User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hi-u

Ürümchi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) SEE: Ürümqi ::
Ürümqi {prop} (Capital of Xinjiang) :: उरुमची
u {n} (name of the letter U, u) :: यू
udder {n} (organ formed of the mammary glands of female quadruped mammals) :: थन {f}
Ufa {prop} (city) :: ऊफ़ा
Uganda {prop} (Republic of Uganda) :: युगांडा
ugly {adj} (displeasing to the eye; not aesthetically pleasing) :: असुंदर, कुरूप, बदसूरत
uh-oh {interj} (exclamation) :: अरे
Ukraine {prop} (Eastern European country) :: यूक्रेन {m}
Ukrainian {n} (language) :: यूक्रेनी {f}, यूक्रेनियन
Ukrainian {adj} (relating to Ukraine or its people) :: यूक्रेनी
Ulaanbaatar {prop} (the capital of Mongolia) :: उलान बतोर
ultimatum {n} (a final statement of terms or conditions made by one party to another) :: अल्टिमेटम {m}, अंतिमेत्थम्
ultrasound {n} (sound) :: अल्ट्रासाउंड
Ulyanovsk {prop} (city) :: उल्यानोव्स्क
umbilical cord {n} (cord between foetus and placenta) :: नाभिरज्जु {m}
umbilicus {n} (navel) SEE: navel ::
umbra {n} (a shadow) SEE: shadow ::
umbrella {n} (cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun) :: छाता {m}
umbrella {n} :: छत्री {f}
ummah {n} (the worldwide Muslim community) :: उम्मा, उम्मत {f}
unavailable {adj} (not available) :: अनुपलब्ध
unbeliever {n} (infidel) SEE: infidel ::
uncle {n} (brother (or brother-in-law) of someone’s parent) :: चाचा {m} [father's younger brother], ताया {m} [father's elder brother], काका [paternal], मामा [maternal], अंकल {m} [generic]
uncle {n} (close male friend of the parents) :: अंकल {m}
uncle {n} (form of address to a man by young people or children in some countries) :: अंकल {m}
uncomparable {adj} (not comparable) :: अतुलनीय {m}
uncountable {adj} (too many to be counted) :: बेशुमार, अनगिनत, बेहिसाब, अगणित
uncountable {adj} (mathematics: incapable of being enumerated by natural numbers) :: अगणित, अनगिनत
uncut {adj} (not cut) :: अनकटा
under {prep} (in a lower level than) :: ... के नीचे
under {prep} (beneath the surface of) :: ... के नीचे
underage {adj} (below legal age) :: नाबालिग
underage {adj} (still a minor) :: नाबालिग
undergraduate {n} (student at a university who has not yet received a degree) :: पूर्वस्नातक {m}
underground {n} (subway) SEE: subway ::
under one's hat {prep} (secret) SEE: secret ::
underpants {n} (underwear) :: चड्डी {f}, कच्छा {m}, कच्छ {m}, जाँघिया {m}, जांघिया
undersigned {n} (an undersigned person or people) :: अधोहस्ताक्षरी {m}
understand {v} (to grasp the meaning of) :: समझना
underwear {n} (underpants and bras) :: चड्डी {f}, कच्छा {m}, कच्छ {m}, जाँघिया {m}, जांघिया
undo {v} (to reverse) :: उधेड़ना
unemployed {adj} (having no job) :: बेकार, बेरोज़गार
unemployment {n} (joblessness) :: बेरोज़गारी {f}, बेकारी {f}
unerring {adj} (consistently accurate) :: अचूक
uneven {adj} (odd) SEE: odd ::
unfortunately {adv} (happening through bad luck) :: दुर्भाग्यवश, दुर्भाग्य से
unfriendly {adj} (not friendly; hostile) :: रूखा
unguent {n} (cream applied to the skin for a therapeutic purpose) SEE: ointment ::
unharness {v} (to liberate) SEE: liberate ::
Unicode {prop} (series of computer encoding standards) :: यूनिकोड
unicorn {n} (mythical beast) :: इकसिंगा
unidentified flying object {n} (anything in the air not readily explainable) :: उड़न तश्तरी
uniform {n} (distinctive outfit as a means of identifying members of a group) :: वर्दी {f}
union {n} (trade union) SEE: trade union ::
union {n} (the act of uniting or the state of being united) :: संघ {m}, यूनियन
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics {prop} (a confederation of Communist states, see also: Soviet Union; USSR) :: सोवियत समाजवादी गणतंत्रों का संघ
union territory {n} (an administrative division of India) :: केंद्रशासित प्रदेश {m}
united {adj} (joined into a single entity) :: संहत
United Arab Emirates {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: संयुक्त अरब अमीरात {p}
United Kingdom {prop} (Kingdom in Europe, see also: Great Britain) :: यूनाइटेड किंगडम, संयुक्त राजशाही
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland {prop} (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) :: बृहद् ब्रिटेन और उत्तरी आयरलैण्ड का यूनाईटेड किंगडम
United Nations {prop} (international coalition) :: संयुक्त राष्ट्र {?}
United Provinces {prop} (historical Indian province) :: संयुक्त प्रांत {m}
United Republic of Tanzania {prop} (official name of Tanzania) :: संयुक्त गणराज्य तंजानिया {m}, संयुक्त गणतंत्र तंजानिया {m}, संयुक्त गणराज्य तंज़ानिया {m}, संयुक्त गणतंत्र तंज़ानिया {m}
United States {prop} (the United States) :: अमेरिका {m}
United States of America {prop} (country in North America) :: संयुक्त राज्य अमरीका, संयुक्त राष्ट्र अमरीका, अमेरिका {m}, अमरीका {m}
unity {n} (state of being one or undivided) :: एकता {f}, इत्तिहाद {m}, एका {m}, ऐक्य {m}
universe {n} (the Universe) :: ब्रह्माण्ड, विश्व, दुनिया {f}, जहान {m}, ब्रह्मांड {m}, कायनात {f}, प्रपंच {m}, जगत {m}, आलम {m}
universe {n} (everything under consideration) :: ब्रह्माण्ड
university {n} (institution of higher education) :: विश्वविद्यालय {m}, यूनिवर्सिटी {f}, महाविद्यालय {m}, विद्यापीठ {m}, वीद्यापीठ {m}, जामिया {m}, कालिज {m}, विश्वविद्यानिलय {m}
Unix {n} (operating system) :: युनिक्स
unknown {adj} (not known) :: अनजान
unless {conj} (except on a specified condition) :: जब तक
unlock {v} (to undo or open a lock) :: ताला खोलना
unseasonable {adj} :: अकाल
unshorn {adj} (not shorn) :: अविभाजित
unsympathetic {adj} (not sympathetic) :: रूखा
until {prep} (up to the time of) :: ... तक
untouchable {n} (member of the lowest caste) :: अछूत
unvisible {adj} (invisible) SEE: invisible ::
unvoiced {adj} (linguistics: voiceless) SEE: voiceless ::
unworried {adj} (free of worries) :: मस्त
up {adv} (away from earth’s surface) :: ऊपर
Upanishad {prop} (Hindu text) :: उपनिषद् {f}
upgrade {n} (an improved component or replacement item) :: नवीनीकरण {m}, अपग्रेड {m}
upload {v} (to transfer data) :: चढ़ाना
Uppsala {prop} (city in eastern central Sweden) :: उप्साला {m}
uprising {n} (a popular revolt) :: विद्रोह {m}, बग़ावत {f}
uproar {n} (noisy excitement) :: ख़ुराफ़ात {f}, बवाल {m}, हल्ला {m}, कोलाहल {m}
uproar {n} (confused noise) :: ख़ुराफ़ात {f}, बवाल {m}, हल्ला {m}, कोलाहल {m}
upset {adj} (angry, distressed, unhappy) :: परेशान
up to {adj} (against, next to, near, towards) :: ... तक
urad {n} (South Asian bean) :: उड़द
Ural {prop} (river) :: यूराल
Ural Mountains {prop} (mountains) :: यूराल {m}
Urals {prop} (Ural Mountains) SEE: Ural Mountains ::
uranium {n} (uranium (element)) :: किरणातु {?}
uranium hexafluoride {n} (binary compound of uranium and fluorine, UF6) :: किरणातु षटतरस्विनेय
Uranus {prop} (god of the sky and heavens) :: युरेनस {m}, अरुण {m}
Uranus {prop} (planet) :: अरुण {m}, युरेनस {m}
urchin {n} (hedgehog) SEE: hedgehog ::
urchin {n} (sea urchin) SEE: sea urchin ::
Urdu {n} (the Indo-Iranian language) :: उर्दू {f}, उर्दु {f}, उरदू {f}
Urdu {adj} (relative to the Urdu language) :: उर्दू, उर्दु, उरदू {f}
ureter {n} (narrow duct that carries urine from the kidneys) :: मूत्रनली {f}
urethra {n} (anatomical tube) :: मूत्रमार्ग
urinal {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
urinary bladder {n} (urinary bladder) :: मूत्राशय {m}
urine {n} :: पेशाब {m}, मूत {m}, मूत्र {m}, प्रस्राव {m}
Uruguay {prop} (country) :: उरुग्वे
USA {prop} (United States of America) :: अमेरिका
US dollar {n} (official currency of the United States) :: अमेरिकी डॉलर {m}
use {v} (to use) SEE: consume ::
use {v} (employ, apply) :: इस्तेमाल करना
useful {adj} (having a practical or beneficial use) :: उपयोगी, उपकारी
usefulness {n} (quality of being useful) :: उपयोगिता {f}
useless {adj} (without use or possibility to be used) :: बेकार
user {n} (person who uses a computer) :: सदस्य {m}
USSR {prop} (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) :: सोवियत संघ, सोवियत यूनियन
ustad {n} (master) :: उस्ताद {m}
usually {adv} (most of the time) :: आम्म तौर पर
Utah {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: यूटा, यूटाह
uterine tube {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube ::
uterus {n} (womb) SEE: womb ::
utopia {n} (world in perfect harmony) :: यूटोपिया {f}
Uttarakhand {prop} (state in India) :: उत्तराखण्ड, उत्तराञ्चल, उत्तराखंड, उत्तराखंड़ {m}
Uttar Pradesh {prop} (state) :: उत्तर प्रदेश, उ॰ प्र॰ [abbreviation], उत्तरप्रदेश {m}
utterly {adv} (in complete manner) SEE: completely ::
uvula {n} (appendage that hangs from the palate) :: अलिजिह्वा
Uyghur {n} (member of ethnic group) :: उइग़ुर {m}
Uyghur {prop} (language) :: उइग़ुर {m}, उइग़ुर भाषा {f}
Uzbek {n} (person) :: उज़बेक {m}, उजबक {m}
Uzbek {n} (language) :: उज़बेक {f}
Uzbek {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Uzbekistan, its people or language) :: उज़बेक, उजबक, उजबेग, उजबकपन
Uzbekistan {prop} (Republic of Uzbekistan) :: उज़्बेकिस्तान {m}
Uzbekistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Uzbek language) SEE: Uzbek ::