User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-ja-t

ta {interj} (thanks) SEE: thanks ::
tab {n} (cigarette) SEE: cigarette ::
tab {v} (navigational widget in a GUI) :: タブ /tabu/
tab {v} (short for tabulator) :: タブ /tabu/
tab {v} (a space character that extends to the next column) :: タブ /tabu/
tab {n} (tablature) SEE: tablature ::
Tabasco {n} (spicy pepper sauce) :: タバスコ /Tabasuko/
tabbouleh {n} (Middle Eastern salad) :: タブーラ /tabūra/
tabby {n} (cat) :: トラネコ /toraneko/, 虎猫 /とらねこ, toraneko/, トラ猫 /toraneko/
tabernacle {n} (portable tent used before the construction of the temple) :: 幕屋 /makuya/
tabernacle {n} (sukkah) :: 仮庵 /kari-io/
tabes dorsalis {n} (degeneration) :: 脊髄癆 /せきずいろう, sekizuirō/
tabla {n} (an Indian drum) :: タブラ /tabura/
tablature {n} (form of musical notation) :: タブ譜 /tabufu/, TAB譜 /tabufu/, タブラチュア /taburachua/
table {n} (item of furniture) :: /つくえ, tsukue/, テーブル /tēburu/
table {n} (grid of data in rows and columns) :: /ひょう, hyō/
table {n} (collection of arithmetic calculations) :: /hyō/
table {n} (computing: a lookup table) :: 配列 /hairetsu/
table {v} (to put on a table) :: (to put an object on a table) テーブルに置く /tēburu ni oku/, (to prepare a table for a meal) 食事の支度をする /shokuji no shitaku wo suru/
table {v} (to propose for discussion) :: 議題にする /gidai ni suru/, 議題に上げる /gidai ni ageru/
table {v} (to postpone a motion) :: 棚上げにする /tanaage ni suru/
table {v} (to postpone) :: 棚上げにする /tanaage ni suru/
table {v} (to tabulate) :: 表に書く /hyō ni kaku/
tablecloth {n} (a cloth used to cover and protect a table, especially for a dining table) :: テーブル掛け /テーブルかけ, tēburukake/, テーブルクロス /tēburukurosu/
table lamp {n} (lamp designed for tables) :: テーブルランプ /tēbururanpu/
tableland {n} (flat region of terrain) :: 高原 /こうげん, kōgen/
table of contents {n} (organized list summarizing book or document) :: 目次 /もくじ, mokuji/
table salt {n} (salt to season food) :: 食塩 /しょくえん, shokuen/
tablespoon {n} (a large spoon, used for eating food) :: さじ /saji/, スプーン /supūn/, テーブルスプーン /tēburusupūn/
tablespoon {n} (a unit of measure) :: 大さじ /ōsaji/
tablespoonful {n} (measure of volume) SEE: tablespoon ::
tablet {n} (pill) SEE: pill ::
tablet {n} (tablet computer) SEE: tablet computer ::
tablet {n} (graphics tablet) SEE: graphics tablet ::
tablet computer {n} (a type of computer) :: タブレット /taburetto/, タブレットコンピュータ /taburetto konpyūta/
table tennis {n} (game similar to tennis) :: 卓球 /たっきゅう, takkyū/, ピンポン /pinpon/
tableware {n} (cutlery, crockery and glassware) :: 食器 /しょっき, shokki/
taboo {n} (inhibition or ban) :: タブー /tabū/, 禁忌 /きんき, kinki/, 禁止 /kinshi/ [general prohibition]
taboo {adj} (excluded or forbidden from use, approach or mention) :: 禁忌の /kinki no/, 禁制の /kinsei no/
taboo {v} (mark as taboo) :: 禁忌する /kinki suru/, タブーにする /tabū ni suru/, 禁止する /kinshi suru/
taboo {v} (ban) :: 禁止する /kinshi/
taboo {v} (avoid) :: 排斥する /haiseki suru/
Tabriz {prop} (city in Iran) :: タブリーズ /Taburīzu/
tabula rasa {n} (the idea that the mind comes into the world as a blank state) :: 白紙状態 /hakushi jōtai/
tachimochi {n} (rikishi who participates in the dohyo-iri ceremony) :: 太刀持ち /tachimochi/
Ta-ch'ing {prop} (Daqing) SEE: Daqing ::
tachometer {n} (device for measuring rpm) :: 回転速度計 /kaitensokudokei/, タコメーター /takomētā/
tachometer {n} (device for measuring velocity) SEE: speedometer ::
tachycardia {n} (rapid resting heart rate) :: 頻脈 /ひんみゃく, hinmyaku/
tachyon {n} (hypothetical particle) :: タキオン /takion/, 陰子 /inshi/
taciturn {adj} (untalkative, silent) :: 無口 /むくち, mukuchi/, 寡黙 /かもく, kamoku/
taciturnous {adj} (taciturn) SEE: taciturn ::
tack {n} (nautical: distance between these maneuvers) SEE: board ::
tack {n} (thumbtack) SEE: thumbtack ::
tack {n} (hardtack) SEE: hardtack ::
taco {n} (Mexican snack food) :: タコス /takosu/, タコ /tako/
tact {n} (sensitive mental touch) :: 如才なさ /じょさいなさ, josainasa/, 愛想 /あいそ, aiso/, 礼儀 /れいぎ, reigi/
tactic {n} (action to achieve some end) :: 戦術 /せんじゅつ, senjutsu/, 戦法 /せんぽう, senpō/
tactics {n} (the employment of forces) :: 戦術 /せんじゅつ, senjutsu/, 策略 /さくりゃく, sakuryaku/
tad {n} (a little bit) :: 多少 /tashou/
ta-da {interj} (behold!) :: じゃーん /jān/, じゃじゃーん /jajān/, どジャーン /dojān/
tadpole {n} (toad or frog larva) :: おたまじゃくし /otamajakushi/, オタマジャクシ /otamajakushi/, お玉杓子 /otamajakushi/, 蝌蚪 /かと, kato/
taekwondo {n} (a martial art) :: テコンドー /tekondō/, 跆拳道 /tekondō/
tael {n} (any of various related East Asian units of weight) :: /ryō/
taffeta {n} (woven fabric) :: タフタ /tafuta/
tag {n} (game) :: 鬼ごっこ /おにごっこ, onigokko/, 鬼事 /おにごと, onigoto/, 鬼遊び /おにあそび, oniasobi/, おにごっこ
tag {n} ((Computing) Element of markup language) :: タグ /tagu/
Tagalog {n} (language) :: タガログ語 /タガログご, tagarogugo/
tagliatelle {n} (flat ribbons of pasta) :: タリアテッレ /tariaterre/, タッリャテッレ /tarryaterre/, タッギャテッレ /taggyaterre/
taglierini {n} (type of pasta) :: タリエリーニ /tarierīni/
tag question {n} (question inviting agreement) :: 付加疑問文 /ふかぎもんぶん, fuka gimonbun/
tahini {n} (sesame paste) :: 芝麻醤 /chīmājan/
Tahiti {prop} (island) :: タヒチ /Tahichi/
Taibei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
tai chi {n} (form of martial art) :: 太極 /たいきょく, taikyoku/, 太極拳 /たいきょくけん, taikyokuken/
Taichung {prop} (a large city in Taiwan) :: 台中 /たいちゅう, Taichū/
taiga {n} (subarctic zone of coniferous forest) :: タイガ /taiga/
taikonaut {n} (Chinese astronaut) :: タイコノート /taikonōto/
tail {n} (appendage of an animal) :: 尻尾 /しっぽ, shippo/, しっぽ /shippo/, /お, o/, 尾っぽ /oppo/
tail {n} (rear of an aircraft) :: 尾部 /bibu/
tail {n} (surreptitious follower) :: 尾行者 /びこうしゃ, bikōsha/
tail {v} (to tail) :: 尾行する /びこうする, bikō suru/
Tail {prop} (Chinese constellation) :: 尾宿 /びしゅく, Bishuku/, 足垂れ星 /あしたれぼし, Ashitareboshi/, /び, Bi/
tailbone {n} (coccyx) SEE: coccyx ::
tail call {n} (function call that is itself the last instruction in a function) :: 末尾呼び出し /まつびよびだし, matsubiyobidashi/
tailcoat {n} (formal evening jacket) :: 燕尾服 /えんびふく, embifuku/, テールコート /tērukōto/
tailfin {n} (fin at the tail of fish) :: 尾鰭 /おびれ, obire/
tailfin {n} (fin on the tail of an aircraft) :: 垂直尾翼 /すいちょくびよく, suichoku-biyoku/
tail gunner {n} (one who operates the gun in the tail of a military aircraft) :: 尾部銃手 /びぶじゅうしゅ, bibu-jūshu/
tailings {n} (waste that remains after the minerals have been extracted from an ore) :: 尾鉱 /びこう, bikō/
taillight {n} (rear mounted lights on a vehicle) :: 尾灯 /びとう, bitō/
tailor {n} (person who makes, repairs, or alters clothing as profession) :: 仕立て屋 /したてや, shitateya/, テーラー /tērā/
tailored {adj} (adjusted by a tailor, fitted) :: 特注 /tokuchuu/
tail recursion {n} (writing a function so that recursive calls are only done immediately before function return) :: 末尾再帰 /まつびさいき, matsubisaiki/
tails {n} (side of coin) :: /うら, ura/
tails {n} (tailcoat) SEE: tailcoat ::
tailspin {n} (The rapid, uncontrollable descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral) :: 錐揉み /きりもみ, kirimomi/
tailwheel {n} (wheel attached to the tail of an aircraft) :: 尾輪 /びりん, birin/
Taimyr {prop} (large peninsula) :: タイミル半島 /Taimiru-hantō/, タイミル /Taimiru/
Tainan {prop} (a city in Taiwan) :: 台南 /たいなん, Tainan/
taipan {n} (venomous snake of the genus Oxyuranus) :: タイパン /taipan/
Tʻai-pei {prop} (Taipei) SEE: Taipei ::
Taipei {prop} (Taipei) :: 台北 /タイペイ, Taipei, たいほく, Taihoku/, タイペイ /Taipei/, タイベイ /Taibei/
Taitung {prop} (county in Taiwan) :: 台東 /たいとう, Taitō/
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian country) :: 台湾 /たいわん, Taiwan/, 高砂 /takasago/
Taiwan {prop} (East Asian island) :: 高砂 /takasago/
Taiwanese {adj} (relating to Taiwan) :: 台湾の /たいわんの, Taiwan no/
Taiwanese {n} (person from Taiwan) :: 台湾人 /たいわんじん, taiwanjin/
Taiwanese {prop} (language) :: 台湾語 /たいわんご, taiwango/
Taiwan Strait {prop} (the channel of water between mainland China and Taiwan) :: 台湾海峡 /たいわんかいきょう, Taiwan-kaikyō/
Taixuanjing {prop} (Chinese divinatory text) :: 太玄経 /たいげんきょう, taigenkyō/
T'ai-yüan {prop} (Taiyuan) SEE: Taiyuan ::
Taiyuan {prop} (a prefecture-level city in northern China) :: 太原 /たいげん, Taigen/
Taizhong {prop} (Taichung) SEE: Taichung ::
Tajik {n} (person) :: タジク人 /tajikujin/
Tajik {prop} (language) :: タジク語 /tajikugo/
Tajik {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Tajikistan, the Tajik people or the Tajik language) :: タジク /tajiku/
Tajiki {prop} (dialect of Persian) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistan {prop} (Republic of Tajikistan) :: タジキスタン /Tajikisutan/
Tajikistani {adj} (person of Tajik origin) SEE: Tajik ::
Tajikistani {adj} (of or pertaining to the Kazakh people or the Tajik language) SEE: Tajik ::
tajine {n} (stew originally from Morocco) :: タジン鍋 /tajin nabe/
Taj Mahal {prop} (monument in India) :: タージ・マハル /Tāji-Maharu/
taka {n} (national currency of Bangladesh) :: タカ /taka/
Takamatsu {prop} (a city in Japan) :: 高松 /たかまつ, Takamatsu/
takbir {n} (takbir) :: タクビール /takubīru/
take {v} (to get into one's hands or control) :: 取る /とる, toru/, つかむ /つかむ, tsukamu/
take {v} (to get into one's possession) :: 取る /とる, toru/
take {v} (to receive or accept) :: 受け付ける /uketsukeru/
take {v} (to grab and move to oneself) :: 運ぶ /hakobu/
take {v} (to gain a position by force) :: 占拠する /せんきょする, senkyo suru/
take {v} (to have sex with) :: 襲う /osou/
take {v} (to carry) :: 運ぶ /はこぶ, hakobu/
take {v} (to choose) :: 選ぶ /erabu/
take {v} (to support or carry without failing or breaking) :: 壊さずに運ぶ /kowasazu ni hakobu/
take {v} (to endure) :: 我慢する /がまんする, gaman suru/
take {v} (to ingest medicine) :: (take via mouth) [general] 飲む /nomu/, [formal] 摂取する /sesshu suru/
take {v} (to last or expend [an amount of time]) :: 掛かる /かかる, kakaru/
take {v} (a photo, film, fingerprints, etc) :: 撮る /とる, toru/
take {n} (act of taking) :: 取得 /shutoku/
take {n} (something that is taken) :: 獲得 /kakutoku/
take {n} (profit) :: 利益 /rieki/
take {n} (interpretation or view) :: 見解 /kenkai/
take {n} (film: attempt to record a scene) :: テイク /teiku/
take {v} (to exact) SEE: exact ::
take a bath {v} (to bathe) SEE: bathe ::
take a dump {v} (defecate) SEE: defecate ::
take apart {v} (defeat) SEE: defeat ::
take apart {v} (disassemble) SEE: disassemble ::
take a picture {v} (capture an image) :: 撮る /とる, toru/
take a turn for the better {v} (start to become better) :: 好転する
take away {v} (to take away) SEE: remove ::
take back {v} (take back) SEE: withdraw ::
take back {v} (to return something to a vendor for a refund) :: 戻す /もどす, modosu/, 返す /かえす, kaesu/
take care {v} (be cautious, careful) :: 気を付ける /きをつける, ki o tsukeru/
take care {v} (to be in charge of something) :: 世話をする /せわをする, sewa o suru/
take care {interj} (good-bye) :: 大切にしてください /たいせつにしてください, taisetsu ni shite kudasai/, 気をつけて下さい /ki o tsukete kudasai/, お大事に /おだいじに, o-daiji ni/
take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves {proverb} (if you take care of little things one at a time, they can add up to big things) :: 一銭を笑う者は一銭に泣く /issen o warau mono wa issen ni naku/
take courage {v} (take courage) SEE: take heart ::
take for granted {v} (assume something to be true without verification or proof) :: 当たり前のことと思う /atarimae-no koto-to omou/
take heart {v} (to be courageous) :: 頑張る /がんばる, ganbaru/
take heart {interj} :: [more common when encouraging an individual] 頑張って /がんばって, ganbatte/, [more common when cheering a team] 頑張れ /がんばれ, ganbare/
Takei {prop} :: 武井, たけい, タケイ, Takei
take ill {v} (to become ill) SEE: take sick ::
take into account {v} :: 鑑みる /かんがみる, kangamiru/, 考慮する /こうりょする, kōryo-suru/
take it easy {v} (relax (imperative)) :: 落ち着いてください /おちついてください, ochitsuite kudasai/, あわてないでください /awatenaide kudasai/
take it out on {v} (unleash one's anger) :: 八つ当たりする /やつあたり-する, yatsuatari-suru/
take its toll {v} (to affect negatively) :: 損失をもたらす /sonshitsu wo motarasu/
take off {v} (to remove) :: [clothing] 脱ぐ /ぬぐ, nugu/
take off {v} (to begin flight) :: 飛び立つ /とびたつ, tobitatsu/
take off {v} (to imitate) SEE: imitate ::
takeoff {n} (start of flight) :: 離陸 /ririku/
take on {v} (To obtain the services of (a person) in exchange for remuneration; to give someone a job) SEE: employ ::
take one's leave {v} (depart) SEE: depart ::
take one's leave {v} (say goodbye) :: 告別する /こくべつする, kokubetsu suru/
take one's own life {v} (commit suicide) SEE: commit suicide ::
take out {v} (to remove) :: 取り出す /toridasu/
takeout {n} (Food purchased from a takeaway) :: テークアウト /tēkuauto/, お持ち帰り /omochikaeri/
take over {v} (to assume control) :: 引き受ける /ひきうける, hikiukeru/
takeover {n} (the purchase of a private company) :: 乗っ取り /のっとり, nottori/, 買収 /ばいしゅう, baishū/
take part {v} (participate or join) :: 参加する /さんかする, sanka suru/, 加わる /くわわる, kuwawaru/
take place {v} (to happen) :: 行われる /おこなわれる, okonawareru/, 起こる /おこる, okoru/
take revenge {v} (to avenge; to get back at) :: 復讐する /ふくしゅうする, fukushū suru/
take root {v} (to grow roots into soil) :: 根付く /ねづく, nezuku/
take root {v} (to become established, to take hold) :: 根付く /ねづく, nezuku/
take shape {v} (take a definite form) :: 形をとる /katachi o toru/
take sick {v} (become ill) :: 病気になる /びょうきになる, byōki ni naru/
take the wrong way {v} (to misunderstand) SEE: misunderstand ::
takin {n} (goat-antelope) :: ターキン /tākin/
takoyaki {n} (Japanese dumpling) :: 蛸焼き /takoyaki/
talaria {n} (winged sandals) :: タラリア
talc {n} (soft mineral) :: 滑石 /kasseki/, タルク /taruku/
tale {n} (type of story) :: 物語 /ものがたり, monogatari/, 説話 /せつわ, setsuwa/, コント /konto/
talent {n} (marked ability or skill) :: 才能 /さいのう, sainō/
talented {adj} (endowed with talents) :: 多才 /たさい, tasai/, 才能ある /さいのうのある, sainō no aru/
Taliban {n} (militia) :: ターリバーン /Tāribān/
Ta-lien {prop} (Dalian) SEE: Dalian ::
talisman {n} (magical protective charms) :: 護符 /ごふ, gofu/, タリスマン /tarisuman/
talk {v} (to communicate by speech) :: 話す /はなす, hanasu/
talk {v} (to communicate by other means than speech) :: [formai] 意思疎通する /ishi-sotsū suru/
talk {n} (conversation) :: 話し /はなし, hanashi/, 会話 /かいわ, kaiwa/
talk {n} (lecture) :: 講義 /kōgi/
talk {n} (major topic of social discussion) :: 話し /hanashi/
talk {n} (meeting, negotiation) :: 会商 /かいしょう, kaishō/, 交渉 /こうしょう, kōshō/
talk {n} :: 話し /hanashi/
talk {v} ((transitive) to discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk around {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talkative {adj} (tending to talk or speak freely or often) :: おしゃべり好きな /oshaberi-zuki-na/
talkative {adj} (speaking openly and honestly, neglecting privacy and consequences) :: おしゃべりな /oshaberi-na/
talking book {n} (audiobook) SEE: audiobook ::
talking point {n} (specific topic raised in a conversation or argument) :: 論点 /ronten/
talk over {v} (discuss) SEE: discuss ::
talk over {v} (persuade) SEE: persuade ::
talk show {n} (TV or radio programme in which a host converses with guests) :: トーク番組 /tōku-bangumi/, トークショー /tōkushō/
tall {adj} (of a person) :: 高い /たかい, takai/, 高い /せがたかい, se ga takai/ [predicative], 高い /せのたかい, se no takai/ [attributive]
tall {adj} (of a building) :: 高い /たかい, takai/
Tallinn {prop} (Capital of Estonia) :: タリン /Tarin/
tallow {n} (hard animal fat obtained) :: 獣脂 /じゅうし, jūshi/, 牛脂 /ぎゅうし, gyūshi/ [cow fat], ヘット /hetto/
Talmud {prop} (collection of Jewish writings) :: タルムード /tarumūdo/
talon {n} (remaining stock of undealt cards) SEE: stock ::
talon {n} (hooked claw) :: /つめ, tsume/
talus {n} (anklebone) SEE: anklebone ::
tamandua {n} (anteater of the genus Tamandua) :: コアリクイ /koarikui/
tamarillo {n} (Solanum betaceum) :: タマリロ /tamariro/
tamarillo {n} (fruit) :: タマリロ /tamariro/
tamarin {n} (monkey) :: タマリン /tamarin/
tamarind {n} (tropical tree) :: タマリンド /tamarindo/
tamarind {n} (fruit) :: タマリンド /tamarindo/
tambour {n} (drum) SEE: drum ::
tambourine {n} (percussion instrument) :: タンバリン /tanbarin/, 鈴鼓 /reiko, rinko, suzuko/
Tambov {prop} (a city in Russia) :: タンボフ /Tanbofu/
tame {adj} (not wild) :: 飼いならされた /かいならされた, kainarasareta/
tame {v} (to make something tame) :: 飼いならす /かいならす, kainarasu/
tamer {n} (one who tames or subdues) :: 調教師 /ちょうきょうし, chōkyōshi/, 猛獣使い /mōjūtsukai/
Tamil {n} (person) :: タミル人 /タミルじん, Tamiru-jin/
Tamil {n} (language) :: タミル語 /タミルご, Tamiru-go/
Tamilian {n} (a person of Tamil ethnicity) SEE: Tamil ::
Tamil Nadu {prop} (state in southern India) :: タミル・ナードゥ州 /Tamiru-Nādu-shū/, タミル・ナードゥ /Tamiru-Nādu/
Tamil Tigers {prop} (guerrilla organization) :: タミル・イーラム解放のトラ /Tamiru-Īramu kaihō-no torá/, タミールタイガース /Tamīru-taigāsu/
Tamna {prop} (Korean kingdom) :: 耽羅 /たんら, Tanra/
tamper {v} (alter by making unauthorized changes) :: 弄くる /いじくる, ijikuru/, 弄る /いじる, ijiru/
Tampere {prop} (city in Finland) :: タンペレ /Tampere/
tampon {n} (A plug of cotton or other absorbent material) :: タンポン /tanpon/
Tamsui {prop} (a city in Taiwan) :: 淡水 /たんすい, Tansui/
tan {n} (darkening of skin) :: 日に焼ける /ひにやける, hiniyakeru/
tan {v} (to become tan due to exposure to sun) :: 日焼けする /hiyake-suru/, 日に焼ける /hiniyakeru/
Tanakh {prop} (body of Jewish scripture) :: タナハ /tanaha/
Tanakh {prop} :: タナク /tanaku/
tandem {n} (bicycle) :: タンデム自転車 /tandemu jitensha/
tang {n} (tongue) SEE: tongue ::
tang {n} (part of a sword blade) :: /なかご, nakago/
Tanganyika {prop} (lake) :: タンガニーカ湖
Tanganyika {prop} (territory, former country) :: タンガニーカ /tanganīka/
Tang dynasty {prop} (Chinese dynasty) :: ()
tangent {n} (in geometry) :: 接線 /せっせん, sessen/
tangent {n} (in trigonometry) :: タンジェント /tanjento/, 正接 /せいせつ, seisetsu/
Tangerang {prop} (city in Indonesia) :: タンゲラン /Tangeran/
tangerine {n} (fruit) :: タンジェリン /tanjerin/, みかん /mikan/, ミカン /mikan/, 蜜柑 /みかん, mikan/
Tangier {prop} (a port city in northern Morocco) :: タンジール /Tanjīru/
tangle {v} (to become mixed together or intertwined) :: 縺れる /もつれる, motsureru/
tangle {n} (tangled twisted mass) :: 縺れ /もつれ, motsure/
tangle {n} (complicated or confused state or condition) :: 縺れ /もつれ, motsure/
tango {n} (ballroom dance) :: タンゴ /tango/
T'ang-shan {prop} (Tangshan) SEE: Tangshan ::
Tangshan {prop} (prefecture-level city in northern China) :: 唐山 /とうざん, Tōzan/
Tangut {prop} (the language of the Tangut people) :: 西夏語 /せいかご, seikago/
Tangut {prop} (the script used to write the Tangut language) :: 西夏文字 /せいかもじ, seika moji/
Tania {prop} (female given name) :: ターニャ /Tānya/
tank {n} (closed container for fluids) :: タンク /tanku/
tank {n} (fuel reservoir) :: タンク /tanku/
tank {n} (armoured fighting vehicle) :: 戦車 /せんしゃ, sensha/, タンク /tanku/
tank {n} (reservoir or dam) SEE: reservoir ::
tanka {n} (a Japanese verse) :: 短歌 /たんか, tanka/
tankard {n} (drinking vessel) :: タンカード /tankādo/
tanked {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
tanker {n} (vessel) :: タンカー /tankā/
tankini {n} (tank top and the lower half of a bikini) :: タンキニ /tankini/
tank top {n} (singlet) SEE: singlet ::
tanned {adj} (having a suntan) :: 日焼けした /ひやけけした, hiyake shita/
tanner {n} (person whose occupation is to tan) :: 皮鞣し /かわなめし, kawanameshi/
tanning bed {n} (tanning device) :: 日焼けマシーン /hiyake-mashīn/, タンニングマシン /tanningumashin/
tantalum {n} (A metallic chemical element with an atomic number of 73.) :: タンタル /tantaru/
tantra {n} (Hindu or Buddhist religious text) :: タントラ /tantora/
tantrum {n} (often childish display of bad temper) :: 癇癪 /かんしゃく, kanshaku/
Tanya {prop} (female given name) SEE: Tania ::
Tanzania {prop} (United Republic of Tanzania) :: タンザニア /Tanzania/
Tanzanian {n} (a person from Tanzania or of Tanzanian descent) :: タンザニア人 /たんざにあじん, tanzania jin/
Taoism {n} (religion developed from Taoist philosophy) :: 道教 /どうきょう, dōkyō/
Taoist {adj} (relating to Taoism) :: 道教の /dōkyō no/
Taoist {n} (a follower of Taoism) :: 道教信者 /dōkyō shinja/, 道士 /dōshi/
Tao Te Ching {prop} (Chinese classic text) :: 道徳経 /Dōtokukyō/, 老子 /Rōshi/
taotie {n} (motif depicting a gluttonous ogre) :: 饕餮 /とうてつ, tōtetsu/
Taoyuan {prop} (a city in Taiwan) :: 桃園 /とうえん, Tōen/
tap {n} (device to dispense liquid) :: 蛇口 /じゃぐち, jaguchi/
tape {n} (video or audiocassette tape) :: テープ /tēpu/
tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
tape measure {n} (graduated ribbon for length measurement) :: メジャー /mejā/, 巻き尺 /まきじゃく, makijaku/
tape recorder {n} (an electromechanical device use to record and play back sound) :: テープレコーダー /tēpu rekōdā/
tapeworm {n} (parasitical worm of the class Cestoda) :: サナダムシ /sanadamushi/, 真田虫 /さなだむし, sanadamushi/
tapioca {n} (starchy food from cassava) :: タピオカ /tapioka/
tapir {n} (large odd-toed ungulate with a long prehensile upper lip of the family Tapiridae) :: バク /baku/
tap water {n} (water from a tap) :: 水道水 /suidōsui/, 生水 /namamizu/
tar {n} (substance) :: 乾留液 /かんりゅうえき, kanryūeki/, タール /tāru/
tar {n} (byproduct of tobacco smoke) :: /やに, yani/
Taranto {prop} (city and province) :: ターラント /Tāranto/, タラント /Taranto/
tarantula {n} (spider of the family Theraphosidae) :: 大土蜘蛛 /オオツチグモ, ōtsuchigumo/
tarantula {n} (wolf spider of the species Lycosa tarantula) :: 子守蜘蛛 /コモリグモ, komorigumo/, タランチュラ /taranchura/
tarboosh {n} (fez) SEE: fez ::
tardigrade {n} (water bear) SEE: water bear ::
tardy {adj} (later in relation to the proper time) :: 遅刻 /chikoku/
tardy {adj} (ineffectual; slow witted, slow to act, or dull) :: 遅い /osoi/, 鈍い /nibui/
tardyon {n} (particle) :: ターディオン /tādion/
target {n} (butt or mark to shoot at) :: 標的 /ひょうてき, hyōteki/, ターゲット /tāgetto/
target {n} (goal or objective) :: 目標 /もくひょう, mokuhyō/, ターゲット /tāgetto/
tariff {n} (duties imposed) :: 関税 /かんぜい, kanzei/
tarmac {n} (bituminous road surface) :: ターマック /tāmakku/, アスファルト舗装路 /asufaruto hosōro/
tarn {n} (small mountain lake) :: 凹溜まり /kubotamari/
taro {n} (Colocasia esculenta) :: 里芋 /さといも, satoimo/, サトイモ /satoimo/
Taro Island {prop} (one of the Solomon Islands) :: タロ島 /Taro-tō/
tarot {n} (card game) :: タロット /tarotto/
tarot {n} (individual card) :: タロット /tarotto/, タロットカード /tarottokādo/
tarpaper {n} (heavy paper coated with tar) :: アスファルトルーフィング /asufarutorūfingu/
tarpaulin {n} (heavy, waterproof sheet of material) :: タープ /tāpu/
tarsier {n} (insectivorous primate) :: メガネザル /meganezaru/, 眼鏡猿 /めがねざる, meganezaru/
tart {n} (pie, pastry) :: タルト /taruto/
tartaric acid {n} :: 酒石酸 /しゅせきさん, shusekisan/
tarte Tatin {n} (upside-down cake prepared with caramelized apples) :: タルト・タタン /taruto Tatan/
Tartu {prop} (second-largest city in Estonia) :: タルトゥ /Tarutu/
Tarvisio {prop} (town) :: タルヴィージオ
taser {n} (any stun gun) :: [stun gun] スタンガン /sutangan/,
Tashkent {prop} (capital of Uzbekistan) :: タシケント /Tashikento/
tashkil {n} (vocalization) SEE: vocalization ::
task {n} (piece of work done as part of one’s duties) :: 仕事 /しごと, shigoto/, 課題 /かだい, kadai/
task {n} (difficult or tedious undertaking) :: 任務 /にんむ, ninmu/, 問題 /もんだい, mondai/
task {n} (objective) :: 任務 /にんむ, ninmu/
task {n} (process or execution of a program) :: タスク /tasuku/
task {v} (assign a task to) :: 課す /かす, kasu/
taskbar {n} (bar on a computer desktop) :: タスクバー /tasukubā/
task force {n} (group working towards a particular task) :: タスクフォース /tasukufōsu/
Tasmania {prop} (Australian state) :: タスマニア /Tasumania/
Tasmania {prop} (island comprising majority of state) :: タスマニア /Tasumania/
Tasmanian devil {n} (Sarcophilus harrisii) :: タスマニアデビル /tasumaniadebiru/, フクログマ /fukuroguma/, フクロアナグマ /fukuroanaguma/, フクロクズリ /fukurokuzuri/
Tasmanian tiger {n} (extinct carnivorous marsupial) SEE: Tasmanian wolf ::
Tasmanian wolf {n} (extinct carnivorous marsupial) :: フクロオオカミ /fukuroōkami/
Tasman Sea {prop} (part of the Pacific Ocean) :: タスマン海 /Tasuman-kai/
taste {n} (one of the sensations produced by the tongue) :: 味覚 /みかく, mikaku/ [sense of taste], /あじ, aji/
taste {n} (implicit set of preferences) :: (preferences) 趣味 /shumi/, (atmosphere) /aji/
taste {v} (to sample the flavor of something) :: 味わう /ajiwau/, 嘗める /nameru/
taste {v} (to have a taste) :: 味がする /aji ga suru/
tastebud {n} (a small organ on the tongue used for tasting) :: 味蕾 /みらい, mirai/
tasteless {adj} (having no flavour) :: 味のない /あじのない, aji no nai/, 不味い /まずい, mazui/
tasting {n} (taking of a small amount of food or drink in order to taste it) :: 賞味 /しょうみ, shōmi/
tasty {adj} (having a pleasant or satisfying flavor) SEE: delicious ::
tasty {adj} (having or showing good taste) :: 風味のよい /fūmi no yoi/
tasty {adj} (slang: appealing) :: おいしそう /oishisō/
tat {v} (slang: tattoo) SEE: tattoo ::
ta ta {interj} (bye) SEE: bye ::
tatami {n} (straw matting in Japanese houses) :: /たたみ, tatami/, たたみ /tatami/
Tatar {prop} (language) :: タタール語 /Tatāru-go/
Tatar {n} (person) :: タタール /Tatāru/, 韃靼 /Dattan/
Tatarstan {prop} (Tatarstan, Russia) :: タタルスタン /Tatarusutan/
tategyoji {n} (two highest ranked gyoji) :: 立行司 /tate-gyōji/
Tatra {prop} (mountain range on the border of Poland and Slovakia) :: タトラ山脈 /Tatora sanmyaku/
tatt {n} (tattoo) SEE: tattoo ::
tattle {v} (to report incriminating information or wrongdoing) :: 告げ口 /tsugeguchi/
tattoo {n} (an image made in the skin with ink and a needle) :: 刺青, 入れ墨, 文身 /いれずみ, irezumi/
tau {n} (Greek letter) :: タウ /tau/
tau {n} (tauon) SEE: tauon ::
Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu {prop} (a hill in New Zealand) :: タウマタファカタンギハンガコアウアウオタマテアポカイフェヌアキタナタフ /Taumatafakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaifenuakitanatafu/
taunt {v} (to make fun of (someone); to goad into responding) :: 楯突く /tatetsuku /
taunt {n} (a scornful or mocking remark) :: 嘲笑 /ちょうしょう, chōshō/
tauon {n} (particle) :: タウ粒子 /tau ryūshi/
taurine {n} (amino-sulfonic acid) :: タウリン /taurin/
Taurus {prop} (constellation) :: 牡牛座 /おうしざ, oushiza/, おうし座 /oushiza/
Taurus {prop} (astrological sign) :: 金牛宮 /きんぎゅうきゅう, kingyūkyū/
taut {adj} (under tension) :: 張っている /はっている, hatte iru/
taut {adj} (experiencing anxiety or stress) :: 緊張している /きんちょうしている, kinchō shite iru/
tautology {n} (uncountable: redundant use of words) :: 同語反復 /どうごはんぷく, dōgo hanpuku/, トートロジー /tōtorojī/
tautology {n} (expression that features tautology) :: 同語反復 /どうごはんぷく, dōgo hanpuku/, トートロジー /tōtorojī/
tautology {n} (in logic) :: 恒真式 /こうしんしき, kōshin shiki/, トートロジー /tōtorojī/
tautomerism {n} (isomerism with a dynamic equilibrium) :: 互変異性 /ごへんいせい, gohen'isei/
tavern {n} (bar) :: 居酒屋 /いざかや, izakaya/, タバーン /tabān/, 酒場 /さかば, sakaba/
tax {n} (money paid to government) :: /ぜい, zei/, 税金 /ぜいきん, zeikin/, 租税 /そぜい, sozei/
taxation {n} (act of imposing taxes and the fact of being taxed) :: 課税 /かぜい, kazei/
taxation {n} (particular system of taxing people or companies) :: 税制 /ぜいせい, zeisei/
taxation {n} (revenue gained from taxes) SEE: tax revenue ::
tax collector {n} (one who has the responsibility for collecting taxes) :: 収税人 /しゅうぜいにん, shūzeinin/, 収税吏 /しゅうぜいり, shūzeiri/
tax evader {n} (one who avoids paying tax) :: 脱税者 /だつぜいしゃ, datsuzeisha/
tax evasion {n} (illegal avoidance of tax) :: 脱税 /だつぜい, datsuzei/
tax-free {adj} (exempt from taxation) :: 無税 /むぜい, muzei/, 非課税の /ひかぜいの, hikazei no/
tax haven {n} (country that levies low taxes on foreign businesses) :: タックス・ヘイヴン /takkusu-heivun/, 租税回避 /そぜいかいひち, sozei kaihichi/
taxi {n} (vehicle) :: タクシー /takushī/, 辻自動車 /つじじどうしゃ, tsujijidōsha/
taxidermy {n} (art of stuffing dead animals) :: 剥製術 /はくせいじゅつ, hakuseijutsu/, 剥製 /はくせい, hakusei/
taxi driver {n} (person who drives a taxicab) :: タクシー運転手 /takushī untenshu/
taxi rank {n} (taxi stand) SEE: taxi stand ::
taxi stand {n} (place for taxicabs to wait) :: タクシー乗り場 /takushī-noriba/
tax office {n} (government-established place offering advice on tax affairs) :: 税務署 /ぜいむしょ, zeimusho/
taxonomy {n} (science of finding, describing, classifying and naming organisms) :: 分類学 /ぶんるいがく, bunruigaku/
taxonomy {n} (classification in a hierarchical system) :: 分類法 /ぶんふいほう, bunruihō/, 分類 /ぶんふい, bunrui/
taxpayer {n} (person who pays tax) :: 納税者 /のうぜいしゃ, nōzeisha/
tax rate {n} (rate at which something is taxed) :: 税率 /zeiritsu/
tax return {n} (declaration of income to the tax authority) :: 税金申告 /ぜいきんしんこく, zeikin-shinkoku/
tax revenue {n} (total revenue from taxes) :: 税収 /ぜいしゅう, zeishū/
Taylor {prop} (transliterations of surname) :: テイラー /Teirā/
Tbilisi {prop} (the capital city of Georgia (the country)) :: トビリシ /Tobirishi/
T-bone steak {n} (the beek steak) :: ティーボーンステーキ /tī bōn sutēki/
Tchaikovsky {prop} (surname) :: チャイコフスキー /Chaikofusukī/
tea {n} (main evening meal) SEE: dinner ::
tea {n} (dried leaves of tea plant) :: 茶葉 /ちゃば, chaba/, /ちゃ, cha/
tea {n} (drink made from leaves of tea plant) :: /ちゃ, cha/, お茶 /おちゃ, o-cha/, 紅茶 /こうちゃ, kōcha/ [black tea, lit.: "red"], ティー /tī/, 上がり /agari/, 上がり花 /agaribana/, 出花 /debana/
tea {n} (cup of this drink) :: お茶一杯 /おちゃいっぱい, o-cha ippai/
tea {n} (drink made from other plants) :: /ちゃ, cha/
tea {n} (cup of drink made from other plants) :: /cha/
tea {n} (light afternoon meal) :: おやつ /oyatsu/, お茶 /o-cha/
teabag {n} (sachet of tea) :: ティーバッグ /tībaggu/
tea ceremony {n} (detailed ritual in Japan or Asia for preparing, serving and drinking tea) :: 茶の儀式 /ちゃのぎしき, cha no gishiki/, 茶道 /さどう, sadō; ちゃどう, chadō/, [Japanese style] 茶の湯 /ちゃのゆ, chanoyu/, お茶 /おちゃ, ocha/
teach {v} (to pass on knowledge) :: 教える /おしえる, oshieru/
teacher {n} (index finger) SEE: forefinger ::
teacher {n} (person who teaches) :: 先生 /せんせい, sensei/, 教師 /きょうし, kyōshi/
teacher's desk {n} (pulpit) SEE: pulpit ::
teacher's desk {n} (rostrum) SEE: rostrum ::
teacher's desk {n} (teacher's desk, see also: desk) :: 教卓 /きょうたく, kyōtaku/
teacher's pet {n} (student perceived to be favored by the teacher) :: 先生のひいき /sensei no hiiki/
teach grandma how to suck eggs {v} (teach an expert) :: 釈迦に説法 /shaka ni seppō/ (lecturing the Buddha), 釈迦に経 /shaka ni kyō/ (teaching scriptures to the Buddha)
teaching {n} (something taught) :: 教え /おしえ, oshie/, 教訓 /きょうくん, kyōkun/
teaching {n} (the profession of teaching) :: 教職 /きょうしょく, kyōshoku/, 教えること /おしえること, oshieru koto/, 教授 /きょうじゅ, kyōju/
teacup {n} (cup for drinking tea) :: 茶碗 /ちゃわん, chawan/, 湯呑み, 湯飲み /yunomi/
teahouse {n} (a cafe that sells tea) :: 喫茶店 /きっさてん, kissaten/, 茶店 /ちゃみせ, chamise, さてん, saten/, 茶室 /ちゃしつ, chashitsu/, 茶屋 /ちゃや, chaya/, 茶房 /さぼ, sabo/
teak {n} (tree) :: チーク /chīku/
teak {n} (colour) :: チーク /chīkuiro/
teak {adj} (colour) :: チークの /chīkuiro no/
teakettle {n} (a vessel for boiling water for tea) :: 薬缶 /やかん, yakan/, 湯わかし /ゆわかし, yuwakashi/
teal {n} (duck) :: 小鴨 /こがも, kogamo/
tea leaf {n} (leaf of the tea plant) :: 茶葉 /ちゃば, chaba, ちゃよう, chayō/, お茶っ葉 /o-chappa/
tea leaf {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
team {n} (group of people) :: チーム /chīmu/, /たい, tai/
teammate {n} (one who is on the same team) :: チームメイト /chīmumeito/
team sport {n} (sport competed between two teams each with two or more players) :: 団体競技 /dantaikyougi/, チームスポーツ /chīmu supōtsu/
teamwork {n} (cooperative effort of a team) :: チームワーク /chīmuwāku/
tea party {n} (semi-formal social gathering) :: ティーパーティー /tīpātī/, 茶会 /ちゃかい, chakai/, 茗醼 /めいえん, meien/, 茗宴 /めいえん, meien/
teapot {n} (vessel for tea) :: ティーポット /tīpotto/, [small] 急須 /きゅうす, kyūsu/
tear {v} (rend) :: 破る /やぶる, yaburu/, 引き裂く /ひきさく, hikisaku/
tear {n} (drop of clear salty liquid from the eyes) :: /なみだ, namida/
teardrop {n} (single tear) :: 涙の雫 /なみだのしずく, namida no shizuku/, /なみだ, namida/
teardrop {n} (shape of a drop of liquid) :: 涙滴型
tearful {adj} (accompanied by tears) :: 涙ぐんだ /なみだぐんだ, namida gunda/
tear gas {n} (chemical compound) :: 催涙ガス /さいるいがす, sairui gasu/
tear gland {n} (lacrimal gland) SEE: lacrimal gland ::
tearoom {n} (teahouse) SEE: teahouse ::
tear up {v} (To damage) SEE: damage ::
tease {v} (to poke fun at) :: からかう /karakau/
tease {v} (to provoke or disturb) :: ちょっかいを出す /ちょっかいをだす, chokkai o dasu/
tease {v} (to entice) :: 誘う /さそう, sasou/
teaser {n} (preview of a product) :: ティーザー /tīzā/
tea shop {n} (a shop where tea or coffee is served) SEE: teahouse ::
teaspoon {n} (small spoon) :: ティースプーン /tīsupūn/
teaspoon {n} (unit of measure) :: 小さじ /kosaji/
tea strainer {n} (strainer for loose tea leaves) :: 茶こし /chakoshi/
teat {n} (projection of mammary gland) :: 乳首 /ちくび, chikubi, ちちくび, chichikubi/, 乳頭 /にゅうとう, nyūtō/, ニップル /nippuru/
teat {n} (feeding bottle top) :: おしゃぶり /oshaburi/
teaware {n} (artifacts used in preparation and drinking of tea) :: 茶器 /ちゃき, chaki/, 茗器 /めいき, meiki/
tebibit {n} (240 bits) :: テビビット /tebibitto/
tebibyte {n} (240 bytes) :: テビバイト /tebibaito/
technetium {n} (chemical element) :: テクネチウム /tekunechiumu/
technically {adv} (based on precise facts) :: 厳密に /げんみつに, genmitsu ni/
technical term {n} (word that has a specific meaning within a specific field of expertise) :: 専門用語 /senmon yogo/, 術語 /jutsugo/
technician {n} (occupation) :: 技術者 /ぎじゅつしゃ, gijutsu-sha/
technique {n} (practical aspects of a given art) :: 技術 /ぎじゅつ, gijutsu/
techno {n} (style of music) :: テクノ /tekuno/
technological {adj} (of, relating to, or involving technology) :: 技術の /gijutsu no/
technology {n} (the study of or a collection of techniques) :: 技術 /ぎじゅつ, gijutsu/, テクノロジー /tekunorojī/
technology {n} (a particular technological concept) :: 技術 /ぎじゅつ, gijutsu/
tectonic plate {n} (large piece of Earth's lithosphere) :: 地殻プレート /chikaku-purēto/
tectonics {n} (study of crustal plates) :: テクトニクス /tekutonikusu/
Ted {prop} (diminutive of Edward or Theodore) :: テッド /Teddo/
teddy bear {n} (a stuffed toy bear) :: テディベア /tedibea/, 縫い包み /ぬいぐるみ, nuigurumi/
tedious {adj} (boring, monotonous) :: 退屈な /たいくつな, taikutsu-na/
tediousness {n} (quality of being tedious) :: 退屈 /たいくつ, taikutsu/
tee {n} (name of the letter T, t) :: ティー /tī/
tee {n} :: ティー
teem {v} (overflowing with) :: 富む /とむ, tomu/
teen {adj} (teenager) SEE: teenager ::
-teen {suffix} (to form numbers 13 - 19) :: 十... /じゅう..., jū.../ [11 to 19]
teenager {n} (person aged between thirteen and nineteen) :: ティーネージャー /tīnējā/, ティーンエイジャー /tīn'eijā/, 少年 /しょうねん, shōnen/
teetotaller {n} (person who completely abstains from alcohol) :: 下戸 /geko/
Tegucigalpa {prop} (capital of Honduras) :: テグシガルパ /Tegushigarupa/
Teheran {prop} (Tehran) SEE: Tehran ::
Tehran {prop} (capital of Iran) :: テヘラン /Teheran/
tečka {n} (tečka diacritic) SEE: dot ::
tel {n} (abbreviation of telephone number) :: tel /teru/, 電番 /denban/
telamon {n} (male figure as pillar) :: テラモーン /teramōn/
Telangana {prop} (A state of India) :: テランガーナー州
Tel Aviv {prop} (city in Israel) :: テルアビブ /Teru-Abibu/, テル・アヴィヴ /Teru-Avivu/
Tel Aviv-Yafo {prop} (municipality in Israel) :: テル・アヴィヴ・ヤフォ /Teru-Avivu-Yafa/
telecommunication {n} (science and technology of communication over distance) :: 電気通信 /でんきつうしん, denki tsūshin/
telega {n} (a simple four-wheeled Russian cart without springs) :: テレガ /terega/
telegram {v} (telegraph) SEE: telegraph ::
telegram {n} (message sent by telegraph) :: 電報 /でんぽう, denpō/, 針金便り /hariganedayori/
telegraph {n} (apparatus, or a process, for communicating) :: 電報 /でんぽう, denpō/, 電信 /でんしん, denshin/
telegraph {v} (to send a message by telegraph) :: 打電する /daden suru/
telegraph post {n} (pole that carries telephone lines) :: 電柱 /でんちゅう, denchū/
telemark {n} (telemark skiing) :: テレマークスキー /teremāku-sukī/
telemarketing {n} (selling products or services by making calls to potential customers) :: 電話勧誘販売 /でんわかんゆうはんばい, denwa kanyū hanbai/, テレマーケティング /teremāketingu/
telepathy {n} (communication by psychic means) :: テレパシー /terepashī/
telephone {n} (a device used for two-way talking with other people) :: 電話 /でんわ, denwa/
telephone {v} (to call someone) :: 電話をかける /でんわをかける, denwa o kakeru/, 電話する /でんわする, denwa suru/
telephone {n} (Chinese whispers) SEE: Chinese whispers ::
telephone book {n} (telephone directory) SEE: telephone directory ::
telephone booth {n} (a small enclosure housing a public telephone) :: 電話ボックス /denwa bokkusu/, 電話ブース /denwa būsu/
telephone box {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
telephone card {n} (phonecard) SEE: phonecard ::
telephone directory {n} (a listing of telephone subscribers) :: 電話帳 /でんわちょう, denwachō/
telephone kiosk {n} (telephone booth) SEE: telephone booth ::
telephone number {n} (digits assigned to a telephone) :: 電話番号 /でんわばんごう, denwa bangō/
telephone pole {n} (utility pole that supports telephone lines) :: 電信柱 /でんしんばしら, denshinbashira/
teleportation {n} (process of moving matter from one point to another) :: 瞬間移動 /しゅんかんいどう, shunkan'idō/
teleprompter {n} (device that displays scrolling text) :: プロンプター /puronputā/, テレプロンプター /terepuronputā/
telescope {n} (optical instrument that magnifies) :: 望遠鏡 /ぼうえんきょう, bōenkyō/, テレスコープ /teresukōpu/
Telescopium {prop} (small faint constellation of the southern winter sky) :: 望遠鏡座 /ぼうえんきょうざ/, ぼうえんきょう座
teleshow {n} (television show) SEE: television show ::
teletype {n} (teleprinter) :: テレタイプ /teretaipu/
televise {v} (broadcast, or be broadcast, by television) :: 放映する /ほうえいする, hōei suru/
television {n} (medium) :: テレビジョン /terebijon/, テレビ /terebi/, 電視 /でんし, denshi/ [obsolete]
television {n} (device for receiving television signals) :: テレビ /terebi/, テレビセット /terebisetto/, 受像機 /じゅぞうき, juzōki/
television {n} (program broadcasting) :: テレビジョン /terebijon/
television channel {n} (a specific radio frequency or band of frequencies used for transmitting television) :: テレビジョン・チャンネル /terebijon channeru/, チャンネル /channeru/
television program {n} (the content of an individual television broadcasting) :: テレビ番組 /terebi bangumi/, テレビプログラム /terebipuroguramu/
television series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
television set {n} (television) SEE: television ::
television show {n} (live or recorded TV broadcast or program) :: テレビ番組 /テレビばんぐみ, terebi bangumi/
television station {n} (studio from where a television channel is broadcasted) :: テレビ局 /terebi-kyoku/
televoting {n} (a form of advertising) :: 電話投票
telex {n} (telex) :: テレックス /terekkusu/
tell {v} (to pass information) :: 教える /おしえる, oshieru/, 言う /いう, iu, ゆう, yuu/, 述べる /のべる, noberu/, おっしゃる /ossharu/ [honorific], 申す /もうす, mōsu/ [humble], 申し上げる /もうしあげる, mōshiageru/ [humble]
tell {v} (to say) :: 言う /いう, iu, ゆう, yuu/, おっしゃる /ossharu/ [honorific], 申す /もうす, mōsu/ [humble], 申し上げる /もうしあげる, mōshiageru/ [humble]
tell {v} (to discern, notice, identify or distinguish) :: 分かる /わかる, wakaru/, 判る /わかる, wakaru/
tell {v} (narrate) SEE: narrate ::
teller {n} (bank clerk who receives and pays out money) :: 出納係 /すいとうがかり, suitōkakari/
teller {n} (automated teller machine) SEE: automated teller machine ::
Tellurian {n} (inhabitant of the earth) SEE: Earthling ::
tellurium {n} (chemical element) :: テルル /teruru/
telly {n} (television (medium), see also: television) :: テレビ /terebi/
telomere {n} (either of the sequences of DNA at each end of a eukaryotic chromosome) :: テロメア /teromea/, 末端小粒 /mattanshōryū/
Telugu {prop} (Dravidian language of India) :: テルグ語 /テルグご, Terugu-go/
Telugu {n} (member of the people who speak it) :: テルグ語話者 (テルグごわしゃ /Terugu-go washa/)
temblor {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
Temminck's stint {n} (Calidris temminckii) :: オジロトウネン /ojirotounen/
temp {n} (temporary employee) :: 臨時雇い /りんじやとい, rinjiyatoi/
tempeh {n} (food) :: テンペ /tenpe/
temper {v} (to strengthen or toughen by heat treatment) :: 淬ぐ, 焠ぐ /niragu/
temperament {n} (a person's normal manner of thinking, behaving or reacting) :: 気質 /きしつ, kishitsu/, 気性 /きしょう, kishō/, 性格 /せいかく, seikaku/
temperance {n} (state with regard to heat or cold) SEE: temperature ::
temperance {n} (habitual moderation) :: 節制 /せっせい, sessei/, 禁酒 /きんしゅ, kinshu/
temperance {n} (moderation of passion) :: 節制 /せっせい, sessei/
temperance {n} (Tarot card) :: 節制 /せっせい, sessei/
temperate zone {n} (region between the tropics and the polar region) :: 温帯 /おんたい, ontai/
temperature {n} (a measure of cold or heat) :: 温度 /おんど, ondo/
temperature {n} (elevated body temperature) :: /ねつ, netsu/
temperature {n} (the temperature of the immediate environment) :: 気温 /きおん, kion/
temperature {n} (in thermodynamics) :: /ねつ, netsu/
temper tantrum {n} (fit of bad temper) SEE: tantrum ::
tempest {n} (storm) :: /あらし, arashi/, 荒れ /あれ, are/, 暴風雨 /ぼうふうう, bōfūu/, 風雨 /fūu/
tempest in a teapot {n} (big fuss made in a small context) :: コップの中の嵐 /koppu no naka no arashi/
template {n} (physical object) :: 型板 /かたばん, kataban/, 雛形 /ひながた, hinagata/, テンプレート /tenpurēto/
temple {n} (place of worship, see also: church; mosque; synagogue) :: 神殿 /しんでん, shinden/, Buddhist temple: 堂塔 /どうとう, dōtō/, /てら, tera/, 寺院 /じいん, jiin/, [Shinto shrine] 神社 /じんじゃ, jinja/
temple {n} (region of skull) :: 顳顬 /こめかみ, komekami, しょうじゅ, shōju/, 蟀谷 /こめかみ, komekami/
temple {n} (contrivance used in a loom) :: 伸子 /しんし, shinshi/
temple name {n} (posthumous title of a Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese emperor) :: 廟号 /びょうごう, byōgō/
Temple of Heaven {prop} (complex of religious buildings in Beijing) :: 天壇 /てんだん, tendan/
tempo {n} (music: number of beats per minute) :: テンポ /tenpo/
temporal bone {n} (either of two compound bones at the sides of the skull) :: 側頭骨 /そくとうこつ, sokutōkotsu/, 顳顬骨 /しょうじゅこつ, shōjukotsu/
temporal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum) :: 側頭葉 /そくとうよう, sokutōyō/
temporal muscle {n} (muscle) :: 側頭筋 /そくとうきん, sukutōkin/
temporarily {adv} (for a limited period of time) :: 暫く /shibaraku/, 一時的に /ichijiteki ni/
temporary {adj} (for a limited time, ephemeral, not constant) :: 暫くの /shibaraku no/, 暫時の /zanji no/, 一時的な /ichijiteki na/
temporary tooth {n} (milk tooth) SEE: milk tooth ::
temporomandibular joint {n} (the joint on either side of the human head where the jaw (mandible) meets the skull (at the temporal bone)) :: 顎関節 /がくかんせつ, gakukansetsu/
temporomandibular joint dysfunction {n} (an umbrella term covering pain and dysfunction of the muscles of mastication and the temporomandibular joints) :: 顎関節症 /がくかんせつしょう, gakukansetsushō/
tempt {v} (to provoke someone to do wrong) :: 誘惑する /ゆうわく-する, yūwaku-suru/
temptation {n} (act of tempting) :: 誘惑 /ゆうわく, yūwaku/
temptress {n} (An alluring woman who seduces or exploits men) :: 魔性の女 /mashou no onna/
tempura {n} (dish made by deep-frying food in a light batter) :: 天ぷら /てんぷら, tenpura/, 天麩羅 /てんぷら, tenpura/, テンプラ /tenpura/
tempus fugit {proverb} (time flies) SEE: time flies ::
ten {n} :: /jū/, とお /tō/
ten {num} (the cardinal number occurring after 9 and before 11) :: /じゅう, jū; とお, tō/
tenacious {adj} (unwilling to yield from a point of view etc; dogged) :: 頑強な /がんきょうな, gankyō na/
tenant {n} (one who pays a fee in return for the use of land, etc.) :: 借地人 /shakuchi-nin/, (farmer) 小作人 /kosaku-nin/
tenant {n} (one who has possession of any place; a dweller; an occupant) :: 借り主 /kari-nushi/
tenant {n} (law: one who holds property) :: 賃借人 /chinshaku-nin/, 賃借人 /chingari-nin/
tenant {v} (to hold as, or be, a tenant) :: 借りる /kariru/, (land) 土地借りる /tochi o kariru/
Ten Commandments {prop} (religious ten commandments) :: モーセの十戒 /Mōse no jikkai/, 十戒 /じっかい, jikkai/
tend {v} (to look after) :: めんどうをみる
tendency {n} (likelihood of behaving in a particular way) :: 傾向 /けいこう, keikō/, 趨勢 /すうせい, sūsei/
tendentious {adj} (biased opinion) :: 偏向した /henkou shita/, 偏向的な /henkouteki na/, 傾向的な /keikouteki na/
tender {adj} (sensitive or painful) :: 過敏 /kabin/
tender {adj} (soft and easily chewed) :: 柔らかい /yawarakai/
tender {adj} (fond, loving, gentle, sweet) :: 優しい /yasashī/
tender {n} (fuel-carrying railroad car) :: 炭水車 /tansui-sha/
tendon {n} (tough band of inelastic fibrous tissue that connects a muscle with its bony attachment) :: /けん, ken/, /すじ, suji/
tendovaginitis {n} (tenosynovitis) SEE: tenosynovitis ::
tenet {n} (an opinion, belief or principle) :: 原則, 原理
tengu {n} (mythical Japanese creature) :: 天狗 /tengu/
ten million {num} (10,000,000) :: 千万 /せんまん, sen-man/
Tennessee {prop} (state) :: テネシー /Teneshī/
tennessine {n} (chemical element with atomic number 117) :: テネシン /teneshin/
tennis {n} (sport played by two or four players with strung racquets) :: テニス /tenisu/, 庭球 /teikyū/
tennis court {n} (surface on which tennis is played) :: テニスコート /tenisu kōto/
tennis elbow {n} (inflammation) :: テニス肘 /テニスひじ, tenisu hiji/
tennis player {n} (a person who plays tennis) :: テニス選手 /tenisu senshu/
Tenochtitlan {prop} (capital of the Aztec empire) :: テノチティトラン /tenochititoran/
ten o'clock {n} (the start of the eleventh hour) :: 十時 /じゅうじ, jū-ji/
tenon {n} :: ほぞ /hozo/
tenor {n} (musical range) :: テノール /tenōru/
tenosynovitis {n} (inflammation) :: 腱鞘炎 /kenshouen/
tenpin bowling {n} (bowling) SEE: bowling ::
Tenrikyo {prop} (monotheistic religion of Japan) :: 天理教 /Tenrikyō/
tense {n} (verb forms distinguishing time) :: 時制 /じせい, jisei/
tense {adj} (showing stress or strain) :: 緊張した /きんちょうした, kinchō shita/
tenside {n} (surfactant) SEE: surfactant ::
tension {n} (psychological state) :: 緊張 /きんちょう, kinchō/, 不安 /ふあん, fuan/
tension {n} (state of an elastic object) :: 張力 /ちょうりょく, chōryoku/
tension {n} (voltage) :: 電圧 /でんあつ, den'atsu/
tent {n} (portable lodge) :: テント /tento/; [archaic] 幕屋 /まくや, makuya/, 天幕 /てんまく, tenmaku/
tentacle {n} (elongated, boneless, flexible appendage) :: 触手 /しょくしゅ, shokushu/
tenten {n} (Japanese voicing mark) SEE: dakuten ::
tenth {adj} (ordinal form of ten, see also: 10th) :: 十番目 /じゅうばんめ, jūban-me/
tenth grade {n} :: 高校一年生 /kōkō ichinensei/, 高一 /kōichi/
ten thousand {num} (10,000) :: 一万 /いちまん, ichiman/, /まん, man/
tent peg {n} (peg, to hold a rope that supports a tent) :: テント杭 /tento-kui/
tenure {n} (status of possessing a thing or an office) :: 保有 /hoyū/
tenure {n} (period of time possessed) :: 保有期間 /hoyū kikan/
tenure {n} (status of having a permanent post) :: 終身在職権 /shūshin-zaishokken/
tenure {n} (right to hold land under the feudal system) :: 世襲 /seshū/
Teochew {prop} (one of the divisions of the Chinese language) :: 潮州語 /ちょうしゅうご, chōshūgo/
tepal {n} (botany) :: 花被片 /かひへん, kahihen/
tepid {adj} (lukewarm) :: ぬるい /nurui/
tepid {adj} (uninterested) :: 冷めた /sameta/
tepidity {n} (property of being tepid) :: 微温 /びおん, bion/
teppanyaki {n} (a Japanese style of cooking) :: 鉄板焼き /てっぱんやき, teppan'yaki/
teppo snapping shrimp {n} (Alpheus brevicristatus) :: 鉄砲蝦 /テッポウエビ, teppōebi/
tequila {n} (liquor) :: テキーラ /tekīra/
tera- {prefix} (SI prefix) :: テラ- /tera-/
terabyte {n} (1,000,000,000,000 bytes) :: テラバイト /terabaito/
terbium {n} (chemical element) :: テルビウム /terubiumu/
Teresa {prop} (female given name) :: テレサ /Teresa/
teriyaki {n} (a cooking technique) :: 照り焼き /てりやき, teriyaki/, テリヤキ /teriyaki/
teriyaki {n} (a sweet soy sauce marinade) :: テリヤキソース /teriyakisōsu/
term {n} (limitation, restriction or regulation) :: 条件 /jōken/
term {n} (word or phrase, especially one from a specialised area of knowledge) :: 用語 /yōgo/, 述語 /jutsugo/, 言葉 /kotoba/
term {n} (relations among people) :: 間柄 /aidagara/, 関係 /kankei/ [relations], 人間関係 /ningenkankei/ [relations among people]
term {n} (part of a year) :: 学期 /gakki/
term {n} (period of time, time limit) :: 期間 /kikan/ [period time], 時期 /jiki/ [period of time], 期限 /kigen/ [time limit], 有効期間 /yūkō kikan/ [available period]
term {n} (period in office or prison) :: 任期 /にんき, ninki/ [period in office], 刑期 /けいき, keiki/ [period in prison]
term {n} (one of the addends in a sum or in another mathematical operation) :: /こう, kō/
term {n} (one of three component parts of a syllogism) :: 名辞 /めいじ, meiji/
termagant {n} (a quarrelsome, scolding woman, especially old and shrewd) :: 鬼婆 /おにばば, oni-baba/
termes {n} (a termite) SEE: termite ::
terminal {n} (airport building) :: ターミナル /tāminaru/, エアターミナル /eatāminaru/
terminal {n} (railway station) :: /えき, eki/, 終着駅 /しゅうちゃくえき, shūchakueki/
terminal {n} (device for entering data into a computer) :: 端末 /たんまつ, tanmatsu/, ターミナル /tāminaru/
terminal {n} (computer program that emulates a terminal) :: ターミナル /tāminaru/
terminal {adj} (resulting in death) :: 末期の /makki no/
terminal {adj} (appearing at the end) :: 末期の /makki no/
terminate {v} (to end incompletely) :: 止める /yameru/, 打ち切る /uchikiru/
terminate {v} (to kill) :: 消す /kesu/
terminate {v} (to end the employment contract) :: 解約する /kaiyaku suru/, 解雇する /kaiko suru/
termination {n} (the process of terminating or the state of being terminated) :: 打ち切り /uchikiri/, 中止 /chūshi/
termination {n} (the process of firing an employee) :: 解約 /kaiyaku/, 解雇 /kaiko/
termination {n} (the last part (or morpheme) of a word, see also: suffix) :: 語尾 /ごび, gobi/
terminator {n} (an electrical device) :: ターミネータ /tāminētā/, 終端器 /shūtanki/
terminator {n} (an AI machine in science fiction) :: ターミネーター /tāminētā/
terminology {n} (terms used in any business, art, etc) :: 用語 /ようご, yōgo/, 専門語 /せんもんご, semmongo/, 術語 /じゅつご, jutsugo/
terminus {n} (end point of a transport system) :: 終点 /shūten/
termite {n} (insect) :: シロアリ /shiro-ari/, 白蟻 /しろあり, shiro-ari/
term of address {n} (word or phrase used to address or refer to someone) :: 呼びかけ方 /よびかけかた, yobikakekata/
term of art {n} (term specific to a particular field) SEE: technical term ::
term of endearment {n} (word, phrase, or nickname expressing affection) :: 愛称 /aishou/
terms and conditions {n} (legal restriction on use) :: 利用条件 (りようじょうけん, riyō jōken)
terpene {n} :: テルペン /terupen/
Terpsichore {prop} (Greek mythology: one of the nine muses) :: テルプシコラー /Terupushikorā/
Terra {prop} (Roman goddess) :: テラ /Tera/
Terra {prop} (the Planet Earth) SEE: Earth ::
terracotta {n} (hard red-brown earthenware) :: テラコッタ /terakotta/
terracotta {n} (colour) :: テラコッタ色 /terakottashoku/
terracotta {adj} (colour) :: テラコッタ色 /terakottairono/
Terracotta Army {prop} (the Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor of China) :: 兵馬俑 /へいばよう, heiba-yō/
Terracotta Warriors {prop} (Terracotta Army) SEE: Terracotta Army ::
terraforming {n} (planetary engineering) :: テラフォーミング /terafōmingu/, 地球化 /ちきゅうか, chikyūka/
terrain {n} (area) :: 地域 /ちいき, chiiki/, 地形 /ちけい, chikei/
terra incognita {n} (unknown land) :: 未知の国 /みちのくに, michi no kuni/
Terran {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling ::
terrestrial {adj} (living or growing on land; not aquatic) :: 陸生の /りくせい, rikusei/
Terrestrial {n} (inhabitant of the Earth) SEE: Earthling ::
terrestrial planet {n} (Any planet of the solar system or any exoplanet which is Earth-like) :: 地球型惑星 /ちきゅうがたわくせい, chikyūgata wakusei/
terrible {adv} (dreadful; causing alarm or fear) :: 恐ろしい /osoroshii/, 酷い /hidoi/
terrible {adv} (intense; extreme in degree or extent) :: 極端な /kyokutan na/
terrible {adv} (very bad) :: 酷い /hidoi/, 惨憺たる /santan taru/
territorial waters {n} (belt of coastal waters) :: 領海 /りょうかい, ryōkai/
territory {n} (large tract of land) :: 領土 /りょうど, ryōdo/
terror {n} (extreme fear) :: 恐怖 /きょうふ, kyōfu/
terror {n} (something causing fear) :: 恐怖 /きょうふ, kyōfu/
terrorism {n} (use of terror as a means of coercion) :: テロリズム /terorizumu/
terrorist {n} (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle) :: テロリスト /terorisuto/, テロ /tero/
terse {adj} (brief, concise, to the point, see also: brief; concise) :: 簡明な /kanmei na/
terse {adj} (abruptly or brusquely short) :: ぶっきらぼうな /bukkirabō na/
tertiary {adj} (of third rank or order) :: 3次的な /sanjiteki-na/, 3番目の /sanbanme-no/
terza rima {n} (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc) :: テルツァ・リーマ /terutsa rīma/, 三韻句法 /さんいんくほう, san'inkuhō/
tesla {n} (Unit of measurement of magnetic flux density) :: テスラ /tesura/
Tesla coil {n} (resonant transformer circuit) :: テスラコイル /Tesura-koiru/
test {n} (challenge, trial) :: 実験 /じっけん, jikken/, 試練 /しれん, shiren/
test {n} (academics: examination) :: 試験 /しけん, shiken/, テスト /tesuto/
test {n} (product examination) :: 検査 /けんさ, kensa/, テスト /tesuto/
test {v} (to challenge) :: 試す /ためす, tamesu/
test {v} (to administer an examination during the academic term) :: テストする /tesuto suru/
testament {n} (document containing a person's will) :: 遺書 /いしょ, isho/
testicle {n} (male sex gland) :: 睾丸 /こうがん, kōgan/, 精巣 /せいそう, seisō/, ホーデン /hōden/, 金玉 /きんたま, kintama/, 陰核 /へのこ, henoko/, タマキン /tamakin/
testify {v} (to make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath) :: 証言する /しょうげんする, shōgen suru/
testimonial {n} (statement given under oath) SEE: testimony ::
testimonial {n} (written recommendation) :: 推薦状 /すいせんじょう, suisenjō/
testimony {n} (statement in court) :: 証言 /しょうげん, shōgen/
testimony {n} (witness, evidence proof of some fact) :: 証拠, 物証, 目撃, 論証,
testosterone {n} (steroid hormone) :: テストステロン /tesutosuteron/
test tube {n} (glass tube) :: 試験管 /しけんかん, shikenkan/
tetanus {n} (disease) :: 破傷風 /はしょうふう, hashōfū/
tetragon {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
Tetragrammaton {prop} (the four Hebrew letters י-ה-ו-ה, used as the ineffable name of God) :: テトラグラマトン /tetoraguramaton/
tetrahedron {n} (polyhedron) :: 四面体 /shimentai/, 三角錐 /sankakusui/
tetrahydrocannabinol {n} (THC) :: テトラヒドロカンナビノール /tetorahidorokannabinōru/
tetrapod {n} (any vertebrate with four limbs) SEE: quadruped ::
Tetris {prop} (game in which falling shapes must be manipulated) :: テトリス /tetorisu/
tetrose {n} (sugar containing four carbon atoms) :: テトロース /tetorōsu/
Teuton {n} (member of a Germanic tribe) :: テウトネス /Teutonesu/
Teutonic Knights {prop} (order) :: ドイツ騎士団 /Doitsu kishidan/
tex {n} (unit of linear mass density for thread or fiber) :: テックス /tekkusu/
Texas {prop} (a state of the United States of America) :: テキサス /Tekisasu/, テキサス州 /Tekisasu-shū/
text {n} (a written passage) :: テキスト /tekisuto/, 本書 /ほんしょ, honsho/, 本文 /ほんもん, honmon/, 記事 /きじ, kiji/
text {n} (a brief written message transmitted between mobile phones) :: 伝言 /でんごん, dengon/, メッセージ /messēji/, 短信 /たんしん, tanshin/, エス・エム・エス /esu-emu-esu/
text {v} (to send a text message to) :: メッセージを送る /messēji o okuru/
textbook {n} (formal manual of instruction) :: 教科書 /きょうかしょ, kyōkasho/, テキストブック /tekisutobukku/
text box {n} (widget that accepts textual input) :: テキストボックス /tekisuto bokkusu/
text editor {n} (something used to edit text in computers) :: ワープロ /wāpuro/
text file {n} (plain, human-readable file containing only text) :: テキストファイル /tekisuto fairu/
textile {n} (cloth produced from fabric) :: 織物 /おりもの, orimono/, テクスタイル /tekusutairu/
text message {n} (a brief electronic message) :: 伝言 /でんごん, dengon/, メール /mēru/, テキストメッセージ /tekisuto messēji/
texture {n} (computer graphics: image applied to a polygon) :: テクスチャ /tekusucha/
texturizing shears {n} (shears) :: すきばさみ /sukibasami/
TGIF {n} (Friday celebration) :: 花金 /hanakin/
-th {suffix} (used to form the ordinal numeral) :: 第... /だい..., dai.../, ...目 /...め,
Thai {adj} (of or pertaining to Thailand) :: タイの /tai no/, タイ /tai/, /たい, tai/
Thai {n} (person from Thailand or of Thai origin) :: タイ人 /タイじん, taijin/
Thai {n} (language) :: タイ語 /タイご, taigo/
Thai boxing {n} (Muay Thai) SEE: Muay Thai ::
Thai cuisine {n} (various styles of cuisine in Thailand) :: タイ料理 /Tai ryōri/, タイ飯 /Tai meshi/
Thaification {n} (assimilation) :: タイ化 /Tai-ka/
Thailand {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: タイ /Tai/, タイ国 /Tai-koku/, 泰国 /たいこく, Taikoku/
thalamus {n} (botany:receptacle of a flower) SEE: receptacle ::
thalamus {n} (anatomy: structure within forebrain) :: 視床 /ししょう, shishō/
thallium {n} (chemical element) :: タリウム /tariumu/
Thames {prop} (river through London) :: テムズ川 /Temuzu-gawa/, テムズ /Temuzu/
than {prep} (Introduces a comparison) :: ...より /...yori/
thanaka {n} (cosmetic) :: タナカ /tanaka/
thanatology {n} (deathlore) SEE: deathlore ::
Thanatos {n} (Thanatos, the god of death) :: タナトス /Tanatosu/
Thane {prop} (city in India) :: ターネー /Tānē/
thank {v} (express gratitude or appreciation to someone) :: 感謝する /かんしゃする, kansha-suru/
thank {v} (credit or hold something responsible) :: おかげ /okage/
thankful {adj} (showing thanks) :: 有難い /ありがたい, arigatai/
thank God {interj} (exclamation of gratitude or relief) :: 良かった /よかった, yokatta/
thank goodness {interj} (express gratitude) :: 有り難い! /ありがたい, arigatai!/, 御蔭様で /おかげさまで, o-kage-sama de/, 良かった /よかった, yokatta/
thanks {interj} (used to express appreciation or gratitude) :: ありがとう /arigatō/, どうも /dōmo/, ありがとうございます /arigatō gozaimasu/
thanks {n} (expression of gratitude) :: 謝辞 /shaji/
thanks a lot {interj} (emphatic thanks) :: 大変感謝 /Taihen kansha/
thanks for coming {interj} :: 来てくれてありがとう /kite-kurete arigatō/
Thanksgiving {prop} (Thanksgiving Day) :: 感謝祭 /かんしゃさい, kanshasai/
Thanksgiving Day {n} (Thanksgiving) SEE: Thanksgiving ::
thanks to {prep} (because of) :: おかげで /okage de/
thank you {interj} (an expression of gratitude) :: ありがとうございます /arigatō gozaimasu/, ありがとう /arigatō/, どうもありがとう /dōmo arigatō/, どうも /dōmo/, サンキュー /sankyū/, 大きに /おおきに, ōkini/ [Osaka]
thank you all {interj} (thank you all) :: みんなさんはありがとう /minna-san wa arigatō/
thank you card {n} (card saying thank you) :: サンキューカード /sankyū-kādo/, お礼用のカード /o-reiyō no kādo/
thank you very much {interj} (greater gratitude than "thank you") :: どうもありがとうございます /dōmo arigatō gozaimasu/, どうもありがとうございました /dōmo arigatō gozaimashita/, どうもすみませんでした /dōmo sumimasen deshita/
Thao {prop} (the language) :: サオ語
that {conj} (connecting a noun clause) :: ...と /to/ [quotation particle]
that {conj} (connecting a clause indicating purpose ("final")) :: ...と /to/ [quotation particle]
that {determiner} (what is being indicated) :: [closer to listener] その /sono/, [far from both speaker & listener] あの /ano/
that {pron} (that thing) :: [closer to listener] それ /sore/, [far from both speaker & listener] あれ /are/
that {pron} (which) :: Not used in Japanese
that {adv} (to a given extent or degree) :: [lesser degree] それ , [greater degree] あれ
that {adv} (to a great extent or degree, very) :: [see entry for construction] /hodo/
that being said {adv} (that said) SEE: that said ::
Thatcher {prop} (surname) :: サッチャー /Satchā/
Thatcherism {prop} (political ideology of Thatcher's governments) :: サッチャリズム /satcharizumu/
that is {adv} (in other words) :: つまり /tsumari/, すなわち /sunawachi/
that is to say {adv} (in other words) SEE: that is ::
that one {pron} (specified object) :: あれ /あれ/
that said {phrase} (even so) :: とは言え /to wa ie/, とは言うものの /to wa iu mono no/
that's it {phrase} (There is nothing more to the issue) :: 以上 /ijō/
that's it {phrase} (Yes!, exactly!) :: [informal] そうだ /sō da/, [formal] そうです /sō desu/
that's life {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
thaumaturgy {n} (witchcraft, wizardry) :: 奇術 /kijutsu/, 魔術 /majutsu/
thaw {v} (to melt, dissolve, or become fluid) :: 溶ける /とける, tokeru/
thaw {v} (to cause frozen things to melt, soften, or dissolve) :: 溶かす /とかす, tokasu/
thaw {n} (the melting of ice, snow or other congealed matter) :: 雪解け /ゆきどけ, yukidoke/, 霜解け /しもどけ, shimodoke/, 解氷 /かいひょう, kaihyō/
the {article} (article) :: Not used in Japanese, その
the {article} (used as an alternative to a possessive pronoun before body parts) :: Not used in Japanese
the {article} (this) :: その /sono/
the {article} (stressed, indicating that the object in question is the only one worthy of attention) :: /za/ [colloquial]
the {article} (with an adjectival noun, as in “the hungry” to mean “hungry people”) :: Not used in Japanese
the {article} (with a superlative) :: Not used in Japanese
the {article} (used with the name of a member of a class to refer to all things in that class) :: Not used in Japanese, though something+いうもの is often used.
the {adv} (the + comparative, the + comparative) :: (conditional -reba + dictionary form + hodo + ~adjective 2) adj.1 + れば + adj.1 + adj.2 /...reba...hodo~/ (example: 暑ければ暑い良い atsukereba atsui hodo ii "the hotter the better")
the apple does not fall far from the tree {proverb} (a child is similar to its parents) :: 蛙の子は蛙 /かえるのこはかえる, kaeru-no ko-wa kaeru/ (frog's child is a frog)
theater {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema ::
theater {n} (place or building) :: 劇場 /げきじょう, gekijō/, シアター /shiatā/
theatre {n} (theater) SEE: theater ::
the bends {n} (decompression sickness) SEE: decompression sickness ::
Thebes {prop} (Any of two important cities in antiquity, either in Greece or Egypt.) :: テーバイ /tēbai/, テーベ /tēbe/
the bill, please {phrase} (the bill, please) :: お勘定お願いします /o-kanjō o-negai shimasu/, 会計お願いします /kaikei onegaishimasu/
The Call of South Africa {prop} (a former national anthem of South Africa) :: 南アフリカの呼び声
the chickens come home to roost {proverb} (a person's past wrongdoings will always return to negatively affect them (idiom)) :: 人を呪わば穴二つ /hito wo norowaba ana futatsu/
the cowl does not make the monk {proverb} (superficial trappings) :: 馬子にも衣装
the customer is always right {proverb} (proverb) :: お客様は神様です /おきゃくさまはかみさまです, okyakusama wa kamisama desu/ (the customer is God)
thede {n} (nation) SEE: nation ::
the die is cast {phrase} (the future is determined) :: 賽は投げられた /さいはなげられた, sai wa nagerareta/
thee {pron} (thou) SEE: thou ::
the early bird catches the worm {proverb} (be motivated so you can accomplish what you want, in the morning) SEE: the early bird gets the worm ::
the early bird gets the worm {proverb} (whoever arrives first has the best chance of success) :: 早起きの鳥は虫を捕らえる /hayaoki no tori wa mushi o toraeru/, 早起きは三文の徳 /hayaoki wa sanmon no toku/
The End {n} (end of a story) :: 終わり /おわり, owari/
the end justifies the means {proverb} (morally wrong actions are sometimes necessary) :: 目的のためには手段を選ばない /もくてきのためにはしゅだんをえらばない, mokuteki no tame ni wa shudan o erabanai/, 嘘も方便, うそも方便 /うそもほうべん, uso mo hōben/
the eyes are the window to the soul {proverb} :: 目は心の窓 /めはこころのまど, me wa kokoro no mado/, 目は心の鏡 /めはこころのかがみ, me wa kokoro no kagami/
the fish rots from the head {proverb} (proverb) :: 魚は頭から腐る
theft {n} (act of stealing property) :: 盗み /ぬすみ, nusumi/
the grass is always greener on the other side {proverb} (others' circumstances seem more desirable) :: 隣の芝生は青く見える /となりのしばふはあおくみえる, tonari no shibafu wa aoku mieru/, 隣の芝生は青い /となりのしばふはあおい, tonari no shibafu wa aoi/, 隣の花は赤い /となりのはなはあかい, tonari no hana wa akai/
The Groyne {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña ::
The Hague {prop} (Dutch city) :: ハーグ /Hāgu/, デン・ハーグ /Den-Hāgu/
their {determiner} (belonging to them (plural)) :: 彼らの /かれらの, karera no/
theirs {pron} (that which belongs to them) :: 彼らの /かれらの, karera no/
theism {n} (belief in existence of at least one deity) :: 有神論 /ゆうしんろん, yūshinron/
Thelema {prop} (spiritual and social philosophy) :: セレマ
the line is busy {phrase} (the line is busy) :: 話し中 /はなしちゅう, hanashi-chū/, 話中 /はなしちゅう, hanashi-chū/
them {pron} :: 彼らを /かれらを, karera o/
theme {n} (subject of a talk or an artistic piece) :: 主題 /しゅだい, shudai/, テーマ /tēma/
theme {n} (recurring idea) :: 主題 /しゅだい, shudai/
theme {n} (music: main melody of a piece of music) :: テーマ /tēma/, 主題曲 /しゅだいきょく, shudaikyoku/
theme {n} (computing: collection of color schemes, sounds, artwork etc.) :: テーマ /tēma/
theme park {n} (amusement park that has one or more specific central themes) :: テーマパーク /tēmapāku/
theme song {n} (a song accompanying a program) :: 主題歌 /しゅだいか, shudaika/, テーマソング /tēmasongu/
the more the merrier {proverb} (it is more fun with more people) :: 多多益益弁ず /tata masumasu benzu/
the more the merrier {proverb} (a greater amount of something is better) :: 枯れ木も山の賑わい /Kareki mo yama no nigiwai/
themselves {pron} (the reflexive case of they, the third-person plural personal pronoun) :: 彼ら自身 /karera-jishin/
themselves {pron} (the persons of unspecified gender previously mentioned, as the object of a verb or following a preposition) :: 彼ら自身 /karera-jishin/
then {adv} (at that time) :: その /そのとき, sono toki/, その時点 /そのじてん, sono jiten/
then {adv} (soon afterward) :: それから /sorekara/, その後 /sono ato/, その後 /sono go/, そして /soshite/
then {adv} (next in order) :: それから /sorekara/, その後 /sono ato/, その後 /sono go/, 次に /tsugi ni/
then {adv} (in that case) :: そのとき /sonotoki/, だから /dakara/
then {adv} (at the same time; on the other hand) :: そのとき /sono toki/
then {adj} (being so at that time) :: 当時 /tōji/, そのとき /sono toki/, その時点 /sono jiten/
theocracy {n} (government under the control of a Church) :: 神権政治 /しんけんせいじ, shinken seiji/
theodolite {n} (instrument) :: セオドライト /seodoraito/
Theodora {prop} (female given name) :: テオドラ
Theodore {prop} (male given name) :: セオドア /Seodoa/
theology {n} (study of God, or a god, or gods) :: 神学 /しんがく, shingaku/
the one {n} (person destined to save the universe or world, also called the Chosen One) :: 選ばれし者 /erabareshi mono/
theorbo {n} (theorbo) :: テオルボ /teorubo/
theorem {n} (proved mathematical statement) :: 定理 /ていり, teiri/
theorem {n} (mathematical statement that is expected to be true) :: 定理 /ていり, teiri/
theoretic {adj} (concerned with theories or hypotheses) :: 理論的な /りろんてきな, rironteki na/
theoretic {adj} (existing only in theory) :: 理論上の /りろんじょうの, rironjō no/
theoretically {adv} (in theory) :: 理論上 /りろんじょう, rironjō/
theoretical physics {n} (description of natural phenomena) :: 理論物理 /りろんぶつり, rironbutsuri/, 理論物理学 /りろんぶつりがく, rironbutsurigaku/
theory {n} (a coherent set of statements attempting to explain observed phenomena) :: 理論 /りろん, riron/, 学説 /がくせつ, gakusetsu/
theory {n} (an unproven conjecture) :: 憶測 /おくそく, okusoku/, 推測 /すいそく, suisoku/, 推論 /すいろん,suiron/, 見解 /けんかい, kenkai/
theory {n} (a field of study in mathematics) :: 定理 /ていり, teiri/, 理論 /りろん, riron/, 学説 /がくせつ, gakusetsu/
theory {n} (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) :: 定理 /ていり, teiri/
theory of relativity {n} (special and general relativity) :: 相対性理論 /そうたいせいりろん, sōtaisei riron/
the other day {adv} (lately) :: 先日 /せんじつ, senjitsu/, この間 /このあいだ, kono aida/, 最近 /さいきん, saikin/, 先頃 /さきごろ, sakigoro/
the other way around {adv} (same but with things reversed) :: 逆に /ぎゃくに, gyaku ni/
the pen is mightier than the sword {proverb} (more power can achieved writing than fighting) :: ペンは剣よりも強し /ペンはけんよりもつよし, pen wa ken yori mo tsuyoshi/
the proof of the pudding is in the eating {proverb} (the only real test of something is as what it is intended to be used for) :: 論より証拠
therapeutic {adj} (of, or relating to therapy) :: 治療の /ちりょうの, chiryō no/
therapeutical {adj} (therapeutic) SEE: therapeutic ::
therapy {n} (treatment of disease) :: 療法 /りょうほう, ryōhō/, 治療 /ちりょう, chiryō/, 治癒 /ちゆ, chiyu/
therapy {n} (healing power) :: 治癒力 /ちゆりょく, chiyuryoku/
Theravada {prop} (school of Buddhism) :: 上座部 /じょうざぶ, jōzabu/
there {adv} (in or at that place) :: そこ /sokó/, あそこ /asokó/
there {adv} (to or into that place; thither) :: そこへ /sokó e/, あそこへ /asokó e/
there are {phrase} :: [inanimate] ある /aru/, [animate] いる /iru/
there be {v} (to exist) :: いる /iru/ [animate], ある /aru/ [inanimate]
thereby {adv} (by that) :: それによって /sore ni yotte/, そのために /sono tame ni/
therefor {adv} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
therefore {adv} (for that or this reason; for that) :: それ故に /それゆえに, soreyue ni/, 故に /ゆえに, yue ni/, ですから /desu kara/, 従って /したがって, shitagatte/
therefore {adv} (consequently; by consequence) :: 従って /したがって, shitagatte/
there is {v} (third-person singular simple present indicative form of there be) :: いる /iru/ [animate], ある /aru/ [inanimate]
there is an exception to every rule {proverb} (every rule has an exception) :: どの規則にも例外がある /dono kisoku-nimo reigai-ga aru/
there is nothing new under the sun {proverb} (there is nothing new) :: 日の下には新しいものはない /hi no shita ni wa atarashī mono wa nai/
theremin {n} (electronic musical instrument) :: テルミン /terumin/, テルミンヴォクス /teruminvokusu/
thereon {adv} (within this content or context) :: そのうえに, そこで直ちに /soko de nochi ni/, それに関して /sore ni kanshite/
Theresa {prop} (female given name) SEE: Teresa ::
there's been an accident {phrase} (there's been an accident) :: 事故です /jiko desu/
there's many a slip twixt cup and lip {proverb} (in any situation something can always go wrong) :: 油断大敵 /ゆだんたいてき, yudantaiteki/
there's no accounting for taste {proverb} (people's tastes differ) :: 蓼食う虫も好き好き /たでくうむしもすきずき, tade kū mushi mo sukizuki/, 十人十色 /じゅうにんといろ, jūnin toiro/
there's no place like home {proverb} (one feels most comfortable at home) :: 住めば都 /すめばみやこ, sumeba miyako/ [lit.: if you live somewhere, it's the royal palace to you], 我が家ほど良い場所はない /わがいえほどよいばしょはない, waga ie hodo yoi basho wa nai/
there's no such thing as a free lunch {phrase} (nothing is free; everything has a price) :: 只より高いものはない /tada-yori takai mono-wa nai/
there you go {phrase} (here you are) SEE: here you are ::
therianthrope {n} (any mythical being which is part human, part animal) :: 獣人 /jūjin/
thermal conductivity {n} (measure of the ability to conduct heat) :: 熱伝導率 /ねつでんどうりつ, netsu dendōritsu/
thermal spring {n} (hot spring) SEE: hot spring ::
Thermidor {prop} (the eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar) :: テルミドール /terumidōru/, 熱月 /ねつつき, netsutsuki/
thermite {n} (mixture of aluminum and ferric oxide) :: テルミット /terumitto/
thermodynamics {n} (science of heat-energy conversion) :: 熱力学 /ねつりきがく, netsurikigaku/
thermometer {n} (apparatus used to measure temperature) :: 温度計 /おんどけい, ondokei/, 体温計 /たいおんけい, taionkei/ [for measuring body temperature]
thermos {n} (vacuum flask) :: 魔法瓶 /まほうびん, mahōbin/
thermosphere {n} (layer of the Earth's atmosphere) :: 熱圏 /ねつけん, netsuken/
thermostat {n} (device which maintains the desired temperature) :: サーモスタット /sāmosutatto/
the road to hell is paved with good intentions {proverb} (well-intended acts can lead to disasters) :: 地獄への道は善意で舗装されている /jigoku e no michi wa zen'i de hosō sarete iru/
Theron {prop} (5th century BC tyrant of Akragas) :: テロン /Teron/
thesaurus {n} (book of synonyms) :: シソーラス /shisōrasu/, 類語辞典 /ruigo jiten/
these {determiner} (plural of this) :: この /kono/ (same as singular), [for plural] これらの /korera-no/
these {determiner} :: これら /korera/
these {pron} (plural of this) :: これら /korera/
these days {adv} (currently) :: 今時 /いまどき, imadoki/, 年頃日頃 /としごろひごろ, toshigorohigoro/, このごろ /konogoro/, 近ごろ /ちかごろ, chikagoro/, 最近 /さいきん, saikin/
Theseus {prop} (hero) :: テセウス
the shoemaker's children go barefoot {proverb} (one often neglects those closest to oneself) :: 紺屋の白袴 /こうやのしろばかま, kōya-no shirobakama/ (a navy blue shop's white skirt), 医者の不養生 /いしゃのふようじょう, isha-no fuyōjō/ (the doctor's neglect of his health)
thesis {n} (statement supported by arguments) :: 論題 /rondai/, 主張 /shuchō/, テーゼ /tēze/, 定立 /teiritsu/
thesis {n} (written essay submitted for a university degree) :: 論文 /ronbun/
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak {proverb} (achieving something is made impossible by frailty) :: 心熱けれど肉体は弱し /kokoro atsu keredo nikutai wa yowashi/
Thessalonians {prop} (books of the Bible) :: テサロニケ人への手紙 /Tesaronikejin e no tegami/
Thessaloniki {prop} (city in Greece) :: テッサロニキ /Tessaroniki/
theta {n} (Greek letter) :: テータ /tēta/, シータ /shīta/
Thetis {prop} (the mother of Achilles) :: テティス /tetisu/
the world is one's oyster {proverb} (all opportunities are open to someone) :: この世は思いのまま /kono yo wa omoi no mama/
the world is one's oyster {proverb} :: 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず /koketsu ni hairazunba koji o ezu/
they {pron} (third-person plural pronoun) :: 彼ら /かれら, karera/, あいつら /aitsura/, [non-human] それら /sorera/, [polite] あの人達 /あのひとたち, anohito-tachi/, [more polite] あの方々 /あのかたがた, anokata-gata/, 彼女ら /かのじょら, kanojora/ [females only]
thiazine {n} (aromatic heterocyclic compound) :: チアジン /chiajin/
thiazole {n} (class of unsaturated heterocyclic compounds) :: チアゾール /chiazōru/
thick {adj} (relatively great in extent from one surface to another) :: 太い /ふとい, futoi/ (of tube, etc.), 厚い /あつい, atsui/ (of book, etc.)
thick {adj} (measuring a certain number of units in this dimension) :: 厚さ /atsusa/
thick {adj} (heavy in build) :: 太い /ふとい, futoi/, 厚い /あつい, atsui/
thick {adj} (densely crowded or packed) :: 密集した /misshū shita/
thick {adj} (having a viscous consistency) :: 濃い /こい, koi/
thick {adj} (abounding in number) :: 混んだ /konda/
thick {adj} (impenetrable to sight) :: 濃い /koi/
thick {adj} (informal: stupid) :: 鈍い /nibui/
thick {adv} (in a thick manner) :: 厚く /atsuku/
thick-billed murre {n} (Uria lomvia) :: ハシブトウミガラス /hashibutoumigarasu/
thicket {n} (copse) :: 茂み /しげみ, shigemi/
thickness {n} (layer) SEE: layer ::
thickness {n} (property of being thick in dimension) :: 厚み /あつみ, atsumi/
thickness {n} (measure) :: 厚さ /あつさ, atsusa/, 厚み /あつみ, atsumi/
thickness {n} (in consistency) :: 濃さ /こさ, kosa/, 濃度 /のうど, nōdo/, とろみ /toromi/
thickness {n} (informal: property of being stupid) :: 鈍さ /にぶさ, nibusa/
thief {n} (one who carries out theft) :: 泥棒 /どろぼう, dorobō/, 盗賊 /とうぞく, tōzoku/, 窃盗 /せっとう, settō/
thigh {n} (upper leg) :: /もも, momo/, /もも, momo/, 太股 /ふともも, futomomo/
thighbone {n} (femur) :: 大腿骨 /だいたいこつ, daitaikotsu/
thimble {n} (a protective cap for the finger) :: 指ぬき /ゆびぬき, yubinuki/, シンブル /shinburu/
Thimphu {prop} (capital of Bhutan) :: ティンプー /Tinpū/
thin {adj} (having little thickness or extent from one surface to its opposite) :: 薄い /うすい, usui/, 細い /ほそい, hosoi/
thin {adj} (having little body fat or flesh; slim; slender; lean; gaunt) :: ほっそりした /hossori shita/
thin {adj} (of low viscosity or low specific gravity) :: 薄い /usui/, 稀な /mare na/
thin {adj} (scarce) :: 薄い /usui/
thin {adj} (golf: of a poorly played golf shot) :: シャンクした /shanku shita/
thin {adj} :: [of flat objects] 薄い /usui/, [of cylindrical objects, people] 細い /hosoi/
thin {v} (to make thinner) :: 削る /kezuru/
thin {v} (to become thinner) :: [of persons, animal, etc.] 痩せる /yaseru/
thin {v} (to dilute) :: 薄める /usumeru/
thine {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: /nanji no/
thine {pron} (possessive pronoun) :: お前の /おまえの, omae no/
thing {n} (that which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept) :: /もの, mono/
thing {n} (law: corporeal object) ::
thing {n} (living being or creature) :: 生き物 /ikimono/
thing {n} :: /こと, koto/
thing-in-itself {n} (thing as it is independent of any conceptualization, see also: noumenon) :: 本体 /ほんたい, hontai/, 物自体 /ものじたい, monojitai/
think {v} (to ponder, to go over in one's head) :: 考える /かんがえる, kangaeru/
think {v} (communicate to oneself in one’s mind) :: 考える /かんがえる, kangaeru/, 思考する /しこうする, shikō suru/, 思索する /しさくする, shisaku suru/
think {v} (be of the opinion that) :: 考える /かんがえる, kangaeru/, 意図する /いとする, ito suru/
think {v} (guess, reckon) :: 思う /おもう, omou/
think {v} (consider, judge, regard something as) :: 考える /kangaeru/, 判断する /handan suru/
thinkable {adj} (able to be thought or imagined; conceivable) :: 考えられる /かんがえられる, kangaerareru/
think nothing of it {phrase} (you're welcome) SEE: you're welcome ::
think of {v} (think) SEE: think ::
think tank {n} (group producing research and recommendations) :: シンクタンク /shinkutanku/, 頭脳集団 /ずのうしゅうだん, zunōshūdan/
thiophene {n} (aromatic heterocyclic compound) :: チオフェン /chiofen/
Thira {prop} (Santorini) SEE: Santorini ::
third {adj} (the ordinal form of the cardinal number three, see also: 3rd) :: 三番目 /さんばんめ, sanban-me/, 三つ目 /mittsume/
third {n} (one of three equal parts of a whole) :: /さんぶんのいち, sanbun no ichi/
third {n} (interval) :: 三度 /さんど, sando/
third {n} (third base) SEE: third base ::
third base {n} (the baseball base) :: 三塁 /sanrui/
third grade {n} :: 小学三年生 /shōgaku sannensei/, 小三 /shōsan/
third party {n} (someone not directly involved in a transaction.) :: 第三者 /daisansha/
third party {n} (a political party in opposition to the main parties in a two-party system) :: 第三党 /daisantō/
third person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is not the audience or the one making the statement) :: 三人称 /さんにんしょう, sanninshō/
third person {n} (law: third party) SEE: third party ::
third-person plural {n} :: 三人称複数 /sanninshō fukusū/
third-person singular {n} :: 三人称単数 /sanninshō tansū/
Third Reich {prop} (Germany under the Nazi regime) :: 第三帝国 /だいさんていこく, daisan teikoku/
third time's a charm {proverb} :: 三度目の正直
Third World {prop} (countries not alligned with the west or east during the cold war) :: 第三世界 /だいさんせかい, dai-san sekai/
Third World {prop} (developing countries) :: 第三世界 /だいさんせかい, dai-san sekai/
Third World War {prop} (World War III) SEE: World War III ::
thirst {n} (dryness) :: 渇き /のどのかわき, nodo no kawaki/, 口渇 /こうかつ, kōkatsu/, /かつ, katsu/, 渇き /かわき, kawaki/
thirsty {adj} (needing to drink) :: 渇いた /のどがかわいた, nodo ga kawaita/
thirteen {num} (the cardinal number occurring after twelve and before fourteen) :: 十三 /じゅうさん, jūsan/, 十三 /とさ, tosa/
thirties {n} (1930s) :: 三十年代 /sanjū-nendai/, 30年代 /sanjū-nendai/
thirties {n} (age 30-39) :: 三十代 /sanjūdai/, 30代 /sanjūdai/
thirtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number thirty, see also: 30th) :: 第三十 /dai-sanjū/
thirty {num} (cardinal number) :: 三十 /さんじゅう, sanjū/
thirty-eight {num} (38) :: 三十八 /sanjūhachi/
thirty-five {num} (35) :: 三十五 /sanjūgo/
thirty-four {num} (34) :: 三十四 /sanjūshi/
thirty-nine {num} (39) :: 三十九 /sanjūkyū/
thirty-one {num} (31) :: 三十一 /sanjūichi/
thirty-second note {n} (demisemiquaver) SEE: demisemiquaver ::
thirty-seven {num} (37) :: 三十七 /sanjūshichi/
thirty-six {num} (36) :: 三十六 /sanjūroku/
thirty-three {num} (33) :: 三十三 /sanjūsan/
thirty-two {num} (32) :: 三十二 /sanjūni/
Thiruvananthapuram {prop} (capital of Kerala, India) :: ティルヴァナンタプラム /Tiruvanantapuramu/
this {determiner} (the (thing) here) :: この /kono/
this {determiner} (known (thing) just mentioned) :: これ /kore/ (on its own), この /kono/ (before a noun phrase)
this {pron} (The thing, item, etc. being indicated) :: これ /koré/
this evening {adv} (during the evening of today) :: 今夜 /こんや, kon'ya/, 今晩 /こんばん, konban/
this morning {n} (during the morning of today) :: 今朝 /けさ, kesa/
this one {pron} (a specified object) :: これ /kore/
thistle {n} (plant) :: /あざみ, azami/, アザミ /azami/
this way {adv} (as follows) SEE: thus ::
this way {n} (to indicate direction) :: ここへ /koko e/, こっちへ /kotchi e/, こちらへ /kochira e/
this year {adv} (during the current year) :: 今年 /ことし, kotoshi/, 本年 /honnen/
thither {adv} (to that place) :: そこへ /soko e/, あそこへ /asoko e/
thole {v} (to suffer) SEE: suffer ::
thole {v} (to endure, to put up with) SEE: endure ::
thole {n} (cupola, dome, rotunda) SEE: cupola ::
Thomas {prop} (biblical Apostle) :: トマス /Tomasu/
Thomas {prop} (given name) :: トーマス /Tōmasu/
Thomism {n} (the philosophy and theology of Thomas Aquinas) :: トマス主義 /Tomasu-shugi/
thong {n} (footwear) :: ビーチサンダル /bīchi sandaru/, フリップフロップ /furippu-furoppu/
thong {n} (G-string) SEE: G-string ::
Thor {prop} (thunder god) :: トール {m} /Tōru/
thoracic cage {n} (rib cage) SEE: rib cage ::
thoracic vertebra {n} (any vertebrae in the chest region) :: 胸椎 /きょうつい, kyōtsui/
thorax {n} (region of the mammalian body) :: 胸郭 /きょうかく, kyōkaku/
thorite {n} (mineral) :: トール石
thorium {n} (chemical element) :: トリウム /toriumu/,
thorn {n} (sharp protective spine of a plant) :: /とげ, toge/, /とげ, toge/, /とげ, toge/, /とげ, toge/
thoroughbred {adj} (bred from pure stock) :: サラブレッド /sarabureddo/
thoroughfare {n} (way through) :: 通り抜け /とおりぬけ, tōrinuke/, 通路 /つうろ, tsūro/
thoroughfare {n} (road open at both ends) :: 目抜き通り /めぬきどおり, menukidōri/, 大通り /おおどおり, ōdōri/
Thoth {prop} (Egyptian god) :: トート /Tōto/
thou {pron} (singular nominative form of you) :: /きみ, kimi/, /なんじ, nanji/, お前 /おまえ, omae/, あなた /anata/
thou {v} (to address (a person) using the familiar second-person pronoun) :: 呼び捨て /よびすて, yobisute/
though {adv} (however) :: にもかかわらず /nimokakawarazu/, それでも /soredemo/
though {conj} (although) :: だが /daga/, だけれども /dakeredomo/, だけど /dakeredo/ [colloquial]
thought {n} (form created in the mind) :: 考え /kangae/, 意見 /iken/, 考慮 /kōryo/, 思考 /shikō/, 思索 /shisaku/, 意図 /ito/
thought {n} (process) :: 考慮 /kōryo/, 思考 /shikō/, 思考力 /shikōryoku/, 思索 /shisaku/, 考え /kangae/
thought experiment {n} (attempt to solve a problem using human imagination) :: 思考実験 /しこうじっけん, shikō jikken/
thought process {n} (process of thinking) :: 考え方 /kangaekata/
thousand {num} (cardinal number 1000) :: /せん, sen/
thrash {v} (to thresh) SEE: thresh ::
thread {n} (long, thin and flexible form of material) :: /いと, ito/
thread {n} ((computing): a unit of execution) :: スレッド /sureddo/, ライトウェイトプロセス /raito-purosesu/
thread {n} ((Internet): a series of messages) :: スレッド /sureddo/, スレ /sure/
threadfin {n} (fish of the family Polynemidae) :: 燕鰶 /ツバメコノシロ, tsubamekonoshiro/
Threadneedle Street {prop} (Bank of England) SEE: Bank of England ::
threads {n} (clothes) SEE: clothes ::
threads {n} (thread) SEE: thread ::
threadworm {n} (pinworm) SEE: pinworm ::
threat {n} (expression of intent to injure or punish another) :: 脅迫 /kyōhaku/, 脅かし /odokashi/
threat {n} (indication of imminent danger) :: 脅威 /kyōi/
threat {n} (person regarded as a danger) :: 脅威 /kyōi/
threaten {v} (to make a threat against someone; to use threats) :: 脅す /おどす, odosu/, 脅迫する /きょうはくする, kyōhaku suru/, 脅かす /おどかす, odokasu, おびやかす, obiyakasu/
threaten {v} (to menace, or be dangerous) :: 脅かす /おどかす, odokasu, おびやかす, obiyakasu/, 威嚇する /いかくする, ikaku suru/
threaten {v} (to portend, or give a warning) :: 威嚇する /いかくする, ikaku suru/
threatmate {n} :: 詰めろ /つめろ, tsumero/
three {num} (cardinal number 3) :: /san/, 三つ /mittsu/
three {n} (digit/figure 3) :: san
three days ago {adv} (three days ago - translation entry) :: 一昨昨日, さきおととい /sakiototoi/
three-dimensional {adj} (existing in three dimensions) :: 三次元の /さんじげんの sanjigen no/, スリーディー /surīdī/
three fourths {num} (3/4) :: /よんぶんさん, yon bun no san/,
three hundred {num} (cardinal number 300) :: 三百 /sanbyaku/
three-legged race {n} (a type of race, game) :: 二人三脚 /ににんさんきゃく, nininsankyaku/
three-lips {n} (Opsariichthys uncirostris) :: /はす, hasu/
three marks of existence {n} (three characteristics of all phenomena) :: 三法印 /さんぼういん, sanbōin/
three o'clock {n} (the start of the fourth hour) :: 三時 /さんじ, san-ji/
Three Principles of the People {prop} :: 三民主義 /さんみんしゅぎ, sanminshugi/
three quarters {num} (3/4) :: /よんぶんさん, yon bun no san/, 三四半 /さんしはん, sanshihan/
three Rs {n} (Reading, writing and arithmetic) :: 読み書きそろばん /yomikaki soroban/
threesome {n} (a group of three people) :: 三人組 /sanningumi/
threesome {n} (a sexual activity involving three people) :: 3P /sanpī/
three stops short of Dagenham {adj} (crazy; mad) SEE: crazy ::
three thousand {num} (3,000) :: 三千 /さんぜん, sanzen/
three-wheeler {n} (cycle or motorcycle with three wheels) :: 三輪車 /さんりんしゃ, sanrinsha/
threonine {n} (an essential amino acid) :: トレオニン /toreonin/
thresh {v} (to separate the grain from the straw or husks) :: 脱穀する /だっこくする, dakkoku suru/
thresher {n} (farm machine) :: 脱穀機 /だっこくき, dakkokki/
threshold {n} (bottom-most part of a doorway) :: 敷居 /shikii/
threshold {n} (entrance) :: 敷居 /shikii/
threshold {n} (point at which an action is triggered) :: 閾値 /shikiichi/
thrice {adv} (three times) :: 三回 /sankai/, 三度 /sando, mitabi/ (for frequency), 三倍 /sanbai/ (for scale ratio)
thrift {n} (characteristic of using a minimum of something) :: 倹約 /けんやく, ken'yaku/, 節倹 /せっけん, sekken/
thrift {n} (savings bank) :: [archaic] 貯蓄銀行 /ちょちくぎんこう, chochiku ginkō/, 銀行 /ぎんこう, ginkō/
thrift {n} (various plants of the genus Armeria) :: 浜簪 /ハマカンザシ, hama kanzashi/, アルメリア /arumeria/
thrift shop {n} (shop which sells used goods) :: リサイクルショップ /risaikuru shoppu/
thrifty {adj} (given to, or evincing, thrift) :: 倹しい /つましい, tsumashii/
thriller {n} (a suspenseful, sensational genre of fiction) :: スリラー /surirā/
thrive {v} (to increase in bulk or stature) :: 繁栄する /はんえいする, han'ei suru/
throat {n} (front part of the neck) :: /のど, nodo/
throat {n} (gullet or windpipe) :: /のど, nodo/
throb {v} (to pound or beat rapidly or violently) :: どきどき, ドキドキ
throb {v} (to vibrate or pulsate with a steady rhythm) :: どきどきする /dokidoki suru/
thrombocyte {n} (platelet) SEE: platelet ::
thrombosis {n} (formation of thrombi, causing obstruction of circulation) :: 血栓症 /けっせんしょう, kessenshō/
thrombus {n} (blood clot formed in blood vessels that leads to thrombosis) :: 血栓 /けっせん, kessen/
throne {n} (ornate seat) :: 王座 /ōza/, 玉座 /ぎょくざ, gyokuza/
throne {n} (position) :: 王位 /おうい, ōi/
throne {n} (lavatory or toilet) :: 便器 /べんき, benki/, 便座 /べんざ, benza/, トイレ /toire/
throne {n} (third highest order of angel) :: 座天使 /ざてんし, zatenshi/
throne {v} (enthrone) SEE: enthrone ::
throne room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
throttle {n} (valve) :: スロットル /surottoru/
throttle {n} (the lever or pedal that controls this valve) :: アクセル /akuseru/, アクセレレーター /akusererētā/
through {prep} (to or up to, until (and including)) SEE: to ::
through {prep} (from one side of an opening to the other) :: ...を通って /をとおって, ...o tōtte/, ...を通り抜けて /をとおりぬけて, ...o tōrinukete/
through {prep} (entering, then later exiting) :: ...を通って /をとおって, ...o tōtte/, ...を通り抜けて /をとおりぬけて, ...o tōrinukete/
through {prep} (surrounded by (while moving)) :: ...を通って /をとおって, ...o tōtte/, ...を通り抜けて /をとおりぬけて, ...o tōrinukete/
through {prep} (by means of) :: : ...を通して /をとおして, ...o tōshite/ , ...から /...kara/
throughout {prep} (in every part of; all through) :: /-jū/
throughout {adv} (everywhere) :: 至る所 /いたるところ, itarutokoro/
throw {v} (to cause an object to move rapidly through the air) :: 投げる /なげる, nageru/, 投じる /とうじる, tōjiru/
throw {v} (to eject or cause to fall off) :: 投げる /nageru/, 投じる /tōjiru/
throw {v} (computing: send (an error) to an exception-handling mechanism) :: 投げる /nageru/
throw {v} (sports: to intentionally lose a game) :: 手を抜く /te wo nuku/
throw {n} (flight of a thrown object) :: 投げ /nage/
throw away {v} (discard or dispose of) :: 棄てる /すてる, suteru/, 捨てる /すてる, suteru/
throwback {n} (reversion to an earlier stage of development) :: 昔返り /mukashigaeri/
throwback {n} (organism that has characteristics of a more primitive form) :: 隔世遺伝をしたもの /kakuseidenwoshitamono/
throw in the towel {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) :: 匙を投げる /さじをなげる, saji o nageru/, お手上げ /おてあげ, oteage/
throw up {v} (to vomit) SEE: vomit ::
throw up one's hands {v} ((idiomatic) to quit; to give up) SEE: throw in the towel ::
thru {prep} (through) SEE: through ::
thrush {n} (one of several species of songbirds of the family Turdidae) :: /ツグミ, tsugumi/
thrust {n} (an attack with a sword) :: 突き /つき, tsuki/
thrust {n} (a lunge forward) :: 突き /tsuki/
thrust {v} (make an advance with force) :: 押す /おす, osu/, 突く /つく, tsuku/, 刺す /さす, sasu/
thrust {v} (push out or extend rapidly or powerfully) :: 押す /おす, osu/, 突く /つく, tsuku/, 刺す /さす, sasu/
Thu {n} (abbreviation of Thursday) :: /moku/, 木曜 /mokuyō/
thug {n} (someone who treats others violently or roughly) :: 凶悪犯 /kyōakuhan/, ちんぴら /chinpira/, 殺し屋 /goroshiya/, サグ /sagu/
thukpa {n} (Tibetan noodle soup) :: トゥクパ /tukupa/
Thule {prop} (the northernmost location of the ancient world) :: トゥーレ /Tūre/
thulium {n} (chemical element) :: ツリウム /tsuriumu/
thumb {n} (digit) :: 親指 /おやゆび, oyayubi/
Thumbelina {prop} (a thumb-sized girl, the main character of a fairy tale) :: 親指姫 /おやゆびひめ, Oyayubi-hime/
thumbnail {n} (small picture) :: サムネイル /samuneiru/
thumbtack {n} (nail-like tack) :: 画鋲 /がびょう, gabyō/
Thun {prop} (city and municipality) :: トゥーン
thunder {n} (sound caused by lightning) :: /かみなり, kaminari/, 雷鳴 /らいめい, raimei/
thunder {n} (sound resembling thunder) :: 雷鳴 /らいめい, raimei/
thunder {n} (deep, rumbling noise) :: 轟音 /ごうおん, gōon/
thunder {v} (to make a noise like thunder) :: [it thunders] 雷が鳴る /かみなりなる, kaminari ga naru/, [to make a noise like thunder] 轟音を立てる /gōon o tateru/
thunder {v} (to talk with a loud, threatening voice) :: 怒鳴る /どなる, donaru/
thunder {v} (transitive: say something with a loud, threatening voice) :: 怒鳴る /どなる, donaru/
thunderbird {n} (mythological bird) :: 雷神鳥 /らいじんちょう, raijinchō/
thunderbolt {n} (flash of lightning accompanied by thunder) :: /かみなり, kaminari/, 落雷 /らくらい, rakurai/
thunderclap {n} (sudden thunder) :: 迅雷 /jinrai/
thundersnow {n} :: 雷雪 /らいせつ, raisetsu/
thunderstorm {n} (storm with thunder and lightning) :: 雷雨 /らいう, raiu/
Thur {n} (Thursday) :: /moku/, 木曜 /mokuyō/
thurible {n} (censer) SEE: censer ::
Thuringia {prop} (state) :: チューリンゲン /Churingen/
Thursday {n} (day of the week) :: 木曜日 /もくようび, mokuyōbi/, 木曜 /もくよう, mokuyō/
thus {adv} (in this way or manner) :: この様に /このように, kono yōni/, こう /kō/, こうして /kōshite/
thus {adv} (as a result) :: それ /それゆえ, sore yue/, 従って /shitagatte/, なので /nanode/
thwart {v} (to prevent; to halt; to cause failure) :: 阻む /habamu/, 阻止する /soshi suru/, 排する /hai suru/
thy {determiner} (possessive determiner) :: /nanji no/, /na ga/
thylacine {n} (extinct carnivorous marsupial) :: 袋狼 /フクロオオカミ, fukuroōkami/
thyme {n} (plant of the genus Thymus, see also: wild thyme) :: タイム /taimu/
thymine {n} :: チミン /chimin/
thymoma {n} :: 胸腺腫 /きょうせんしゅ, kyūsenshu/
thymus {n} (ductless gland located behind the breastbone) :: 胸腺 /きょうせん, kyōsen/
thyroid cartilage {n} (the largest cartilage in the larynx) :: 甲状軟骨 /こうじょうなんこつ, kōjō nankotsu/
thyroid gland {n} (large butterfly-shaped endocrine gland) :: 甲状腺 /こうじょうせん, kōjōsen/
ti {n} (seventh note of a major scale) SEE: si ::
Tian'anmen {prop} (Gate of Heavenly Peace) :: 天安門 /てんあんもん, Ten'anmon/
Tianjin {prop} (city in China) :: 天津 /てんしん, Tenshin/
Tian Shan {prop} (mountain range) :: 天山 /てんざん, Ten-zan, テンシャン, Ten-shan/
tiara {n} (papal crown) :: ティアラ /tiara/
tiara {n} (ornamental coronet) :: ティアラ /tiara/
Tiber {prop} (river) :: テヴェレ川 /Tevere-gawa/
Tibet {prop} (region in Inner Asia) :: チベット /Chibetto/, 西蔵 /せいぞう, Seizō/
Tibet {prop} (shorthand for the Tibet Autonomous Region) :: 西蔵 /せいぞう, Seizō/
Tibetan {adj} (of or pertaining to Tibet) :: チベットの /Chibetto no/
Tibetan {n} (a person) :: チベット人 /Chibetto-jin/
Tibetan {n} (a language) :: チベット語 /Chibetto-go/
Tibetan Buddhism {prop} (body of Buddhist religious doctrine characteristic of Tibet) :: チベット仏教 /Chibetto bukkyō/
Tibetan Mastiff {n} (Tibetan Mastiff) :: チベタン・マスティフ /Chibetan masutifu/
Tibetan Plateau {prop} (plateau north of the Great Himalaya ranges) :: チベット高原 /Chibetto Kōgen/
Tibet Plateau {prop} (Tibetan Plateau) SEE: Tibetan Plateau ::
tibia {n} (bone of the leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tibia {n} (segment of insect's leg) SEE: shinbone ::
tic {n} (local and habitual convulsive motion) :: チック /chikku/
tick {n} (arachnid) :: だに /dani/, ごさらぎ /gosaragi/ [dialect]
tick {n} (checkmark) :: チェックマーク /chekkumāku/
ticket {n} (admission to entertainment) :: /けん, ken/, チケット /chiketto/, 切符 /きっぷ, kippu/
ticket {n} (pass for transportation) :: 切符 /きっぷ, kippu/
ticket {n} (traffic citation) :: 違反切符 /ihan-kippu/
ticket {v} (to issue someone a ticket) :: 切符を切る /kippu o kiru/
ticket machine {n} (ticket vending machine) :: 自動券売機 /じどうけんばいき, jidō kenbaiki/, 券売機 /けんばいき, kenbaiki/
ticket office {n} (an office where tickets may be purchased) :: 出札所 /しゅっさつじょ, shussatsujo/, 切符売り場 /きっぷうりば, kippu-uriba/
ticket tout {n} (person who resells tickets) SEE: scalper ::
tickle {v} (to touch in a manner that causes tingling sensation) :: 擽る /くすぐる, kusuguru/
tickler {n} (reminder) SEE: reminder ::
ticklish {adj} (sensitive or susceptible to tickling) :: くすぐったい /kusuguttai/
tick tock {interj} (sound of a ticking clock) :: カチカチ /kachi-kachi/
tidal {adj} (relating to tides) ::
tidal force {n} (gravitational force causing tides) :: 潮汐力 /ちょうせきりょく, chōsekiryoku/
tidal wave {n} (large and sudden rise and fall in the tide) :: 津波 /つなみ, tsunami/
tidal wave {n} (tsunami) :: 津波 /つなみ, tsunami/
tidal wave {n} (figurative: sudden, powerful surge) :: [emotions] 大変動 /だいへんどう, daihendō/, 大動揺 /だいどうよう, daidōyō/
tidal wave {n} (oceanography: crest of ocean water resulting from tidal forces) :: 潮波 /chōha/
tide {n} (periodic change of sea level) :: /しお, shio/, 潮汐 /ちょうせき, chōseki/
tide {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
tide {n} (low tide) SEE: low tide ::
tidology {n} (the science of tides) :: 潮汐学 /ちょうせきがく, chōsekigaku/
tidy {adj} (arranged neatly) :: こざっぱりした /kozappari shita/
tidy up {v} (to make clean (a small room or small space)) :: 片付ける /かたづける, katazukeru/
tie {n} (tie score) :: 引き分け /ひきわけ, hikiwake/
tie {v} (to attach or fasten with string) :: 結ぶ /むすぶ, musubu/, 縛る /しばる, shibaru/
tie {n} (necktie) SEE: necktie ::
tie {v} (to achieve the same score) SEE: equalize ::
tie clip {n} (clip to hold tie) :: ネクタイピン /nekutai pin/
T'ien-chin {prop} (Tianjin) SEE: Tianjin ::
tiepin {n} (a tie tack, a pin or stud used to secure a tie to the shirt) :: タイピン /taipin/, ネクタイピン /nekutaipin/
tier {n} (layer or rank) :: /そう, sō/, 階層 /かいそう, kaisō/, /れつ, retsu/, /かい, kai/
Tierra del Fuego {prop} (archipelago between Chile and Argentina) :: ティエラ・デル・フエゴ /Tiera deru Fuego/
tie tack {n} (pin to hold necktie) SEE: tie clip ::
Tiffany {prop} (female given name) :: ティファニー /Tifanī/
Tiflis {prop} (Former name of Tbilisi) :: ティフリス /Tifurisu/
tiger {n} (The mammal Panthera tigris) :: /とら, tora/, トラ /tora/
tiger beetle {n} (any active, carnivorous beetle of the subfamily Cicindelinae) :: 斑猫 /はんみょう, hanmyō/, ハンミョウ /hanmyō/
tiger mom {n} (ambitious mother) :: 教育ママ /kyōiku mama/
tiger mother {n} (ambitious mother) SEE: tiger mom ::
tiger mum {n} (tiger mom) SEE: tiger mom ::
tiger salamander {n} (Ambystoma tigrinum) :: タイガーサラマンダー /taigāsaramandā/
tiger's claw {n} (Indian coral tree) SEE: Indian coral tree ::
tiger shark {n} (Galeocerdo cuvier) :: 鼬鮫 /いたちざめ, itachizame/
tight {adj} (narrow) SEE: narrow ::
tight {adj} (pushed/pulled together) :: きつい /kitsui/
tightrope walker {n} (acrobat who practices tightrope walking) :: 綱渡り師 /つなわたりし, tsunawatari-shi/
tights {n} (women's garment) :: パンティストッキング /pantisutokkingu/, タイツ /taitsu/
tigress {n} (female tiger) :: 雌虎 /めすとら, mesutora/
Tigrinya {prop} (language) :: ティグリニャ語 /tigurinyago/
Tigris {prop} (river in Southwest Asia) :: チグリス川 /Chigurisu-gawa/
Tijuana {prop} (city in Baja California, Mexico) :: ティファナ /Tifana/, [less common] ティフアナ /Tifuana/
tikka masala {n} (Indian marinade served in a masala sauce) :: ティッカマサラ /tikka masara/
tilapia {n} (any fish of the genus Tilapia) :: ティラピア /tirapia/
tilde {n} (diacritical mark) :: チルダ /chiruda/
tile {n} (mostly rectangular shaped sheet of ceramic or fired clay to cover surfaces) :: タイル /tairu/, [roof tile] /かわら, kawara/
till {prep} (until) :: ...まで /...made/
till {conj} (until) :: ...まで /...made/
till {v} (to work or cultivate) :: 耕す /たがやす, tagayasu/
till death do us part {adv} (phrase said as part of wedding vows indicating commitment) :: 死が二人を分かつまで /shi ga futari o wakatsu made/
till point {n} (cash desk) SEE: cash desk ::
timber {n} (trees considered as a source of wood) :: 木材 /もくざい, mokuzai/, 材木 /ざいもく, zaimoku/
timber {n} (wood that has been cut ready for construction) :: 材木 /ざいもく, zaimoku/, 木材 /もくざい, mokuzai/
timber {n} (beam used to support something such as a roof or a ship) :: /はり, hari/
timbre {n} (quality of a sound independent of its pitch and volume) :: 音色 /ねいろ, neiro/
time {n} (inevitable passing of events) :: 時間 /じかん, jikan/
time {n} (quantity of availability in time) :: 時間 /じかん, jikan/
time {n} (measurement of a quantity of time) :: 時間 /じかん, jikan/, タイム /taimu/
time {n} (time of day, as indicated by a clock, etc) :: 時間 /じかん, jikan/, 時刻 /じこく, jikoku/
time {n} (particular moment or hour) :: 時間 /じかん, jikan/, /とき, toki/
time {n} (instance or occurrence) :: /かい, kai/, /じ, ji/, /ど, do/
time {n} (experience) :: 時間 /じかん, jikan/, /とき, toki/, ひととき /hitotoki/
time {n} (era) :: 時代 /じだい, jidai/
time {n} (youth or young adulthood) :: 時期 /じき, jiki/
time and tide wait for no man {proverb} (proverb) :: 歳月人を待たず /さいげつひとをまたず, saigetsu hito o matazu/
time bomb {n} (bomb with a timeout mechanism) :: 時限爆弾 /じげんばくだん, jigenbákudan/
time capsule {n} (sealed container) :: タイムカプセル /taimukapuseru/
time complexity {n} (amount of time) :: 時間計算量 /じかんけいさんりょう, jikankeisanryō/
time difference {n} (difference of time between measurements) :: 時差 /じさ, jisa/
time flies {phrase} (time seems to pass quickly) :: 光陰矢の如し /こういんやのごとし, kōin ya no gotoshi/
time heals all wounds {proverb} (negative feelings eventually fade away) :: すべての傷を治癒する時間 /Subete no kizu o chiyu suru jikan/
time is money {proverb} (time is money) :: 時は金なり /ときはかねなり, toki wa kane nari/
time-lapse {adj} (photographic technique) :: 低速度撮影
timeline {n} (graphical representation of a chronological sequence of events) :: 年表 /ねんぴょう, nenpyō/, 年譜 /ねんぷ, nenpu/
timely {adj} (done at the proper time) :: 適時の /てきじの, tekiji no/, 渡りに舟の /わたりにふねの, watari ni fune nono/
time machine {n} (device used to travel in time) :: タイムマシン /taimumashin/, タイムマシーン /taimumashīn/
time of arrival {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to arrive) :: 到着時刻 /tōchaku jikoku/
time of day {n} (time according to the clock) SEE: time ::
time of departure {n} (the time when an airplane etc. is scheduled to depart) :: 出発時刻 /shuppatsu jikoku/
time-out {n} (in sports) :: タイムアウト /taimuauto/
time-out {n} (break from a heated or stressful situation) :: タイムアウト /taimuauto/
time-out {n} (intentional ending of an incomplete task after a time limit) :: タイムアウト /taimuauto/
timer {n} (device) :: タイマー /taimā/
times {prep} (multiplied by) :: 掛ける /かける, kakeru/
timeslot {n} :: /わく, waku/
timespan {n} (an interval of time) :: 時間枠 /じかんわく, jikanwaku/
Times Square {prop} (wide intersection in New York City) :: タイムズ・スクエア /Taimuzu-Sukuea/, タイムズスクエア /Taimuzu Sukuea/
timestamp {n} (date and time of an event) :: タイムスタンプ /taimusutanpu/
timetable {n} (a structured schedule of events) :: 時刻表 /じこくひょう, jikokuhyō/, 時間表 /じかんひょう, jikanhyō/, 時間割 /じかんわり, jikanwari/, 予定表 /よていひょう, yoteihyō/
time travel {n} (hypothetical or fictional travel to the past or future) :: タイムトラベル /taimu toraberu/, 時間旅行 /jikan ryokō/
time will tell {phrase} (results of an action cannot be known beforehand) :: 時間がたてば分かる /jikan-ga tateba wakaru/
time zone {n} (range of longitudes where a common standard time is used) :: 時間帯 /じかんたい, jikantai/, タイムゾーン /taimuzōn/
timezone {n} (time zone) SEE: time zone ::
timid {adj} (lacking in courage or confidence) :: 憶病 /おくびょう, okubyō/
timing {n} (time when something happens) :: タイミング /taimingu/
Timișoara {prop} (city in Romania) :: ティミショアラ /Timishoara/
Timor {prop} (island) :: ティモール島 /timōrutō/
Timor-Leste {prop} (East Timor) SEE: East Timor ::
Timothy {prop} (books in the New Testament) :: テモテへの手紙 /Temote e no Tegami/
Timothy {prop} (companion of Paul) :: テモテ /Temote/
Timothy {prop} (male given name) :: テモテ /Temote/
timpani {n} (kettledrums) :: ティンパニ /tinpani/
timpanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear ::
timpanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
timps {n} (timpani) SEE: timpani ::
tin {n} (element) :: /すず, suzu/, スズ /suzu/
tin {n} (airtight container) :: 罐詰 /かんずめ, kanzume/, /かん, kan/
Táin Bó Cúailnge {prop} (Irish literature) :: クーリーの牛争い /クーリーのうしあらそい, Kūrī no ushi arasoi/
tin can {n} (container) :: 罐詰め /かんづめ, kandzume/, /かん, kan/, /かん, kan/
tincture {n} (alcoholic extract used as medicine) :: チンキ /chinki/, 丁幾 /chinki/
tinderbox {n} (small container containing flint, steel, and tinder) :: 火口箱 /ほくちばこ, hokuchibako/
tinea {n} (ringworm) SEE: ringworm ::
tinea versicolor {n} (condition) :: 癜風 /でんぷう, denpū/
tinfoil {n} (tinfoil) :: 錫箔 /すずはく, suzuhaku/
tinker {n} (itinerant tinsmith) :: 鋳掛屋 /いかけや, ikakeya/, 鋳掛師 /いかけし, ikakeshi/
tinker {v} (to fiddle with something in an attempt to fix, mend or improve it) :: 弄繰り回す /ijikuri mawasu/
tinker {v} (to work as a tinker) :: 鋳掛する /いかけをする, ikake o suru/
Tinkerbell {n} (fictional fairy) :: ティンカー・ベル /Tinkā Beru/
tinkle {v} (to urinate) SEE: urinate ::
tinned {adj} (preserved in tins) SEE: canned ::
tinned {adj} (previously prepared) SEE: canned ::
tinnitus {n} (perception of nonexistent noise) :: 耳鳴り /みみなり, miminari/
tin opener {n} (tin opener) SEE: can opener ::
tin-opener {n} (can opener) SEE: can opener ::
tin pest {n} (autocatalytic transformation of tin) :: 錫ペスト /すずペスト, suzupesuto/
tin plate {n} (coated sheet steel) :: ブリキ, 錻力, 鉄葉 /buriki/
tinsel {n} (thin strips of a glittering, metallic material used as a decoration) :: ティンセル /tinseru/, 金属糸 /きんぞくいと, kinzoku ito/
tinsmith {n} (a person who makes or repairs things with tin) :: ブリキ屋 /buriki-ya/, 板金工 /ばんきんこう, bankinkō/
tin soldier {n} (toy soldier) :: スズの兵隊 /suzu no heitai/, ブリキの兵隊 /buriki no heitai/
tiny {adj} (very small) :: ちっぽけな /chippoke na/, 小さい /ちいさい, chīsai/
-tion {suffix} (producing a noun meaning the action or effect of a verb) :: -化 /-か, -ka/
tip {n} (extreme end of something) :: /さき, saki/, 先端 /せんたん, sentan/
tip {n} (small amount of money left for a servant as a token of appreciation) :: チップ /chippu/, ご祝儀 /ごしゅうぎ, goshūgi/, 心づけ /こころづけ, kokorodzuke/, タバコ銭 /たばこせん, tabakosen/
tip {n} (piece of private information) :: [advice] 助言 /じょげん, jogen/, [tip-off] 内報 /ないほう, naihō/
tip of the iceberg {n} (small indication of a larger possibility) :: 氷山の一角 /ひょうざんのいっかく, hyōzan-no ikkaku/
tipsy {adj} (slightly drunk) :: ほろ酔い /horoyoi/
tiptoe {n} (tips of one's toes) :: 爪先 /つまさき, tsumasaki/
tip-top {adj} (excellent) SEE: excellent ::
tiramisu {n} (semifreddo dessert) :: ティラミス /tiramisu/
Tirana {prop} (capital city of Albania) :: ティラナ /Tirana/
Tiraspol {prop} (capital of Transnistria) :: ティラスポリ /Tirasupori/
tire {n} (rubber covering on a wheel) SEE: tyre ::
tire {v} (to become sleepy) :: 疲れる /つかれる, tsukareru/
tired {adj} (in need of rest or sleep) :: 疲れた /つかれた, tsukareta/
tired {adj} (fed up) SEE: fed up ::
tiredness {n} (state of being tired) :: 疲れ /つかれ, tsukare/, 疲労 /ひろう, hirō/
tireless {adj} (indefatigable) :: 疲れを知らない /つかれをしらない, tsukare o shiranai/
tiring {adj} (that tires or tire) :: 疲れさせる /つかれれさせる, tsukaresaseru/
tisane {n} (herbal tea) SEE: herbal tea ::
tissue {n} (woven fabric) :: 織物 /おりもの, orimono/
tissue {n} (sheet of absorbent paper) :: ティッシュペーパー /tisshu pēpā/, ティッシュ /tisshu/, 鼻紙 /はながみ, hanagami/, 塵紙 /ちりがみ, chirigami/
tissue {n} (aggregation of cells) :: 組織 /そしき, soshiki/
tit {n} (a mammary gland, teat) :: 乳頭 /にゅうとう, nyūtō/, 乳房 /ちぶさ, chibusa/
tit {n} ((slang, vulgar) a woman's breast) :: おっぱい /oppai/, ぱいぱい /paipai/, ぱいおつ /paiotsu/
tit {n} (chickadee) SEE: chickadee ::
titan {n} (something or someone large in stature, greatness or godliness) :: 巨人 /きょじん, kyojin/, タイタン /taitan/
Titan {n} (mythological giant) :: チタン /Chitan/, ティーターン /Tītān/
Titan {prop} (moon of Saturn) :: タイタン /Taitan/, ティタン /Titan/
Titanic {prop} (ship) :: タイタニック /Taitanikku/
titanium {n} (chemical element) :: チタン /chitan/, チタニウム /chitaniumu/
Titarev {prop} (transliteration of Титарёв) :: ティタレフ /Titarefu/
titfer {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (hat) SEE: hat ::
tit for tat {n} (act of returning exactly what one gets) :: 竹箆返し /しっぺがえし, shippegaeshi/
tit fuck {n} (stimulation of a penis by breasts) :: パイズリ /paizuri/
tithe {n} (tenth) SEE: tenth ::
tithi {n} (lunar day) :: ティティ /titi/
titian {n} (bright auburn colour) :: 金茶色 /きんちゃいろ, kinchairo/
titian {adj} (of a bright auburn colour) :: 金茶色 /きんちゃいろの, kinchairo no/
Titian {prop} (sixteenth century Italian painter) :: ティツィアーノ /Titsiāno/
titivate {v} (to make small improvements to) :: しゃれる
title {n} (prefix or suffix added to a name) :: 称号 /しょうごう, shōgō/, 肩書き /かたがき, katagaki/
title {n} (right to ownership) :: 所有権 /しょゆうけん, shoyūken/
title {n} (certificate of ownership) :: [possession] 所有証 /しょゆうしょう, shoyūshō/, [qualification] 資格証 /しかくしょう, shikakushō/
title {n} (name of a book, etc) :: 標題 /ひょうだい, hyōdai/, タイトル /taitoru/
title {n} (subject of a writing) :: 書名 /しょめい, shomei/
title page {n} (page in a book) :: 標題紙 /ひょうだいし, hyōdaishi/
titling {n} (stockfish) SEE: stockfish ::
titling {n} (Anthus pratensis) SEE: meadow pipit ::
titty {n} (kitty) SEE: kitty ::
Titus {prop} (book of the Bible) :: テトスへの手紙 /Tetosu e no Tegami/
Titus {prop} (biblical character) :: テトス /Tetosu/
Titus {prop} (male given name) :: テトス /Tetosu/
Tivoli {prop} (city in Lazio, Italy) :: ティヴォリ /Tivori/, チボリ /Chibori/
T-junction {n} (junction in the shape of a T) :: T字路 /tījiro/, 丁字路 /teijiro/ [formal]
Tōkyō {prop} (Tokyo) SEE: Tokyo ::
tmesis {n} (insertion of one or more words between the components of a word) :: 切離 /きりはな, kirihana/
to {particle} (infinitive-marker) :: -に /-ni/
to {prep} :: ...に /...-ni/
to {prep} (in the direction of, and arriving at) :: ...へ /...-e/, ...まで /...-made/
to {prep} (used to indicate ratios) :: /ni/, /e/
toad {n} (amphibian similar to a frog) :: ヒキガエル /hikigaeru/, 蟇蛙 /hikigaeru/, 蝦蟇 /がま, gama/
toadstool {n} (an inedible or poisonous mushroom) :: 毒茸 /どくたけ, dokutake, どくきのこ, dokukinoko/
to an extent {prep} (to some extent) SEE: to some extent ::
toast {n} (toasted bread) :: トースト /tōsuto/
toast {n} (salutation) :: 祝杯 /しゅくはい, shukuhai/
toast {v} (to engage in a salutation) :: 乾杯 /kanpai/
toaster {n} (device for toasting bread) :: トースター /tōsutā/
tobacco {n} (any plant of the genus Nicotiana) :: タバコ /tabako/, たばこ /tabako/, 煙草 /tabako/
tobacco {n} (leaves of certain varieties of tobacco plant) :: タバコ /tabako/, たばこ /tabako/, 煙草 /tabako/
tobacconist {n} (smoker) SEE: smoker ::
tobacconist {n} (tobacconist's shop) SEE: tobacconist's ::
tobacconist's {n} (shop that sells tobacco products) :: タバコ屋 /tabako-ya/
tobacco pipe {n} (smoking tool) :: パイプ /paipu/
Tobago {prop} (island of the Caribbean) :: トバゴ島 /tobagotō/
to be continued {phrase} (continues in next episode) :: つづく /tsuzuku/, 続く /つづく, tsuzuku/
to be honest {phrase} (frankly) :: 正直に言うと /しょうじきにいうと, shōjiki ni iu to/
Toblerone {n} (A chocolate bar having triangular wedges) :: トブラローネ /Toburarōne/, トブルローヌ /Tobururōnu/
toboggan {n} (long sled without runners) :: トボガン /tobogan/, トボガンぞり /tobogan-zori/
to boot {adv} (in addition, besides, also) :: お負けに /omakeni/
to boot {adv} (in addition) SEE: in addition ::
toccata {n} (musical piece) :: トッカータ /tokkāta/
Tocharian {prop} (language) :: トカラ語 /トカラご, tokara-go/
Tochigi {prop} (Tochigi, Japan) :: 栃木 /とちぎ, Tochigi/
today {adv} (on the current day) :: 今日 /kyō/, 本日 /honjitsu/
today {adv} (nowadays) :: 今日 /こんにち, konnichi/
today {n} (today (noun)) :: 今日 /きょう, kyō/
toddler {n} (young human child) :: 幼児 /ようじ, yōji/, 子供 /こども, kodomo/
to-do list {n} (list of errands) :: やることリスト /yaru koto risuto/
todorokite {n} (mineral) :: 轟石 /todorokiseki, todorokiishi/
to do with {prep} (relate or relevant to) :: …と関係ある /…とかんけいある, ... to kankei aru/
toe {n} (each of the five digits on the end of the foot) :: /ashiyubi/, 足指 /ashiyubi/, 爪先 /tsumasaki/ [especially end of toe], /yubi/
toe {n} (any equivalent part in an animal) :: /ashiyubi/, 足指 /ashiyubi/, 爪先 /tsumasaki/ [especially end of toe], /hizume/ [hoof]
toe {n} (part of a shoe or sock covering the toe) :: 爪先 /tsumasaki/
toe {n} (alignment of the wheels of a road vehicle) :: トー /tō/
to each his own {proverb} (every person is entitled to his or her personal preferences) :: 十人十色 /じゅうにんといろ, jū nin to iro/, それぞれ自分自身に /それぞれじぶんじしんに, sorezore jibunjishin-ni/
TOEFL {n} (TOEFL) :: トーフル /Tōfuru/, TOEFL
toenail {n} (the plate covering the end of a toe) :: [足指の] /つめ, tsume/
toe ring {n} (toe ring) :: トーリング /tōringu/
to err is human {proverb} (Everybody makes mistakes) :: 誤るのが人間である /あやまるのがにんげんである, ayamaru no ga ningen dearu/
toffee {n} (uncountable: type of confectionery) :: タフィー /tafī/, ファッジ /fajji/
toffee apple {n} (candy apple) SEE: candy apple ::
tofu {n} (protein-rich food made from curdled soy milk) :: 豆腐 /とうふ, tōfu/
tofu skin {n} (food product made from soybeans) :: 湯葉 /ゆば, yuba/
together {adv} (at the same time, in the same place) :: 一緒に /issho ni/
together {adv} (into one place) :: 一緒に /issho ni/
to go {adj} (served in a takeout container) :: 持ち帰り /mochikaeri/
Togo {prop} (Togolese Republic) :: トーゴ /Tōgo/
Togolese Republic {prop} (official name of Togo) :: トーゴ共和国 /Tōgo kyōwakoku/
toilet {n} (room used for urination and defecation, see also: bathroom; men's room; ladies' room; outhouse; portable toilet; latrine; shitter) :: トイレ /toire/, 便所 /べんじょ, benjo/, お手洗い /おてあらい, otearai/, /かわや, kawaya/, 化粧室 /けしょうしつ, keshōshitsu/, 洗面所 /senmenjo/, 手洗い /tearai/
toilet {n} (fixture used for urination and defecation, see also: flush toilet; squat toilet; chemical toilet; urinal; latrine) :: 便器 /べんき, benki/
toilet paper {n} (paper to clean oneself after defecation or urination) :: ちり紙 /ちりがみ, chirigami/, トイレットペーパー /toiretto pēpā/
toilet seat {n} (seat of a toilet) :: 便座 /べんざ, benza/
toilet training {n} (The act of training a young child to use the toilet) :: トイレットトレーニング /toiretto torēningu/
toilet water {n} (perfumed mixture of water and alcohol) SEE: eau de toilette ::
to-infinitive {n} (uninflected verb form) :: to不定詞 /toふていし, to futeishi/
tokamak {n} (A torus-shaped chamber in which a plasma is magnetically confined) :: トカマク /tokamaku/
Tokelau {prop} (a territory of New Zealand in the Pacific) :: トケラウ諸島 /トケラウしょとう, tokerau shotō/
Toki Pona {prop} (constructed language) :: トキポナ /Toki Pona/
tokoyama {n} (hairdresser who makes the rikishi's topknot) :: 床山 /tokoyama/
Tokushima {prop} (Tokushima, Japan) :: 徳島 /とくしま, Tokushima/
Tokyo {prop} (capital of Japan) :: 東京 /とうきょう, Tōkyō/
Tokyoite {adj} (relating to Tokyo) :: 東京の /とうきょうの, Tōkyō no/
Tokyoite {n} (person from Tokyo) :: 東京人 /とうきょうじん, Tōkyō-jin/, 江戸っ子 /えどっこ, edokko/, 都民 /とみん, tomin/
tolerance {n} (ability to tolerate) :: 寛容 /かんよう, kan'yō/
tolerate {v} (something difficult) :: 黙認する /もくにんする, mokunin-surú/
toll {n} (fee for using roads and bridges) :: 通行料金 /つうこうりょうきん, tsūkō ryōkin/, 通行料 /つうこうりょう, tsūkōryō/, 有料 /ゆうりょう, yūryō/
toll {n} :: 通行料 /tsūkōryō/
toll {v} (entice) SEE: entice ::
toll booth {n} (a booth on a toll road or toll bridge where the toll is collected) :: 料金所 /ryōkinjo/
toll road {n} (toll road) SEE: turnpike ::
tollway {n} (turnpike) SEE: turnpike ::
tolstovka {n} (kosovorotka) SEE: kosovorotka ::
Tolyatti {prop} (city) :: トリヤッチ /Toriyatchi/
tom {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
tom {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
tom {n} (male cat) :: 雄猫 /おすねこ, osuneko, おねこ, oneko/
tomahawk {n} (American Indian axe) :: トマホーク /tomahōku/
tomato {n} (tomato plant) :: トマト /tomato/
tomato {n} (fruit) :: トマト /tomato/
tomato juice {n} (juice made from tomatoes) :: トマトジュース /tomato jūsu/
tomato paste {n} (concentrate of tomato purée) :: トマトペースト /tomatopēsuto/
tomato sauce {n} (pasta sauce) :: トマトソース /tomato sōsu/
tomato sauce {n} (ketchup) SEE: ketchup ::
tomb {n} (small building or vault for the remains of the dead) :: /はか, haka/, 墳墓 /ふんぼ, funbo/
tombola {n} (lottery) :: ガラガラ抽選 /garagara chūsen/
tomboy {n} (girl who acts as a typical boy would) :: お転婆 /おてんば, otenba/
tombstone {n} (stone on grave) :: 墓碑 /ぼひ, bohi/, 墓石 /ぼせき, boseki/
tomcat {n} (tom) SEE: tom ::
Tom, Dick and Harry {n} (anybody or everybody; random or unknown people) :: 猫も杓子も /ねこもしゃくしも, neko-mo shakushi-mo/
tome {n} (large or scholarly book) :: 大冊 /taisatsu/
tomfoolery {n} (foolish behaviour) :: ばかなまね /bakana mane/
tomnoddy {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
tomoe {n} (circular design of swirling water) :: /tomoe/
tomography {n} (imaging by sections or sectioning) :: トモグラフィー /tomogurafī/
tomorrow {adv} (on the day after the present day) :: 明日 /あした, ashita, みょうにち, myōnichi/, [colloquial] あす /asu/
tomorrow {n} (the day after the present day) :: 明日 /あした, ashita; あす, asu/
tomorrow is another day {proverb} (a phrase indicating that tomorrow will bring new opportunities) :: 明日は明日の風が吹く /あした-は-あした-の-かぜ-が-ふく, ashita-wa-ashita-no-kaze-ga-fuku/, 明日を夢見て /ashita o yumemi te/
tomorrow night {adv} (during the night of the day after) :: 明晩 /myōban/, 明夜 /myōya/
Tomsk {prop} (а city in Russia) :: トムスク /Tomusuku/
Tom Thumb {prop} (the thumb-sized hero of a fairy tale) :: 親指トム /おやゆびトム, oyayubi Tomu/
-tomy {suffix} (cutting, incision, section) :: 切除 /せつじょ, setsujo/
tom yam {n} (a Thai soup flavoured with fish sauce, lemongrass, lime juice, and chillies) :: トムヤム /tomuyamu/
ton {n} (unit of weight) :: トン /ton/
tone {n} (specific pitch, quality and duration; a note) :: トーン /tōn/
tone {n} (pitch of a word that distinguishes a difference in meaning) :: 声調 /せいちょう, seichō/, トーン /tōn/
tone-deaf {n} (unable to distinguish differences in pitch) :: 音痴 /おんち, onchi/
tone mark {n} (tone mark) :: 声調記号 /せいちょうきごう, seichō kigō/
toneme {n} (phoneme) :: 音調素 /おんちょうそ, onchōso/
toner {n} (powder used in laser printers and photocopiers) :: トナー /tonā/, トーナー /tōnā/
toner {n} (cosmetic lotion designed to cleanse the skin and shrink pores) :: トナー /tonā/, トーナー /tōnā/
tone sandhi {n} (change of tone) :: 声調変化 /せいちょうへんか, seichō henka/, 変調 /へんちょう, henchō/
tong {n} (tool) :: トング(tongu)
Tonga {prop} (country) :: トンガ /Tonga/
Tongan {n} (Austronesian language) :: トンガ語 /Tonga-go/
tongs {n} (an instrument) :: -挟み /-basami/, -箸 /-bashi/; e.g., パンばさみ (panbasami), 火箸 (ひばし, hibashi), トング /tongu/
tongue {n} (organ) :: /した, shita/, べろ /bero/ [informal]
tongue {n} (language) SEE: language ::
tongue-tied {adj} (unable to express oneself clearly or fluently) :: 口籠もった /くちごもった, kuchigomotta/
tongue-twister {n} (phrase which is difficult to say) :: 早口言葉 /はやくちことば, hayakuchi kotoba/
tonic {n} (substance) :: トニック /tonikku/
tonic {n} (first note of a scale) :: 主音 /shyuon/
tonic {n} (tonic water) SEE: tonic water ::
tonic water {n} (carbonated beverage) :: トニックウォーター /tonikkuwōtā/
tonight {adv} (during today's evening) :: 今晩 /こんばん, konban/, 今夜 /こんや, kon'ya/, 今宵 /こよい, koyoi/
tonight {adv} (during today's nighttime) :: 今夜 /こんや, kon'ya/, 今晩 /こんばん, komban/
tonight {n} (nighttime today) :: 今夜 /こんや, kon'ya/, 今晩 /こんばん, komban/
tonkatsu {n} (Japanese dish made from pork cutlet) :: 豚カツ /とんカツ, tonkatsu/, とんかつ /tonkatsu/, トンカツ /tonkatsu/
tonkotsu {n} (Japanese broth made from pork marrow) :: 豚骨 /とんこつ, tonkotsu/
tonnage {n} (shipping) :: トン数 /tonsū/
tonsil {n} (palatine tonsil) :: 扁桃腺 /へんとうせん, hentōsen/
tonsillitis {n} (inflammation of the tonsils) :: 扁桃炎 /へんとうえん, hentōen/, 扁桃腺炎 /へんとうせんえん, hentōsen'en/
tonsure {n} (ritual shaving of this kind) :: 剃度 /ていど, teido/
Tony {prop} (male given name) :: トーニ /Tōni/
too {adv} (likewise) :: /mo/ [particle], また /mata/, さらに /sara-ni/, にも /nimo/
too {adv} (more than enough; as too much) :: ...過ぎ /sugi/, ...過ぎる /sugiru/ [is attached to the word, behaves as a verb]
toodeloo {interj} (goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
tool {n} (mechanical device intended to make a task easier) :: 道具 /どうぐ, dōgu/, ツール /tsūru/
tool {n} (equipment used in a profession) :: 道具 /どうぐ, dōgu/, 工具 /こうぐ, kōgu/
tool {n} (a software for developers) :: ツール /tsūru/
tool {n} (person or group used or controlled by another) :: 使いっ走り /tsukaippashiri/, [fool] でくの坊 /deku-no-bō/
tool {n} (penis) :: 道具 /dōgu/, 玩具 /gangu/
toolbar {n} (row of icons in a graphical user interface) :: ツールバー /tsūrubā/
toolbox {n} (storage case for tools) :: 工具箱 /kōgubako/ [for mechanic engineering tools], 道具箱 /dōgubako/ [for carpenter tools]
toolbox {n} (set of routines) :: ツールボックス /tsūrubokkusu/
toolkit {n} (set of basic components for developing software) :: ツールキット /tsūrukitto/
tool steel {n} (carbon and alley steel) :: 工具鋼
tooltip {n} (an element of a graphical user interface) :: ツールチップ /tsūruchippu/
too many cooks spoil the broth {proverb} (with too many people a task won't be done very well) :: 船頭多くして船山に登る /せんどうおおくしてふねやまにのぼる, sendō ōkushite fune yama-ni noboru/
too much {adv} (excessively) :: すぎる (おおすぎる, ō-sugiru) [only of quantity], すぎる /すぎる, sugiru/ (verb or adjective suffix; grammatical verb, e.g. 飲みすぎる (nomisugiru) - to drink too much))
toon {n} (town) SEE: town ::
to one's heart's content {adv} :: 鱈腹 /たらふく, tarafuku/
to one's knowledge {prep} (to one's knowledge) :: 知る限り /しるかぎり, shiru-kagiri/
tooth {n} (biological tooth) :: /は, ha/
tooth {n} (saw tooth) :: 鋸歯 /のこぎりば, nokogiriba/
toothache {n} (ache in a tooth) :: 歯痛 /しつう, shitsū/
toothbrush {n} (brush for cleaning the teeth and tongue) :: 歯ブラシ /はブラシ, haburashi/
tooth decay {n} (dental caries) SEE: dental caries ::
tooth enamel {n} (substance) SEE: enamel ::
toothpaste {n} (paste for cleaning the teeth) :: 歯磨剤 /しまざい, shimazai/, 歯磨き粉 /はみがきこ, hamigakiko/, 練り歯磨き /ねりはみがき, nerihamigaki/
toothpick {n} (stick for removing food residue from the area between the teeth) :: 楊枝 /ようじ, yōji/, 楊子 /ようじ, yōji/
toot one's own horn {v} (promote oneself) :: 自画自賛する /jigajisan suru/
top {n} (uppermost part) :: /itadaki, いただき/, 頂上 /chōjō, ちょうじょう/
top {n} (lid, cap, cover) :: /futa/
top {n} (garment worn to cover the torso) :: トップス /toppusu/, 上着 /うわぎ, uwagi/
top {n} (child’s spinning toy) :: 独楽 /こま, koma/
top {n} (baseball term) :: /omote/
top {n} (gay sexual slang: gay man who likes to penetrate in sex) :: タチ /tachi/,
topaz {n} (gem) :: トパーズ /topāzu/, 黄玉 /おうぎょく, ōgyoku/
top-down {adj} (hierarchical system that progresses from a single, large basic unit to multiple, smaller subunits) :: 上意下達 /jōi katatsu/
Topeka {prop} (city) :: トピカ /Topika/
top hat {n} (cylindrical hat) :: トップハット /toppu hatto/, シルク ハット /shiruku hatto/
topic {n} (discussion thread) SEE: thread ::
topic {n} (subject; theme) :: 話題 /わだい, wadai/, テーマ /tēma/, トピック /topikku/, 主題 /しゅだい, shudai/
topless {adj} (naked from the waist up) :: トップレス /topuresu/
topless {adj} (featuring women that are naked from the waist up) :: トップレス /topuresu/
top-level {adj} (highest) :: トップレベルの, 最高位の, 最高部の, 首脳の
top-level {adj} :: 最高級の, 最重要の
topography {n} (the features themselves (the terrain)) :: 地勢 /ちせい, chisei/, 地形 /ちけい, chikei/
topolect {n} (speech-form or lect of a particular place) :: 方言 /ほうげん, hōgen/
topological space {n} (a set with its topology) :: 位相空間 /いそうくうかん, isō/
topology {n} (study of geometric properties that are not changed by stretching etc.) :: 位相幾何学 /isō-kikagaku/, 位相数学 /いそうすうがく, isō-sūgaku/, トポロジー /toporojī/
topology {n} (arrangements of computer nodes) :: トポロジー /toporojī/
toponym {n} (place name) :: 地名 /ちめい, chimei/
toponymy {n} (study of place names) :: 地名学 /ちめいがく, chimeigaku/
topos {n} (literary theme) :: トポス /toposu/
topos {n} (mathematical structure) :: トポス /toposu/
top quark {n} (top quark) :: トップクォーク /toppu kuwōku/
top secret {adj} (information classified at the highest level) :: 極秘, gokuhi
top surgery {n} (procedure) :: 胸オペ /mune-ope/
toque {n} (chef) SEE: chef ::
tor {n} (hill) SEE: hill ::
Torah {prop} (the Five Books of Moses - the full body of Jewish law) :: トーラー /Tōrā/
torch {n} (flashlight) SEE: flashlight ::
torch {n} (stick with flame at one end) :: 松明 /たいまつ, táimatsu/, トーチ /tōchi/
toreador pants {n} (women's tight-fitting pants that go down to the calves) :: トレアドールパンツ /toreadōru pantsu/
TORFL {n} (TORFL) :: ロシア語検定試験 /Roshia-go kentei shiken/, ロシア語能力検定試験 /roshiago nōryoku kentei shiken/
torii {n} (traditional shrine gate) :: 鳥居 /torii/
torikumi {n} (sumo bout) :: 取組 /torikumi/
torment {n} (extreme pain) :: 苦痛 /くつう, kutsū/
torment {v} (to cause severe suffering) :: 苦しめる /くるしめる, kurushimeru/, 苛む /さいなむ, sainamu/
tornado {n} (violent windstorm) :: 竜巻 /たつまき, tatsumaki/, トルネード /torunēdo/
Tornedalen {prop} (Meänkieli) SEE: Meänkieli ::
Torne Valley Finnish {prop} (Meänkieli) SEE: Meänkieli ::
Toronto {prop} (city in Canada) :: トロント /Toronto/
torpedo {n} (underwater weapon) :: 魚雷 /ぎょらい, gyorai/
torpedo bomber {n} (aircraft) :: 雷撃機 /raigekiki/
torque {n} (a rotational or twisting force) :: トルク /toruku/
Torres Strait {prop} (a strait between Australia and New Guinea) :: トレス海峡 /Toresu-kaikyō/
torso {n} (body excluding the head and limbs) :: /どう, dō/, 胴体 /どうたい, dōtai/
torte {n} (a rich, dense cake) :: トルテ /torute/
tortellini {n} (ring-shaped pasta) :: トルテリーニ /toruterīni/
tortelloni {n} (type of pasta) :: トルテッローニ /toruterrōni/
torticollis {n} (medical condition) :: 斜頸 /しゃけい, shakei/
tortilla {n} (a flat round bread) :: トルティーヤ /torutīya/
tortoise {n} (land-dwelling reptile) :: [tortoise or turtle] /かめ, kame/, カメ /kame/, 陸亀 /りくがめ, rikugame/
tortoise shell {n} (shell of a tortoise) :: 亀甲 /きっこう, kikkō/
tortoiseshell {n} (covering of carapace of hawksbill turtle) :: 鼈甲 /べっこう, bekkō/, べっ甲 /bekkō/
tortuous {adj} (twisted) :: 曲がりくねった /まがりくねった, magarikunetta/
torture {n} (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony) :: 拷問 /ごうもん, gōmon/
torture {v} (to intentionally inflict unnecessary pain or suffering on helpless victims) :: 拷問する /ごうもんする, gōmon suru/
torus {n} (topological space) :: トーラス /tōrasu/
torus {n} (shape in 3-dimensional Euclidean space) :: トーラス /tōrasu/
Tory {n} (a member or supporter of the Conservative Party (UK, Canada)) :: トーリー /Tōrī/, 保守党員 /ほしゅとういん, Hoshūtōin/
to say nothing of {conj} (apophasis used to mention another important, usually related, point) :: 況して /まして, mashite/
Tosk {prop} (Tosk) :: トスク方言 /Tosuku-hōgen/
to some extent {prep} (in part) :: ある程度 /あるていど, aru teido/
toss {v} (to stir or mix (a salad)) :: 混ぜ合わせる /mazeawaseru/
total {n} (amount) :: 総計 /そうけい, sōkei/, 合計 /ごうけい, gōkei/
total {n} (sum) :: 総額 /そうがく, sōgaku/, /わ, wa/, 総和 /そうわ, sōwa/
total {adj} (entire) :: 全部 /zenbu/
total {adj} (complete) :: 完全な /kanzen-na/
totalitarian {adj} (related to the system of government) :: 全体主義的 /zentaishugiteki/
totalitarianism {n} (system where state wields absolute control) :: 全体主義 /ぜんたいしゅぎ, zentaishugi/
total war {n} (warfare where all of a country's resources are employed) :: 国家総力戦 /kokka-sō-rikisen/
to tell the truth {adv} (attestation to the truthfulness and frankness of a statement) :: 実を言えば /じつをいえば, jitsu-o ieba/
totem {n} (natural object or living creature that serves as an emblem of a tribe) :: トーテム /tōtemu/
totem {n} (representation of such a creature) :: トーテム /tōtemu/
totemism {n} (belief in a special relationship to a totem) :: トーテミズム /tōtemizumu/
to that end {prep} (therefore) SEE: therefore ::
to the letter {adv} (idiomatic for “literally”, following the rules as they're written) :: 細大漏らさず
to the max {prep} (very) SEE: very ::
to the victor go the spoils {proverb} (winner gains additional benefits) :: 勝利者に略奪品を行きます /shōri-sha ni ryakudatsuhin wo ikimasu/
to thine own self be true {proverb} (proverb) :: おのれに忠実であれ /onore-ni mame de are/
Tottenham {prop} (Tottenham (both senses)) :: トトナム /Totonamu/
Tottori {prop} (Tottori, Japan) :: 鳥取 /とっとり, Tottori/
toucan {n} (Ramphastid) :: 大嘴 /おおはし, ōhashi/, 巨嘴鳥 /きょしちょう, kyōshichō/
touch {v} (make physical contact with) :: 触る /さわる, sawaru/, 触れる /ふれる, fureru/, 接触する /せっしょくする, sesshoku suru/
touch {n} (act of touching) :: 接触 /せっしょく, sesshoku/, タッチ /tacchi/
touch {n} (sense of perception by physical contact) :: 触覚 /しょっかく, shokkaku/
touch {n} (style or technique) :: タッチ /tatchi/
touch {n} (distinguishing feature) :: 感触 /かんしょく, kanshoku/
touché {interj} (fencing hit) :: トウシュ /toushu/
touché {interj} (acknowledgement) :: 一本取られた /いっぽんとられた, ippon torareta/
touched {adj} (mentally deficient) SEE: touched in the head ::
touched in the head {adj} (slightly mentally deficient) :: 気が触れた /ki ga fureta/
touching {adj} (provoking sadness and pity) :: 感動的な /かんどうてきな, kandōteki-na/
touchpad {n} (flat surface which is sensitive to touch) :: タッチパッド /tatchipaddo/
touch screen {n} (input/output device) :: タッチパネル /tachipaneru/, タッチスクリーン /tatchisukurīn/, タッチ画面 /tachi-gamen/
touchstone {n} (stone used to test the quality of gold alloys) :: 試金石 /しきんせき, shikin seki/
touchstone {n} (standard of comparison or evaluation) :: 試金石 /しきんせき, shikin seki/
touch typing {n} (typing without the use of sight to identify the keyboard keys) :: タッチタイピング /tatchitaipingu/, ブラインドタッチ /buraindotatchi/
touch wood {v} (to make contact with wood or another material to avert bad luck) SEE: knock on wood ::
touch wood {interj} (hopefully; said when touching something wooden) SEE: knock on wood ::
tough {v} (endure) SEE: endure ::
tough {adj} (harsh or severe) :: 辛い /つらい, tsurai/, たいへん /taihen/, きつい /kitsui/
tough {adj} (stubborn) SEE: stubborn ::
tough out {v} (endure) SEE: endure ::
Toulon {prop} (city in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France) :: トゥーロン /tūron/
Toulouse {prop} (a city in France) :: トゥールーズ /Tūrūzu/
tour {n} (journey) :: 旅行 /ryokō/, /tabi/, ツアー /tsuā/
tourbillon {n} (rotating frame, containing the escapement of a clock) :: トゥールビヨン /tūrubiyon/
Tour de France {prop} (annual long-distance cycling race through France) :: ツール・ド・フランス /Tsūru do Furansu/
Tourette syndrome {n} (disorder characterized by tics) :: トゥレット障害 /Turetto shōgai/
tour guide {n} (guide on organised tours) :: 案内人 /あんないにん, annainin/, ガイド /gaido/, ツアーガイド /tsuāgaido/
tourism {n} (the act of travelling or sightseeing) :: 観光 /かんこう, kankō/, 旅行 /りょこう, ryokō/
tourist {n} (someone who travels for pleasure) :: 旅行者 /りょこうしゃ, ryokōsha/, 観光客 /かんこうきゃく, kankōkyaku/, ツーリスト /tsūrisuto/
tourist office {n} (office which provides information for tourists) :: 観光案内所 /かんこうあんないじょ, kankō annaijo/
tourmaline {n} (both senses) :: トルマリン /torumarin/
tournament {n} ((historical) series of battles) :: 馬上槍試合 /bajō yari jiai/
tournament {n} (series of games) :: トーナメント /tōnamento/, 大会 /たいかい, taikai/
tourniquet {n} (a tightly compressed bandage used to stop bleeding) :: 止血帯 /しけつたい, shiketsutai/
tour operator {n} (company that sells package holidays) :: ツアーオペレーター /tsuāoperētā/
tour operator {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency ::
tovarish {n} (comrade) SEE: comrade ::
tovarish {n} (comrade, especially with reference to the former USSR, see also: comrade) :: トバリシティ /tobarishichi/
toward {prep} (in the direction of) :: の方に /no hō ni/, に向かって /ni mukatte/
toward {prep} (in relation to) :: /ni/, に対して /ni taishite/
toward {prep} (for the purpose of) :: のために /no tame ni/
toward {prep} (located near) :: の近くに /no chikaku ni/
towards {prep} (toward) SEE: toward ::
towel {n} (cloth used for wiping) :: タオル /taoru/
tower {n} (structure) :: /とう, tō/, タワー /tawā/
tower {n} ((figuratively) any item that is higher than it is wide) :: タワー /tawā/
tower {n} (Tarot card) :: /とう, tō/
Tower of Babel {prop} (tower erected at Babel) :: バベルの塔 /baberu no tō/
Tower of London {prop} (a fortress in London) :: ロンドン塔 /Rondon-tō/, ロンドンタワー /Rondon-tawā/
Tower of Pisa {prop} (Leaning Tower of Pisa) SEE: Leaning Tower of Pisa ::
tower over {v} (to be considerably taller than) :: そびえ立つ /sobie tatsu/
to what do I owe the pleasure {phrase} (to what do I owe the pleasure) :: 何に喜びがあるのか。 /nani ni yorokobi ga aru noka/
to wit {adv} (namely, specifically) :: つまり /tsumari/
town {n} (settlement) :: /まち, machi/, /まち, machi/, タウン /taun/
town hall {n} (a building that houses the local government offices of a town) :: 町役場 /machiyakuba/, 公会堂 /kōkaidō/, 役場 /yakuba/
townhouse {n} (town hall) SEE: town hall ::
townhouse {n} (house in an urban setting) :: 町家
townsman {n} (male resident of a town) :: 市民 /しみん, shimin/
townspeople {n} (the population or inhabitants of a village, town or city) :: 市民 /しみん, shimin/
town twinning {n} (pairing of towns or cities) :: 姉妹都市 /shimai toshi/
tow truck {n} (motor vehicle for towing) :: レッカー車 /rekkā-sha/, レッカー /rekkā/ (wrecker)
toxic {adj} (having a harmful chemical nature) :: 毒性 /dokusei/
toxicology {n} (scientific study of poisons and poisoning) :: 毒物学 /どくぶつがく, dokubutsugaku/
toxin {n} (a toxic or poisonous substance) :: 毒素 /どくそ, dokuso/
toy {n} (something to play with) :: 玩具 /おもちゃ, omocha/, 遊び道具 /あそびどうぐ, asobi dōgu/, トイ /toi/
Toyama {prop} (a city in Japan) :: 富山 /とやま, Toyama/
Toyota {prop} (Toyota Motor Corporation) :: トヨタ /Toyota/, (ref.) founder's surname is 豊田 /とよだ, Toyoda/
trace {n} (mark left as a sign of passage) :: /ato/
trachea {n} (thin-walled, cartilaginous tube connecting the larynx to the bronchi) :: 気管 /きかん, kikan/
tracing paper {n} (translucent paper) :: トレーシングペーパー /torēshingupēpā/, 透写紙 /とうしゃし, tōshashi/
track {v} (to discover the location of person or an object) :: /おう, ou/
track {n} (caterpillar track) SEE: caterpillar track ::
track and field {n} (group of athletic sports) :: 陸上競技 /りくじょうきょうぎ, rikujō kyōgi/
trackball {n} (computing device) :: トラックボール /torakkubōru/
track down {v} (to search, hunt) :: 追い詰める /oitsumeru/, ~を見つけ出す
tracker {n} (agent noun of track) :: 追跡者 /ついせきしゃ, tsuisekisha/
trackpad {n} (touchpad) SEE: touchpad ::
tracksuit {n} (garment) :: トラックスーツ /torakkusūtsu/
tractor {n} (farm vehicle) :: トラクター /torakutā/
tractor {n} (aircraft configuration) :: 牽引式飛行機 /けんいんしきひこうき, ken'inshiki hikōki/
tractor-trailer {n} (large truck) :: 貨物自動車 /かもつじどうしゃ, kamotsu jidōsha/
trade {n} (buying and selling) :: 貿易 /ぼうえき, bōeki/, 交易 /こうえき, kōeki/
trade {n} (instance of buying or selling) :: 商売 /shōbai/
trade {n} (business given by customers) :: 貿易 /ぼうえき, bōeki/
trade {n} (steady winds above and below equator) :: 貿易風 /bōekifū/
trade away {v} (to relinquish) :: (̈)を売り払う /(mono)wo uriharau/, (権利)を手放す /(kenri)wo tebanasu]/
trade deficit {n} (negative balance of trade) :: 貿易赤字 /ぼうえきあかじ, bōeki akaji/, 入超 /にゅうちょう, nyūchō/, 貿易欠損 /ぼうえきkっそん, bōeki kesson/
trade fair {n} (exhibition for a particular field) :: 見本市 /みほんいち, mihon'ichi/, 交易会 /こうえきかい, kōekikai/
trademark {n} (identification of a company's product) :: 商標 /しょうひょう, shōhyō/
trade name {n} (name used to identify a commercial product or service) :: 商標名 /しょうひょうめい, shōhyōmei/, 商品名 /しょうひんめい, shōhinmei/
trade name {n} (business or firm) :: 商号 /しょうごう, shōgō/, 屋号 /やごう, yagō/
tradeoff {n} (advantage that necessitates loss) SEE: trade-off ::
trade-off {n} (situation in which one thing must be decreased for another to be increased) :: トレードオフ /torēdoofu/, 妥協 /だきょう, dakyō/
trader {n} (one who earns a living by trading) :: 商人 /しょうにん, shōnin/, トレーダー /torēdā/
trade union {n} (organization) :: 労働組合 /ろうどうくみあい, rōdō kumiai/
trade war {n} (practice of nations creating mutual tariffs) :: 貿易戦争 /ぼうえきせんそう, bōeki sensō/
trading partner {n} (country that another country does business with) :: 取引パートナー /torihiki pātonā/
tradition {n} (a part of culture that is passed from person to person or generation to generation) :: 伝統 /でんとう, dentō/
traditional {adj} (of or pertaining to tradition) :: 伝統的な /でんとうてきな, dentōteki na/
Traditional Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using traditional characters) :: 繁体字中国語 /Hantaiji Chūgokugo/
Traditional Chinese {prop} (traditional characters) :: 繁体字 /はんたいじ, hantaiji/, 正体字 /せいたいじ, seitaiji/
traditional Chinese medicine {n} (medical practices of Chinese culture) :: 中医 /ちゅうい, chūi/, 中医学 /ちゅういがく, chūigaku/
traductology {n} (translation studies) SEE: translation studies ::
traffic {n} (pedestrians or vehicles on roads or on the air) :: 交通 /こうつう, kōtsū/
traffic {n} (commercial transportation or exchange of goods) :: 取引 /とりひき, torihiki/
traffic {n} (illegal trade or exchange of goods, often drugs) :: 取引 /とりひき, torihiki/
traffic {n} (exchange or flux of information, messages or data) :: 交信 /こうしん, kōshin/, トラフィック /torafikku/
trafficator {n} (blinking light) SEE: indicator ::
traffic cone {n} (cone-shaped marker) :: カラーコーン /karā kōn/, 三角コーン /sankaku kōn/, パイロン /pairon/, ロードコーン /rōdo kōn/
traffic jam {n} (situation in which all road traffic is stationary or very slow) :: 交通渋滞 /こうつうじゅうたい, kōtsū jūtai/, 渋滞 /じゅうたい, jūtai/, 雑踏 /ざっとう, zattō/
trafficking {n} (human trafficking) SEE: human trafficking ::
traffic light {n} (signalling device) :: 交通信号 /こうつうしんごう, kōtsū shingō/, 信号 /しんごう, shingō/, ゴーストップ /gōsutoppu/, 信号機 /しんごうき, shingōki/
traffic sign {n} (traffic sign) :: 道路標識 /どうろひょうしき, dōro hyōshiki/
tragedy {n} (drama or similar work) :: 悲劇 /ひげき, higeki/
tragedy {n} (disastrous event, especially one involving great loss of life or injury) :: 悲劇 /ひげき, higeki/, 惨事 /さんじ, sanji/
tragic {adj} (causing great sadness) :: 悲惨 /hisan/
tragic {adj} (relating to tragedy) :: 悲劇の /higeki no/
tragus {n} (small piece of thick cartilage of the external ear) :: 耳珠 /じじゅ, jiju/
trailblazer {n} (one that blazes a trail to guide others) :: 先駆者 /せんくしゃ, senkusha/
trailblazer {n} (innovative leader) :: 先駆者 /せんくしゃ, senkusha/
trailer {n} (vehicle towed behind another, used for carrying equipment) :: トレーラー /torērā/
trailer {n} (preview of a film) :: 予告編 /よこくへん, yokokuhen/, トレーラー /torērā/
trailing edge {n} (rearmost edge of a wing) :: 後縁 /kōen/
train {n} (line of connected cars or carriages) :: 列車 /れっしゃ, ressha/, [electric] 電車 /でんしゃ, densha/, [steam] 汽車 /きしゃ, kisha/, トレーン /torēn/
train {n} (group of animals, vehicles, or people) :: 行列 /ぎょうれつ, gyōretsu/
train {n} (series of events or ideas which are interconnected) :: 連続 /れんぞく, renzoku/
train {n} (that which is drawn along) :: /お, o/
train {v} (to practice an ability) :: 練習する /れんしゅうする, renshūsuru/, 鍛える /きたえる, kitaeru/
train {v} (to teach a task) :: 訓練する /くんれんする, kunrensuru/
train {v} (to move (a gun) laterally so that it points in a different direction) :: 照準する /しょうじゅんする, shōjunsuru/
train crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
trainee {n} (someone being formally trained in a workplace) :: 研修生 /けんしゅうせい, kenshūsei/
trainer {n} (person who trains another; coach) :: トレーナー /torēnā/, コーチ /kōchi/
trainer {n} (running shoe) :: スニーカー /sunīkā/, 運動靴 /うんどうぐつ, undōgutsu/
training {n} (the activity of imparting and acquiring skills) :: 訓練 /くんれん, kunren/, トレーニング /torēningu/
training wheel {n} (one of a pair of training wheels) :: 補助輪 /ほじょりん, hojorin/
training wheels {n} (pair of small wheels attached to a child's bicycle) :: 補助輪 /ほじょりん, hojorin/
train station {n} (place where trains stop for passengers) SEE: railway station ::
trait {n} (an identifying characteristic, habit or trend) :: 特徴 /とくちょう, tokuchō/
traitor {n} (one who violates allegiance and betrays one's country) :: 売国奴 /ばいこくど, baikokudo/, 非国民 /ひこくみん, hikokumin/, 国賊 /こくぞく, kokuzoku/, 国賊 /こくぞく, kokuzoku/, 反逆者 /はんぎゃくしゃ, hangyakusha/
traitor {n} (a betrayer) :: 裏切り者 /うらぎりもの, uragirimono/
trajectory {n} (path of a body) :: 軌道 /きどう, kidō/, [ballistic] 弾道 /だんどう, dandō/
trajectory {n} (course of development) :: 戦歴 /せんれき, senreki/
tram {n} (passenger vehicle) :: 市内電車 /しないでんしゃ, shinai densha/, 市電 /しでん, shiden/, トラム /toramu/, 電車 /でんしゃ, densha/, 路面電車 /ろめんでんしゃ, romen densha/
tramcar {n} (streetcar) SEE: tram ::
tramp {v} (to hitchhike) SEE: hitchhike ::
trample {v} ((transitive) to crush something by walking on it) :: 踏み荒らす /ふみあらす, fumiarasu/, 踏みつける /ふみつける, fumitsukeru/
trampoline {n} (gymnastic and recreational device) :: トランポリン /toranporin/
tram stop {n} (stop for trams) :: 路面電車停留場 /ろめんでんしゃていりゅうじょ, romendensha teiryūjo/, 停留所 /ていりゅうじょ, teiryūjo/, 電停 /でんてい, dentei/
trance {n} (genre of electronic dance music) :: トランス
tranche {v} (slice) SEE: slice ::
tranche {v} (finance) :: トランシェ /toranshe/
tranquilize {v} (to make something or someone tranquil) :: 鎮める /shizumeru/
tranquilizer {n} (drug used to reduce anxiety or tension) :: 精神安定剤 /seishin anteizai/, 鎮静薬 /chinseiyaku/
tranquillity {n} (the quality of calm such as that experienced in places with mainly natural features and activities, free from disturbance from manmade ones) :: 晴朗 (せいろう, seirō)
trans- {prefix} (across, through, over, beyond, to or on the other side of, outside of) :: /ちょう, chō/, トランス /toransu/
transaction {n} (act of conducting or carrying out business, negotiations, plans) :: 処理 /しょり, shori/
transaction {n} (deal or business agreement) :: 取引 /とりひき, torihiki/, 取り引き /とりひき, torihiki/
transaction {n} (exchange or trade, as of ideas, money, goods, etc.) :: 取引 /とりひき, torihiki/, 取り引き /とりひき, torihiki/
transaction {n} (finance: transfer of funds into, out of, or from an account) :: 取引 /とりひき, torihiki/, 取り引き /とりひき, torihiki/
transaction {n} (computing: atomic operation) :: トランザクション /toranzakushon/
transaction {n} (finance: economic transaction: a valid currency transfer) :: 振替 /ふりかえ, furikae/, 振り替え /ふりかえ, furikae/
transaminase {n} (biochemistry: any of a group of enzymes that catalyze transamination) :: 転移酵素 (ten'i-kōso), トランスアミナーゼ /toransuamināze/
Transcaucasia {prop} (region of southwest Asia) SEE: South Caucasus ::
transceiver {n} (combined radio transmitter and receiver) :: トランシーバー /toranshībā/
transcend {v} (to pass beyond the limits of something) :: 越える。超越する
transcend {v} (to surpass something in intensity or power; to excel) :: まさる、より優れている
transcendence {n} (the act of surpassing usual limits) :: 超越 /ちょうえつ/
transcendental number {n} (irrational nonalgebraic number) :: 超越数 /ちょうえつすう, chōetsusū/
transclusion {n} (the inclusion of part of one hypertext document in another one by means of reference rather than copying) :: トランスクルージョン
transcribe {v} (dictation: to make such conversion from speech to text) :: 転写する /てんしゃする, tensha-suru/
transcribe {v} (linguistics: to represent speech by phonetic symbols) :: 転写する /てんしゃする, tensha suru/
transcript {n} (written version of what was said orally) :: 写し /うつし. utsushi/, トランスクリプト /toransukuriputo/
transcription {n} (in linguistics) :: 転写 /てんしゃ, tensha/, 音写 /おんしゃ, onsha/
transfer {v} (to move or pass from one place, person or thing to another) :: 移す /うつす, utsusu/, 運ぶ /はこぶ, hakobu/, 乗り換える /のりかえる, norikaeru/ [transfer between vehicles]
transfer {n} (act) :: 移動 /いどう, idō/, 転勤 /てんきん, tenkin/
transfer student {n} (student) :: 転校生 /tenkōsei/, 転入生 /tennyūsei/
transform {v} (change greatly the appearance or form of) :: 変形する /へんけいする, henkei suru/, 変換する /へんかんする, henkan suru/
transform {v} (change the nature, condition or function of) :: 変質する /へんしつする, henshitsu suru/
transform {v} (in mathematics: subject to a transformation) :: 変換する /へんかんする, henkan suru/
transform {v} (in electricity: subject to the action of a transformer) :: 変換する /へんかんする, henkan suru/
transform {v} (in genetics: subject (a cell) to transformation) :: 変態する /hentai suru/
transform {v} (undergo a transformation) :: 変化する /henka suru/
transform {n} (in mathematics) :: 変換 /henkan/
transformation {n} :: 変態 /へんたい, hentai/
transformer {n} (device that changes the characteristics of AC electricity) :: 変圧器 /hen'atsuki/, 変流器 /henryūki/
transfuge {n} (deserter) SEE: deserter ::
transfuge {n} (turncoat) SEE: turncoat ::
transfusion {n} (medicine: the transfer of blood or blood products from one individual to another) :: 輸血 /yuketsu/
transgender {adj} (not identifying with culturally conventional gender roles) :: トランスジェンダー /toransujendā/
transgender {n} (a transgender person) :: トランスジェンダー /toransujendā/
transgenic {adj} (genetically modified) :: 遺伝子組み換え /idenshi kumikae/, トランスジェニック /toransujenikku/
transidentity {n} :: トランスアイデンティティ /toransuaidentiti/
transience {n} (quality of being transient, temporary, brief or fleeting) :: 一過性 /ikkasei/
transience {n} (impermanence that suggests the inevitability of ending or dying) :: 短命 /tammei/
transient {adj} (passing or disappearing with time; transitory) :: 儚い /はかない, hakanai/
transient {adj} (remaining for only a brief time) :: 瞬間的 /shunkanteki/, 一時的 /ichijiteki/, 一過性 /ikkasei/
transient {adj} (Decaying with time, especially exponentially) :: 過渡 /kato/
transient {adj} (passing through; passing from one person to another) :: 過渡 /kato/
transient {adj} (operating beyond itself; having an external effect) :: 精神の外部
transient {n} (something transient) :: 一時的なもの /ichijitekina mono/
transient {n} (physics) :: 過渡現象 /kato genshō/
transient {n} (traveller) :: 渡り労働者 /watari rōdōsha/
transient {n} (homeless) :: ホームレス /hōmuresu/
transistor {n} (solid-state semiconductor device, with three terminals) :: トランジスタ /toranjisuta/
transistor radio {n} (a small radio having transistors) :: トランジスタラジオ /toranjisuta rajio/
transit {n} (act of passing over, across, or through something) :: 通過 /つうか, tsūka/
transitive {adj} (grammar, of a verb: taking an object or objects) :: 他動 /たどう, tadō/
transitive {adj} (set theory, of a relation on a set) :: 推移的 /すいいてき, suiiteki/
transitive verb {n} (a verb that is accompanied by a direct object) :: 他動詞 /たどうし, tadōshi/
translate {v} (to change text from one language to another) :: 訳す /やくす, yakusu/, 翻訳する /ほんやくする, hon'yaku suru/
translatese {n} (Awkwardness or ungrammaticality of translation) SEE: translationese ::
translation {n} (act of translating between languages) :: 翻訳 /ほんやく, hon'yaku/
translation {n} (result of translating between languages) :: /やく, yaku/, 訳文 /やくぶん, yakubun/, 翻訳 /ほんやく, hon'yaku/
translation {n} (of forces in a gearbox) :: 伝達 /でんたつ, dentatsu/
translation {n} (math, physics: motion without deformation or rotation) :: 平行移動 /heikōidō/
translationese {n} (Awkwardness or ungrammaticality of translation) :: 翻訳調 /hon'yakuchō/
translation studies {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) :: 翻訳研究 /ほんやくけんきゅう, hon'yaku kenkyū/
translative {n} (translative case) SEE: translative case ::
translative case {n} (case used to indicate a change in the state of a noun) :: 変格 /へんかく, henkaku/
translatology {n} (study of theory and practice of translating and interpreting) SEE: translation studies ::
translator {n} (someone who translates) :: 翻訳者 /ほんやくしゃ, hon'yakusha/
transliterate {v} (to represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script) :: 字訳する /じやくする, jiyaku suru/, 書き写す /かきうつす, kakiutsusu/
transliteration {n} (product of transliterating) :: [lexical translation] 字訳 /じやく, jiyaku/, [phonetical translation] 音訳 /おんやく, on'yaku/, 翻字 /ほんじ, honji/
translucent {adj} (allowing light to pass through, but diffusing it) :: 半透明な /はんとうめいな, hantōmei-na/
translucent {adj} (clear, lucid, or transparent) :: 澄んだ /sunda/
transmigration {n} (movement of a soul) :: 転生 /てんせい, ​tensei/, 転生 /てんしょう, tenshō/
transmission {n} (act of transmitting) :: 転送 /てんそう, tensō/, 伝送 /でんそう, densō/
transmission {n} (assembly of gears) :: トランスミッション /toransumisshon/, 変速機 /へんそくき, hensokuki/, 変速装置 /へんそくそうち, hensoku-sōchi/
transmitter {n} (one who or that which transmits something) :: 送話器 /そうわき, sōwaki/, トランスミッター /toransumittā/
transmodern {adj} (involving a form of modernness and nonmodernness) :: トランスモダン /toransumodan/
transmutation {n} (transformation) SEE: transformation ::
transmute {v} (to convert one thing into another) :: 変移
Transnistria {prop} (Transnistria, an autonomous territory in Moldova) :: 沿ドニエストル共和国 /えんドニエストルきょうわこく, En-Doniesutoru kyōwakoku/, 沿ドニエストル /En-Doniesutoru/
transparency {n} (quality of being transparent; transparence) :: 透明性 /とうめいせい, tōmeisei/
transparency {n} (transparent object) :: 透明性 /とうめいせい, tōmeisei/
transparent {adj} (see-through, clear) :: 透明 /とうめい, tōmei/
transparent {adj} (open, publicly visible) :: 透明 /tōmei/, 可視化 /kashi ka/
transparent {adj} (obvious) :: 明らか /akiraka/
transphobia {n} (fear or hatred of transsexuality or transgenderism) :: トランスフォビア /toransufobia/
transpire {v} (to happen, take place) SEE: happen ::
transplant {v} (uproot and replant (a plant)) :: 移植する /いしょくする, ishoku suru/
transplant {v} (medicine: transfer (tissue/organ)) :: 移植する /いしょくする, ishoku suru/
transplant {n} (medicine: operation) :: 移植 /いしょく, ishoku/
transplantation {n} (A surgical operation) :: 移植 /いしょく, ishoku/
transponder {n} (transceiver that transmits a signal in response to another) :: トランスポンダ /toransuponda/
transport {v} (carry or bear from one place to another) :: 運送する /うんそうする, unsō surú/ , 輸送する /yusō-suru/
transport {v} (historical: deport to a penal colony) :: 追放する /tsuihō-suru/
transport {n} (act of transporting) :: 運送 /unsō/, 輸送 /yusō/
transport {n} (vehicle used to transport passengers, mail or freight) :: 輸送機関 /ゆそうきかん, yusō-kikan/
transport {n} (historical: deported convict) :: 追放 /tsuihō/
transport {n} (public transport) SEE: public transport ::
transportation {n} (act of transporting) :: 輸送 /ゆそう, yusō/
transportation {n} (deportation to a penal colony) :: 島流し /しまながし, shimanagashi/, 流罪 /るざい, ruzai/
transportation {n} (means of conveyance) :: 乗り物 /のりもの, norimono/, 輸送機関 /ゆそうきかん, yusōkikan/
transsexual {adj} (being a transsexual) :: 性同一性障害の /せいどういつせいしょうがいの, seidōitsuseishōgai no/, 性別移行の /せいべついこうの, seibetsuikō no/, 性転換の /せいてんかんの, seitenkan no/
transsexual {n} (person whose gender identity did not match his/her birth sex, and who therefore is changing or has changed sex) :: 性転換者 /せいてんかんしゃ, seitenkansha/; 性同一性障害者 /せいどういつせいしょうがいしゃ, seidōitsuseishōgaisha/, 性別移行者 /せいべついこうしゃ, seibetsuikōsha/
transsexualism {n} (transsexuality) SEE: transsexuality ::
transsexuality {n} (the state, condition, or properties of being transsexual) :: 性転換 /せいてんかん, seitenkan/, 性転換症 /せいてんかんしょう, seitenkanshō/ [negative connotation, as a "disease"]
transtemporal {adj} (transtemporal) :: 超時間 (ちょうじかん, chōjikan)
transubstantiation {n} (Roman Catholic dogma) :: 聖変化 /せいへんか, seihenka/
transuranic {adj} (element with atomic number greater than 92) :: 超ウラン /chōuran/
transverse wave {n} (type of wave) :: 横波 /yokonami/
transvest {v} (cross-dress) SEE: cross-dress ::
transvestite {n} (cross-dresser, see also: cross-dresser) :: 異性装者 /いせいそうしゃ, iseisōsha/
Transylvania {prop} (Transylvania) :: トランシルヴァニア /Toranshiruvania/
trap {n} (device designed to catch or kill animals) :: /わな, wana/
trap {n} (trick or arrangement designed to catch someone in a more general sense) :: /わな, wana/
trapeze {n} (trapezium) SEE: trapezium ::
trapeze {n} (swinging horizontal bar) :: 空中ブランコ /kūchūburanko/
trapezium {n} (polygon with two parallel sides) :: 台形 /だいけい, daikei/
trapezium {n} (polygon with no parallel sides and no equal sides) :: 不等辺四辺形 /ふとうへんしへんけい, futōhenshihenkei/
trapezius {n} (large vertebrate skeletal muscle) :: 僧帽筋 /そうぼうきん, sōbōkin/
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with two sides parallel) SEE: trapezium ::
trapezoid {n} (quadrilateral with no sides parallel) SEE: trapezium ::
trash {n} (things to be discarded) :: ごみ /gomi/
trash bag {n} (plastic bag for the disposal of household waste) SEE: garbage bag ::
trash can {n} (garbage can) SEE: garbage can ::
trauma {n} (serious injury to the body) :: 外傷 /がいしょう, gaishō/, 損傷 /そんしょう, sonshō/
trauma {n} (emotional wound) :: トラウマ /torauma/, 心的外傷 /shinteki gaishō/, 心の傷 /kokoro no kizu/
travel {v} (be on a journey) :: 旅行する /りょこうする, ryokō suru/
travel {n} (act of traveling) :: 旅行 /りょこう, ryokō/
travel agency {n} (tour operator) SEE: tour operator ::
travel agency {n} (company) :: 旅行会社 /ryokō-gaisha/, 旅行の代理店 /ryokō no dairiten/
travel agent {n} (travel agency) SEE: travel agency ::
traveler {n} (one who travels) SEE: traveller ::
traveler's check {n} (check draft) SEE: traveller's cheque ::
traveller {n} (one who travels) :: 旅人 /たびびと, tabibito/, 旅行者 /りょこうしゃ, ryokōsha/
traveller {n} (Ireland: member of the nomadic ethnic minority) SEE: Irish Traveller ::
Traveller {n} (member of a minority in Ireland) SEE: Irish Traveller ::
traveller's cheque {n} (preprinted cheque for a fixed amount) :: トラベラーズチェック /toraberāzuchekku/
traveller's palm {n} (Ravenala madagascariensis) :: タビビトノキ /tabibito-no-ki/, オウギバショウ /ōgi-bashō/
travelling salesman {n} (itinerant salesperson) :: セールスマン /sērusuman/, 外交販売員 /gaikō hanbaiin/
travelogue {n} (description of someone's travels) :: 旅行記 /ryokōki/
travel sickness {n} (motion sickness) SEE: motion sickness ::
trawler {n} (fishing boat) :: トロール船 /トロールふね, torōru fune/, トロール漁船 /torōru gyosen/
tray {n} (object on which things are carried) :: /ぼん, bon/, トレイ /torei/
tray {n} (notification area in a computer's graphical user interface) :: トレイ /torei/
treachery {n} (treason) SEE: treason ::
treachery {n} (deliberate disregard for trust or faith) :: 裏切り /うらぎり, uragiri/
treacle {n} (molasses or golden syrup) :: 糖蜜 /とうみつ, tōmitsu/
tread {v} (to step on) :: 踏む /ふむ, fumu/
tread {v} (to beat with one's feet; to trample) :: 踏む /ふむ, fumu/
tread {n} (grooves in tire) :: [grooves] /みぞ, mizo/; [a place where a tire and the earth contacts] 接地面 /せっちめん, setchi-men/; [grooves in tire] タイヤ溝 /たいやみぞ, taiya-mizo/; [remaining tread depth] 残溝 /zaimizo/
tread {n} (bottom of a sneaker) :: [grooves] /みぞ, mizo/; [bottom] /そこ, soko/; [shoe bottom] 靴底 /くつぞこ, kutsu-zoko/
tread {n} (top of a step) :: /だん, dan/, 踏み面 /ふみづら, fumizura/
treadmill {n} (piece of indoor sporting equipment) :: トレッドミル /toreddomiru/, 踏み車 /ふみぐるま, fumiguruma/
treason {n} (crime of betraying one’s country) :: 反逆 /はんぎゃく, hangyaku/, 裏切り /うらぎり, ​uragiri/
treason {n} (providing aid and comfort to the enemy) :: 裏切り /うらぎり, uragiri/
treasure {n} (collection of valuable things) :: /たから, takara/, 宝物 /たからもの, takaramono/
treasure {v} (consider to be precious) :: 重宝する /chōhō suru/, 珍重する /chinchō suru/
treasure map {n} (map on which is marked the location of a treasure) :: 宝の地図 /takara no chizu/
treasurer {n} (head of a corporation's treasury department) :: 会計係 /かいけいがかり, kaikē-gakari/
treasurer {n} (official entrusted with the funds and revenues of an organisation) :: 会計係 /かいけいがかり, kaikē-gakari/
treasure trail {n} (vertical line of hair) :: ギャランドゥ
treasure trove {n} (hidden treasure, subsequently discovered) :: 埋蔵 /まいぞう, maizō/, 堀り出し物 /ほりだしもの, horidashimono/
treasury {n} (place where treasure is stored safely) :: 金庫 /きんこ, kinko/
treasury {n} (place where state or royal money and valuables are stored) :: 国庫 {f} /こっこ, kokko/
treasury {n} (collection of artistic or literary works) :: 宝庫 /ほうこ, hōko/
treasury {n} (government department) SEE: treasury department ::
treasury department {n} (government department) :: 国庫 {f} /こっこ, kokko/
treat {v} (to entertain with food or drink) :: 奢る /おごる, ogoru/
treat {n} ((obsolete) A parley or discussion of terms; a negotiation) SEE: negotiation ::
treatise {n} (systematic discourse on some subject) :: 論文 /ろんぶん, ronbun/
treatment {n} (process or manner of treating) :: 処理 /しょり, shori/
treatment {n} (medical care for an illness or injury) :: 治療 /ちりょう, chiryō/
treaty {n} (a binding agreement under international law) :: 条約 /じょうやく, jōyaku/, 協定 /きょうてい, kyōtei/
treble clef {n} (music symbol) :: ト音記号 /toonkigō/
trebuchet {n} (trebuchet) :: トレビュシェット /torebyushetto/
tredecillion {num} (1042, see also: septillion) :: (ひゃくせい, hyakusei)
tree {proverb} (large woody plant) :: /き, ki/, 樹木 /じゅもく, jumoku/
tree {proverb} (shoe tree) :: 靴型 /kutsugata/
tree {proverb} ((graph theory) graph tree with no cycles) :: /ki/
tree {proverb} ((computing theory) recursive data structure) :: ツリー構造 /tsurī-kōzo/
tree {proverb} ((graphical user interface) tree list) :: ツリーリスト /tsurī-risuto/
treebank {n} (database of trees) :: ツリーバンク /tsurībanku/
tree hollow {n} (tree hollow) :: 樹洞 /じゅどう, judō/
treehouse {n} (a house within a tree) :: ツリーハウス
tree kangaroo {n} :: 木登カンガルー, キノボリカンガルー /kinobori kangarū/
tree ring {n} (annual growth ring in the trunk of a tree) :: 年輪 /ねんりん, nenrin/
treetop {n} (crown or uppermost branches of a tree) ::
tree trunk {n} (the main structural member of a tree) :: /みき, miki/
trema {n} (the diacritical mark) SEE: diaeresis ::
trematode {n} (parasitic worm of the class Trematoda) :: 吸虫 /きゅうちゅう, kyūchū/
tremble {v} (to shake) :: 震える /ふるえる, furueru/
tremble {n} (a shake) :: 震え /ふるえ, furue/
tremendous {adj} (extremely large (in amount, extent, degree etc.) or great; enormous; extraordinary) :: 莫大 /bakudai/
tremolo {n} (rapid repetition of the same note) :: トレモロ /toremoro/, 震音 /しんおん, shin'on/
tremor {n} (shake, quiver, or vibration) :: 震え /ふるえ, furue/, 揺れ /ゆれ, yure/
tremor {n} (uncontrollable bodily shaking) :: 振戦震顫振顫 /しんせん, shinsen/
tremor {v} (to shake or quiver; to tremble) :: 震える /ふるえる, furueru/
tren {n} (fish spear) :: /もり, mori/
trench {n} (long, narrow ditch or hole) :: 塹壕 /ざんごう, zangō/, トレンチ /torenchi/
trench coat {n} (military-style raincoat) :: トレンチコート /torenchikōto/
trend {n} (an inclination in a direction) :: 傾向 /けいこう, keikō/, トレンド /torendo/, 趨勢 /すうせい, sūsei/
trend {n} (A fad) :: トレンド /torendo/
trendsetter {n} (someone who starts a trend, or makes one more popular) :: トレンドセッター /torendosettā/
trenette {n} (type of pasta) :: トレネッテ /torenette/
Trentino {prop} (province of Italy) :: トレンティーノ /Torentīno/
Trento {prop} (province) SEE: Trentino ::
trepanation {n} (practice of drilling a hole in the skull) :: 穿頭 /せんとう, sentō/
trepang {n} (sea cucumber) SEE: sea cucumber ::
trespass {n} (law) :: 不法侵入 /ふほうしんにゅう, fufō-shinnyū/, 侵入 /しんにゅう, shinnyū/
trespass {v} (to commit an offence) :: 侵害する /しんがいする, shingai suru/
trespass {v} (to offend against) :: 侵害する /しんがいする, shingai suru/
trespass {v} (legal: to enter someone else's property illegally) :: 不法侵入する /ふほうしんにゅうする, fufō-shinnyū suru/
trespass {n} (sin) SEE: sin ::
trespasser {n} (a person who trespasses) :: 侵入者 /しんにゅうしゃ, shinnyuusha/
trespassing {n} (unauthorized entry on private property) :: 不法侵入 /ふほうしんにゅう, huhō-shin'nyū/
tress {n} (A braid, knot, or curl, of hair; a ringlet) :: 髪の房 /kami no fusa/
trestle {n} (a horizontal member supported near each end by a pair of divergent legs) :: 架台 /kadai/, /uma/, 脚立 /kyatatsu/
trestle {n} (a folding or fixed set of legs used to support a table-top or planks) :: 架台 /kadai/
trestle {n} (a framework, using spreading, divergent pairs of legs used to support a bridge) :: 架台 /kadai/
trevally {n} (fish) :: シマアジ /shima-aji/
trey {n} (playing card) :: トレイ /torei/
trey {n} (score) :: トレイ /torei/
triad {n} (underground society) :: 三合会 /さんごうかい, sangōkai/
triage {n} (assessment or sorting according to quality) :: トリアージ /toriāji/
trial {n} (chance to test something out) :: 試験 /しけん, shiken/, 試し /ためし, tameshi/
trial {n} (appearance at judicial court) :: 裁判 /さいばん, sáiban/, 公判 /こうはん, kōhan/
trial {n} (difficult experience) :: 試練 /しれん, shiren/
trial {adj} (pertaining to a language form referring to three of something) :: 三数 /sansū/
trial and error {n} (solution by learning from mistakes) :: 試行錯誤 /しこうさくご, shikō sakugo/
trial balloon {n} (idea, suggestion, etc., offered to test whether it generates acceptance or interest) :: 観測気球 /kansoku kikyū/
trialogue {n} (discourse or colloquy by three people) :: 鼎談 /ていだん, teidan/
triangle {n} (polygon) :: 三角形 /さんかくけい, sankakukei/
triangle {n} (percussion instrument) :: トライアングル /toraianguru/
triangle {n} (love triangle) SEE: love triangle ::
triangle inequality {prop} (the triangle inequality) :: 三角不等式 /さんかくふとうしき, sankaku futōshiki/
Triassic {prop} (the geologic period) :: 三畳紀 /さんじょうき, sanjōki/
tribadism {n} (sexual practice) :: 貝合わせ /かいあわせ, kaiawase/
tribe {n} (group of people) :: 部族 /ぶぞく, buzoku/, 民族 /みんぞく, minzoku/
Tribeca {prop} (Tribeca) :: トライベッカ /Toraibekka/
tribunal {n} (assembly including one or more judges to conduct judicial business) :: 法廷 /ほうてい, hōtei/
tribune {n} (elected official in Ancient Rome) :: トリビューン /toribyūn/
tribune {n} (place or an opportunity to speak; platform) :: 演壇 /えんだん, endan/
tributary {n} (stream which flows into a larger one) :: 支流 /しりゅう, shiryū/
tributary {n} (nation, state etc.) :: 属国 /ぞっこく, zokkoku/
tributary {adj} (subordinate, inferior) SEE: subordinate ::
tribute {n} (acknowledgment of gratitude, respect or admiration; an accompanying gift) :: オマージュ /omājyu/
tribute {n} (payment made by one nation to another in submission) :: 貢ぎ物 /mitsugimono/, 貢ぎ /mitsugi/
tribute {n} (payment made by a feudal vassal to his lord) :: 貢ぎ物 /mitsugimono/, 貢ぎ /mitsugi/
triceps {n} (any muscle having three heads) :: 三頭筋 /さんとうきん, santōkin/
trichotillomania {n} (disorder) :: 抜毛症 /ばつもうしょう/, 抜毛癖 /ばつもうへき/
trichotomy {n} (division or separation into three) :: 三分法 /sanbunhō/
trick {n} (something designed to fool) :: 欺き /あざむき, azamuki/, 企み /たくらみ, takurami/
trick {n} (magic trick) :: 手品 /てじな, tejina/, トリック /torikku/
trickery {n} (underhanded behavior) :: 細工 /saiku/
trick of the trade {n} (techniques learned from job experience) :: 職歴よって学んだ秘訣 /shokureki ni yotte mananda hiketsu/
trick or treat {interj} (extortion) :: トリックオアトリート /torikku oa torīto/
trickster {n} (mythological or literary figure) :: トリックスター /torikkusutā/
trickster {n} (fraud) SEE: fraud ::
trick up one's sleeve {n} (ace up one's sleeve) SEE: ace up one's sleeve ::
tricky {adj} (adept at using deception) :: 狡猾な /kōkatsu na/
tricolor {adj} (having three colors) :: 三色 {m} /sanshoku/
tricolour {n} (A flag with three stripes of different colours) :: 三色旗 /さんしょくき, sanshokuki/
tricot {n} (soft knit fabric) :: トリコット /torikotto/
tricycle {n} (cycle with three wheels) :: 三輪車 /さんりんしゃ, sanrinsha/, [trike] トライク /toraiku/
trident {n} (three-pronged spear) :: 三叉槍
tridymite {n} (mineral) :: 鱗珪石 /りんけいせき, rinkeiseki/, 鱗石英 /りんせきえい, rinsekiei/
Trieste {prop} (province) :: トリエステ /Torieste/
Trieste {prop} (city) :: トリエステ /Torieste/
trifle {n} (dessert) :: トライフル /toraifuru/
triforce {n} (Shape composed of three triangles in a specific alignment) :: トライフォース /toraifōsu/
trigeminal nerve {n} (nerve responsible for sensation and motor function in the face and mouth) :: 三叉神経 /さんさしんけい, sansashinkei/
trigeminal neuralgia {n} (neuropathic disorder) :: 三叉神経痛 /さんさしんけいつう, sansashinkeitsū/
trigger {n} (finger-operated lever used to fire a gun) :: 引き金 /ひきがね, hikigane/, /kō, gu/
trigger {n} (SQL procedure) :: トリガ /toriga/
trigger finger {n} (forefinger) SEE: forefinger ::
trigger warning {n} (notice warning of traumatic triggers in media) :: 事前警告 /じぜんけいこく, jizen keikoku/
trigonometric function {n} (a function of an angle) :: 三角関数 /sankaku kansū/
trigonometry {n} (branch of mathematics) :: 三角法 /さんかくほう, sankakuhō/
trilemma {n} (circumstance in which a choice must be made between three options) :: 三すくみ
trill {n} (rapid alternation of notes) :: 顫音 /せんおん, sen'on/, トリル /toriru/
trill {n} (vibrating consonant) :: 震え音 /ふるえおん, furueon/, 顫動音 /せんどうおん, sendōon/
trillion {num} (a million million, 1012, see also: billion) :: /ちょう, chō/
trilobite {n} (member of the class Trilobita) :: 三葉虫 /さんようちゅう, san’yōchū/
trilogy {n} (collection of three works) :: 三部作 /さんぶさく, sanbusaku/
trimester {n} (term of academic year) :: 学期 /がっき, gakki/
Trinidad {prop} (an island of the Caribbean) :: トリニダード島 /torinidādotō/
Trinidad and Tobago {prop} (country) :: トリニダード・トバゴ /Torinidādo-Tobago/
Trinitarian {adj} (believing in the Trinity) :: 三位一体の (さんみいったいの sanmeittai no)
trinitrotoluene {n} (a highly explosive yellow crystalline substance) :: トリニトロトルエン /torinitorotoruen/
trinity {n} (group or set of three people or things) :: 三つ組 /mitsugumi/, 三位一体 /sanmiittai/
Trinity {prop} (Christianity: three persons of the Godhead) :: 三位一体 /さんみいったい, sanmi-ittai/
trinket {n} (a small showy ornament or piece of jewelry) :: 小物 /こもの, komono/, 安ピカ /yasupika/
trinket {n} (a mere trifle) :: 些事 /さじ, saji/, 小事 /しょうじ, shōji/
trio {n} (group of three people or things) :: 三つ組 /mitsugumi/ (things), 三人組 /sanningumi/ (people)
trio {n} (group of three musicians) :: 三重唱 /さんじゅうしょう, sanjūshō/ [vocal], 三重奏 /さんじゅうそう, sanjūsō/ [instrumental], トリオ /torio/
triode {n} (thermionic valve) :: 三極管 /sankyokukan/
triose {n} (sugar containing three carbon atoms) :: トリオース /toriōsu/
trip {n} (journey) :: 旅行 /りょこう, ryokō/, /たび, tabi/
trip {n} (stumble or misstep) :: [misstep] 踏み違え /ふみちがえ, fumichigae/, [stumble] 躓き /つまづき, tsumazuki/
trip {n} (period of time in which one experiences drug-induced reverie or hallucinations) :: [feeling of intoxification] 陶酔感 /とうすいかん, tōsuikan/, [hallucinations] 幻覚症状 /げんかくしょうじょう, genkaku shōjō/, [slang] トリップ /torippu/
trip {n} (faux pas, a social error) :: 無作法 /ぶさほう, busahō/, 不作法 /ぶさほう, busahō/, 不謹慎 /ふきんしん, fukinshin/
trip {v} (fall over or stumble over an object) :: [stumble] 躓く /つまづく, tsumazuku/, [fall over] 転ぶ /転ぶ, korobu/
trip {v} (to cause to stumble) :: よろめかせる /yoromekaseru/, 転ばせる /ころばせる, korobaseru/
trip {v} (to activate or set in motion) :: 作動させる /さどうさせる, sadō saseru/
trip {v} (to experience a state of reverie or to hallucinate) :: [slang] トリップする /とりっぷする, torippu suru/
trip {v} (to make a trip) :: 旅行する /りょこうする, ryokō suru/, 旅する /たびする, tabi suru/, [generic for "to go out"] 外出する /がいしゅつする, gaishutsu suru/
tripe {n} (stomach lining of animal for food) :: トライプ /toraipu/
tripe {n} (entrails) :: 臓腑 /ぞうふ, zōfu/
triphthong {n} (monosyllabic vowel combination involving movement from one vowel to another) :: 三重音字 /さんじゅうおんじ, sanjū onji/, 三重字 /さんじゅうじ, sanjūji/
Tripitaka {n} (any of several canons of Buddhist scripture) :: 三蔵 /さんぞう, sanzō/
triplane {n} (airplane that has three pairs of wings) :: 三葉機 /さんようき, san'yōki/
triple {adj} (made up of three related elements) :: 三重 /みえ mie, さんじゅう sanjū/
triple {adj} (three times the quantity) :: 三倍 /さんばい sambai/, 三重 /みえ mie, さんじゅう sanjū/
triple {adj} (composed of three layers) :: 三層の /さんそうの, sansō no/
triple {n} (sequence of three elements) :: 三重 /さんじゅう, sanjū/
triple {v} (to multiply by three) :: 三倍する /sanbai suru/
triple bond {n} (covalent bond in which three pairs of electron are shared) :: 三重結合 /さんじゅうけつごう, sanjū ketsugō/
triple burner {n} (three sections) :: 三焦 /さんしょう, sanshō/
Triple Gem {prop} (Triple Gem) :: 仏法僧
triple harp {n} (musical instrument) :: バロック・ハープ /barokku hāpu/
triple point {n} (the temperature and pressure at which a substance is in equilibrium) :: 三重点 /さんじゅうてん, sanjūten/
triplet {n} (group of three) :: 三つ組 /みつぐみ, mitsu-gumi/
triplet {n} (one of three siblings born at the same time of the same mother) :: 三つ子 /mitsugo/
tripod {n} (a three-legged stand or mount) :: 三脚架 /さんきゃくか, sankyakuka/
tripolar {adj} (having three poles) :: 三極 /sankyoku/
Tripoli {prop} (capital of Libya) :: トリポリ /Toripori/
triptych {n} (art: a picture or series of pictures painted on three tablets connected by hinges) :: トリプティカ /toriputika/
Tripura {prop} (state) :: トリプラ /Toripura/
tripwire {n} (a passive triggering mechanism) :: トリップワイヤー /torippuwaiyā/
trisect {v} (to cut into three pieces) :: 三等分する /san-tōbun suru/
trishaw {n} (cycle rickshaw) SEE: cycle rickshaw ::
triskaidekaphobia {n} (fear or dislike of the number 13) :: 十三恐怖症 /jūsan kyōfushō/
Tristan da Cunha {prop} (British territory) :: トリスタン・ダ・クーニャ /Torisutan-da-Kūnya/
trite {adj} (used so many times that it is commonplace, or no longer interesting or effective; worn out, hackneyed) :: 陳腐な /ちんぷな, chinpu-na/, ありふれた /arifureta/
tritium {n} (radioactive isotope of hydrogen) :: 三重水素 /sanjūsuiso/
tritocerebrum {n} (part of insect brain) :: 後大脳 /ごだいのう, godainō/
triton {n} (tritium nucleus) :: 三重陽子 /sanjūyōshi/
Triton {prop} (god of the sea) :: トリトン /Toriton/
Triton {prop} (seventh moon of Neptune) :: トリトン /Toriton/
triumph {n} (conclusive success; victory; conquest) :: 勝利 /しょうり, shōri/, 偉業 /いぎょう, igyō/
triumph {n} (ceremony performed in honour of a victory) :: 凱旋 /gaisen/
triumph {n} (a state of joy or exultation at success) :: 意気揚々 /iki yōyō/, 勝ち誇り /はちほこり, kachihokori/
triumph {v} (to prevail over rivals) :: 大勝利を成す /daishōri o nasu/, 偉業を成す /igyō o nasu/
triumph {v} (to succeed) :: 大勝利を成す /daishōri o nasu/, 偉業を成す /igyō o nasu/
triumph {n} (trump card) SEE: trump ::
Trivandrum {prop} (Thiruvananthapuram) SEE: Thiruvananthapuram ::
trivia {n} (quiz) SEE: quiz ::
trivia {n} (insignificant trifles of little importance) :: 豆知識 /まめちしき, mamechishiki/
trivial {adj} (of little significance or value) :: つまらない /tsumaranai/, 些細な /sasai na/, 末梢的な /masshoteki na/, 枝葉の /edaha no/
trivial {adj} (common, ordinary) :: ありふれた /arifureta/
trivial {adj} (concerned with or involving trivia) :: 蛇足の /dasoku no/
trivial {adj} ((biology) relating to, or designating a species) :: 通称 /tsūshō/
trivial {adj} ((mathematics) self-evident) :: 自明な /jimei na/
trivialise {v} (trivialize) SEE: trivialize ::
trivialization {n} (act of trivializing) :: 矮小化 /waishōka/
trivialize {v} (make something appear trivial) :: 矮小化する /waishōka suru/
troglodyte {n} (member of a supposed prehistoric race that lived in caves) :: 穴居人 /けっきょじん, kekkyojin/
troglodyte {n} (person who chooses not to keep up-to-date) :: 隠者 /いんじゃ, inja/
troika {n} (carriage) :: トロイカ /toroika/
Trojan {n} (computer malware) SEE: Trojan horse ::
Trojan horse {prop} (epic wooden horse) :: トロイの木馬 /Toroi no mokuba/
Trojan horse {n} (computing: malicious program) :: トロイの木馬 /toroi-no mokuba/
Trojan War {prop} (mythological war) :: トロイア戦争 /toroia sensō/
troll {n} (supernatural being) :: トロール /torōru/
troll {n} (person who provokes others) :: 荒らし /あらし, arashi/, トロール /torōru/
trolley {n} (cart or shopping cart) :: トロリー /tororī/
trolley bus {n} (bus powered via overhead electric cables) :: トロリーバス /tororībasu/
trombone {n} (a musical instrument in the brass family) :: トロンボーン /toronbōn/
troop {n} (military forces) :: 軍隊 /ぐんたい, guntai/
trope {n} (art, literature: something recurring across a genre or type of art or literature) :: 転義法 /てんぎほう, tengihō/
trope {n} (rhetoric: figure of speech in which words or phrases are used with a nonliteral or figurative meaning) :: 転義法 /てんぎほう, tengihō/, 比喩 /ひゆ, hiyu/
trophy {n} (object rewarding success) :: トロフィー /torofī/
tropic {adj} (tropical) SEE: tropical ::
tropic {n} (either of the two parallels) :: 回帰線 /かきせん, kaikisen/, 熱帯 /ねったい, nettai/
Tropic {n} (one of the two Tropics) SEE: tropic ::
tropical {adj} (dated: metaphorical, figurative) SEE: figurative ::
tropical {adj} (of or pertaining to the tropics) :: 熱帯 /ねったい, nettai/, 回帰線 /かきせん, kaikisen/
tropical {adj} (from or similar to a hot humid climate) :: 熱帯 /ねったい, nettai/
tropical rainforest {n} (forest) :: 熱帯雨林 /ねったいうりん, nettai urin/
Tropic of Cancer {prop} (the parallel of latitude 23°30′ north of the equator) :: 北回帰線 /きたかいきせん, kita kaikisen/
Tropic of Capricorn {prop} (parallel of latitude 23°30' S) :: 南回帰線 /みなみかいきせん, minami kaikisen/
tropics {n} (region of the Earth) :: 熱帯 /ねったい, nettai/
troposphere {n} (lower levels of the atmosphere) :: 対流圏 /たいりゅうけん, tairyūken/
tropylium {n} (organic compound) :: トロピリウム /toropiriumu/
trot {n} (toddler) SEE: toddler ::
trot {n} (gait of an animal between walk and canter) :: 速歩 /はやあし, hayaashi/
trot {n} (moderately rapid dance) :: トロット /torotto/
troth {n} (truth) SEE: truth ::
Trotskyism {n} (left-wing political philosophy named after Leon Trotsky) :: トロツキズム /Torotsukizumu/
Trotskyist {n} (a supporter of Trotskyism) SEE: Trotskyite ::
Trotskyite {n} (an advocate of the communist doctrines of Leon Trotsky) :: トロツキスト /torotsukisuto/
troubadour {n} (an itinerant performer of songs) :: 吟遊詩人 /ぎんゆうしじん, gin'yū shijin/
trouble {n} (distressful or dangerous situation) :: 揉め事 /もめごと, mome-goto/, 厄介事 /やっかいごと, yakkai-goto/, 迷惑 /めいわく, meiwaku/
trouble {n} (difficulty) :: 心配事 /しんぱいごと, shimpai-goto/, 問題 /もんだい, mondai/
trouble {n} (violent occurrence) :: 揉め事 /もめごと, mome-goto/, 厄介事 /やっかいごと, yakkai-goto/
trouble {n} (effort) :: 厄介 /やっかい, yakkai/, 骨折り /ほねおり, honeori/
trouble {n} (malfunction) :: 障害 /しょうがい, shōgai/, 問題 /もんだい, mondai/
trouble {v} (to bother; to annoy) :: 手数を掛ける /てすうをかける, tesū-o kakeru/, 面倒を掛ける /めんどうをかける, mendō-o kakeru/
troubled {adj} (worried, anxious) :: 心配した /しんぱいした, shinpai shita/
troublemaker {n} (one who causes trouble, especially deliberately) :: トラブルメーカー /toraburumēkā/
troubleshooting {n} (identification and resolution of problems) :: トラブルシューティング /toraburu shūtingu/
troublesome {adj} (giving trouble) :: 厄介 /やっかい, yakkai/, 迷惑 /めいわく, meiwaku/, 面倒 /めんどう, mendō/
trough {n} (a long, narrow, open container for feeding animals) :: かいばおけ /kaibaoke/
troupe {n} (company of actors, etc.) :: /だん, dan/
trouser {v} (to pocket) SEE: pocket ::
trousers {n} (article of clothing for the lower body) SEE: pants ::
trout {n} (fish) :: /ます, masu/, マス /masu/
trout lily {n} (plant of the genus Erythronium) :: ハナヤスリ属 /hanayasuri zoku/
trove {n} (treasure trove) SEE: treasure trove ::
trowel {n} (mason's tool) :: こて /kote/, トロエル /toroeru/
Troy {prop} (an ancient city) :: トロイ /Toroi/
truancy {n} (the act of shirking from responsibilities and duties) :: 不登校 /ふとうこう, futokō/, 登校拒否 /とうこうきょひ, tōkō kyohi/
truce {n} (a period of time in which no fighting takes place) :: 停戦 /ていせん, teisen/, 休戦 /きゅうせん, kyūsen/
truck {v} (trade) SEE: trade ::
truck {n} (vehicle designed for carrying cargo) :: トラック /torakku/, 貨物自動車 /かもつじどうしゃ, kamotsu jidōsha/
truck {n} (wagon) SEE: wagon ::
truck driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) :: トラック運転手 /torakku untenshu/
trucker {n} (one who drives a truck) SEE: truck driver ::
trudge {v} (to walk wearily with heavy, slow steps) :: 重い足取りで歩く /omoi ashidori de aruku/, とぼとぼと歩く /tobotobo to aruku/
true {adj} (concurring with a given set of facts) :: 真実の /しんじつの, shinjitsu-no/, 本当な /ほんとうな, hontō-na/
true {adj} (A state in Boolean logic that indicates an affirmative or positive result) :: /しん, shin/
true {adj} (Loyal, faithful) :: 忠実な /ちゅうじつな, chūjitsu-na/, 忠誠な /ちゅうせいな, chūsei-na/
true {adj} (Genuine) :: 本物の /ほんものの, honmono-no/
true {adj} (Legitimate) :: 正統な /せいとうな, seitō-na/
true {adv} (accurately) :: 正確に /せいかくに, seikaku ni/
true {v} (straighten) :: 正しい調整, 正確形作る
true seal {n} (earless seal) SEE: earless seal ::
truffle {n} (tuber) :: 西洋松露 /せいようしょうろ, seiyōshōro/, トリュフ /toryufu/
truffle hog {n} (pig used for finding truffles) :: トリュフ豚 /toryufu-buta/
truism {n} (self-evident or obvious truth) :: 自明の理 /じめいのり, jimei no ri/
Truku {n} (an ethnic group in Taiwan) :: セデック族のテルク人
truly {adv} (in accordance with the facts) :: 事実のとおりに /じじつのとおりに, jijitsu no tōri/
truly {adv} (honestly, genuinely) :: 真実に /しんじつに, shinjitsu ni/
truly {adv} (very) :: 本当に /ほんとうに, hontō ni/
Truman {prop} (surname) :: トルーマン
trump {n} (suit that outranks all others) :: 切り札 /きりふだ, kirifuda/
trump {n} (playing card of that suit) :: 切り札 /きりふだ, kirifuda/
trump {n} (something that gives one an advantage) :: 切り札 /きりふだ, kirifuda/
Trump {prop} (surname) :: トランプ /Toranpu/
trump card {n} (trump) SEE: trump ::
trumpet {n} (brass instrument) :: トランペット /torampetto/, 喇叭 /ラッパ, らっぱ, rappa/
trumpet {v} (make an elephant call) :: 吼える /ほえる, hoeru/
trumpeter {n} (person who plays the trumpet) :: トランペッター /toranpettā/, 喇叭手 /らっぱしゅ, rappashu/
truncation {n} (act of truncating) :: 短縮 /tansyuku/
trunk {n} (tree trunk) :: /みき, miki/
trunk {n} (large suitcase or chest) :: 行李 /こうり, kōri/, 長持 /ながもち, nagamochi/, トランク /toranku/
trunk {n} (extended nasal organ of an elephant) :: /はな, hana/
trunk {n} (luggage storage compartment of a sedan/saloon style car) :: トランク /toranku/
trunk {n} (telecommunications line) :: 中継回線 /chūkē-kaisen/
trunk {n} (torso) SEE: torso ::
trunk {n} (swimming trunks) SEE: swimming trunks ::
trust {n} (confidence in or reliance on some person or quality) :: /しん, shin/, 信頼 /しんらい, shinrai/, 信任 /しんにん, shinnin/
trust {n} (a group of businessmen or traders) :: トラスト /torasuto/
trust {v} (to place confidence in) :: 信じる /しんじる, shinjiru/, 信頼する /しんらいする, shinrai suru/, 信任する /しんにんする, shinnin suru/
trustee {n} (person to whom property is legally committed in trust) :: 受託者 /じゅたくしゃ, jutakusha/, 管財人 /かんざいにん, kanzainin/, 保管人 /ほかんにん, hokannin/
trustworthy {adj} (reliable) :: 頼もしい /たのもしい, tanomoshii/, 信頼できる /しんらいできる, shinrai dekiru/, 着実 /ちゃくじつ, chakujitsu/
truth {n} (state or quality of being true to someone or something) :: /まこと, makoto/
truth {n} (pledge of loyalty or faith) :: /まこと, makoto/
truth {n} (conformity to fact or reality) :: 真実 /しんじつ, shinjitsu/, 事実 /じじつ, jijitsu/, 本当 /ほんとう, hontō/, 真理 /しんり, shinri/
truth {n} (true facts) :: 真実 /しんじつ, shinjitsu/, 真相 /しんそう, shinsō/, 実態 /じったい, jittai/, 事実 /じじつ, jijitsu/, 本当 /ほんとう, hontō/
truth {n} (that which is real) :: 真理 /しんり, shinri/
truth {n} (something acknowledged to be true) :: 真理 /しんり, shinri/
truth or dare {n} (game where players perform a dare or answer a question) :: 真実ゲーム /shinjitsu gēmu/
truth table {n} (table showing all possible truth values for an expression) :: 真理値表 /しんりちひょう, shinrichihyō/
truth value {n} (values in logic) :: 真理値 /shinrichi/, 真偽値 /shingichi/
try {v} (to attempt) :: 挑戦する /chōsen suru/, 努める /つとめる, tsutomeru/, 試す /ためす, tamesu/, やってみる /yatte miru/, みる /miru/
try {v} (to make an experiment) :: 試みる /kokoromiru/
try {v} (to put to test) :: 試みる /kokoromiru/
try {v} (to taste, sample, etc) :: 試す /tamesu/
try {v} (to put on trial) :: 裁判に掛ける /saiban ni kakeru/
try {n} (an attempt) :: 試み /kokoromi/
try {n} (an act of tasting or sampling) :: 試み /kokoromi/
try {n} (a score in rugby) :: トライ /torai/
try on {v} (to test the look of) :: 試着する /しちゃくする, shichaku suru/
try out {v} (to test something) :: 試す /ためす, tamesu/, 試してみる /ためしてみる, tameshite miru/, 試みる /こころみる, kokoromiru/
trypanosomiasis {n} (disease caused by a trypanosome) :: トリパノソーマ症 /toripasōmashō/
tryptophan {n} (essential amino acid) :: トリプトファン /toriputofan/
tryst {n} (prearranged meeting, now especially between lovers) :: 逢い引き /あいびき, aibiki/, デート /dēto/
tryst {n} ((obsolete) a mutual agreement, a covenant) :: 約束 /yakusoku/
tryst {v} (to agree to meet at a place) :: 合う約束をする /au yakusoku wo suru/
tryst {v} (to arrange or appoint) :: 合う約束をする /au yakusoku wo suru/
tryst {v} (to meet at an agreed place and time) :: 逢い引きする /aibiki suru/
tsamba {n} (porridge) :: ツァンパ /tsanpa/
tsao shu {n} (grass script) SEE: grass script ::
tsar {n} (an emperor) :: ツァーリ /tsāri/, ツァー /tsā/, ツァール /tsāru/
tsardom {n} (the territory ruled by a tsar) :: ツァーリ国 /tsāri koku/
tsarina {n} (empress or wife of a tsar) :: ツァリーツァ /tsarītsa/
tsarism {n} (system of government) :: ツァーリズム /tsārizumu/
tsaritsa {n} (tsarina) SEE: tsarina ::
tsetse {n} (fly of the genus Glossina) :: ツェツェバエ /tsetsebae/
T-shirt {n} (type of shirt) :: Tシャツ /tī-shatsu/, ティーシャツ /tī-shatsu/
Tsinghai {prop} (Qinghai) SEE: Qinghai ::
Tsitsihar {prop} (Qiqihar) SEE: Qiqihar ::
Tskhinvali {prop} (A city in Georgia) :: ツヒンヴァリ /Tsuhinvari/
T-square {n} (rule with a short perpendicular crosspiece at one end) :: T定規 /tī-jōgi/
Tsu {prop} (a city of Japan) :: /つ, Tsu/
Tsukuyomi {prop} (Japanese moon god) :: 月読, 月読み, 月夜見 /つくよみ, Tsukuyomi; つきよみ, Tsukiyomi/
tsunameter {n} :: 津波計 /tsunamikei/
tsunami {n} (large, destructive wave generally caused by a tremendous disturbance in the ocean) :: 津波 /つなみ, tsunami/, 津浪 /つなみ, tsunami/, 海嘯 /かいしょう, kaishō/
tsundere {n} (character who fits the archetype of being cold or hostile before gradually showing a warm and caring side) :: ツンデレ /tsundere/
TTBOMK {adv} (to one's knowledge) :: 知る限り /しるかぎり, shiru-kagiri/
tteokbokki {n} (stir-fried tteoks seasoned with red pepper paste) :: トッポッキ /toppokki/, トッポギ /toppogi/, トッポキ /toppoki/
tuatara {n} (reptile) :: ムカシトカゲ /mukashitokage/
tub {n} (broad, flat-bottomed vessel) :: /おけ, oke/
tub {n} (bathtub) SEE: bathtub ::
tuba {n} (a large brass musical instrument) :: チューバ /chūba/
tube {n} (a pipe) :: /くだ, kuda/, /つつ, tsutsu/, チューブ /chūbu/, パイプ /paipu/
tube {n} (cylindrical container) :: チューブ /chūbu/
tube {n} (the London underground) SEE: Tube ::
Tube {prop} (informal: the London underground) :: チューブ /chūbu/, ロンドン地下鉄 /Rondon chikatetsu/
tuber {n} (fleshy underground stem) :: /いも, imo/
tuberculin {n} (an antigen used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis) :: ツベルクリン /tsuberukurin/
tuberculosis {n} (infectious disease) :: 結核 /けっかく, kekkaku/
tuberculous dactylitis {n} (skeletal manifestation of tuberculosis) :: 風棘 /ふうきょく, fūkyoku/
tube top {n} (A one-piece strapless tube-shaped top worn by women.) :: チューブトップ /chūbu toppu/
tuck {n} (short sword) SEE: rapier ::
tucker {n} (slang: food) SEE: grub ::
tuck in {v} (to push in loose clothing) :: はさみ込む /hasamikomu/
Tue {n} (abbreviation of Tuesday) :: /ka, kā/, 火曜 /kayō/
Tuesday {n} (day of the week) :: 火曜日 /かようび, kayōbi/, 火曜 /かよう, kayō/
tufa {n} (volcanic rock) SEE: tuff ::
tuff {n} (a rock composed of compacted volcanic ash) :: 凝灰岩 /ぎょうかいがん, gyōkaigan/
tufted antshrike {n} (passerine bird of the antibird family) :: エボシオビロアリモズ /eboshiobiroarimozu/
tufted puffin {n} (Fratercula cirrhata) :: 花魁鳥 /エトピリカ, etopirika/
tufted titmouse {n} (Baeolophus bicolor) :: エボシガラ /eboshigara/
tug {n} (tugboat) SEE: tugboat ::
tugboat {n} (small, powerful boat) :: タグボート /tagubōto/, 曳船 /えいせん, eisen/
tughra {n} (signature of an Ottoman sultan) :: トゥグラ /tugura/
tug of war {n} (game) :: 綱引き /つなひき, tsuna-hiki/
tugrik {n} (the Mongolian unit of currency) :: トゥグルグ /tugurugu/
tuition {n} (sum of money paid for instruction) :: 学費 /がくひ, gakuhi/, 授業料 /じゅぎょうりょう, jugyōryō/
tuition {n} (training or instruction provided by a teacher or tutor) :: 教育 /きょういく, kyōiku/
tuk-tuk {n} (vehicle) :: オート・リクシャー /ōto-rikushā/, 三輪タクシー /さんりんタクシー, sanrin takushī/, トゥクトゥク /tukutuku/
Tula {prop} (city) :: トゥーラ /Tūra/
tularemia {n} (infectious disease) :: 野兎病 /やとびょう, yatobyō/
tulip {n} (plant) :: チューリップ /chūrippu/, 鬱金香 /うこんこう, ukonkō/
tulle {n} (kind of silk lace) :: チュール /chūru/
tulpa {n} (magical creature that attains corporeal reality, having been imaginary) :: トゥルパ /turupa/
tulpa {n} (modern type of imaginary friend) :: タルパ /tarupa/
tulwar {n} (sword) :: タルワール /taruwāru/
tumble dryer {n} (electrical device) :: 衣類乾燥機 /いるいかんそうき, irui kansōki/, 乾燥機 /かんそうき, kansōki/
tumbler {n} (acrobat) SEE: acrobat ::
tumbler {n} (drinking glass without stem) :: グラス /gurasu/
tumbleweed {n} (plant which breaks loose and is driven by the wind) :: タンブルウィード /tamburuwīdo/
tummy {n} (childish language for stomach) :: ぽんぽん /ponpon/
tumor {n} (oncology, pathology: an abnormal growth) :: 腫瘍 /しゅよう, shuyō/
tumour {n} (tumor) SEE: tumor ::
tumulus {n} (mound of earth) :: 墳丘墓 /ふんきゅうぼ, funkyūbo/ [in general], 古墳 /こふん, kofun/ [more specific to Japan]
tuna {n} (fish) :: /まぐろ, マグロ, maguro/, ツナ /tsuna/
tundra {n} (flat treeless arctic region) :: ツンドラ /tsundora/, 凍原 /とうげん, tōgen/
tune {n} (melody) :: /きょく, kyoku/, チューン /chūn/, 楽曲 /がっきょく, gakkyoku/, 旋律 /せんりつ, senritsu/
Tung-kuan {prop} (Dongguan) SEE: Dongguan ::
tungsten {n} (chemical element) :: タングステン /tangusuten/
tung tree {n} (East Asian tree) :: シナアブラギリ /Shina aburagiri/
Tungusic {adj} (of or pertaining to these languages) :: ツングース /Tsungūsu/
tunic {n} (garment) :: チュニック /chunikku/
tuning {n} (the calibration of a musical instrument to a standard pitch) :: 調律 /ちょうりつ, chōritsu/
tuning {n} (the adjustment of a system or circuit to secure optimum performance) :: チューニング /chūningu/
tuning fork {n} (fork-shaped object which emits a tone) :: 音叉 /おんさ, onsa/
Tunis {prop} (capital of Tunisia) :: チュニス /Chunisu/
Tunisia {prop} (Republic of Tunisia) :: チュニジア /Chunijia/
tunnel {n} (an underground or underwater passage) :: トンネル /tonneru/, 地下道 /ちかどう, chikadō/, 隧道 /すいどう, suidō/, 坑道 /こうどう, kōdō/
tup {v} (fuck) SEE: fuck ::
tup {n} (ram) SEE: ram ::
tuple {n} (in set theory) :: /くみ, kumi/
tuple {n} (row (record) in a database) :: タプル /tapuru/, /kumi/
tuple {n} (set of values passed as a parameter) :: タプル /たぷる, tapuru/
-tuple {suffix} (tuple with the specified number terms) :: /くみ, -kumi/
Tupperware party {n} (party where Tupperware is sold) :: タッパーウェアパーティ /Tappāwea pātī/
turban {n} (man's head-dress) :: 頭巾 /zukin/, ターバン /tāban/
turban {n} (woman's hat) :: 頭巾 /zukin/, ターバン /tāban/
turbine {n} (rotary machine) :: タービン /tābin/
turbojet {n} (type of jet engine) :: ターボジェットエンジン /tābojettoenjin/
turbot {n} (any of various flatfishes of family Scophthalmidae) :: ターボット /tābotto/
turd {n} (piece of solid feces) :: /くそ, kuso/, /くそ, kuso/, /ふん, fun/, 大便 /だいべん, daiben/
turducken {n} (dish consisting of a deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned duck that has been stuffed with a small deboned chicken) :: ターダッキン
tureen {n} (broad deep serving dish for soup or stew) :: 深皿 /ふかざら, fukazara/
turf accountant {n} (bookmaker) SEE: bookmaker ::
Turin {prop} (city) :: トリノ /Torino/
Turinese {adj} (of or relating to Turin) :: トリノの /Torino no/
Turinese {n} (a person from Turin) :: トリノ人 /トリノじん, Torino-jin/
Turk {n} (a person from Turkey) :: トルコ人 /torukojin/
Turk {n} (Muslim) SEE: Muslim ::
Turkestan {prop} (a historical region in Asia) :: トルキスタン /Torukisutan/
turkey {n} (bird) :: 七面鳥 /しちめんちょう, shichimenchō/, カラクン /karakun/, カラクン鳥 /karakun-chō/, ターキー /tākī/
Turkey {prop} (country at intersection of Europe and Asia) :: トルコ /Toruko/ (土耳古)
Turkic {adj} (of or relating to this language group or the people who speak it) :: チュルク /churuku/, 突厥 /とっけつ, tokketsu/
Turkish {n} (official language of Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) :: トルコ語 /トルコご, torukogo/
Turkish {adj} (of, from or pertaining to Turkey, the Turkish people or the Turkish language) :: トルコの /Toruko no/
Turkish bath {n} (establishment) :: ハンマーム /hanmāmu/
Turkish delight {n} (confection) :: ロクム /rokumu/, ターキッシュ・ディライト /tākisshu-diraito/
Turkman {n} (person from Turkmenistan) :: トルクメン人 /torukumenjin/
Turkmen {n} (language spoken in Turkmenistan) :: トルクメン語 /torukumengo/
Turkmen {n} (Turkman) SEE: Turkman ::
Turkmenistan {prop} (Central Asian country) :: トルクメニスタン /Torukumenisutan/
Turkmenistani {adj} (person of Turkmen origin) SEE: Turkmen ::
Turks and Caicos Islands {prop} (a British overseas territory in the Caribbean) :: タークス・カイコス諸島 /Tākusu-Kaikosu-shotō/
Turku {prop} (A city in Finland) :: トゥルク /Turuku/
turmeric {n} (spice) :: 鬱金 /うこん, ukon/, ウコン /ukon/
turmoil {n} (a state of great disorder or uncertainty) :: 騒動, 混乱
turn {v} (move around an axis through itself) :: 回る /まわる, mawaru/
turn {v} (change the direction or orientation of (something)) :: 変える /かえる, kaeru/
turn {v} (change one's direction of travel) :: 曲がる /まがる, magaru/
turn {v} (position (something) by folding it back on itself) :: 裏返す /うらがえす, uragaesu/, 翻す /ひるがえす, hirugaesu/
turn {v} (become) :: 変わる /かわる, kawaru/
turn {v} (rebel) :: 反逆する /はんぎゃくする, hangyaku suru/, 謀反を起こす /muhon o okosu/
turn {v} (go bad) :: 変質する /henshitsu suru/, 腐る /kusaru/
turn {v} (of leaves, to change color in autumn) :: 紅葉ず /momizu/, 紅葉つ /momitsu/
turn {n} (movement about an axis ending up with the same orientation) :: 回転 /kaiten/
turn {n} (single loop of a coil) :: 巻き /maki/
turn {n} (chance to use (something) shared in sequence with others) :: /ban/
turn {n} (one's chance to make a move in a game) :: /ban/
turn {n} (time required to complete a project) :: 工数 /kōsu/
turn {n} (change in temperament or circumstance) :: 転機 /tenki/, [on a bad case] 転落 /tenraku/
turn {n} (poker, obsolete: flop) SEE: flop ::
turn a blind eye {v} (to ignore or deliberately overlook) :: 見て見ぬふりをする /みてみぬふりをする, miteminufuri o suru/
turn a deaf ear {v} (to refuse to listen or hear something) :: 聞く耳を持たぬ /きくみみをもたぬ, kiku mimi o motanu/
turn against {v} (to become hostile towards when not hostile previously) :: 突っ掛かる /つっかかる, tsukkakaru/
turn around {v} (to physically rotate horizontally 360 degrees) :: 振り向く /ふりむく, furimuku/
turn back {v} (to turn back, retreat) SEE: return ::
turncoat {n} (a traitor) :: 裏切り者
turn down {v} (refuse, decline, deny) :: 断る /ことわる, kotowaru/
turner {n} (person working a lathe) :: 旋盤工 /せんばんこう, senbankō/
turning point {n} ((calculus) maximum or minimum) :: T字路 /tījiro/, [formal] 丁字路 /teijiro/
turnip {n} (white root of Brassica rapa) :: /かぶ, kabu/, 蕪菜 /かぶな, kabuna/, /すずな, suzuna/
turn off {v} (switch off appliance or light) :: 消す /けす, kesu/, 切る /きる, kiru/, オフする /ofu suru/
turn on {v} ((transitive) to activate an appliance, light, mechanism, functionality etc.) :: つける /tsukeru/, スイッチ入れる /suitchi o ireru/, ともす /tomosu/, オンする /on suru/
turn on {v} ((intransitive) to power up) :: つく /tsuku/
turn on {v} (to rebel) :: 突っ掛かる /つっかかる, tsukkakaru/
turn over {v} (to flip over) :: 裏返す /うらがえす, uragaesu/, ひっくり返す /ひっくりかえす, hikkurikaesu, ひっくりがえす, hikkurigaesu/
turn over {v} (to transfer) SEE: transfer ::
turnover {n} (sales transacted) :: 取引高 /とりひきだか, torihiki-daka/
turn over a new leaf {v} (to engage in self-improvement) :: 心を入れ替える /kokoro o irekaeru/
turnpike {n} (toll road) :: 有料道路 /ゆうりょうどうろ, yūryō dōro/
turn signal {n} (turn signal) SEE: indicator ::
turnstile {n} (rotating mechanical device) :: 自動改札機 /じどうかいさつき, jidō kaisatsuki/
turntable {n} (circular rotating platform) :: ターンテーブル /tāntēburu/
turntable {n} (circular rotating platform of a record player or a disk jockey's console) :: 転机 /tenki/
turn the tables {v} (To reverse a situation so that the advantage has shifted) :: 形勢逆転
turn turtle {v} (to fail, go belly up) SEE: fail ::
turpentine {n} (volatile essential oil) :: テレビン油 /terebin'yu/, 松脂油 /まつやにあぶら, matsuyaniabura/
turquoise {n} (gemstone) :: トルコ石 /toruko ishi/, ターコイズ /tākoizu/
turquoise {n} (colour) :: ターコイズブルー /tākoizu burū/
turquoise {adj} (made of turquoise) :: トルコ石の /toruko ishi no/
turquoise {adj} (having a pale greenish-blue colour) :: ターコイズブルーの /tākoizu burū no/
turtle {n} (land or marine reptile with a shell) :: /かめ, kame/, カメ /kame/
turtle {n} (sea turtle) :: 海亀 /うみがめ, umigame/
turtle {n} (turtle dove) SEE: turtle dove ::
turtle dove {n} (bird in the genus Streptopelia) :: コキジバト /kokijibato/
Tuscany {prop} (region in Italy) :: トスカーナ /Tosukāna/, トスカーナ州 /トスカーナしゅう, Tosukāna shū/
tusk {n} (pointed tooth) :: /きば, kiba/
tussis {n} (cough) SEE: cough ::
Tutankhamon {prop} (Egyptian Pharaoh) :: ツタンカーメン /Tsutankāmen/
tutelary {adj} (having guardianship or protection of) :: 守護の /syugono/, 後見上の /koukenjouno/
tutelary deity {n} (minor protective or otherwise helpful deity) :: 守護神 /しゅごしん, shugoshin/; ダイモーン /daimōn/ [Greek mythology]
tutor {n} (one who teaches another) :: チューター /chūtā/
tutorial {n} (self-paced learning exercise) :: 学習用 /gakushūyō/, チュートリアル /chūtoriaru/
tutti-frutti {n} (variety of ice cream) :: トゥッティフルッティ /tutti-furutti/
tutu {n} (ballet skirt) :: チュチュ /chuchu/
Tuva {prop} (a republic of the Russian Federation) :: トゥヴァ /Tuva/
Tuvalu {prop} (country in Oceania) :: ツバル /Tsubaru/
tuxedo {n} (formal jacket) :: タキシード /takishīdo/
tuxedo {n} (formal suit) :: タキシード /takishīdo/
Tuyuhun {prop} (a historical Mongolic kingdom) :: 吐谷渾 /とよくこん, Toyokukon/
Tuzla {prop} (a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina) :: トゥズラ /tuzura/
TV {n} (abbreviation for television) :: テレビ /terebi/, テレビジョン /terebijon/
Tver {prop} (city) :: トヴェリ /Toweri/, トベリ /Toberi/
TV guide {n} (television listing) :: テレビガイド /terebigaido/
tvorog {n} (a soft Russian curd cheese) :: クワルク /kuwaruku/
TV series {n} (series) SEE: series ::
twat {n} (vulgar slang, vagina) :: まんこ /manko/, おまんこ /omanko/
twat {n} (idiot) :: 馬鹿 /ばか, baka/
tweak {n} (promiscuous person) SEE: prostitute ::
tweet {n} (internet: entry) :: ツイート /tsuīto/, つぶやき /tsubuyaki/
tweet {v} (to make a short high-pitched sound) :: さえずる /saezuru/
tweet {v} (internet: to post an update to Twitter) :: ツイートする /tsuīto-suru/, つぶやく /tsubuyaku/
tweetup {n} (meeting in person organised on Twitter) :: ツイッターオフ会 /Tsuittā ofkai/
tweezers {n} (small pincer-like instrument, usually made of metal, used for handling small objects) :: ピンセット /pinsetto/
twelfth {adj} (ordinal form of twelve) :: 第十二 /dai-jūni/
Twelfth cake {n} (cake eaten on Twelfth Night) SEE: king cake ::
twelfth grade {n} :: 高校三年生 /kōkō sannensei/, 高三 /kōsan/
twelve {num} (cardinal number 12) :: 十二 /じゅうに, jūni/
Twelve Days of Christmas {n} (the season or time made up of the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany) :: クリスマスの十二日間
twelve o'clock {n} (the first hour of the day) :: 十二時 /じゅうにじ, jūni-ji/, 〇時 /reiji/
twelveth {adj} (twelfth) SEE: twelfth ::
twelve-tone technique {n} (system of musical composition) :: 十二音技法 /じゅうにおんぎほう, jūni ongihō/
twenties {n} (the decade of the 1920s) :: 二十年代 /nijū-nendai/, 20年代 /nijū-nendai/
twentieth {adj} (ordinal form of twenty, see also: 20th) :: 第二十 /dai nijū/
twenty {num} (cardinal number) :: 二十 /にじゅう, nijū/
twenty-eight {num} (number) :: 二十八 /nijūhachi/
twenty-five {num} (twenty-five) :: 二十五 /nijūgo/
twenty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: 二十四 /nijūshi/
twenty-nine {num} (cardinal number) :: 二十九 /nijūkyū/
twenty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: 二十一 /nijūichi/
twenty-seven {num} (twenty-seven) :: 二十七 /にじゅうなな, nijūnana/
twenty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: 二十六 /nijūroku/
twentysomething {n} (aged between twenty and twenty-nine) :: 二十代 /nijūdai/
twenty-three {num} (twenty-three) :: 二十三 /nijūsan/
twenty two {num} (22) :: にじゅうに
twenty-two {num} (twenty-two) :: 二十二 /nijūni/
twice {adv} (two times) :: 二度 /にど, nido/, 二回 /にかい, nikai/ [for frequency], 二倍 /にばい, nibai/ [for scale ratio]
twig {n} (a small thin branch) :: 小枝 /こえだ, koeda/, /えだ, eda/
twig {v} (to realise something) :: 気づく /kizuku/
twilight {n} (light before rising and after the setting of the Sun) :: 夕暮れ /ゆうぐれ, yūgure/, 黄昏 /たそがれ, tasogare, こうこん, kōkon/
twilight {n} (faint light; dubious medium) :: 薄明かり /うすあかり, usu-akari/
twilight years {n} (old age) SEE: golden years ::
twill {n} (weaving pattern) :: 綾織
twin {n} (either of two people who shared the same uterus, or of two similar or closely related objects) :: 双子 /ふたご, futago/
twin {n} (hotel room with two beds) :: ツイン
twin {n} (twin crystal) SEE: twin crystal ::
twin crystal {n} (either of two separate crystals) :: 双晶 /そうしょう, sōshō/
Twin Towers {prop} (the two main buildings of the World Trade Center) :: ワールドトレードセンター /wārudo torēdo sentā/
twin town {n} (sister city) SEE: sister city ::
twist {n} (twig) SEE: twig ::
twist {n} (unexpected turn in a story, tale, etc) :: どんでん返し /dondengaeshi/
twist {v} (to turn the ends in opposite directions) :: 捻る /ねじる, nejiru/, 捻る /ひねる, hineru/
twisty {adj} (curly) SEE: curly ::
twitch {n} (brief, small (sometimes involuntary) movement out of place and then back again) :: 引き攣り /ひきつり, hikitsuri/
twitch {n} (Elymus repens) SEE: couch grass ::
Twitter {v} (tweet) SEE: tweet ::
Twitterer {n} :: ツイッタラー /tsuittarā/
two {num} (numerical value) :: /ni/, 二つ /futatsu/
two {n} (digit or figure) :: /ni/
two beers, please {phrase} (two beers, please) :: ビール二つください /bīru o futatsu kudasai/
two days after tomorrow {n} :: 明明後日 /しあさって, shiasatte/
two days after tomorrow {adv} :: 明明後日 /しあさって, shiasatte/
two-dimensional {adj} (existing in two dimensions) :: 二次元の /にじげんの, nijigen no/
two-edged sword {n} (double-edged sword) SEE: double-edged sword ::
two-hand sword {n} (sword) :: ツーハンデッドソード /tsūhandeddo sōdo/
two heads are better than one {proverb} (joint thinking pays) :: 三人寄れば文珠の知恵 /san nin yoreba monju-no chie/ [three people together have the wisdom of a Buddha]
two hundred {num} (cardinal number 200) :: 二百 /nihyaku/
two-line double pica {n} (meridian) SEE: meridian ::
two-move checkmate {n} (quickest possible checkmate) SEE: fool's mate ::
two o'clock {n} (the start of the third hour) :: 二時 /にじ, niji/
two sides of the same coin {n} :: 表裏一体 /hyōriittai/, 同じコインの裏表 /onaji koin no uraomote/
two-stroke engine {n} (an engine in which the pistons perform two strokes per engine cycle) :: 2ストローク機関 /tsū sutorōku kikan/
two thousand {num} (cardinal number) :: 二千 /nisen/
-ty {suffix} (-ity) SEE: -ity ::
-ty {suffix} (multiples of ten) :: ...十 /...じゅう, ...jū/
Tyap {prop} (language) :: カタブ語 /Tyap-go/
Tyche {prop} (Greek goddess of luck/fortune) :: テュケー /Tyukē/
tycoon {n} (wealthy, powerful business person) :: 巨頭 /きょとう, kyotō/, 大立者 /おおだてもの, ōdatemono/, 実力者 /じつりょくしゃ, jitsuryokusha/
Tyke {n} (A Yorkshire person) :: ヨークシャー人 /Yōkushājin/
tympanic membrane {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
tympanum {n} (middle ear) SEE: middle ear ::
tympanum {n} (eardrum) SEE: eardrum ::
type {n} (blood group) SEE: blood type ::
type {n} (grouping based on shared characteristics) :: 種類 /しゅるい, shurui/, 分類 /ぶんるい, bunrui/, タイプ /taipu/
type {n} (computing theory: tag indicating data type) :: /かた, kata/
type {v} (to use a typewriter) :: タイプする /taipu suru/, 打つ /うつ, utsu/, タイプライター打つ /taipuraitā de utsu/
type {v} (to enter characters into a computer using keyboard) :: タイプする /taipu suru/, 打つ /うつ, utsu/
typeface {n} (font family) :: 字体 /じたい, jitai/, 書体 /しょたい, shotai/
type II error {n} (accepting the null hypothesis when false) :: 第二種過誤, β過誤
TypeScript {prop} (scripting programming language) :: ジャバスクリプト /jabasukuriputo/
typeset {v} (to set into type) :: 植字する /しょくじする, shokuji suru/
typesetting {n} (setting or composition) :: 組版 /くみはん, kumihan/
typewriter {n} (machine used to print text by pressing keys) :: タイプライター /taipuraitā/, 印字機 /いんじき, injiki/
typewriter {n} (one who uses a typewriter) :: タイピスト /taipisuto/
typhoid {n} (typhoid fever) SEE: typhoid fever ::
typhoid fever {n} (illness) :: 腸チフス /chō-chifusu/
typhoon {n} (hurricane in the Pacific) :: 台風 /たいふう, taifū/, 颱風 /たいふう, taifū/
typhus {n} (disease) :: チフス /chifusu/
typical {adj} (capturing the overall sense of a thing) :: 典型的な /tenkeiteki na/
typing {n} (the act of typing) :: タイピング /taipingu/, タイプ /taipu/
typist {n} (person who types) :: タイピスト /taipisuto/
typo {n} (error) :: 誤植 /ごしょく, goshoku/, タイプミス /taipumisu/, 誤字 /ごじ, goji/
typographer {n} (typewriter) SEE: typewriter ::
typographical error {n} (typing error) :: 誤植 /goshoku/, 誤字 /goji/
typography {n} (art and technique) :: タイポグラフィ /taipogurafi/, タイポグラフィー /taipogurafī/
tyrannical {adj} (despotic, oppressive, authoritarian) :: 横暴 /oubou/
tyrannosaur {n} (large bipedal carnivorous dinosaur) :: ティラノサウルス /tiranosaurusu/
tyrannosaurus {n} (dinosaur) :: ティラノサウルス /tiranosaurusu/
Tyrannosaurus rex {n} (dinosaur) :: ティラノサウルス /tiranosaurusu/, チラノサウルス /chiranosaurusu/, タイラノサウルス /tairanosaurusu/, ティラノサウルス·レックス /tiranosaurusu-rekkusu/
tyranny of the majority {n} (situation where majority makes selfish decisions) SEE: dictatorship of the majority ::
tyrant {n} (absolute ruler) :: 僭主 /せんしゅ, senshu/, 暴君 /ぼうくん, bōkun/
tyrant {n} (harsh and cruel ruler) :: 暴君 /ぼうくん, bōkun/
tyre {n} (wheel covering) :: タイヤ /taiya/
Tyre {prop} (an ancient sea port and city state of Phoenicia) :: ティルス /Tirusu/
Tyrian purple {n} (dye) :: ティルス紫 /tirusumurasaki/
tyrosine {n} (nonessential amino acid) :: チロシン /chiroshin/
Tyumen {prop} (a city in Russia) :: チュメニ /Chumeni/
tzatziki {n} (appetizer made from yoghurt) :: ザジキ /zajiki/
Tzotzil {prop} (one of Mayan languages) :: ツォツィル語 /ツォツィルご, tsotsirugo/