
English citations of acokoinonia

  • 1997 September 1st, Charles Harrington Elster, There’s a Word for It!: A Grandiloquent Guide to Life (reprint edition; Simon & Schuster; →ISBN, 9780671778583), on page 80⁽¹⁾ and in the blurb⁽²⁾
    ⁽¹⁾ Here, before your naked eyes, are the grandest grandiloquent gems of coital engagement — diamonds in the buff:
    acokoinonia: (AK-oh-koy-NOH-nee-uh) sex without passion or desire.
       The insensitive lovers I’ve knownia
       Might as well have had sex all alonia.
       What is love if it’s acokoinonia?
       Lots of grunts, but not one single groania.
                  — Anaïs Numb
    ⁽²⁾ Consider that without realizing it you may have engaged in ackoinonia (sex without passion or desire), been bored to tears by the company of a philodox (someone in love with his or her opinions), or suffered from recurrent matutolypea (getting up on the wrong side of the bed).