
This module will transliterate Irula language text. The module should preferably not be called directly from templates or other modules. To use it from a template, use {{xlit}}. Within a module, use Module:languages#Language:transliterate.

For testcases, see Module:iru-translit/testcases.

Functions edit

tr(text, lang, sc)
Transliterates a given piece of text written in the script specified by the code sc, and language specified by the code lang.
When the transliteration fails, returns nil.

local export = {}
local consonants = {
	['க']='k' , ['ங']='ṅ' , ['ச']='c' , ['ஞ']='ñ' , ['ட']='ṭ' , ['ண']='ṇ' , ['த']='t' ,
	['ந']='n' , ['ப']='p', ['ம']='m' , ['ய']='y' , ['ர']='r' , ['ல']='l' , ['வ']='v' ,
	['ழ']='ḻ' , ['ள']='ḷ' , ['ற']='ṟ' , ['ன']='ṉ' , ['ஶ']='ś' , ['ஜ']='j' , ['ஷ']='ṣ' , 
	['ஸ']='s' , ['ஹ']='h' , ['ஃப']='f' , ['ஃஜ']='z', ['ஃஸ']='ks' , ['ஃக ']='x',
	['ஃ']='ḥ' , ['ௐ']='о̄m',

local diacritics = {
	['ா']= 'ā' , ['ி']='i' , ['ீ']='ī' , ['ு']='u' , ['ூ']='ū' ,  ['ெ']='e' ,
	['ே']='ē' , ['ை']='ai' , ['ொ']='o' , ['ோ']='ō' , ['ௌ']='au', 
	['்']='',	--halant, supresses the inherent vowel "a"
	-- no diacritic
	[''] = 'a'

local nonconsonants = {
	-- vowels
	['அ']='’a' , ['ஆ']='’ā' , ['இ']='’i' , ['ஈ']='’ī' , ['உ']='’u' , ['ஊ']='’ū' , 
	['எ']='’e' , ['ஏ']='’ē' , ['ஐ']='’ai' , ['ஒ']='’o' , ['ஓ']='’ō' , ['ஔ']='’au' , ['ௐ']='о̄m',
	-- other symbols
--	['ஃ']='' , ['ௐ']='о̄m',

-- translit any words or phrases
function, lang, sc)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(
		function(h, c, d)
			return (consonants[h..c] or consonants[h] .. (consonants[c] or c)) .. diacritics[d]
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '[அ-ஔ]', nonconsonants)

	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '^’', '')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '([%s%p])’', '%1')
	return text
return export