User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cs-y

ya {n} (a letter of the Cyrillic alphabet "Я/я") :: ja
yacht {n} (slick and light ship) :: jachta {f}
yachting {n} (physical activity involving boats) :: jachting {m}
yaffingale {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffle {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yaffler {n} (green woodpecker) SEE: green woodpecker ::
yah {adv} (yes) SEE: yes ::
yak {n} (ox-like mammal) :: jak {m}
yak {n} (informal, persistent talk, chattering) :: žvást {m}
Yakut {prop} (language) :: jakutština {f}
Yakutsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Jakutsk {m}
Yalta {prop} (city in Crimea) :: Jalta
yam {n} (potato) SEE: potato ::
yam {n} (any Dioscorea vine) :: jam {m}
yam {n} (sweet potato) SEE: sweet potato ::
Yamagata {prop} (Yamagata, Japan) :: Jamagata
Yamaguchi {prop} (Yamaguchi, Japan) :: Jamaguči
Yamal {prop} (a large peninsula in the Russian North) :: Jamal {m}
Yamanashi {prop} (Yamanashi, Japan) :: Jamanaši
Yangon {prop} (largest city in Myanmar) :: Rangún {m}
Yang-tzŭ {prop} (Yangtze) SEE: Yangtze ::
Yangtze {prop} (river) :: Jang-c'-ťiang {m}
Yangtze dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yangtze River dolphin {n} (baiji) SEE: baiji ::
Yanukovych {prop} (Ukrainian surname) :: Janukovyč, Janukovič
Yaoundé {prop} (capital of Cameroon) :: Yaoundé
yard {n} (land around a house) :: dvůr {m}, dvorek {m}
yard {n} (three feet) :: yard {m}
Yard {prop} (Jamaica) SEE: Jamaica ::
yarligh {n} (khan's decree) :: jarlyk {m-in}
yarmulke {n} (skullcap worn by religious Jewish males) :: kipa {f}, jarmulka {f}
yarn {n} (fiber strand for knitting or weaving) :: příze {f}
Yaroslav {prop} (Slavic name) :: Jaroslav
Yaroslavl {prop} (city) :: Jaroslavl {m}
yarrow {n} (any of several pungent Eurasian and North American herbs, of the genus Achillea) :: řebříček
yashmak {n} (a veil worn by Muslim women) :: nikáb {m}
yawn {v} (open the mouth and take a deep breath) :: zívat {impf}, zívnout {pf} [semelfactive]
yawn {n} (the action of yawning) :: zívnutí {n}, zívání {n}
yay {interj} :: hurá
yeah {particle} (yes) :: jo, no
year {n} (time it takes for the Earth to complete one revolution around the Sun) :: rok {m}
year {n} (a period between set dates that mark a year) :: rok {m}
year {n} (a level or grade at school or college) :: ročník {m}
yearbook {n} (reference book, published annually) :: ročenka {f}
yearbook {n} (publication compiled by the graduating class) :: ročenka {f}
yearly {adj} (happening once every year) :: roční
yearly {adv} (once a year) :: ročně
yearning {n} (wistful or melancholy longing) :: stesk {m}, tesknění {n}, stýskání {n}
year-round {adv} (continuing throughout the year) :: celoročně
yeasayer {n} (who habitually agrees uncritically) :: přikyvovač
yeast {n} (fungus) :: kvasinka {f}
yeast {n} (froth used in medicine, baking and brewing) :: droždí {n}, kvasnice {f-p}
yeast {n} (cake or dried granules used to make bread dough rise) :: droždí {n}, kvasnice {f-p}
yeast infection {n} (candidiasis) SEE: candidiasis ::
yech {interj} (yuck) SEE: yuck ::
yegg {n} (a person who breaks open safes; a burglar) :: kasař {m}
Yehudit {prop} (female given name) SEE: Judith ::
Yekaterinburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Jekatěrinburg {m}
yell {v} (shout (verb)) :: řvát, ječet
yellow {adj} (having yellow as its colour) :: žlutý
yellow {n} (colour) :: žlutá {f}
yellow {v} (to become yellow or more yellow) :: žloutnout
yellow card {n} (card in sports) :: žlutá karta {f}
yellow-cheeked tit {n} (Machlolophus spilonotus) :: sýkora žlutolící {f}
yellowhammer {n} (a passerine bird, Emberiza citrinella) :: strnad
yellowish {adj} (somewhat yellow) :: žlutavý
yellow-legged gull {n} (Larus michahellis) :: racek středomořský {m}
yellow press {n} (newspapers which publish sensationalist articles) :: bulvární tisk {m}
Yellow River {prop} (river of northern China) :: Žlutá řeka {f}, Chuang-che
Yellow Sea {prop} (Asian sea) :: Žluté moře {n}
yellow tit {n} (Machlolophus holsti) :: sýkora modrokřídlá {f}
yelp {v} (to utter an abrupt, high-pitched noise) :: vyjeknout
Yeltsin {prop} (Russian surname) :: Jelcin
Yemen {prop} (Republic of Yemen) :: Jemen {m}
Yemeni {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Yemen, or the Yemeni people) :: jemenský
Yemeni {n} (a person from Yemen or of Yemeni descent) :: Jemenec {m}, Jemenka {f}
yen {n} (unit of Japanese currency) :: jen {m}
yen {n} (coin or note of one yen) :: jen {m}
Yenisei {prop} (river in Russia) :: Jenisej {m}
yep {n} (informal "yes") :: jo
Yerevan {prop} (the capital and largest city of Armenia) :: Jerevan
yermulke {n} (yarmulke) SEE: yarmulke ::
yes {particle} (word used to indicate agreement or acceptance) :: ano, jo [colloquial]
yes {n} (answer that shows agreement or acceptance) :: ano
yes man {n} (a person who always agrees with his employer or superior) :: poskok {m}
yesterday {n} (day before today) :: včerejšek {m}
yesterday {adv} (on the day before today) :: včera
yesterday night {n} (last night) SEE: last night ::
yesteryear {n} (last year, see also: last year) :: loni
yet {adv} (thus far) :: ještě, dosud
yet {adv} :: ještě
yet {adv} (even) SEE: even ::
yeti {n} (unidentified animal) :: yeti {m}, sněžný muž {m}
yew {n} (Taxus baccata) :: tis {m}
yew {n} (tree or shrub of the genus Taxus) :: tis {m}
Yiddish {adj} (of or pertaining to the Yiddish language) :: Jidiš {n}
Yiddish {prop} (language) :: jidiš {m}
Yiddish {adj} (Jewish) SEE: Jewish ::
yield {v} (to give way) :: dát přednost
yield {v} (to give as required) :: podřídit se
yield {v} (to produce as return) :: vynést
yield {v} (to produce as a result) :: přinést výsledky
yield {n} (quantity of something produced) :: výnos {m}, [agriculture] úroda {f}
yield curve {n} (relation) :: výnosová křivka {f}
yielding {adj} (docile) :: poddajný
yield the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
yield up the ghost {v} (give up the ghost) SEE: give up the ghost ::
Yining {prop} (city in Xinjiang) :: Kuldža
yin-yang {n} (vagina) SEE: vagina ::
Yitzchak {prop} (given name) SEE: Isaac ::
Yün-nan {prop} (Yunnan) SEE: Yunnan ::
yob {n} (antisocial person) :: chuligán {m}, vandal {m}
yobbo {n} (yob) SEE: yob ::
yodel {v} (to sing in such a way that the voice fluctuates rapidly between the normal chest voice and falsetto) :: jódlovat
yodel {n} (song) :: jódlovačka {f}, jódlování {n}
yoga {n} (Hindu discipline) :: jóga {f}
yogi {n} (yoga practitioner) :: jogín {m}
yogini {n} (female yoga practitioner) :: jogínka {f}
yogurt {n} (a milk-based product thickened by a bacterium-aided curdling process) :: jogurt {m}
yoke {n} (wooden bar) :: jařmo {n}
yolk {n} (yellow of egg) :: žloutek {m}
Yom Kippur {prop} (Day of Atonement) :: Jom kipur
yonder {adv} (in a distant, indicated place) :: onde, tam
Yoshkar-Ola {prop} (capital of Mari El, Russia) :: Joškar-Ola {m}
you {pron} (object pronoun: the group being addressed) :: vás, vám, vámi
you {pron} (object pronoun: the person being addressed) :: tebe, tobě, , tebou
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the group being addressed) :: vy
you {pron} (subject pronoun: the person being addressed) :: ty, [polite] vy
you {pron} (one) :: tebe, tobě, , tebou, vás, vám, vámi, člověk {m}
you {determiner} (the individual or group spoken/written to) :: vy {p}
you {determiner} (used before epithets for emphasis) :: ty {s}, vy {p}
you {v} (to address using the more formal second-person pronoun) :: vykat {impf}
you are welcome {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
you bet {interj} (certainly (reply to a request)) :: to si piš, jasně
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs {proverb} (you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette) SEE: you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette ::
you can't teach an old dog new tricks {proverb} (too old to change) :: starého psa novým kouskům nenaučíš
you have beautiful eyes {phrase} (you have beautiful eyes) :: máte krásné oči
young {adj} (in the early part of life or growth) :: mladý {m}
younger {adj} (in an earlier period of life) :: mladší
youngest {adj} (superlative form of young) :: nejmladší
young man {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
your {determiner} (belonging to you (singular; one owner)) :: tvůj, váš [formal]
your {determiner} (belonging to you (plural; more owners)) :: váš
you're welcome {phrase} (reply to thanks) :: není zač, prosím, rádo se stalo, za málo
your mileage may vary {phrase} (it may work differently in your situation) :: možná to máte jinak
your mileage may vary {phrase} (this is just my opinion, see also: there's no accounting for taste) :: myslím si aspoň já, proti gustu
yourself {pron} ((reflexive) your own self) :: se, sebe
yourself {pron} (you, used emphatically) :: sám, samotný
yours faithfully {adj} (a polite formula to end letters) :: s pozdravem
your wish is my command {phrase} (what you wish for I will effect as if it were a command) :: tvé přání je mi rozkazem
youth {n} (quality or state of being young) :: mládí {n}
youth {n} (part of life following childhood) :: mládí {n}
youth {n} (young person) :: mladistvý
youth {n} (young man) :: mladík {m}
youth {n} (young persons, collectively) :: mládež {f}
youthful {adj} (characteristic of young people) :: mladický
you've got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette {proverb} (phrase) :: když se kácí les, létají třísky
you've got to laugh {phrase} (phrase) :: tomu se člověk musí smát
yo-yo {n} (toy) :: jojo {n}
ytterbium {n} (chemical element) :: ytterbium
yttrium {n} (chemical element) :: yttrium {n}
yuan {n} (basic unit of money in China) :: jüan
Yucatán {prop} (a peninsula in North America) :: Yucatán
yuck {interj} (uttered to indicate disgust) :: fuj
Yugoslav {adj} (Yugoslavian) SEE: Yugoslavian ::
Yugoslav {n} (Yugoslavian) SEE: Yugoslavian ::
Yugoslavia {prop} (former country in the Balkans) :: Jugoslávie {f}
Yugoslavian {adj} (of or relating to Yugoslavia) :: jugoslávský
Yugoslavian {n} (a native of Yugoslavia) :: Jugoslávec {m}
Yukon {prop} (territory in northern Canada which has Whitehorse as its capital) :: Yukon {m}
Yukon Territory {prop} (Yukon) SEE: Yukon ::
Yule log {n} (log burned on Christmas Eve) :: vánoční poleno {m}
yum {adj} (indication of delight) :: mňam
yummy {adj} (delicious) :: lahodný, výtečný
Yunnan {prop} (a province in China) :: Jün-nan
yup {interj} ((informal) yes) :: jo
yurt {n} (large, round tent with vertical walls and conical roof) :: jurta {f}
yus {n} (name of the old Cyrillic letter) :: jus {m}
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: Južno-Sachalinsk {m}
Yvette {prop} (female given name) :: Iveta {f}
Yvonne {prop} (female given name) :: Ivona {f}