Citations:Shirley card

English citations of Shirley card

  • 2019, I. Linkov, L. Roslycky, B.D. Trump, Resilience and Hybrid Threats, IOS Press (→ISBN), page 52:
    Also importantly, even though photographers recognized the limitations of the Shirley card, the system, once established, was slow to correct itself.
  • 2019, Ruha Benjamin, Captivating Technology, Duke University Press (→ISBN)
    The purpose of a Shirley card was to aid in the determination of exposure, image density, comparison-measuring, and calibrating the skin tones on photographs being printed.
  • [2019 April 25, Sarah Lewis, “The Racial Bias Built Into Photography”, in The New York Times[1], →ISSN:
    For example, developing color-film technology initially required what was called a Shirley card. When you sent off your film to get developed, lab technicians would use the image of a white woman with brown hair named Shirley as the measuring stick against which they calibrated the colors.]
  • 2020, Brian Christian, The Alignment Problem, →ISBN:
    By the 1990s, the official Kodak Shirley card now had three different models on it, of different races.