User:DCDuring/Taxa-related page problems

This is intended to collect the problems I have identified with Wiktionary principal namespace pages that are in some way associated with taxonomic names and to sort them by page, L2 section, and L3 section. I expect that the pages with these problems can be identified by dump analysis. Some of them could conceivably be repaired by something like AF. Some may be simple cleanup. Most probably require repetitive work that needs some more complex pattern recognition.

Translingual entries edit

Entire entry edit

  • Linkify

Interproject links edit

  • some link to Wikipedia, good link?
  • some link to Wikispecies, good link?
  • Good links to images

Image edit

  • {{rfi}} or actual image for every(?) species page

PoS edit

  • Do they have (note: not applicable to the suffix, prefix, and specific epithet entries) :
    1. Proper noun header
    2. {{taxon}}
    3. Categories that it would generate
    4. Appropriate inflection line templates
    5. Redlinks in inflection line (subgenera and below)
    6. Redlinks in definition, especially by argument position in {{taxon}} !!!
    7. Category:mul:Taxonomic names (obsolete) if context=archaic or obsolete
    8. Other context labels.

Etymology edit

    1. Header and either a good ety or {{rfe}}
    2. Redlinks in {{suffix}}, {{prefix}}, or {{confix}} (what about grc and la???)
    3. {{taxlink}} links within wikt or goes to wikispecies

Hypernyms edit

    1. Header and {{sense}}
    2. Non-empty thereafter
    3. Redlinks

Synonyms edit

    1. Redlinks

Coordinate terms edit

    1. Redlinks (?)

Hyponyms edit

  • Not at this time for family or below

English entries edit

Those that "certainly" contain taxonomic names edit

    1. {{taxlink}} (good link?)
    2. link to wikispecies?

Those that MAY contain taxa edit

    1. use of words genus or species in entry
    2. categorized in a living thing topical category

Translation tables edit

  • Translation header
  • Translation table for taxon-like sense

Other entries edit

  • Categorize by language

Those that "certainly" contain taxonomic names edit

    1. {{taxlink}} (good link?)
    2. link to wikispecies?

Those that MAY contain taxa edit

  1. use of words genus or species in entry
  2. categorized in a living thing topical category
  3. link to wikispecies

Those that SHOULD contain taxa edit

    1. Used to translate English words for animals (???)