User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-pt-q

Q {n} (playing card) :: D [dama]
qadi {n} (judge in Islam) :: cadi {m}
Qatar {prop} (a country in the Middle East) :: Catar {m}
Qatari {n} (person from Qatar or of Qatari descent) :: catari {m} {f}, catariano {m}
Qatari {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Qatar or the Qatari people) :: catari, catariano
Q.E.D. {n} (fact or scenario that proves an argument or proposition) SEE: justification ::
Q.E.D. {phrase} :: CQD, QED
Q fever {n} (infectious disease resembling influenza) :: febre Q {f}
qi {n} (chi) SEE: chi ::
qigong {n} (system of breathing control) :: qigong {m}, qi-gong {m}
Qin {prop} (Ancient Chinese state) :: Qin {m}
Qin {prop} (Ancient Chinese dynasty) :: Qin {m-p}
Qing dynasty {prop} (last dynasty of China) :: dinastia Qing {f}
QR code {n} (2-D barcode) :: código QR {m}, QR Code {m}
Q-tip {n} (type of cotton swab) SEE: cotton swab ::
quack {n} (sound made by a duck) :: quac {m}
quack {v} (to make a noise like a duck) :: grasnar, grasnir, grassitar, gracitar
quack {n} (fraudulent or incompetent doctor of medicine) :: mata-sanos {m} {f}
quack {n} (charlatan) :: charlatão {m}
quack {n} (doctor) :: curandeiro {m}
quackery {n} (practice) :: curandeirismo {m}
quacksalver {n} (one falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills) :: charlatão {m}
quad {adj} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadrangle {n} (quadrilateral) SEE: quadrilateral ::
quadrant {n} (section) :: quadrante {m}
quadrant {n} (region of the Cartesian plane) :: quadrante {m}
quadrant {n} (fourth of a circle) :: quadrante {m}
quadrant {n} (measuring device) :: quadrante {m}
quadratic {adj} (of a class of polynomial of the form y ) :: quadrático
quadratic equation {n} (second-degree equation) :: equação quadrática {f}, equação do segundo grau {f}
quadrature amplitude modulation {n} (method of sending information) :: modulação de amplitude em quadratura {f}
quadri- {prefix} (four) :: quadri-
quadriga {n} (Roman racing chariot and team of four horses) :: quadriga {f}
quadrilateral {n} (polygon having four sides) :: quadrilátero {m}, quadrângulo {m}
quadrilateral {adj} (having four sides) :: quadrilátero, quadrilateral
quadrilliard {num} (1027) SEE: octillion ::
quadrillion {num} (a thousand trillion, 1015, see also: billiard) :: quatrilhão {m}, quatrilião {m}, quadrilhão {m}
quadrillion {num} (a million trillion, 1024, see also: septillion) :: quatrilhão {m}
quadriplegic {n} (one who suffers from quadriplegia) :: tetraplégico {m}, quadriplégico {m}
quadripole {n} (electrical circuit with two pairs of external terminals) :: quadripolo {m}
quadruped {n} (a four-footed or four-legged animal) :: quadrúpede {m}
quadruple {adj} (being four times as long, as big or as many of something) :: quádruplo
quadrupole {n} (a magnet with two north poles and two south poles) :: quadrupolo {m}
quaff {v} (to drink or imbibe) :: tragar
quaffle {n} (ball used in Quidditch) :: quaffle {f} [Portugal], goles {f} [Brazil]
quagga {n} (subspecies of zebra, Equus quagga quagga) :: quagga {m}, quaga {m}
quagmire {n} (swampy ground) :: pântano {m}, charco {m}, brejo {m}, paul {m}
quagmire {n} (perilous, mixed up and troubled situation) :: confusão {f}
quail {n} (any of several small game birds) :: codorna {f}, codorniz {f}
quaint {adj} (old-fashioned charm) :: encanto {m}
quaint {adj} (interestingly strange) :: curioso
quake {n} (earthquake) SEE: earthquake ::
quakebuttock {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
Quaker {n} (believer of the Quaker faith) :: quacre {m} {f}, quáquer {m} {f}
qualification {n} (act or process of qualifying) :: qualificação {f}
qualification {n} (an ability or attribute that aids someone's chances of qualifying for something) :: qualificação {f}
qualified {adj} (meeting requirements) :: qualificado
qualified majority {n} (majority that reaches a preset threshold level) :: maioria qualificada {f}
qualify {v} (to compete successfully in some stage of a competition and become eligible for the next stage) :: classificar-se
qualitative {adj} (of descriptions or distinctions based on some quality rather than on some quantity) :: qualitativo
qualitative {adj} ((chemistry) of a form of analysis that yields the identity of a compound) :: qualitativo
quality {n} (level of excellence) :: qualidade {f}
quality {n} (differentiating property or attribute) :: qualidade {f}
quality {n} (archaic: social position) :: alta classe {f}
quality {n} (degree to which a man-made object or system is free from bugs and flaws) :: qualidade {f}
quality {adj} (being of good worth) :: de qualidade
quality of life {n} (general well-being of individuals and societies) :: qualidade de vida {f}
qualm {n} (sudden feeling of apprehension, doubt, fear etc.) :: apreensão {f}, receio {m}
qualm {n} (sickly feeling of being ill at ease; sudden queasiness) :: mal-estar {m}
qualm {n} (prick of the conscience, moral scrupule) :: escrúpulo {m}
quandary {n} (a state of not knowing what to decide) :: indecisão {f}
quandary {n} (a dilemma) :: dilema
quantifier {n} (a word, such as all or many, that expresses a quantity) :: quantificador {m}
quantifier {n} (a logical operator) :: quantificador {m}
quantify {v} (to assign a quantity to) :: quantificar
quantile {n} (quantile in statistics) :: quantil {m}
quantitative {adj} (of a measurement based on some quantity or number rather than on some quality) :: quantitativo
quantitative {adj} (of a form of analysis that determines the amount of some element or compound in a sample) :: quantitativo
quantitative easing {n} (monetary policy where the central bank creates money electronically) :: flexibilização quantitativa {f}
quantity {n} (fundamental, generic term used when referring to the measurement) :: quantidade {f}
quantity {n} (indefinite amount of something) :: quantidade {f}
quantity {n} (specific measured amount) :: quantidade {f}
quantity {n} (considerable measure or amount) :: quantidade {f}
quantity of motion {n} :: quantidade de movimento {f}
quantization {n} (process of approximating a continuous signal) :: quantização {f}
quantization {n} (in physics) :: quantização {f}
quantum {n} (quantity) :: quantidade {f}
quantum {n} (indivisible unit of a given quantity) :: quantum {m}
quantum {adj} (involving quanta) :: quântico
quantum dot {n} (fluorescent nanoparticle) :: ponto quântico {m}
quantum entanglement {n} (quantum mechanical phenomenon) :: entrelaçamento quântico {m}, emaranhamento quântico {m}
quantum mechanics {n} (branch of physics) :: mecânica quântica {f}
quantum theory {n} (quantum mechanics) SEE: quantum mechanics ::
Quanzhou {prop} (a city of China) :: Chincheu {f}, Quanzhou {f}
quarantine {n} (sanitary measure isolating infected people) :: quarentena {f}
quarantine {n} (detention of ship) :: quarentena {f}
quarantine {n} (place for isolating persons) :: quarentena {f}
quarantine {n} (period of isolation) :: quarentena {f}
quarantine {n} (any rigorous measure of isolation) :: quarentena {f}
quarantine {n} (storage for suspected files) :: quarentena {f}
quarantine {v} (to retain in obligatory isolation or separation as a sanitary prevention) :: quarentenar
quark {n} ((physics) In the Standard Model, an elementary subatomic particle which forms matter) :: quark {m}
quark {n} (soft creamy cheese) :: quark {m}
quarrel {n} (verbal dispute or heated argument) :: discussão {f}, querela {f}
quarrel {n} (ground of dispute; complaint) :: queixa {f}
quarrel {v} (to contend, argue strongly, squabble) :: discutir, querelar
quarrel {n} (square-headed arrow for a crossbow) :: seta {f}
quarrel {v} (disagree) SEE: disagree ::
quarry {n} (site for mining stone) :: pedreira {f}
quarry {n} (animal which is hunted) :: presa {f}
quart {n} (a unit of liquid capacity) :: quarto {m}
quarter {n} (one of four equal parts) :: quarto {m}, quarta parte {f}
quarter {n} (coin worth 25 cents) :: moeda de vinte e cinco centavos {f}
quarter {n} (period of three months) :: trimestre {m}
quarter {n} (section of a town) :: quarteirão {m}
quarter bottle {n} (piccolo) SEE: piccolo ::
quarter-final {n} (quarter-final) SEE: quarterfinal ::
quarterfinal {n} (competition in a tournament whose winners go on to play in the two semifinals) :: quartas de final
quarterly {adj} (occurring once every quarter year) :: trimestral {m} {f}
quarterly {adj} (divided into four parts crosswise) :: esquartelado
quarterly {adv} (once every quarter year) :: trimestralmente
quartermaster {n} (officer responsible for supplies) :: quartel-mestre {m}
quarter note {n} (quarter note) SEE: crotchet ::
quartet {n} (music composition in four parts) :: quarteto {m}
quartet {n} (four musicians who perform a piece of music together) :: quarteto {m}
quartet {n} (group of four) :: quarteto {m}
quartile {n} (any of the three points) :: quartil {m}
quartile {n} (any of the four groups) :: quartil {m}
quartz {n} (mineral) :: quartzo {m}, quarço {m}
quartzite {n} (metamorphic rock) :: quartzito {m}
quasar {n} (An extragalactic object) :: quasar {m}
quash {v} (to void or suppress (a subpoena, decision)) :: anular, cassar
Quasimodo {n} (day) :: quasímodo {m}
quasiparticle {n} (entity that has some characteristics of a distinct particle) :: quasipartícula {f}
quaternary {adj} (of fourth rank or order) :: quaternário
Quaternary {prop} (geological period) :: Quaternário {m}
quaternion {n} (a four-dimensional hypercomplex number) :: quaternião {m}
quatrain {n} (a stanza of four lines) :: quarteto {m}, quadra {f}
quaver {n} ((music) an eighth note) :: colcheia {f}
quay {n} (structure for loading and unloading vessels) :: cais {m}
qubit {n} (quantum bit) :: qubit {m}
queasy {adj} (experiencing or causing nausea or uneasiness) :: enjoado
Quebec {prop} (province) :: Quebec {f}
Quebec {prop} (city) :: Quebec {f}
Quebecer {n} (native or inhabitant of Quebec) :: quebequense
Quebecois {prop} (Quebecois French) :: francês quebequense {m}
quebracho {n} (South American tree with hard, tannin-rich wood) :: quebracho {m}
Quechua {prop} (language) :: quíchua
queen {n} (female monarch) :: rainha {f}
queen {n} (wife of a king) :: rainha {f}
queen {n} (chess piece) :: dama {f}, rainha {f}
queen {n} (playing card) :: dama {f}
queen {n} (powerful or forceful female person) :: soberana {f}
queen {n} (slang: male homosexual) :: bicha {f}, veado {m}
queen {n} (reproductive female animal in a hive) :: rainha {f}
queen {n} (adult female cat) :: gata {f}
queen {v} (to make a queen) :: coroar (rainha)
queen {v} (chess: to convert a pawn into a queen) :: promover
Queen Anne's lace {n} (Anthriscus sylvestris) SEE: cow parsley ::
queen bee {n} (reproductive female bee) :: abelha-rainha {f}, abelha-mestra {f}
queen consort {n} (wife of a reigning king) :: rainha consorte
queen mother {n} (widowed queen consort whose son or daughter from that marriage is the reigning monarch) :: rainha-mãe {f}
queen regnant {n} (female monarch) :: rainha reinante {f}
Queensland {prop} (Australian state) :: Queensland {m}
queer {adj} (weird, odd, different) :: bizarro, estranho
queer {adj} (slang: homosexual) :: bicha {f}, viado {m}
queer {n} (slang: homosexual) SEE: fag ::
quell {n} (transitive: to take the life of; to kill) SEE: kill ::
quell {n} (transitive: to subdue, put down) :: sedar
quench {v} (to satisfy thirst) :: saciar/matar a sede
quench {v} (to extinguish or put out) :: apagar
quench {v} (to cool rapidly by immersion) :: resfriar, temperar (aço)
Quentin {prop} (male given name) :: Quintino {m}
querulous {adj} (often complaining) :: quérulo [literary], queixoso, reclamão [informal]
query {n} (question or inquiry) :: pergunta {f}
query {n} (computing: set of instructions passed to a database) :: consulta {f}, query {f}
query {v} (inquire) :: perguntar
query {v} (ask a question) :: perguntar
query {v} (question) :: questionar
query {v} (computing: search database) :: consultar
query language {n} (computer language) :: linguagem de consulta {f}
quest {n} (journey or effort in pursuit of a goal) :: busca {f}
question {n} (talk; conversation; speech) SEE: talk ::
question {n} (sentence, phrase or word) :: questão {f}, pergunta {f}
question {n} (subject or topic) :: questão {f}, tema {m}
question {n} (doubt or challenge) :: questão {f}
question {v} (ask questions of) :: questionar
question {v} (raise doubts about) :: questionar
questionable {adj} (problematic; open to doubt or challenge) :: questionável {m} {f}, contestável {m} {f}, duvidoso {m}, problemático {m}
questionable {adj} (of dubious respectability or morality) :: questionável {m} {f}, dúbio {m}, suspeito {m}
questionably {adv} (in a questionable manner) :: questionavelmente
questionary {n} (questionnaire) SEE: questionnaire ::
questioner {n} (interrogator) SEE: interrogator ::
questioning {n} (interrogation) SEE: interrogation ::
question mark {n} (punctuation mark) :: ponto de interrogação {m}
questionnaire {n} (form containing a list of questions) :: questionário {m}
queue {n} (line of people) :: fila {f}, alinhamento {m}
queue {n} (waiting list) :: fila {f}
queue {n} (data structure) :: fila {f} [FIFO], pilha {f} [LIFO]
queue {v} (put oneself at the end of a queue) :: entrar na fila
queue {v} (arrange into a queue) :: enfileirar
quibble {n} (a trivial or minor complaint, objection or argument) :: minúcia {f}
quibble {v} (to complain or argue in a trivial or petty manner) :: preocupar-se, preocupar-se com minúcias, discutir
quiche {n} (a kind of pie) :: quiche {m} {f}
quick {adj} (moving with speed) :: rápido, ligeiro, veloz, célere
quick {adj} (occurring in a short time) :: rápido, ligeiro
quick {adj} (lively, witty) :: rápido, ligeiro
quick {adj} (mentally agile, perceptive) :: rápido, ligeiro
quicken {v} (make quicker, hasten, speed up) :: agilizar
quicklime {n} (calcium oxide) :: cal virgem {f}, cal viva {f}
quickly {adv} (rapidly, fast) :: rápido, rapidamente
quickness {n} (rapidity of movement or activity) :: rapidez {f}
quickness {n} (dexterity) SEE: dexterity ::
quicksand {n} (type of sand) :: areia movediça {f}
quicksilver {n} (mercury) :: mercúrio {m}
Quidditch {n} (fictitious ball game) :: quidditch {m} [Portugal], quadribol {m} [Brazil]
quid pro quo {n} (something understood as another) :: quiproquó {m}
quiet {adj} (with little sound) :: quieto, silencioso
quiet {adj} (having little motion) :: quieto
quiet {adj} (not busy) :: calmo, tranqüilo
quiet {adj} (not talking) :: calado, silencioso
quiet {v} (to cause someone to become quiet) :: silenciar, tranquilizar, acalmar
quiet {n} (absence of sound) :: calada {f}, silêncio {m}
quiet {n} (absence of movement) :: quietude {f}
quieten {v} (to become quiet) :: acalmar-se
quietism {n} (form of mysticism) :: quietismo {m}
quietly {adv} (in a quiet manner) :: silenciosamente
quill {n} (music: plectrum) SEE: plectrum ::
quill {n} (pen made of feather) :: pena {f}
quilt {n} (bed covering) :: colcha {f}, edredom {m}
quince {n} (fruit) :: marmelo {m}
quince {n} (tree) :: marmelo {m}, marmeleiro {m}
quinceañera {n} (in Mexico, fifteenth birthday celebration for a young woman) :: festa de debutante {f}, festa de quinze anos {f}
quince cheese {n} (confection) :: marmelada {f}
quincunx {n} (coin) SEE: coin ::
quincunx {n} (arrangement of five units) :: quina {f}
quinine {n} (alkaloid used to treat malaria) :: quinina {f}, quinino {m}
quinoa {n} (Chenopodium quinoa) :: quinoa {f}, quinua {f}
quinoline {n} (any of a class of hetercyclic compounds) :: quinoleína {f}
quinquangle {n} (pentagon) SEE: pentagon ::
quintal {n} (hundredweight) SEE: hundredweight ::
quintal {n} (one hundred kilograms) :: quintal
quintessence {n} (most perfect example of its type) :: quintessência {f}
quintessential {adj} (of the nature of a quintessence) :: quintessencial, quinta-essencial
quintet {n} ((music) a composition in five parts) :: quinteto {m}
quintet {n} ((music) a group of five musicians) :: quinteto {m}
quintet {n} (any group of five) :: quinteto {m}
quintile {n} (value) :: quintil {m}
quintile {n} (subset) :: quintil {m}
quintillion {num} (a billion billion, 1018, see also: trillion) :: quintilhão {m}, quintilião {m}
quintillion {num} (a million quadrillion, 1030, see also: nonillion) :: nonilhão {m}, nonilião {m}
quintillion {n} (any very large number) :: zilhão {m}
quintuple {n} (a fivefold amount) :: quíntuplo, quíntupla
quintuple {v} (multiply by five) :: quintuplicar
quintuple {adj} (fivefold) SEE: fivefold ::
quintuplet {n} (one of a group of five babies born from the same mother during the same birth) :: quíntuplo {m}, quíntupla {f}
quintuplicate {v} (multiply by five) :: quintuplicar
quipu {n} (recording device of knotted cords) :: quipo {m}
quire {n} (set of leaves) :: caderno
quirk {n} (idiosyncrasy) :: idiossincrasia {f}, peculiaridade {f}, mania {f}
quirky {adj} (given to quirks or idiosyncrasies) :: peculiar
quisling {n} (traitor) :: quisling {m}
quit {adj} (to leave) :: sair, abandonar
quit {adj} (to give up, stop doing something) :: parar, desistir
quite {adv} (to the greatest extent; completely) :: totalmente, completamente
quite {adv} (in a fully justified sense; truly) :: realmente, completamente, totalmente
quite {adv} (to a moderate extent) :: razoavelmente, bastante, bem
quite a few {determiner} (indefinite and somewhat large number) :: bastante
quite a few {n} (large number) :: bastantes
Quito {prop} (capital of Ecuador) :: Quito {f}
quits {adj} (on equal monetary terms) :: quites {m-p} {f-p}
quiver {n} (arrow container) :: aljava {f}, fáretra {f}, carcás {m}
quiver {v} (shake or move with slight and tremulous motion) :: tremer, estremecer
quixotic {adj} (possessing or acting with the desire to do noble and romantic deeds, without thought of realism and practicality) :: quixotesco
quiz {n} (competition in the answering of questions) :: quiz {m}
quod erat demonstrandum {phrase} :: quod erat demonstrandum, como queríamos demonstrar
quorum {n} (minimum number of members required) :: quórum {m}
quota {n} (proportional part or share; share or proportion assigned to each in a division) :: cota {f}, quota {f}
quota {n} (form of protectionism) :: quota {f}
quotation {n} (fragment of a human expression) :: citação {f}
quotation mark {n} (quotation marks) SEE: quotation marks ::
quotation marks {n} (Note: These languages use “◌”-style marks or other styles as indicated. Some are singular and some plural.) :: aspa {f} [«◌»] or [“◌”] [Portugal], ["◌"] or [“◌”] [Brazil], aspas {f-p}
quote {n} (a statement attributed to someone) :: citação {f}
quote {n} (a quotation mark) :: aspa {f}
quote {n} (a summary of work to be done with a set price) :: orçamento {m}
quote {v} (to refer to a statement that has been made by someone else) :: citar
quote {v} (to prepare a summary of work to be done and set a price) :: orçar
quote {v} (to name the current price) :: cotar
quotidian {adj} (daily) :: cotidiano, quotidiano
quotidian {adj} (common, mundane) :: cotidiano, quotidiano
quotient {n} (number resulting from division) :: quociente {m}
quotient {n} (quotum or quota) :: cota {m}
Qur'an {prop} (the Islamic holy book) :: Corão {m}, Alcorão {m}
Qur'an {n} (a copy of the Qur'an) :: Alcorão {m}, Corão {m}
Qur'anic {adj} (relating to the Quran) :: corânico, alcorânico
QWERTY {adj} (denoting a standard layout of keys on a keyboard for typing) :: QWERTY {m}