
This is a private module sandbox of Njardarlogar, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Njardarlogar's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local export = {}

local m_headword = require("Module:headword")
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("nn")

function export.main(frame)
    args = frame:getParent().args
    PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
    length = PAGENAME:len()
    t5 = PAGENAME:sub(length-4, length)
    t4 = PAGENAME:sub(length-3, length)
    t3 = PAGENAME:sub(length-2, length)
    t2 = PAGENAME:sub(length-1, length)
    if t4 == 'mann' then
    	p1 = PAGENAME:gsub(t4, '')
    	gender = 'm'
    	definite_singular = p1 .. 'mannen'
    	indefinite_plural = p1 .. 'menn'
        definite_plural = p1 .. 'mennene'        
        return "<span style=\"color:Red\">'''The noun ''" .. PAGENAME .. "'' is not supported by this template.'''</span> Use {{[[Template:nn-noun-irreg|nn-noun-irreg]]|<gender>|<definite singular>|etc.}} instead" 

    local inflections = { {label = 'definite singular', definite_singular},
    					{label = 'indefinite plural', indefinite_plural}, 
    					{label = 'definite plural', definite_plural}}    
        m_headword.full_headword(lang, nil, nil, nil, {gender}, inflections)

return export