Module:User:Yair rand

This is a private module sandbox of Yair rand, for his own experimentation. Items in this module may be added and removed at Yair rand's discretion; do not rely on this module's stability.

local p = {}
local languages = mw.loadData("Module:languages")

function p.getTree(lang, w) -- this ... is not well done. meh.
    local treeName = "User:Yair rand/ine-pro/wódr̥"
    local tree = "\n" .. treeName ):getContent() .. "\n"
    local branchlang = lang
    local word = w
    local branchname = languages[ branchlang ].names[1]
    branchname = string.gsub( branchname, "^Proto%-", "")
    local branch = string.sub( tree, 
        string.find( tree, word and ("|" .. branchlang .. "|" .. word) or ("* " .. branchname .. ": "), 1, true ) or error("Branch not found."),
        -1 )
    local ind = string.rep( "%*", string.len( string.match( branch, "\n%*+") ) - 2 )
    local point = 1
    while point ~= nil do
        point = string.find(branch, "\n", point + 1)
        if string.find(branch, "^\n%*" .. ind, point) == nil then
    if point ~= nil then
        branch = string.sub( branch, 1, point )
    branch = string.gsub( branch, "^[^\n]+\n", "\n")
    branch = string.gsub( branch, "\n" .. ind, "\n")
    return branch, ind, point

return p