English citations of Powehi

  • 2019, EN Terentiev, NE Shilin-Terentyev, Powehi black hole images super resolution problems, AIP Conference Proceedings
  • 2020, Danielle Smith-Llera, First Look at a Black Hole, page 47:
    It captured the power and energy of the black hole: Powehi. In the Hawaiian language that means “dark source of creation.” Larry Kimura, a professor at the University of Hawaii, chose it.
  • 2020, Zeus Leonardo, Edward Said and Education:
    Powehi was previously referred to as the supermassive black hole at the center of galaxy M87, []
  • 2020 December 11, Craig Dobson, "Powehi", poem, in New Read Magazine, volume 3, issue 12, "Nameless", page 36 (term used in the title; the poem begins: "The supermassive black hole at th core of the supergiant elliptical galaxy M87. They've seen one, now. / A meaninglessness of zeros / across its godawful maw — that vast, doughnut-shaped plughole which absolutely / nothing — let alone your curious bait — can escape, / [] ")