English citations of disbud

    • c.1890 - 1974 (published 1975), Mary Edgeworth David, Passages of Time: An Australian Woman, 1890-1974, University of Queensland Press, Page 159
      I once had a goat called Sally Horner. She was horned because I had tried unsuccessfully to disbud her with a caustic stick when she was a week old.
    • 1979, Billie Luisi, A Practical Guide to Small-Scale Goatkeeping, Rodale Press, Emmaus Pennsylvania, pages 63 to 66.
      Four or five days seems to be the preferred age for dehorning, though there are people who disbud on the second or third day after birth.
      Since buck horns grow more vigorously, a disbudded buck sometimes gets a second growth of distorted or modified horn tissue called a 'scur'.
      ...the type of wound that is created by disbudding with an electric iron is a cauterized surface burn....
      ...the rubber banding method...runs much greater risks of infection than electric disbudding.
    • 1994, Mary C. Smith, David M. Sherman, Goat Medicine, Blackwell Publishing, Pages 36 and 37
      An alkaline paste is sometimes used by producers to disbud young kids.
      Rubbing against other animals and pawing with a hind foot in response to local pain spread the paste and cause skin necrosis elsewhere on the body of the disbudded kid or other penmates.
    • 1997, Linda M. Hasselstrom, Gaydell M. Cllier, Nancy Curtis, Leaning Into the Wind: Women Write from the Heart of the West, Houghton Mifflin Books, Page 29
      I wait also to disbud, recommended at three to five days, before the horn grows too long.
    • 2002, Robert Groom, "unwarranted abuse", talk.politics.animals
      [in response to the question "At what age do you disbud and castrate?"]Well given that I use Angus cattle in my operation and that they are naturally polled I don't have to disbud anymore, but when I used horned breeds it was done between 6 and 10 weeks of age. It might interest you to know that the majority of beef breeds in the USA now are either polled or have homozygous polled lines within them thereby eliminating disbudding naturally.