
This module contains the Swadesh list of basic vocabulary in the Digo variety of Ossetian.

local m = {}
table.insert(m, {{term = "æз"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ду"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "е"}, {term = "ейæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "мах"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "сумах"}, {term = "уæ"}, {term = "уин"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "етæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "айæ"}, {term = "а"}, {term = "аци"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "е"}, {term = "еци"}, {term = "уоци"}, {term = "и"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ами"}, {term = "мæнæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "уоми"}, {term = "уомити"}, {term = "уæртæ"}, {term = "уордæмæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ка"}, {term = "катæ"}, {term = "кæци"}, {term = "кæцитæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ци"}, {term = "цитæ"}, {term = "цæй"}, {term = "цити"}, {term = "цæйти"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "кæми"}, {term = "кæмити"}, {term = "кумæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "кæд"}, {term = "ку"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "куд"}, {term = "кудтитæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "нæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "æгас"}, {term = "еугурæй"}, {term = "æппæт"}, {term = "æнккæт"}, {term = "алци"}, {term = "алцитæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "берæ"}, {term = "беурæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "цалдæр"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "гæзæмæ"}, {term = "мæнги"}, {term = "мæнкъæй"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "æндæр"}, {term = "иннæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "еу"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "дууæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "æртæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "цуппaр"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "фондз"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "устур"}, {term = "стур"}, {term = "æстур"}, {term = "егъау"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "даргъ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "фæтæн"}, {term = "уæрæх"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ставд"}, {term = "æставд"}, {term = "бæзгин"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "уæззау"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "минги"}, {term = "минкъий"}, {term = "мингий"}, {term = "мæнгæй"}, {term = "мæнкъи"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "цубур"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "унгæг"}, {term = "нарæг"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "тæнæг"}, {term = "мæллæг"}, {term = "цола"}, {term = "къæсхур"},  {term = "фудхуз"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "силгоймаг"}, {term = "уосæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "нæлгоймаг"}, {term = "лæг"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "адæймаг"}, {term = "лæг"},  {term = "уодгоймаг"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "сувæллон"}, {term = "сабий"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "уосæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "мойнæ"}, {term = "лæг"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "мадæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "фидæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "цæрæгой"}, {term = "сирд"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "кæсалгæ"}, {term = "кæф"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "маргъ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "куй"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "систæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "калм"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "кæлмæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "бæласæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "гъæдæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "къуæцæл"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "рæзæ"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "сифæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "бундзарæ"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "деден"},  {term = "деденæг"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "кæрдæг"}, {term = "дзедзо"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "рæвæйнæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "дзар"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "хъæстæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "хæлорæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "æвгæрдæн"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "фæсмæрун"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "æзгелун"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "накæ кæнун"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "истун"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "гæлдзун"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "арв"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "хъуæцæ"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "цæфсун"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "над"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "цъумур"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "изол"}})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {})
table.insert(m, {{term = "æд"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "дæр"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ку"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "уомæн æма"}, {term = "уомæ"}})
table.insert(m, {{term = "ном"}})
m["header"] = "Digor"
m["nativename"] = "Дигорон"
return m