
English citations of archontology

  • 1669, John Davies (translator), Adam Olearius (author), The Voyages and Travells of the Ambaſſadors Sent by Frederick Duke of Holſtein, to the Great Duke of Muſcovy, and the King of Perſia. Begun in the year M. DC. XXXIII. and finiſh’d in M. DC. XXXIX. Containing a Compleat Hiſtory of Muſcovy, Tartary, Perſia. And other adjacent Countries. With ſeveral Publick Tranſactions reaching near the Preſent Times; In VII. Books. (second edition), book V, page 146, ¶: “The Province of Erak”:
    The Archontology, Printed not many years ſince at Frankfort, gives it the name of Charaſſen, but it confounds this Province with that of Chuareſm, which lies upon the Caſpian Sea, on the Eaſt-ſide, and is inhabited by the Tartars called the Usbeques.