English citations of motted

  • 1856, "Water-cure journal: Volumes 21-25", Page 89
    The signs are yellowish, dingy, motted, blotched and dry 8kln; heavy, dull or sleepy-headedness; headache, vertigo
    This book also uses the spelling "mottled".
  • 1910, Finley Ellingwood, "The eclectic practice of medicine", Page 413
    The hemorrhage occurs in the form of multiple small areas of ecchymoses, the size of a split pea, which gives the skin a finely motted appearance.
    This book mainly uses the spelling "mottled"; "motted" is likely a typo.
  • 1998, Philip E. Shaw, Harvey T. Chan, Steven Nagy, "Tropical and subtropical fruits"
    The chilling injury is manifested by skin blemishes which begin as small brown spots that coalesce to form a brown, motted skin over the entire fruit.
    This book mainly uses the spelling "mottled"; "motted" is likely a typo.