
Documentation for Template:el-conjug-subcat. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

Called by Greek verb inflection table templates, this sub-template categorises Greek verbs.

        THEN (do nothing)
        ELSE IF <cat>
             |   |SWITCH <cat>
             |   |        i|irreg|irregular >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Category:Greek irregular verbs
             |   |        u|uncat|uncategorised|uncategorized > Category:Greek verbs - uncategorised
             |   |        imp|impersonal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Category:Greek impersonal verbs
             |   |        ELSE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Category:Greek verbs conjugating like '<cat>
             |   |
             |   |ELSE (nocat) IFNOT <group> > Category:Greek verbs - uncategorised
             IF <group> THEN > Category:Greek verb conjugation group <group>