
This is a private module sandbox of Vitalik, for their own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Vitalik's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

-- Inflection module v2.0.2
-- 2015-08-14

local dev_prefix = ''
dev_prefix = 'User:Vitalik/'  -- comment this on active version

local export = {}
local u = require("Module:utils")

-- Function to load corresponding unit
local function load_unit(unit_name)
	if unit_name == '' then
		return nil
	return require("Module:" .. dev_prefix .. "inflection-new/units/" .. unit_name);

-- This export function is used from testcases
function export.test(unit_name, base, args)
	local unit = load_unit(unit_name)
	return unit.forms(base, args)

-- This export function is used from templates
function export.get(frame)
	local base = u.get_base()
	local args = frame:getParent().args
	local unit_name = frame.args['unit']
	local unit = load_unit(unit_name)
	if unit == nil then
		return 'Error: Name of unit is absent'
	return frame:expandTemplate{
		title=unit.template(base, args), 
		args=unit.forms(base, args)

return export