004, M. Ramesh, Social Policy in East and Southeast Asia, page 164:
    The education system that existed in China before the Civil War – adopted in 1922 and loosely patterned after the American system – was introduced following the KMT's arrival in Taiwan (Cheng, 1995: 6).
  • 1966, Tony Gray, The Irish Answer:
    When Mr de Valera and his anti-Treaty Republicans were defeated in the 'pact' election just before the Civil War, []
  • 2010, Michael Ugarte, Africans in Europe: the culture of exile and emigration, page 4:
    [] of “Ramón,” as he was called by those familiar with his humor, a man who left Spain for Argentina before the Civil War and decided to stay there until his death in 1962.
  • 1990, Marion Sarafis, Martin Eve, Background to Contemporary Greece, volume 1, page 138:
    Two personal memoirs are valuable for their well-written stories of experiences in Greece during the Civil War. []
  • 2000, Michael D. Dawahare, Civil Society and Lebanon: Toward a Hermeneutic Theory of the Public Sphere, page 9:
    Before the Civil War, Lebanon was extolled by many as the “Switzerland” of the Middle East and Beirut, the region's “Paris,” []