Transliterations of inflections are only being displayed when there's an explicit tr= given

Transliterations of inflections are only being displayed when there's an explicit tr= given

I've been going through and removing redundant transliterations, and if necessary adding vowels to the inflection or headword. However, your recent change to display transliterations of inflections only does so when there's an explicit tr=. Perhaps this was some attempt to finesse the disagreements in the discussion currently in the Beer Parlor, but it doesn't really work for Arabic, where I'd like to discourage having explicit transliterations in favor of specifying the vowels in the Arabic form and transliterating automatically. You might want to go ahead and implement a policy that includes translits if explicitly given or the script is non-Latin, non-Cyrillic; we can always change this if the discussion ends up implementing a different policy. For the moment it looks like the consensus is in favor of transliterating Arabic inflections at least, probably all non-Latin scripts except Cyrillic and maybe Greek.

Benwing (talk)08:36, 8 October 2014

I'd rather wait, certain other editors here have a habit of chiding me every time I make a change they don't like.

CodeCat12:29, 8 October 2014