Note: You may have to bypass your browser’s cache to see the changes. In addition, after saving a sitewide CSS file such as MediaWiki:Common.css, it will take 5-10 minutes before the changes take effect, even if you clear your cache.

  • Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (Command-R on a Macintosh);
  • Konqueror and Chrome: click Reload or press F5;
  • Opera: clear the cache in Tools → Preferences;
  • Internet Explorer: hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.

This CSS is applied for -sche to every page.

/* for stopping unviewed pages in watchlist from being bold */
.mw-changeslist-line-watched { font-weight:normal; }

/* remove highlighting from 'updated since last visit' */
span.updatedmarker { background-color:#D0F0C0; }

/* adjust new translations tables' column widths */
.multicolumn-list > ul {
    column-width: 20em;

/* TOC float right without waiting for javascript */
/* commented-out so that it doesn't work:
.ns-0 #toc {
	float: right;
	clear: right;
	margin-left: 0.5em;
	margin-bottom: 0.5em;
	display: inline;

#toc {
	max-width: 18em;

/* Polytonic Greek to not use SBL */
.polytonic, .Polyt {
	font-family: 'New Athena Unicode', 'DejaVu Sans', Athena, Gentium, 'Gentium Plus', 'Palatino Linotype', Times, 'Arial Unicode MS', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', 'Code2000', sans-serif;