Citations:monkey patch

English citations of monkey patch

2005, Robert Wittams, “customizing admin”, in Django users (Usenet):
You can assume this is not going to change, it would break too much for very little benefit. I guess you could monkey patch django.core.template.VARIABLE_TAG_START and django.core.template.VARIABLE_TAG_END if you wanted to. It would be kind of silly though.
2009, Antonio Cangiano, Ruby on Rails for Microsoft Developers:
Just as for the classes, you can reopen modules as well, and monkey patch them if needed.

Portuguese citations of monkey patch

2009, Rodrigo Urubatan, Ruby on Rails:
[] podem adicionar métodos helpers apenas com o require de uma biblioteca e um pouquinho de monkey patch no código do Rails.
(please add an English translation of this quotation)