

Old English SPILLAN (to destroy), reminds one very remotely of Italian SPAGLIO[2] (mistake) and spall[3]; so it might be of Italic origin. Not to be confused with SPOGLIO[1] < Latin SPOLIUM[7] (spoil). Otherwise, or if in doubt, it is best to leave the etymology as you left it. Please see the Main Entry page and its Germanic cognitives. Andrew H. Gray 08:36, 17 September 2015 (UTC) Andrew (talk)

[0] means 'Absolutely not; [1] means 'Exceedingly unlikely'; [2] means 'Very dubious'; [3] means 'Questionable'; [4] means 'Possible'; [5] means 'Probable'; [6] means 'Likely'; [7] means 'Most Likely' or *Unattested; [8] means 'Attested'; [9] means 'Obvious' - only used for close matches within the same language or dialect, at linkable periods.
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