User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-it-x

xanthenic {adj} (pertaining to, or derived from xanthene) :: xantenico
xanthine {n} (group of alkaloids, including caffeine) :: xantina {f}
Xanthippe {n} /zænˈθɪpiː/ (ill-tempered woman) :: Santippe
xanthogenate {n} (xanthate) :: xantogenato {m}
xanthomous {adj} (of or pertaining to a xanthoma) :: xantomatoso
Xavier {prop} /ˈzeɪ.vjɚ/ (male given name) :: Saverio
xebec {n} /ˈziːbɛk/ (transport ship) :: sciabecco {m}
xenacanthid {n} (Any prehistoric shark of the family Xenacanthidae.) :: xenacantido {m}
xenarthran {n} (mammal) :: xenartro {m}
xenobiont {n} (biology: organism found in surroundings, or in association with another organism, in which it is normally absent) :: xenobio {m}, xenobionte {m}
xenobiotic {adj} (of or pertaining to xenobiosis) :: xenobiotico
xenocide {n} /ˈzɛnəsaɪd/ (genocide of entire alien species) :: xenocidio {m}
Xenocrates {prop} (philosopher) :: Senocrate {m}
xenodochium {n} /ˌzɛn.oʊˈdoʊ.ki.əm/ (room in a monastery) :: xenodochio {m}
xenoglossy {n} /ˌziːnəˈɡlɒsi/ (knowledge of a language one has never learned) :: xenoglossia {f}
xenolith {n} (geology: any piece of rock having a different origin to that of the igneous rock in which it is found) :: xenolite {m}
xenon {n} /zinən/ (chemical element) :: xenon {m}, xeno {m}
Xenophanes {prop} /zɛˈnɒfəniːz/ (a Greek philosopher and a poet) :: Senofane
xenophilia {n} (attraction or love for foreign people, manners or culture) :: esterofilia {f}
xenophobe {n} /ˈzinəfoʊb/ (hater of foreigners) :: xenofobo {m}, xenofoba {f}
xenophobia {n} /zinəˈfoʊbiə/ (a pathological fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners) :: xenofobia {f}
xenophobic {n} (xenophobe) SEE: xenophobe ::
xenophobic {adj} (exhibiting or characterised by xenophobia) :: xenofobo
Xenophon {prop} (historian and philosopher) :: Senofonte {m}
xenotime {n} (a yellow-brown mineral) :: xenotima {f}
xenotransplantation {n} (transplantation between species) :: xenotrapianto {m}
xero- {prefix} (dryness) :: xero-
xeroderma {n} (pathology: any of various skin diseases characterised by dry hard scaly skin) :: xeroderma {m}
xerophthalmia {n} (condition) :: xeroftalmia {f}
xerophthalmic {adj} (of or pertaining to xerophthalmia) :: xeroftalmico
xerophyte {n} /ˈzɪəɹəʊfaɪt/ (botany: a plant suited for life in a habitat where water is scarce) :: xerobio {m}, xerofita {f}
xeroradiography {n} (method of X-ray photography) :: xeroradiografia {f}
xerostomia {n} (dry mouth) SEE: dry mouth ::
xerox {v} /ˈziː(ə)ɹ.ɑks/ (to make photocopies) :: fotocopiare, xerocopiare
Xerxes {prop} /ˈzɝksiːz/ (Xerxes I of Persia) :: Serse {m}
Xhosa {n} /ˈkoʊ.sə/ (Xhosa language) :: xhosa {m}
xi {n} /ksaɪ/ (Greek letter) :: xi {m} {f}, csi {m} {f}, ksi {m} {f}
Xianggang {prop} (Hong Kong) SEE: Hong Kong ::
xiphias {n} (xiphias) SEE: swordfish ::
xiphoid {adj} /ˈzɪfɔɪd/ (of or relating to the xiphisternum) :: xifoide
xiphosauran {n} (chelicerate) :: xifosuro {m}
Xizang {prop} (Tibet) SEE: Tibet ::
xoanon {n} /ˈzoʊ.ə.nɑn/ (wooden statue used as a cult image in Ancient Greece) :: xoanon {m}
X-ray {n} /ˈɛks ˌɹeɪ/ (photograph made with X-rays) :: radiografia {f}
X-ray {n} (the letter "X" in ICAO spelling alphabet) :: xeres
X-ray {v} (to take a radiograph of) :: radiografare, schermografare
X-ray {adj} (of or having to do with X-rays) :: radiografico
xylan {n} (biochemistry: a polysaccharide consisting of xylose residues) :: xylano {m}, xilano {m}
xylanase {n} (any of various enzymes) :: xilanasi {f}
xylem {n} /ˈzaɪ.ləm/ (botany: vascular tissue in land plants) :: xilema {m}
xylene {n} /ˈzaɪliːn/ (di-methyl-benzene) :: xilene {m}
xylo- {prefix} (wood) :: xilo-
xylograph {n} (engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylograph {n} (print taken from an engraving in wood) SEE: woodcut ::
xylography {n} (art of making xylographs) SEE: woodcut ::
xylolite {n} (A compressed wood product used for flooring) :: xilolite {f}
xylophone {n} /ˈzaɪ.lə.ˌfəʊn/ (musical instrument) :: xilofono {m}
xylose {n} (wood sugar) :: xilosio {m}