User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-bg-u

ubiquitin {n} (small polypeptide) :: убиквитин
udarnik {n} (shock worker, super-productive worker in the Soviet Union and the other countries from the Soviet Block, see also: Stakhanovite) :: ударник {m}
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) :: виме {n}
Udine {prop} (capital) :: Удине
Ufa {prop} (city) :: Уфа
UFO {n} (an unidentified flying object) :: НЛО {n}
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) :: Уганда {f}
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) :: грозен
ugly duckling {n} (one who is ugly, but who is expected to become beautiful as they mature) :: грозно патенце {n}, грозно патенце {n}
uh-huh {particle} (expressing agreement or affirmation) :: аха
uhlan {n} (soldier with lance) :: улан {m}
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) :: Украйна {f}
Ukrainian {n} (ethnic/citizen) :: украинец {m}, украинка {f}
Ukrainian {n} (language) :: украински {m} [език]
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) :: украински
Ulaanbaatar {prop} (the capital of Mongolia) :: Улан Батор {m}
Ulan-Ude {prop} (capital of Buryatia, Russia) :: Улан Уде {m}
ulna {n} (bone of the forearm) :: лакътна кост
ulp {interj} (sound of a person gulping in fear) SEE: gulp ::
Ulric {prop} (male given name) :: Улрих
ultimatum {n} (a final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another) :: ултиматум {m}
ultramarine {adj} :: ясносин
ultraright {adj} (extremely right-wing) :: ултрадесен {m}
ultrasound {n} (sound) :: ултразвук {m}
Uluru {prop} (giant rock in Australia) :: Улуру
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) :: Уляновск {m}
umber {n} (grayling) SEE: grayling ::
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) :: пъпна връв {f}
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel ::
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow ::
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) :: чадър {m}
umlaut {n} (diacritical mark) :: умлаут {m}
un- {prefix} (violative of; contrary to) :: не-
UN {prop} (United Nations) :: ООН
unacceptable {adj} (unsatisfactory; not acceptable) :: неприемлив
unadvised {adj} (not advised) :: безразсъден, неблагоразумен
unadvisedness {n} (the quality of being inadvisable) :: неблагоразумие {n}
unanimous {adj} (based on unanimity) :: единодушен
unanimously {adv} (in a unanimous manner) :: единодушно
unattractive {adj} (not handsome or beautiful or appealing) :: грозен
unavailable {adj} (not available) :: недостъпен {m}, неналичен {m}
unawares {adv} (inadvertently) SEE: inadvertently ::
unbeliever {n} (infidel) SEE: infidel ::
unbelieving {adj} (that does not believe) :: невярващ
unbinilium {n} (chemical element) :: унбинилий {m}
unboiled {adj} (not boiled) :: неврял
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) :: [paternal] чичо {m}, стрико {m} [regional, non-standard], [maternal] вуйчо {m}, калеко {m} [regional], свако {m} [last two may also apply to the husband of the paternal aunt]
unclear {adj} (ambiguous; liable to more than one interpretation) :: неясен
Uncle Sam {prop} (personification of the US government) :: Чичо Сам {m}
unconditional surrender {n} (surrender without conditions) :: безусловна капитулация {f}
uncurable {adj} (incurable) SEE: incurable ::
under {prep} (in a lower level than) :: под
underage {n} (deficit in funds) SEE: deficit ::
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway ::
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret ::
underpants {n} (underwear) :: гащи {p}
underplay {v} (to make something seem less important) SEE: downplay ::
undershirt {n} (for wifebeater) SEE: singlet ::
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) :: разбирам {impf}
understand {v} (to believe one grasps the meaning of) :: разбирам
understand {v} (to believe) :: разбирам
understanding {n} (understanding) SEE: grasp ::
understanding {n} (mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature) :: разбиране {n}, споразумение {n}
undertaker {n} (funeral director) :: гробар {m}
underwear {n} (clothes worn next to the skin) :: бельо {n}
undies {n} (panties) SEE: panties ::
unduly {adv} (undeservedly; in a way that is not warranted) :: неоправдано, незаслужено, несправедливо
unemployed {adj} (having no job) :: безработен
unemployment {n} (joblessness) :: безработица {f}
unerring {adj} (consistently accurate) :: верен [of an instinct]
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd ::
unexpected {adj} (not expected, anticipated or foreseen) :: неочакван
unfair {adj} (not fair) :: несправедлив
unfeasible {adj} (infeasible) SEE: infeasible ::
unforgettable {adj} (which is very difficult to forget) :: незабравим
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) :: за жалост
unfounded {adj} (not based on solid reasons or facts) :: неоснователен, необоснован
ungodly {adj} (immoral, sinful, or wicked) SEE: immoral ::
ungodly {adj} (lacking reverence for God; not in accordance with God's will or religious teachings) :: безбожен
ungodly {adj} ((informal) extreme; unreasonable) :: безбожен
ungrateful {adj} (not grateful) :: неблагодарен
ungratefulness {n} (the state of being ungrateful) SEE: ingratitude ::
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment ::
ungulate {adj} (having hooves) :: копитен
unhappy {adj} (not happy; sad) :: нещастен
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate ::
unhealthy {adj} (sick or ill) SEE: sick ::
unhealthy {adj} (conducive to poor health) :: вреден, нездрав
unh-uh {interj} (no) :: ъ-ъ
Unicode {prop} (series of computer encoding standards) :: Уникод {m}
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) :: инорог {m}, единорог {m}
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) :: неидентифициран летящ обект {m}
uniform {adj} (unvarying) :: еднороден {m}
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) :: униформа {f}
unilateral {adj} (done by one side only) :: едностранен
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union ::
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) :: съюз {m}
union {n} (that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members) :: съюз {m}
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) :: Съюз на съветските социалистически републики {m}
unique {adj} (one of a kind) :: уникален, неповторим, единствен
unit {n} (standard measure of a quantity) :: единица {f}
unit {n} (organized group comprising people and/or equipment) :: единица {f}
unit {n} (member of a military organization) :: единица {f}
unit {n} (algebra: element of a ring) :: единица {f}
unite {v} ((transitive) to bring together as one) :: обединявам {impf}, обедини {pf}
united {adj} (joined into a single entity) :: обединен, съединен, съвместен
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Обединени Арабски Емирства {n-p}
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) :: Обединено кралство {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain) :: Обединено кралство Великобритания {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland) :: Обединено кралство Великобритания и Ирландия {n}
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) :: Обединено кралство Великобритания и Северна Ирландия {n}
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) :: Организацията на обединените нации {f}, Обединените нации {f-p}
United States {prop} (the United States) :: Съединените щати {m-p}, Америка {f}
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) :: Съединени американски щати {m-p}, САЩ {m-p}, Америка {f}
unity {n} (state of being one or undivided) :: сплотеност {f}
universe {n} (the Universe) :: вселена {f}
university {n} (institution of higher education) :: университет {m}
Unix {n} (operating system) :: Юникс {m}
unjustice {n} (injustice) SEE: injustice ::
unknown {adj} (not known) :: неизвестен
unless {conj} (except on a specified condition) :: освен ако
unmannerly {adj} (not mannerly) SEE: discourteous ::
unmarried {adj} (having no husband or wife) :: неженен {m} [of a man], неомъжена {f} [of a woman]
unmeaningness {n} (insignificance) SEE: insignificance ::
unneeded {adj} (not needed, not) :: ненужен
UNO {prop} (United Nations) SEE: UN ::
unplausible {adj} (implausible) SEE: implausible ::
unqualified {adj} (ineligible, not qualified) :: негоден
unqualified {adj} (undescribed) :: неоспорим
unrealizable {adj} (not realizable) :: неосъществим
unreconcilable {adj} (irreconcilable) SEE: irreconcilable ::
unrobe {v} (disrobe) SEE: disrobe ::
unscrupulous {adj} (without scruples) :: безскрупулен
unstressed {adj} (not stressed or accentuated) :: неударен
unsufferable {adj} (insufferable) SEE: insufferable ::
until {prep} (up to the time of) :: до
untruism {n} (false statement) SEE: falsehood ::
untune {v} (Cause to be out of tune) :: разстройвам
ununbium {n} (chemical element) :: унунбий {m}
ununennium {n} (chemical element) :: унуненний {m}
unusual {adj} (not usual) :: необикновен
unvariable {adj} (invariable) SEE: invariable ::
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible ::
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless ::
unvoluntary {adj} (involuntary) SEE: involuntary ::
unwariness {n} (the property of being unwary) :: невнимателност {f}
unwed {adj} (not married) SEE: unmarried ::
unwed {n} (bachelor or a spinster) SEE: unmarried ::
unwisdom {n} (lack of wisdom) :: неблагоразумие {n}
unworn {adj} (not worn away or eroded) :: нов
up {adv} (away from earth’s surface) :: нагоре
update {n} (action of making something up to date) :: актуализация {f}, обновяване {n}
update {v} (to make something up to date) :: актуализирам
upfront {adv} (beforehand) SEE: beforehand ::
upload {v} (to transfer data) :: качвам {impf}, кача {pf}
upper arm {n} (section of an arm) :: ръката от рамото до лакътя
upper chamber {n} (upper house) SEE: upper house ::
upper house {n} (part of a parliament) :: горна камара {f}
upright bass {n} (instrument) SEE: double bass ::
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) :: въстание {n}
uproot {v} (eradicate) SEE: eradicate ::
uproot {v} (extirpate) SEE: extirpate ::
upscale {adj} (marked by wealth or quality) SEE: high-class ::
Uranian {adj} (homosexual) SEE: homosexual ::
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) :: уран {m}
Uranus {prop} (planet) :: Уран {m}
urban {adj} (of the city; characteristic of city life) :: градски
Urban {prop} (male given name) :: Урбан {m}
urban-type settlement {n} (an official designation for a semi-urban settlement) :: селище от градски тип
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog ::
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin ::
ureter {n} (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) :: пикочопровод {m}
urgent {adj} (requiring immediate attention) :: срочен, спешен
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
urinal {n} (latrine) SEE: latrine ::
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) :: пикочен мехур
urinate {v} :: пикая {impf}, уринирам {impf} {pf}
urine {n} :: урина {f}
urticaria {n} (medical condition) :: копривна треска {f}, уртикария {f}
Uruguay {prop} (country) :: Уругвай {m}
Uruguayan {n} (a person from Uruguay) :: уругваец {m}, уругвайка {f}
Uruguayan {adj} (of Uruguay) :: уругвайски {m-p}
USA {prop} (United States of America) :: САЩ {m-p}, Америка {f}
use {v} (to use) SEE: consume ::
use {n} (act of using) :: използване {n}, употребление {n}, употреба {f}
use {v} (employ, apply) :: използвам, употребявам
use {v} (to exhaust the supply of, to consume) :: употребявам, употребя
useful {adj} (having a practical or beneficial use) :: полезен
useless {adj} (without use or possibility to be used) :: безполезен
user {n} (person who uses a computer) :: потребител {m}, потребителка {f}
username {n} (a person's identification on an individual computer system) :: потребителско име {n}
use up {v} (exhaust) SEE: exhaust ::
ushanka {n} (a traditional Russian fur cap with earflaps) :: ушанка {f}
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) :: СССР {m}
usual {adj} (most commonly occurring) :: обичаен
usufruct {n} (legal right to use and derive profit or benefit from property that belongs to another person) :: право на ползване
usurper {n} (one who usurps) :: узурпатор {m}
usury {n} (exorbitant rate of interest in excess of any legal rates) :: лихва {f}
usury {n} (practice of lending money at illegal or unfair rates) :: лихварство {n}
US Virgin Islands {prop} (Country in the Caribbean) :: Вирджински острови
utensil {n} (device for domestic use, in the kitchen, or in war) :: прибор {m}, съд {m}
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) :: утопия {f}
Utrecht {prop} (city in the Netherlands) :: Утрехт {m}
utterly {adv} (in complete manner) SEE: completely ::
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) :: мъжец {m}
Uyghur {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Uyghur people or the Uyghur language) :: уйгурски
Uzbek {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language) :: узбекски
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) :: Узбекистан {m}
Uzbekistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Uzbek language) SEE: Uzbek ::
Uzhgorod {prop} (Uzhhorod) SEE: Uzhhorod ::
Uzhhorod {prop} (a city in western Ukraine) :: Ужгород {m}