User:Matthias Buchmeier/pt-en-r

r {letter} :: letter
R {letter} :: letter
{f} /ʁɐ̃/ :: frog
rabanada {f} [culinary] /ʁɐβɐˈnaðɐ/ :: a kind of French toast, prepared as dessert during Christmas period
rabanada {f} :: blast; gust (strong, abrupt rush of wind)
rabanete {m} /ˌʁˈne.t͡ʃi/ :: radish (Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus syn. Raphanus sativus, a plant)
rabanete {m} :: radish (root of the Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus)
rábano {m} [botany] :: horseradish
Rabat {prop} {f} :: Rabat (capital city)
Rabaul {prop} {f} :: Rabaul (town)
rabbino {m} :: obsolete spelling of rabino
rabdofano {m} [mineral] :: rhabdophane
rabdologia {f} [arithmetic] :: rabdology (practice of performing arithmetic using Napier's bones)
rabdomante {mf} [divination] :: dowser; rhabdomancer (one who uses a dowsing rod to find underground water)
rabeca {f} [musical instrument] /ʁaˈbɛ.kɐ/ :: fiddle (simple, traditional violin)
rabeca {f} [musical instrument, historical] :: rebec (an early pear-shaped, three-stringed bowed instrument)
rabecão {m} :: hearse (vehicle for transporting dead)
rabelo {m} [nautical, Portugal, regional] :: a type of boat used on the river Douro
rabequeiro {m} :: fiddler (one who plays the fiddle)
rabequista {mf} :: fiddler (one who plays the fiddle)
rabeta {m} :: tail
rabeta {m} [pejorative, Portugal] :: a male homosexual
rabicho {m} /ʁaˈbiʃu/ :: small piece of hair, such as a braid/plait, that hangs on one's nape
rabicho {m} :: a type of leather strip (similar to a correia) that is guided through below a horse's tail and fastened to the back part of the saddle
rabicho {m} :: a type of wire or steel cable used to fasten a utility pole or similar structure by connecting its top extremity to the ground
rabicho {m} [colloquial] :: passion, crush (romantic attraction to someone)
rabicho {m} [Portugal, colloquial] :: homosexual man
rabicho {m} :: a bull with no hair on the tip of its tail
rabicho {adj} [Minho] :: mischievous, unruly
Rabil {prop} :: Rabil
rabínico {adj} [Judaism] :: rabbinic; rabbinical (relating to rabbis)
rabino {m} [Judaism] /ʁɐ.ˈβ :: rabbi (Jewish spiritual teacher)
rabirruivo {m} :: redstart (any of various insectivorous birds of the genus Phoenicurus)
rabirruivo-de-testa-branca {m} :: common redstart (Phoenicurus phoenicurus, a small passerine bird)
rabiscar {v} :: to scrawl; to scribble (write hastily or illegibly)
rabiscar {v} :: to sketch; to doodle; to scribble (make a rough drawing)
rabisco {m} :: scrawl; scribble (irregular handwriting)
rabisco {m} :: doodle (rough drawing)
rabo {m} /ˈʁa.bu/ :: tail
rabo {m} [slang, vulgar] :: ass, buttocks
rabo {m} [slang, vulgar] :: arsehole, asshole; anus
rabo-de-cavalo {m} :: ponytail
rabo-de-saia {m} [slang] :: bit of skirt (woman)
rabudo {adj} :: having a long tail
rabudo {adj} [colloquial] :: lucky
rabudo {adj} [colloquial] :: fat-arsed
rabugenta {f} :: feminine noun of rabugento
rabugento {adj} [of a person or behavior] /ˌʁabuˈʒẽtu/ :: crusty, surly, who constantly complains
rabugento {m} :: a surly person
rábula {m} [law] :: pettifogger (unscrupulous or unethical lawyer)
rábula {f} [cinema, theater] :: minor role; supporting part
rábula {f} :: sketch; skit (short comic performance)
raça {f} /ˈʁa.sɐ/ :: race, breed
raça {f} :: brood
ração {f} /ʁɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: feed (food given to animals)
ração {f} :: food ration
raça superior {f} :: master race (race of people considered superior to others)
racha {f} /ˈʁa.ʃɐ/ :: crack; fissure (thin break in previously solid material)
racha {f} :: a piece of split wood
racha {f} :: sliver; fragment (small piece broken out of something)
racha {f} [colloquial] :: bit (small amount of something)
racha {f} [vulgar] :: fanny; pussy (external female sexual organs)
racha {m} [Brazil, slang] :: an illegal street race
racha {m} [Brazil, slang] :: an informal football match played in an improvised location
racha {m} [Brazil] :: schism (split or separation within a group)
rachadura {f} :: cleft, crack, split
rachadura {f} :: leak (hole)
rachamento {m} :: cleavage (the act of cleaving or the state of being cleft)
rachando {v} :: gerund of rachar
rachar {v} :: to crack
rachar {v} :: to split, cleave
rachar {v} :: to slit
rachar fora {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to split; to piss off (to leave)
rachar o bico {v} [idiomatic] :: to crack up (to laugh very much)
racial {adj} /ʁɐˈsjaɫ/ :: Of or relating to a race of people; racial
racial {adj} [biology] :: Of or related to a race or subspecies of a population; racial
racial {adj} :: Of or relating to a breed of animal; racial
rácio {m} [statistics, economics] :: ratio
raciocinando {v} :: gerund of raciocinar
raciocinar {v} :: to reason
raciocínio {m} /ʁɐ.si.u.ˈ :: reasoning, ratiocination
raciocínio {m} :: logic
raciocínio {m} :: rational discourse, line of thought
racional {adj} /ʁɐsjuˈnal/ :: rational (reasonable; not absurd)
racionalismo {m} [philosophy] :: rationalism (theory that the basis of knowledge is reason)
racionalização {f} :: rationalization
racionalizar {vt} :: to rationalize
racionalmente {adv} :: rationally
racismo {m} :: racism (discrimination based on race)
racista {adj} :: Of, pertaining to or advocate of racism; racist
radão {m} :: radon
radar {m} /ʁaˈdaʁ/ :: radar (radio device for detecting distant objects)
radar {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: a speed detection device used by policemen and traffic controllers
Radev {prop} {mf} :: surname
radiação {f} [physics] :: radiation
radiação {f} :: radiancy
radiação {f} :: ray
radiação alfa {f} [radiation] :: alpha radiation (radiation of alpha particles)
radiação eletromagnética {f} :: electromagnetic radiation (radiation consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields)
radiador {m} [automotive] :: radiator (device that lowers engine coolant temperature)
radiano {m} [geometry] :: radian (SI unit of angular measure)
radiante {adj} :: radiant (visually dazzling)
radiativo {adj} [physics] :: radiative
radical {m} [linguistic morphology] /ʁɐðiˈkaɫ/ :: root (primary lexical unit of a word)
radical {mf} :: radical (person holding unorthodox views)
radical {adj} :: radical (favouring fundamental change)
radical {adj} :: drastic; extreme
radical {adj} [Brazil, slang] :: excellent; awesome; thrilling
radical {adj} [sports] :: extreme (dangerous)
radicalismo {m} :: radicalism
radicalização {f} :: radicalization
radicalizar {vtir} :: to radicalize
radicalmente {adv} :: radically
rádio {m} /ˈʁa.ðju/ :: radium
rádio {m} :: radio (technology)
rádio {m} :: radio (device)
rádio {f} :: radio station
rádio {m} :: radius (bone)
radioactividade {f} :: alternative form of radioatividade
radioactivo {adj} :: superseded spelling of radioativo
radioamador {m} :: radio amateur (person who practises the hobby of amateur radio)
radioamadorismo {m} :: amateur radio; ham radio (the hobby of communicating world-wide by two-way radio)
radioatividade {f} [physics] :: radioactivity
radioativo {adj} :: radioactive
rádio de galena {m} :: crystal set (an early kind of radio receiver)
radiodiagnóstico {adj} :: radiodiagnostic
radiofarmacêutico {adj} :: radiopharmaceutical
radiofarmacêutico {m} :: radiopharmaceutical
radiofármaco {adj} :: radiopharmaceutical
radiofármaco {m} :: radiopharmaceutical
radiografia {f} :: X-ray (photograph made with X-rays)
radiográfico {adj} :: X-ray (attributive)
radiográfico {adj} :: radiographic
radioisótopo {m} [physics] :: radioisotope
radióloga {f} :: feminine noun of radiólogo
radiólogas {f} :: feminine noun of radiólogo
radiologia {f} [medicine] :: radiology (the use of radiation in treatment)
radiologicamente {adv} :: radiologically
radiológico {adj} :: radiological
radiologista {mf} :: radiologist (practitioner of radiology)
radiólogo {m} :: radiologist (practitioner of radiology)
radiomarcador {m} :: radiolabel, radiomarker
radiométrico {adj} :: radiometric
radionovela {f} :: radio drama (soap opera broadcast over the radio)
radionuclídeo {m} [physics] :: radionuclide
radioquímico {adj} :: radiochemical
rádio-relógio {m} :: clock radio (digital alarm clock that includes a radio)
radiotelescópio {m} [astronomy] :: radio telescope (device that detects radio waves from space)
radiotraçador {m} :: radiotracer, radiomarker
rádon {m} :: radon
radónio {m} :: alternative form of radônio
radônio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of radão
Radulescu {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rafa {prop} {m} :: given name
Rafa {prop} {f} :: given name
Rafael {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Raphael (an archangel)
Rafael {prop} {m} :: given name
Rafaela {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine form of Rafael
rafaelismo {m} [art] :: Raphaelism
rafaelista {mf} [art] :: Raphaelite
Rafael Jambeiro {prop} :: Rafael Jambeiro (municipality)
Rafard {prop} :: Rafard (municipality)
rafeiro {adj} [Portugal, of a domestic animal] :: mongrel (of mixed breed)
Ragnarok {prop} {m} [Norse mythology] :: Ragnarok (end of the world in Norse mythology)
ragu {m} /ʁaˈɡu/ :: ragout (stew of meat and vegetables)
râguebi {m} [European orthography] /ˈʁɐ.ɣɨ.βi/ :: alternative spelling of rugby
Ragusa {prop} {f} :: Ragusa (city)
Ragusa {prop} {f} :: Ragusa (mediaeval republic)
raia {f} /ˈʁaj.ɐ/ :: stripe
raia {f} :: border (the line or frontier area separating countries)
raia {f} [figuratively] :: limit
raia {f} [colloquial] :: mistake
raia {f} :: ray (a marine fish with a flat body)
raiado {adj} :: striped, striated, brindled
raiando {v} :: gerund of raiar
raiano {m} /ʁaj.ˈɐ.nu/ :: borderer (person who resides near a border)
raiar {v} /ʁaj.ˈaɾ/ :: to light up; to illuminate; to shine
raiar {vi} [of the day or the morning] :: to break; to arrive
raiar {v} :: to draw lines or a line
raiar {v} :: to groove (to carve grooves in)
raiar do sol {m} :: daybreak; dawn; sunrise
rail shooter {m} :: rail shooter
Raimundo {prop} {m} /ʁaj.ˈmũ.du/ :: given name
rainha {f} /ʁɐ.ˈi.ɲɐ/ :: queen (monarch)
rainha {f} [chess] :: queen
raínha {f} :: obsolete spelling of rainha, now a common misspelling
rainha consorte {f} :: queen consort (wife of a reigning king)
raio {m} [mathematics] /ˈʁaj.u/ :: ray
raio {m} :: beam, ray (of light or radiation)
raio {m} :: lightning
raio {m} [mathematics] :: radius
raio {m} :: spoke (of a wheel)
raio alfa {m} [radiation] :: alpha ray (stream of emitted alpha particles)
raio gama {m} :: gamma ray (very high frequency electromagnetic radiation)
raio globular {m} :: ball lightning (a short-lived, glowing ball that floats in the air)
raio laser {m} :: laser beam
raio X {m} :: X-ray (short wavelength electromagnetic radiation)
raio X {m} :: X-ray (photograph made with X-rays)
Raipur {prop} {f} :: Raipur (city/state capital)
raís {f} :: obsolete spelling of raiz
raison d'être {f} :: raison d'être (reason for existence)
raiva {f} /ˈʁaj.vɐ/ :: anger (a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something)
raiva {f} :: rabies (viral disease)
raivosamente {adv} :: angrily (in an angry manner)
raivoso {adj} :: rabid
raivoso {adj} :: enraged, furious
raiz {f} [botany] /ʁɐ.ˈiʃ/ :: root (part of a plant)
raiz {f} [dentistry] :: root (part of a tooth)
raiz {f} :: root (part of a hair)
raiz {f} [figurative] :: root (primary source)
raiz {f} [arithmetic] :: root (a number which, when raised to a specified power, yields the specified number)
raiz {f} [graph theory] :: root (the single node of a tree that has no parent)
raiz {f} [linguistics] :: root (primary lexical unit of a word)
raiz {f} [linguistics] :: root (word from which another word or words are derived)
raiz {f} [computing] :: root (highest directory of a directory structure)
raiz {f} [figurative, usually, in the plural] :: the place where one grew up
raiz cúbica {f} [mathematics] :: cube root (number whose cube is equal to a given number)
raiz-forte {f} [countable] :: horseradish (Armoracia rusticana, a plant of the mustard family)
raiz-forte {f} [uncountable] :: horseradish (condiment made from the root of the horseradish plant)
raiz quadrada {f} [mathematics] :: square root (number whose square is equal to a given number)
rajá {m} :: rajah (Hindu prince)
rajaa {m} :: obsolete spelling of rajá
rajada {f} /ʁɐˈʒa.ðɐ/ :: blast, gust (of wind)
rajada {f} [figurative] :: burst
rajah {m} :: archaic spelling of rajá
rajastani {m} :: Rajasthani (Indo-Aryan language spoken in Rajasthan and Pakistan)
Rajastão {prop} {m} /ʁa.ʒas.ˈtɐ̃w̃/ :: Rajastão (state)
ralador {m} /ˌʁˈdoɹ/ :: grater (a tool with which one grates)
ralador {adj} :: which grates, shreds
ralando {v} :: gerund of ralar
ralar {v} :: to grate, scrape
ralé {f} /ʁɐ.ˈlɛ/ :: rabble, riff-raff
ralhador {adj} :: scolding
ralhador {adj} :: nagging
ralhar {v} :: to scold
ralho {m} :: reprimand
ralho {m} :: censure
rali {m} [motor racing] /ʁa.ˈli/ :: rally
rally {m} :: alternative spelling of rali
rallye {m} :: alternative spelling of rali
ralo {m} :: drain (hole allowing liquid to flow out of a container)
ralo {adj} :: sparse (few and far apart)
ralo {m} [Portugal] :: mole cricket (any of the large burrowing crickets of the family Gryllotalpidae)
ralo abaixo {adv} [idiomatic] :: down the drain (wasted, squandered; irretrievable)
Rama {prop} {f} [Hinduism] /ˈʁɐ.mɐ/ :: Rama (avatar of Lakshmi)
Rama {prop} {m} [Hinduism] :: Rāma (avatar of Vishnu)
Ramadã {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Ramadão
Ramadan {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Ramadão
Ramadão {prop} {m} [Islam] :: Ramadan (holy ninth month of Islamic lunar calendar)
ramagem {f} /ʁɐ.ˈma.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: (especially in plural) foliage
ramal {m} [Brazil] :: Each telephone number of a private network
ramalhete {m} [collective] :: nosegay; bouquet (bundle of flowers or herbs)
rambutã {m} :: rambutan (fruit of the Nephelium lappaceum tree)
rambutão {m} :: alternative form of rambutã
rameira {f} [colloquial] :: whore; hooker; prostitute
ramela {f} :: alternative form of remela
ramelar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to not attend a commitment
ramen {m} :: ramen (Japanese soup noodles)
ramificação {f} /ʁɐmifikɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: branch, branching
ramificação {f} :: offshoot
ramificação {f} :: ramification
ramificando {v} :: gerund of ramificar
ramificar {v} :: to branch
ramificar {v} :: to ramify
raminho {m} :: diminutive of ramo
Ramiro {prop} {m} /ʁa.ˈmi.ɾu/ :: given name
ramo {m} /ˈʁɐ.mu/ :: bouquet, bunch (of flowers etc.)
ramo {m} :: bough; branch (part of a tree)
ramo {m} [by extension] :: subject, field, discipline; branch (area in business or of knowledge, research)
rampa {f} /ˈʁɐ̃.pɐ/ :: ramp (inclined surface that connects two levels; incline)
Ramsés {prop} {m} :: historical given name
ramulária {f} [plant disease] :: ramularia (plant disease caused by Ramularia fungi)
Rancharia {prop} :: Rancharia (municipality)
Ranchi {prop} {f} :: Ranchi (city/state capital)
rancho {m} :: hut; rancho (primitive house)
rancho {m} :: mess (food set for a group of people); especially in jail
rancho {m} :: a group of people doing something together
rancho {m} :: ranch (large plot for livestock); especially one in the western United States
rancho {m} [carnaval] :: a representation of the pastoral lifestyle
Rancho Queimado {prop} :: Rancho Queimado (municipality)
râncido {adj} :: rancid (having a very strong and bad taste or odour)
râncido {adj} [figurative] :: antiquated; obsolete
ranço {adj} /ˈʁɐ̃.su/ :: rancid
ranço {m} :: rancidity
ranço {m} :: contempt; despise towards something
rancor {m} [usually, uncountable] /ʁɐ̃.ˈkoɾ/ :: rancor; grudge (deep seated animosity)
rancorosamente {adv} :: rancorously
rancoroso {adj} :: rancorous, spiteful (filled with spite)
rançoso {adj} :: stale (having lost its freshness)
rand {m} :: rand (currency unit of South Africa)
Randazzo {prop} {mf} :: surname
randomicamente {adv} :: With unpredictable outcomes; at random; randomly; haphazardly
randómico {adj} [European orthography, computing] :: random
randômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of randómico
randomizar {v} :: to randomise (make random)
rangar {v} [slang] :: to eat
ranger {vi} /ʁɐ̃.ˈʒeɾ/ :: to creak (to make a prolonged sharp squeaking sound)
ranger {vt} :: to grind (one’s teeth)
rangido {m} :: creak (the sound produced by anything that creaks; a creaking)
rangífer {m} :: alternative form of rangífero
rangífero {m} :: reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
rango {m} [Brazil, colloquial] /ˈʁɐ̃.ɡu/ :: meal
Rangum {prop} {f} /ʁɐ̃.ˈɡũ/ :: Rangum (city)
Rangun {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Rangum
ranho {m} [colloquial] :: nasal mucus
ranhoso {adj} :: snotty (running with snot)
ranhura {f} :: slit; groove (narrow cut)
rani {f} :: rani (wife of a rajah)
rani {f} :: rani (Hindu princess or female ruler in India)
ranierita {f} [mineral] :: renierite
ranqueado {adj} /ˌʁɐ̃.ke.ˈa.du/ :: ranked (placed in a given rank)
ranquear {v} [em, .transitive, .or] :: to rank (to put someone into a rank)
ranúnculo {m} :: buttercup (herb of the genus Ranunculus)
ranzinza {adj} [of a person] :: crabby (given to complaining and becoming annoyed)
ranzinza {mf} :: a crabby person
rap {m} /ˈʁɛ.pi/ :: rap music (music genre)
rapa {mf} [slang, São Paulo] :: A figure of authority who confiscates merchandise from street vendors
rapagão {m} :: lad (big boy)
rapa nui {mf} /ˈʁa.pɐ ˈnu.i/ :: Easter Islander (person from Easter Island)
rapa nui {m} :: Rapa Nui (eastern Polynesian language spoken in Easter Island)
rapanui {mf} :: alternative spelling of rapa nui
rapar {v} /ʁɐ.ˈpaɾ/ :: to shave (remove hair completely)
rapar {v} :: to scrape (draw a blade along a surface)
rapar {v} [figurative] :: to eat everything from a plate or pan
rapariga {f} [Portugal] /ʁɐpɐˈɾiɣɐ/ :: girl, young lady
rapariga {f} [Brazil] :: hooker, whore, prostitute
rapaz {m} /ʁɐˈpaʃ/ :: boy
rapaz {m} :: young man, lad, youngster
rapaziada {f} [Brazil, colloquial] /ʁɐ.pɐ.ˈzja.ðɐ/ :: folks
rapaziada {f} :: a boy's unrestrained behaviour
rapaziada {f} :: jig
rapazinho {m} :: diminutive of rapaz
rapazola {m} :: big boy (for his age)
rapé {m} /ʁa.ˈpɛ/ :: snuff (finely ground or pulverised tobacco for sniffing)
rapel {m} /ʁa.ˈpɛw/ :: rappel; abseiling (descending by means of a rope)
rapelar {v} :: to abseil; to rappel (to descend a vertical drop using a rope)
rapeleiro {m} :: abseiler (someone who abseils)
rapelista {mf} :: abseiler (someone who abseils)
rapidamente {adv} /ʁa.pi.ðɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: With speed; rapidly; quickly
ràpidamente {adv} :: obsolete spelling of rapidamente
rapidez {f} :: speed; rapidity
rapidim {adv} :: eye dialect of rapidinho
rapidinho {adv} :: superlative of rápido
rapidissimamente {adv} :: superlative of rapidamente
rapidíssimo {adv} :: superlative of rápido
rápido {adj} /ˈʁapiðu/ :: fast (occurring or happening within a short time)
rápido {adv} :: with speed; rapidly; quickly
rapieira {f} /ˌha.pi.ˈe(j).ɾa/ :: rapier (sword)
rapina {f} :: rapine (seizure of property by force)
raposa {f} /ʁɐ.ˈpo.zɐ/ :: fox (both the "true foxes" of the Old World and North America, and the "false foxes" of Latin America)
raposa {f} [specifically] :: vixen (female fox)
raposa {f} [Brazil, regional] :: oposum (any American marsupial of the family Didelphidae)
raposa {f} [usually, pejorative] :: fox (a sly or cunning person)
rapôsa {f} :: obsolete spelling of raposa
raposa-do-ártico {f} :: arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)
raposa do Ártico {f} :: alternative spelling of raposa-do-ártico
raposa polar {f} :: arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)
raposa vermelha {f} :: alternative spelling of raposa-vermelha
raposa-vermelha {f} :: red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
raposa voadora {f} :: flying fox (bat of the genera Pteropus or Acerodon)
raposinho {m} :: fox cub
raposinho {m} :: stink
raposo {adj} :: foxlike in colour
raposo {m} :: a male fox (animal)
raposo {m} [by extension] :: crafty / wily person
Raposos {prop} :: Raposos (municipality)
rappel {m} :: alternative spelling of rapel
rapper {mf} :: rapper (hip hop performer)
raptando {v} :: gerund of raptar
raptar {v} :: to abduct
rapto {m} /ˈʁap.tu/ :: abduction, kidnap
rapto {m} :: theft
raptor {m} :: abductor; kidnapper
Rapunzel {prop} {f} [European folklore] /ˌʁa.pũ.ˈzɛw/ :: Rapunzel
Raqqa {prop} {f} :: Raqqa (city)
raque {f} :: rachis (main shaft of a feather)
raque {f} :: rachis (main shaft of either a compound leaf, head of grain or fern frond)
Raquel {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Rachel (younger daughter of Laban)
Raquel {prop} {f} :: given name
raquetada {f} :: a strike with a racquet
raquete {f} [sports, chiefly Brazil] /ʁa.ˈkɛ.tɨ/ :: racquet (implement with a frame used to hit a ball)
raquete {f} :: snowshoe (flat item of footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow)
raquette {f} :: obsolete spelling of raquete
raquítico {adj} [pathology] :: rickety (suffering from rickets)
raquitismo {m} [pathology] :: rickets (disorder that causes soft bones)
raramente {adv} :: rarely
raramente {adv} :: infrequently, seldom
rarefazendo {v} :: gerund of rarefazer
rarefazer {v} :: to rarefy
rarefazer {v} :: to attenuate
raridade {f} :: rarity, rareness
raridade {f} :: rara avis
raro {adj} /ˈʁa.ɾu/ :: rare (very uncommon)
raro {adj} :: exceptional; extraordinary (much better than average)
raro {adj} :: sparse (few and far apart)
rasaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of razão
rasão {f} :: obsolete spelling of razão
rasca {adj} [colloquial, Portugal] :: common, vulgar, of bad quality
rasca {f} :: dragnet (net dragged across the bottom of the sea)
rascar {v} :: to scrape (draw a sharp object along a surface)
rascunhar {v} :: to sketch (to create a sketch)
rascunho {m} :: draft (early version of a written work)
rascunho {m} :: sketch (drawing that is not intended as a finished work)
rasgar {vt} :: to rip (into parts, especially something flimsy such as paper or fabric)
rasgar {vi} :: to rip (to tear apart)
rasgo {m} /ˈʁas.ɡu/ :: tear (break caused by tearing)
raso {adj} :: shallow
raso {adj} :: flat
raspadeira {f} :: rasp (coarse file)
raspadinha {f} :: scratch card
raspagem {f} :: the act of scraping
raspar {v} /ʁɐʃ.ˈpaɾ/ :: to scrape (draw a sharp object along a surface)
raspar {v} :: to scrape off (remove something by scraping)
raspar {v} :: to graze (touch lightly in passing)
rasteira {f} :: trip (the act of tripping someone, or causing them to lose their footing)
rasteira {f} [by extension] :: trap; trick
rasteiro {adj} :: crawling
rasteiro {adj} :: creeping
rasteiro {adj} [by extension] :: ground-level
rasteiro {adj} [by extension] :: humble
rastejante {adj} /ˌʁas.te.ˈʒɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: crawling; creeping; slithering (moving close to the ground)
rastejante {adj} [botany] :: creeping (growing along a surface rather than upwards)
rastejante {adj} [figurative] :: submissive; servile (meekly obedient)
rastejar {v} /ˌʁas.te.ˈʒa(ɹ)/ :: to crawl, to creep (move slowly with the abdomen close to the ground)
rastejar {v} :: to track (follow the tracks of)
rastel {m} [regional] :: alternative form of rastelo
rastelar {v} :: to rake (use a rake on)
rastelo {m} [South Brazil] /ʁasˈtɛlo/ :: rake
rastilho {m} :: fuse (cord used to ignite a charge)
rastilho {m} [figurative] :: reason
rastilho {m} [figurative] :: track
rasto {m} :: alternative form of rastro
rastreador {m} :: tracker (one who, or that which, tracks or pursues)
rastreador {m} :: tracker (device that records the location of something)
rastreadora {f} :: female equivalent of rastreador
rastrear {vt} :: to track (to discover the location of person or an object)
rastrear {vt} :: to track (to follow the tracks of)
rastreio {m} :: tracking, tracing
rastreiro {adj} :: alternative form of rasteiro
rastrejar {v} :: alternative form of rastejar
rastro {m} /ˈʁas.tɾu/ :: track; trail (mark left by something that has passed along)
rastro {m} [figuratively] :: trace
rasura {f} :: blot
rasura {f} :: deletion, erasure
rasurar {v} :: (text) to black out; to strike through
rata {f} :: feminine noun of rato
rata {f} [colloquial] :: vagina (woman's genitalia)
ratão {m} :: Common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca)
ratão {m} :: augmentative of rato
ratão-d'água {m} :: coypu (Myocastor coypus, a large, semiaquatic rodent of South America)
ratão-do-banhado {m} :: coypu (Myocastor coypus, a large, semiaquatic rodent of South America)
ratazana {f} /ʁɐ.tɐ.ˈzɐ.nɐ/ :: brown rat (Rattus norvegicus, a rodent)
ratazana {f} [irregular] :: augmentative of rata
rateadamente {adv} :: proportionately (in proportion)
rateadora {f} /ʁa.t͡ʃja.ˈdo.ɾɐ/ :: feminine noun of rateador
rateando {v} :: gerund of ratear
ratear {v} :: to apportion
ratear {v} :: to prorate
rateio {m} :: apportionment
ratel {m} :: honey badger (Mellivora capensis, a mustelid of Africa, Arabia and India)
ratificação {f} :: ratification
ratificando {v} :: gerund of ratificar
ratificar {v} :: to ratify
rá-tim-bum {interj} /ʁa.t(ʃ)ĩ.ˈbũ/ :: Sung or shouted at the conclusion of a happy birthday song or similar celebration.
ratinho {m} /ʁa.t͡ʃi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of rato
Ratisbona {prop} {f} :: Ratisbona (city)
rato {m} /ˈʁa.tɯ̥̽/ :: rat (any rodent of the genus Rattus)
rato {m} :: mouse (any rodent of the genus Mus)
rato {m} [computer hardware, Portugal] :: mouse (input device used to move a pointer on the screen)
rato {m} :: burglar; petty thief (person who steals small objects)
rato {m} [Trás-os-Montes] :: while (a very short period of time)
rato almiscareiro {m} :: muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus, a rodent of North America)
rato de biblioteca {m} [colloquial] :: bookworm (avid reader)
rato-do-campo {m} :: vole (any of several small rodents of the family Cricetidae)
ratoeira {f} /ʁa.tuˈe(j).ɾɐ/ :: mousetrap (device for killing mice)
rato-toupeira {m} :: mole rat (any of several burrowing rodents)
rã-touro {f} :: bullfrog (any of various large species of frog of North America)
rã-touro americana {f} :: American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
rato-veadeiro {m} :: deer mouse (any of the muroid rodents in the genus Peromyscus)
ratto {m} :: obsolete spelling of rato
Raul {prop} {m} /ʁa.ˈuw/ :: given name
Raul Soares {prop} :: Raul Soares (municipality)
ravina {f} [geology] /ʁa.ˈ :: gorge; ravine (a deep narrow valley)
ravina {f} [geology] :: gully (channel which was worn by water flow)
Raymundo {prop} {m} :: given name
raynha {f} :: obsolete spelling of rainha
razaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of razão
razão {f} /ʁɐ.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: reason (the ability to think correctly)
razão {f} :: reason; motive (the cause of an action or determination)
razão {f} :: correctness; rightness (the condition of being right)
razão {f} [mathematics] :: ratio (the relative magnitudes of two quantities)
razia {f} :: raid
razoabilidade {f} :: reasonableness
razoamento {m} :: reasoning (deduction of inferences or interpretations from premises)
razoável {adj} /ʁa.zo.ˈa.vew/ :: reasonable (all senses)
razoável {adj} :: sensible
razoável {adj} :: moderate
razoavelmente {adv} :: reasonably, not extremely
r caipira {m} [phonetics, colloquial] :: pronunciation of the Portuguese rhotic in syllable codas as a retroflex approximant ([ ɻ ]), as found in some dialects of Brazilian Portuguese
re- {prefix} /ˌʁe./ :: re- (forms verbs indicating that the action is being done again)
{m} /ˈʁɛ/ :: re (musical note)
{f} [Brazil] :: reverse (gear setting of an automobile that makes it travel backwards)
{f} [nautical] :: stern (rear part of a ship or vessel)
reabilitação {f} :: rehabilitation
reabilitação {f} :: renovation, restoration
reabilitando {v} :: gerund of reabilitar
reabilitar {v} :: to rehabilitate (restore something to the former condition)
reabsorção {f} :: reabsorption
reaça {mf} [Brazil, politics, neologism, derogatory] :: clipping of reacionário (reactionary, a rightist or conservative person)
reaça {adj} [Brazil, politics, neologism, derogatory] :: clipping of reacionário (reactionary, a rightist or conservative person)
reação {f} /ʁja.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: reaction (action in response to an event)
reação {f} [chemistry] :: reaction
reação de Abderhalden {f} :: Abderhalden reaction (occurrence of proteolytic enzymes specific for foreign proteins introduced via parents)
reação de Arthus {f} [immunology] :: Arthus reaction (hypersensitivity reaction involving the in situ formation of antigen/antibody complexes)
reação em cadeia {f} [physics] :: chain reaction (nuclear reaction in which particles produced by the fission of one atom trigger fissions of other atoms)
reação em cadeia {f} :: chain reaction (series of events where each event causes the next)
reação nuclear {f} [nuclear physics] :: nuclear reaction (any reaction involving the nucleus of atoms)
reação química {f} [chemistry] :: chemical reaction (process by which chemical substances are changed into others)
reacção {f} :: obsolete form of reação
reacionário {adj} :: reactionary (opposing change)
reactivação {f} :: obsolete spelling of reativação
reactividade {f} :: reactivity
reactivo {adj} :: obsolete spelling of reativo
reactor {m} :: obsolete spelling of reator
reaes {m} :: obsolete spelling of reais
reafirmar {v} :: to reaffirm (affirm again)
reagente {m} [chemistry] :: reagent
reagir {v} /ĩ.pɾes.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to react
reagir {v} :: to respond
reagir {v} :: to interact
reagrupar {v} :: to regroup (to get organised again)
reajustar {v} :: to adjust, readjust
reajuste {m} :: readjustment (subsequent adjustment)
real {adj} /ʁjaɫ/ :: true, real
real {adj} :: that has physical existence; real
real {adj} [mathematics, of a number] :: being a member of the set of real numbers; real
real {m} :: a real number
real {adj} :: of or relating to the monarchy; royal; regal
real {adj} :: having the air or demeanour of a monarch; regal
real {m} :: a former Spanish currency
real {m} :: the current Brazilian currency
real {m} :: a former currency of Portugal and its colonies (the plural later became réis)
realçando {v} :: gerund of realçar
realçar {v} /ʁjaɫˈsaɾ/ :: to highlight, enhance, emphasize
realçar {v} :: to stress
realce {m} :: highlight; emphasis
realejo {m} :: street organ (small, mechanically played organ)
realeza {f} :: royalty (a monarch and their families treated as a group)
realeza {f} :: royalty (the rank, status, power or authority of a monarch)
realidade {f} [uncountable] /ʁjɐ.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: reality (entirety of all that is real)
realidade {f} [uncountable] :: reality (state of being actual or real)
realidade {f} :: real life (life outside of a contrived or fantastical environment)
realidade {f} [sociology] :: social condition
realidade virtual {f} :: virtual reality
realimentação {f} [electronics] :: feedback (signal that is looped back into a system)
realimentação {f} :: refeeding (the act of feeding (giving food or resources) again)
realimentação {f} [firearms] :: the automatic reloading action in automatic firearms
realismo {m} :: realism (concern for fact or reality)
realismo {m} :: royalism (support for a king or royal house)
realista {mf} :: realist (advocate of artistic realism)
realista {mf} :: realist (one who sees things as they are)
realisticamente {adv} :: realistically (in a realistic manner)
realístico {adj} :: realistic (expressed or represented as being accurate)
reality show {m} :: reality show (a reality television program)
realização {f} :: realization
realização {f} :: performance
realização {f} :: achievement
realizador {m} [TV, cinema] :: director
realizar {v} /ʁˈza(ʁ)/ :: to realize, execute, carry out, put into practice
realizável {adj} :: realizable, achievable, doable
realmente {adv} /ʁjaɫ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: truly, really, actually
realojamento {m} :: rehousing
realojando {v} :: gerund of realojar
realojar {v} :: to rehouse
reanalisar {vt} :: To reanalyse or reanalyze
reanimação cardiopulmonar {f} [emergency medicine] :: cardiopulmonary resuscitation (a first aid procedure for cardiac arrest)
reanimação cardiorrespiratória {f} [emergency medicine] :: cardiopulmonary resuscitation (a first aid procedure for cardiac arrest)
reanimar {vt} :: to revive; to reanimate (make something return to life or consciousness)
reanimar {vt} :: to cheer up someone who has lost their joy
reaproveitando {v} :: gerund of reaproveitar
reaproveitar {v} :: to reuse, reutilize
reaproximação {f} :: rapprochement (reestablishment of cordial relations)
reaquecer {v} :: to reheat (heat something after it has cooled off)
rearranjar {vt} :: to rearrange (to change the order or arrangement)
rearranjo {m} :: rearrangement (the act of arranging again)
rearranjo {m} [chemistry] :: rearrangement; rearrangement reaction (reaction in which an atom or bond moves)
rearrumar {v} :: to rearrange
reassegurar {v} :: to reassure (to restore confidence to)
reassistir {v} :: to rewatch (to watch again)
reatamento {m} :: the act of retying
reatar {vt} :: to retie
reativação {f} /ˌʁi.a.ˌti.vɐ.ˈsɐ̃w/ :: reactivation
reativar {vt} :: to reactivate (something)
reatividade {f} :: reactivity
reativo {adj} :: reactive
reator {m} /ʁjaˈtoɾ/ :: reactor
reator nuclear {m} [physics] :: nuclear reactor (device in which a controlled nuclear chain reaction is maintained)
reavivar {vip} :: to revive (recover from a state of neglect)
reavivar {vip} :: to revive (return to life, recover life or strength)
reavivar {vt} :: to revive (bring someone or something back to life)
reays {m} :: obsolete spelling of reais
rebaixar {vt} :: to lower (reduce the height of, as a fence or chimney)
rebaixar {vt} :: to reduce (to bring to an inferior rank)
rebaixar {vt} :: to abase (to lower so as to hurt feelings)
rebaixe {m} :: abasement (the act of abasing)
rebaixo {m} :: area (open space, below ground level, between the front of a house and the pavement)
rebanho {m} [collective] /ʁɨ.ˈβɐ.ɲu/ :: herd, flock
rebanho {m} [religion] :: flock
rebarbadeira {f} :: angle grinder (power tool with a perpendicular abrasive disc)
rebarbadora {f} :: angle grinder (power tool with a perpendicular abrasive disc)
rebarbativo {adj} :: rebarbative
rebater {vi} :: to bounce (to change direction of motion after hitting an obstacle)
rebater {vt} :: to hit something so it bounces back
rebatida {f} :: rebound (recoil of an object bouncing off another)
rebatismo {m} :: rebaptism (the act or ceremony of baptising again)
rebatizando {v} :: gerund of rebatizar
rebatizar {v} :: to rename, rechristen
Rebeca {prop} {f} :: given name
Rebeca {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Rebekah (sister of Laban and wife to Isaac)
rebelar {v} :: to cause to rebel
rebelar-se {vr} :: to rebel (to resist or become defiant towards)
rebelde {mf} /ʁe.ˈbɛw.d͡ʒi/ :: rebel (person who resists an established authority)
rebelde {mf} :: a recalcitrant individual
rebelde {adj} :: rebellious
rebelde {adj} :: recalcitrant
rebelde {adj} :: untameable
rebelião {f} :: rebellion (armed resistance)
rebentação {f} :: sprouting (the act of sprouting, germinating)
rebentação {f} :: the breaking of waves
rebentação {f} :: surf (area near the coast where the waves break)
rebentando {v} :: gerund of rebentar
rebentar {v} /ʁɨβẽˈtaɾ/ :: to burst, explode
rebento {m} /he.ˈbẽ.to/ :: bud; sprout
rebento {m} :: son; descendant
rebento {m} :: fruit; result
rebimboca da parafuseta {f} [Brazil, slang] :: placeholder for a complex-named term or object; frequently a mechanical piece of a car, often fictitious like "headlight fluid"
rebitagem {f} :: riveting
rebite {m} /ʁe.ˈbi.t͡ʃi/ :: rivet (cylindrical mechanical fastener)
rebobinar {v} /ʁɨβuβiˈnaɾ/ :: to rewind (to wind again)
rebobinar {v} :: to rewind (to go back on a video or audio tape)
rebocador {m} [nautical] :: tugboat, towboat
rebocar {v} /ʁeboca(ʁ)/ :: to tow
rebolando {v} :: gerund of rebolar
rebolar {v} :: to roll (like a ball)
rebolar {v} :: to grind (wiggle one's hips)
reboliço {adj} :: round
reboot {m} [computing] :: reboot (instance of rebooting)
reboque {m} :: trailer
reboque {m} :: tow
rebordo {m} :: brim (a projecting rim)
rebrilhando {v} :: gerund of rebrilhar
rebrilhar {v} :: to shine with increased intensity
rebrilhar {v} :: to be resplendent
rebu {m} [Brazil] :: uproar, turmoil, riot (disturbance of the public order)
rebuçado {adj} :: hooded (covered with a hood)
rebuçado {adj} :: disguised or hidden
rebuçado {m} [chiefly Portugal] :: candy (piece of sweet confectionery)
rebuçado {m} :: something said or done with excessive care
rebuliço {m} :: fuss (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something)
rébus {m} :: rebus (puzzle which uses pictures to represent words or parts of words)
rebuscado {adj} :: well-educated, civilized, courteous
rebuscado {adj} :: far-fetched
rebuscando {v} :: gerund of rebuscar
rebuscar {v} :: to rummage
rebuscar {v} :: to glean
recado {m} /ʁɨ.ˈka.ðu/ :: message
recaída {f} :: relapse (the act of relapsing: returning to a previous, worse state)
recair {v} :: to fall again or often
recair {v} :: to relapse, reoffend
recalcado {adj} :: trodden (crushed by being walked on)
recalcado {adj} :: emotionally repressed
recalcar {v} /ʁɨ.kaɫ.ˈkaɾ/ :: to trample or step on again
recalcar {v} :: to insist (on an issue)
recalcitrando {v} :: gerund of recalcitrar
recalcitrar {v} :: to be recalcitrant
recalculação {f} /ˌʁe.kaw.ˌˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: recalculation (the process of calculating again)
recalcular {vt} :: to recalculate (to calculate again)
recálculo {m} :: recalculation (act of recalculating)
recall {m} :: recall (return of faulty products)
recanto {m} /ʁɨ.ˈkɐ̃.tu/ :: nook, den (quiet, comfortable place)
recapitulação {f} :: recapitulation (enumeration of the major points of a work)
recapitular {v} :: to recapitulate (to summarise or repeat in concise form)
Recaredo {prop} {m} :: historical given name
recarga {f} :: refill; recharge
recarga {f} :: ink reservoir, ink holder (of a pen)
recarga {f} [sports] :: rebound shot
recarregar {v} :: to recharge (to charge an electric battery)
recarregar {v} :: to recharge (to reload a gun)
recarregável {adj} :: rechargeable
recatado {adj} :: reserved; bashful
recatado {adj} :: modest; simple
recatado {adj} :: circumspect; prudent
recato {m} /ʁɨˈkatu/ :: modesty, reservation
recato {m} :: caution
recato {m} :: secret
recato {m} :: hideout
receando {v} :: gerund of recear
recear {v} /ʁɨ.ˈsjaɾ/ :: to fear, dread
recear {v} :: to suspect
recebedor {m} :: receiver (person who receives)
receber {v} /ʁɨ.sɨ.ˈβeɾ/ :: to get; to receive
receber {v} :: to collect or receive payment
receber {v} :: to receive (to act as a host for guests)
receber {v} :: to be hit by something
receber {v} [telecommunications] :: to receive (to detect a signal from a transmitter)
recebimento {m} :: reception, receipt (act of receiving)
receção {f} [European orthography] /ʁɨsɛˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: alternative form of recepção
receio {m} /ʁɨˈsɐju/ :: fear, awe
receio {m} :: concern, apprehension, trepidation
receita {f} [cooking] /ʁɨ.ˈsɐj.tɐ/ :: recipe (instructions for making or preparing food dishes)
receita {f} [medicine] :: prescription (written order for the administration of a medicine)
receita {f} [medicine] :: formula for a medicine
receita {f} [money] :: income (money one or an organisation earns)
receitando {v} :: gerund of receitar
receitar {v} /ʁɨsɐjˈtaɾ/ :: to prescribe
receituário {m} :: prescription
Received Pronunciation {prop} {f} :: Received Pronunciation (English pronunciation used by the educated classes southeastern England)
recém- {prefix} :: newly
recém {adv} [especially in combination] :: freshly, recently
recém-chegado {m} :: someone who has recently arrived
recém-chegado {adj} :: recently arrived
recém-nascido {adj} :: newborn (recently born)
recém-nascido {m} :: newborn (recently born baby)
recenseamento {m} :: census (official count of members of a population)
recente {adj} /ʁe.ˈsẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: recent (having happened a short while ago)
recente {adj} :: recent; up-to-date (having the latest changes)
recentemente {adv} :: recently
recentíssimo {adj} /ʁe.sẽ.ˈt͡ʃ :: superlative of recente
recentralização {f} :: recentralization
recentralizar {v} :: to recentralize
receoso {adj} /ʁɨ.ˈsjo.zu/ :: afraid, fearful
receoso {adj} :: apprehensive
receoso {adj} :: shy, bashful
recepção {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: reception (act of receiving)
recepcionista {mf} :: receptionist (employee who receives visitors and/or calls)
receptáculo {m} :: receptacle
receptador {m} :: receiver (person who accepts stolen goods)
receptar {v} :: to keep something that was stolen
receptividade {f} :: receptivity (the state of being receptive)
receptivo {adj} :: receptive (able to receive something)
receptivo {adj} :: receptive (willing to accept new ideas or concepts)
receptor {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of recetor
receptor {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of recetor
recessão {f} :: recession (a period of reduced economic activity)
recessivo {adj} [economy] :: recession (attributive), recessionary
recesso {m} :: recess (a break, pause or vacation)
recesso {m} [chiefly anatomy] :: recess (inset, hole, space or opening)
recetor {adj} [Portugal] /ʁɨsɛˈtoɾ/ :: receiving
recetor {m} [Portugal] :: receiver, receptor, recipient
receyo {m} :: obsolete spelling of receio
receyta {f} :: obsolete spelling of receita
rechaçar {vt} :: to ward off; to repel
recheado {adj} :: stuffed, filled (food etc)
recheado {adj} :: wealthy
recheado {m} :: stuffing, filling
rechear {vt} :: to fill up, to stuff
recheio {m} :: filling; stuffing (food inside another food item)
recheio {m} [figurative] :: cream (the best part of something)
rechonchudo {adj} :: chubby (of a person, somewhat fat)
rechonchundo {adj} :: plump; chubby (having a roughly round shape)
rechonchundo {adj} [often, euphemistic] :: plump; chubby (slightly fat)
recibo {m} [money] /ʁɨ.ˈsi.βu/ :: receipt (written acknowledgement)
reciclado {adj} :: recycled
reciclagem {f} :: recycling
reciclando {v} :: gerund of reciclar
reciclar {vt} /ʁɨsiˈklaɾ/ :: to recycle
reciclável {adj} :: recyclable (able to be recycled)
recidivista {mf} :: recidivist; reoffender; repeat offender (one who falls back into prior habits, especially crime)
recidivista {adj} :: recidivistic (relating to or engaging in recidivism)
recife {m} [geography] /ʁe.ˈ :: reef (rocks at or near surface of the water)
Recife {prop} :: Recife (municipality/state capital)
recinto {m} /ʁe.sĩn.tu/ :: area, site
recipiente {m} /ʁɨsiˈpjẽtɨ/ :: vessel; container (item in which objects may be stored and transported)
recipiente {adj} :: in which objects may be stored and transported
reciprocamente {adv} :: reciprocally
reciprocidade {f} :: reciprocity
recíproco {adj} /ʁe.ˈsi.pɾo.ku/ :: reciprocal (done by each of two people towards the other)
recíproco {adj} [mathematics, of a number] :: which is obtained by dividing 1 by the number
recíproco {adj} [grammar, of a verb] :: reciprocal
recitação {f} :: recital (the act of reciting)
recital {m} [performing arts] /ˌʁˈtaw/ :: recital (live performance, especially by a soloist)
recitando {v} :: gerund of recitar
recitar {v} /ʁɨ.si.ˈtaɾ/ :: to recite, declaim
recitativo {adj} :: intended for reciting
recitativo {m} [music] :: recitative (dialogue in an opera)
reclamação {f} :: complaint (act of complaining)
reclamando {v} :: gerund of reclamar
reclamar {v} /ˌʀe.klɐ.ˈmaɾ/ :: to complain
reclamar {v} :: to claim
reclamar de barriga cheia {v} [idiomatic] :: to complain about something frivolous while having privileges that others do not
reclinar {vt} /ʁe.kli.ˈna(ʁ)/ :: to recline (cause to lean back)
reclinar {vi} :: to recline (lean back)
recluso {adj} :: secluded; isolated
recluso {m} :: recluse (a person who lives in isolation)
reco {m} [military slang] /ˈʁɛ.ku/ :: FNG (new recruit)
recobrimento {m} :: coating, covering
recobrindo {v} :: gerund of recobrir
recobrir {v} :: to cover completely
recobrir {v} :: to overlay
recolha {f} /ʁe.ˈko.ʎɐ/ :: collection
recolhendo {v} :: gerund of recolher
recolher {v} /ʁɨ.ku.ˈʎeɾ/ :: to collect, gather
recolher {v} :: to save
recolhimento {m} :: the act of gathering things, especially things that had been spread around
recolhimento {m} :: retraction; withdrawal (the act of pulling back inside)
recolhimento {m} :: moral restrictions
recolocar {vt} :: to return (to put something back where it had been)
recombinação {f} /ʁɨkõbinɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: recombination
recomeçando {v} :: gerund of recomeçar
recomeçar {v} :: to restart, recommence
recomeço {m} :: restart; rebeginning
recomendabilidade {f} :: advisability (the quality of being advisable)
recomendação {f} /ʁekomen̪daˈsɐ̃ʷ/ :: recommendation
recomendação {f} :: advice
recomendação {f} :: commendation
recomendando {v} :: gerund of recomendar
recomendar {v} /ʁe.ko.mẽ.ˈda(ʁ)/ :: to recommend, commend
recomendar {v} :: to advise
recomendável {adj} :: recommendable
recompensa {f} /ʁɨ.kõ.ˈpẽ.sɐ/ :: the act of rewarding
recompensa {f} :: reward (something of value given in return for an act)
recompensa {f} :: bounty (reward for some specific act)
recompensar {v} :: to reward (give a reward to)
recompor-se {v} :: reflexive of recompor
recompor-se {vr} :: to pull oneself together (to become mentally focused)
reconciliação {f} :: reconciliation (the reestablishment of friendly relations)
reconciliação {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: reconciliation (a sacrament involving contrition, confession, punishment and absolution)
reconciliar {v} /ʁe.ˌkõˈa(ɹ)/ :: to reconcile (to recreate friendly relationships)
reconciliar {v} [theology] :: to cause reconciliation (end of estrangement between someone and a god)
recôndito {adj} /ʁeˈkõⁿd͡ʒi̥tʊ̥/ :: hidden, secluded, isolated, remote
reconfirmar {v} :: to reconfirm (confirm again)
reconfortante {adj} :: comforting
reconfortar {v} :: to comfort (relieve the distress or suffering of)
reconhecer {v} /ʁɨ.ku.ɲɨ.ˈseɾ/ :: to recognize
reconhecer {v} :: to acknowledge
reconhecimento {m} /ʁe.ko.ɲˈmẽ.tu/ :: acknowledgement (act of acknowledging)
reconhecimento {m} :: recognition (the act of recognising or the condition of being recognized)
reconhecimento {m} [legal] :: (the act of a man admitting a child as his own)
reconhecimento {m} [uncountable] :: thankfulness
reconhecimento {m} [military] :: reconnaissance
reconhecível {adj} :: recognizable
Reconquista {prop} {f} [historical] /ʁe.kõˈkis.tɐ/ :: Reconquista (reconquest of Spain and Portugal by Christians)
reconquistar {v} :: to reconquer (to conquer again)
reconquistar {v} :: to regain something effortfully
reconsiderar {v} :: to reconsider (to consider a decided matter again)
reconstituição {f} :: reconstitution
reconstituindo {v} :: gerund of reconstituir
reconstituinte {adj} :: restorative
reconstituir {v} :: to reconstitute
reconstrução {f} :: reconstruction (act of restoring something by building it again)
reconstrução {f} :: reconstruction (something reconstructed or restored)
reconstrução {f} :: reconstruction (attempt to analyse in detail how something works or occurred)
reconstrução {f} [historical linguistics] :: reconstruction (unattested word conjectured from its descendants)
reconstruir {v} :: to rebuild (build again)
recontagem {f} :: recount (an instance of counting again)
recontar {v} :: to recount (to count again)
recontar {v} :: to recount (to tell over)
reconvocar {vt} :: to recall (to call (someone) back to a specific place)
recopiando {v} :: gerund of recopiar
recopiar {v} :: to recopy; to reproduce
récor {m} [rare] :: dated form of recorde
récor {adj} [rare] :: dated form of recorde
record {m} :: alternative form of recorde
record {adj} :: alternative form of recorde
récord {m} :: alternative form of recorde
récord {adj} :: alternative form of recorde
recordação {f} /ʁɨ.kuɾ.ðɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: memory, recollection
recordação {f} :: souvenir, keepsake, memento
recordando {v} :: gerund of recordar
recordar {v} /ʁe.koʁ.ˈda(ʁ)/ :: to remember, recall, recollect
recordar {v} :: to remind
recordar-se {vr} :: to remember (to recall from one’s memory)
recorde {m} /ʁe.ˈkɔʁ.d͡ʒi/ :: record (most extreme known value of some achievement)
recorde {adj} :: record-breaking (beating the previous record)
recorde {adj} [by extension] :: extreme; intense; drastic
recordista {mf} /ˌʁe.koʁ.ˈd͡ʒis.tɐ/ :: record-holder (someone who holds a record)
recordista {adj} [of a person or thing] :: who is a record-holder
recordista {adj} [of an occurrence] :: record-breaking (beating the previous record)
recorrência {f} :: recurrence
recorrência {f} :: repetition
recorrendo {v} :: gerund of recorrer
recorrente {adj} :: Recurring time after time; recurrent
recorrer {v} :: resort (to have recourse out of necessity or frustration)
recorrer {v} :: rehash, revisit, go over, rerun, do over, return, copy, double up, repeat a route
recortar {v} :: to crop (remove outer parts of)
recortar {v} :: to cut figures from a piece of material
recorte {m} :: clipping; snippet (from a newspaper or magazine)
recorte {m} :: cut-out
recostado {adj} /ʁe.kos.ˈta.du/ :: leaning back
recostar {vt} /ʁe.kos.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to lean something back
recostar {vp} :: to lean back
recozedor {m} [metallurgy, glassmaking] :: annealer (device or process that anneals)
recozendo {v} :: gerund of recozer
recozer {v} :: to anneal
recozido {adj} :: annealed
recozimento {m} [metallurgy, glassmaking] :: annealing (the process of cooling metal or glass very slowly)
recreação {f} :: recreation (activity that diverts, amuses or stimulates)
recreio {m} :: recreation (all senses)
recreio {m} :: playground (for children)
recreio {m} :: playtime (for scoolchildren)
Recreio {prop} :: Recreio (municipality)
recriação {f} :: recreation (act of recreating)
recriando {v} :: gerund of recriar
recriar {v} :: to recreate
recristalização {f} :: recrystallization
recristalizando {v} :: gerund of recristalizar
recristalizar {v} :: to recrystallize
recrudescendo {v} :: gerund of recrudescer
recrudescer {v} :: to intensify
recrudescer {v} :: to exacerbate
recruta {mf} [military] :: recruit (a newly enlisted soldier)
recruta {mf} [by extension] :: any newly enlisted or enrolled person
recrutamento {m} :: recruitment (the process of finding recruits)
recrutar {v} :: to recruit (to enroll a new member into an organisation)
rectangular {adj} :: obsolete spelling of retangular
rectângulo {m} :: obsolete spelling of retângulo
rectificação {f} :: alternative form of retificação
rectificando {v} :: gerund of rectificar
rectificar {v} :: alternative form of retificar
recto {adj} [European orthography] :: alternative form of reto
recto {m} [European orthography] :: alternative form of reto
recuar {v} /ʁɨ.ˈkwaɾ/ :: to recede, retreat
recuar {v} :: to indent
recuar {v} :: to recoil, flinch
recuo {m} :: backward movement
recuo {m} [military] :: retreat
recuo {m} [by extension] :: hesitation
recuo {m} :: recoil [of a firearm]
recuo {m} :: indentation [of a margin]
recuperação {f} :: recovery
recuperação {f} :: restauration, renovation (back to a previous condition, e.g. a building or painting)
recuperação {f} [medicine] :: recuperation (gradual restoration to health)
recuperação {f} :: reclamation, regeneration, recycling
recuperação {f} :: retrieval
recuperador {m} :: recuperator
recuperador {m} :: regenerator
recuperando {v} :: gerund of recuperar
recuperar {v} /ʁˈɾa(ʁ)/ :: to recover
recuperar {v} :: to restore, to renovate (bring back to a previous condition, e.g. a building or painting)
recursividade {f} :: recursivity (the quality of being recursive: referring back to itself)
recursividade {f} [programming] :: recursivity (the quality of being recursive: having a function that calls itself)
recursivo {adj} :: recursive (referring back to itself)
recursivo {adj} [mathematics, of an expression] :: recursive (each term of which is determined by applying a formula to preceding terms)
recursivo {adj} [computing, of a function or program] :: recursive (that calls itself)
recurso {m} /ʁɨˈkuɾsu/ :: option; choice; resort; means
recurso {m} [plural] :: resources
recurso {m} [legal] :: appeal
recurso natural {m} :: natural resource (resources that can be extracted from the environment)
recursos humanos {m} :: human resources department
recursos humanos {mp} :: clipping of gestão de recursos humanos
recurvando {v} :: gerund of recurvar
recurvar {v} :: to recurve
recurvar {v} :: to lean into a corner
recurvar {v} :: to recline
recusa {f} :: refusal (the act of refusing)
recusação {f} :: refusal (the act of refusing)
recusando {v} :: gerund of recusar
recusar {v} /ʁɨ.ku.ˈzaɾ/ :: to refuse, decline, reject
redação {f} /ʁɨ.ða.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: wording, text, composition
redação {f} :: redaction
redação {f} :: essay
redacção {f} :: alternative form of redação
redarguir {v} [legal] :: to answer (to file a response to a complaint)
redatar {v} :: to redatar (to assign a new date)
redator {m} :: editor
redator {m} :: copywriter
rede {f} /ˈʁe.ðɨ/ :: net (mesh of strings)
rede {f} [fishing] :: net (mesh of strings used to trap fish)
rede {f} [sports] :: net (mesh behind the goal frame)
rede {f} :: hairnet (netting worn over one's hair)
rede {f} [figurative] :: sieve (something that catches and filters everything)
rede {f} [figurative] :: web; net; a trap
rede {f} :: hammock (suspended bed or couch made of cloth or netting)
rede {f} :: network (an interconnected group or system)
rede {f} [business] :: chain (businesses with the same brand name)
rede {f} [broadcasting] :: network (group of affiliated television stations)
rede {f} [networking] :: (computers and other devices connected together to share information)
rede {f} [Internet] :: the Net; the Web (the Internet)
rede {f} :: an infrastructural system
rédea {f} /ˈʁɛ.ðjɐ/ :: rein (strap or rope used to control an animal)
rédea {f} [figuratively] :: rein (command)
rede de descanso {f} :: synonym of rede de dormir
rede de dormir {f} :: hammock
redefinindo {v} :: gerund of redefinir
redefinir {v} :: to redefine
redemoinho {m} :: alternative form of remoinho
redempção {f} :: obsolete spelling of redenção
redenção {f} /ʁɨ.ðẽ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: redemption
redenção {f} :: salvation
Redenção da Serra {prop} :: Redenção da Serra (municipality)
rede neural {f} [artificial intelligence] :: neural network (system designed to emulate the brain in its ability to learn how to assess imprecise data)
redentor {m} :: redeemer (one who redeems, saves from a state of sin)
redentor {adj} :: redeeming (which redeems)
Redentora {prop} :: Redentora (municipality)
redescobrindo {v} :: gerund of redescobrir
redescobrir {v} :: to rediscover
rede social {f} [Internet] :: social network (an on-line network of personal or business contacts)
rede social {f} [Internet] :: a social medium; a website or other online service that is part of the social media
redigindo {v} :: gerund of redigir
redigir {v} :: to write, compose
redigitar {v} :: to retype (to re-enter text using a keyboard)
redil {m} :: sheepfold (enclosure for sheep)
redil {m} :: a flock of sheep
redil {m} [figurative] :: flock; congregation (people who gather in a place of worship)
redimir {v} :: to redeem
redireccionar {v} :: superseded spelling of redirecionar
redirecionamento {m} :: redirection (the act of sending to a different direction)
redirecionamento {m} [Internet] :: redirection (automated process of taking a user to a different site)
redirecionar {vt} :: to redirect (to instruct to go elsewhere)
redirecionar {vt} [computing] :: to redirect (to substitute an address or pointer to a new location)
redobrando {v} :: gerund of redobrar
redobrar {v} /ʁɨ.ðu.ˈβɾaɾ/ :: to redouble
redoma {f} :: bell jar
redoma {f} :: dome, cupola
redondo {adj} /ʁɨ.ˈdõ.du/ :: round (circular, cylindrical or spherical in shape)
redondo {adj} [of a number] :: round (not having a fractional part, or ending in zeroes)
redondo {adj} [figurative] :: clear and definitive
redondo {adv} [especially of an alcoholic beverage when drunk] :: smoothly (without causing unpleasant sensations)
Redondo {prop} /ʁɨˈðõdu/ :: Redondo (village/and/municipality)
redor {m} /ʁɨ.ˈðɔɾ/ :: the area surrounding someone or something
redução {f} /ʁe.du.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: reduction (all senses)
redução {f} :: curtailment
redução {f} :: cutback
redução {f} :: decrease
redundância {f} [uncountable] /ʁɨðũˈdɐ̃sjɐ/ :: redundancy (state of being redundant)
redundância {f} :: redundancy (something redundant)
redundante {adj} :: redundant
redundante {adj} :: pleonastic
redundantemente {adv} :: redundantly
redutase {f} [enzyme] :: reductase
redutível {adj} :: reducible
redutível {adj} :: reductive
redutivo {adj} :: reductive
reduto {m} /ʁeˈdutʊ̥/ :: enclosure fortified inside a fortress
reduto {m} [figurative] :: stronghold, place of refuge or survival [by a particular group]
reduto {m} [figurative, by extension] :: meeting place, hangout
Reduto {prop} :: Reduto (municipality)
redutor {m} :: reducer
reduzido {adj} :: reduced, diminished
reduzido {adj} :: restricted
reduzindo {v} :: gerund of reduzir
reduzir {v} /ʁɨ.ðu.ˈziɾ/ :: to reduce, cut, shorten
reduzir {v} :: to decrease, lessen, diminish
reeleger {v} :: to reelect (elect again)
reembolsando {v} :: gerund of reembolsar
reembolsar {v} :: to reimburse, refund, repay
reencarnado {adj} :: reincarnated (reborn especially in a different body)
reencher {v} :: to refill (to fill up again)
reencontrar {v} :: to rediscover; to refind (to find again)
reencontro {m} :: the act of finding or meeting again, especially after a long time
reenviando {v} :: gerund of reenviar
reenviar {v} :: to forward, send on (a message)
reenviar {v} :: to retransmit
reescrever {vt} :: to rewrite
reestruturação {f} :: restructuring (an alteration of structure)
reestruturando {v} :: gerund of reestruturar
reestruturar {v} :: to restructure
ref. {f} :: abbreviation of referência
ref. {adj} :: abbreviation of referente
refazendo {v} :: gerund of refazer
refazer {vt} /he.fa.ˈze(h)/ :: to redo
refeição {f} /ʁɨ.fɐj.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: meal (food that is prepared and eaten at a specific time)
refeitório {m} :: refectory (a dining area, especially in an institution)
refeitura {f} :: remake (of a film, of series)
refém {m} /ʁɨ.ˈfɐ̃j̃/ :: hostage
referência {f} /ʁe.fe.ˈɾẽ(j).sjɐ/ :: reference
referencial {adj} :: referential
referenciando {v} :: gerund of referenciar
referenciar {v} :: to reference
referendo {m} [politics] :: referendum (direct popular vote)
referente {adj} :: referring (as in referente a = referring to, regarding)
referir {v} /ʁe.fe.ˈɾi(ʁ)/ :: to refer (to direct to a source for help or information)
referir {v} :: to relate (to tell in a descriptive way)
referir {v} :: to refer (submit to an authority figure for consideration)
referir {v} :: to be about something; to have something as a subject
referir {v} :: to refer (to allude to)
referir-se a {vr} :: to refer to (to make a reference to)
refill {m} :: a refill, especially a free refill of food or drink at a restaurant
refilmagem {f} :: remake (of a film, of series)
refinação {f} :: refining
refinação {f} :: refinement
refinado {adj} :: refined
refinado {adj} :: cultivated
refinamento {m} :: refining
refinamento {m} :: refinement, sophistication
refinando {v} :: gerund of refinar
refinar {v} :: to refine, purify
refinaria {f} :: refinery
refirir {v} :: obsolete spelling of referir
refle {m} :: alternative form of rifle
reflectir {v} :: superseded spelling of refletir
refletindo {v} :: gerund of refletir
refletir {v} /ʁɨ.flɛ.ˈtiɾ/ :: to mirror
refletir {v} :: to reflect
refletir {v} :: to ponder, meditate
refletor {m} :: reflector
refletor {adj} :: reflective
reflexão {f} /ʁɨ.flɛ.ˈksɐ̃w̃/ :: reflection (all senses)
reflexivo {adj} :: who reflects (thinks seriously about something)
reflexivo {adj} [grammar] :: reflexive (referring back to the subject)
reflexo {m} /ʁɨ.ˈflɛ :: reflex (automatic response)
reflexo {m} [optics] :: reflection (something, such as an image, that is reflected)
reflexo {m} :: quality or condition inherited or resulting from a previous quality or condition
reflexo {adj} :: reflex (produced automatically by a stimulus)
reflexo {adj} [optics] :: reflected
reflexo {adj} :: which is result of a previous quality or condition
reflexo {adj} [grammar] :: reflexive
reflorestação {f} :: reforestation (the replanting of trees in a region)
reflorestamento {m} :: reforestation (the replanting of trees in a region)
reflorestar {v} :: to reforest (to replant trees in a region)
refluxo {m} :: reflux (backwards flow of any fluid)
refluxo {m} :: ebb (receding movement of the tide)
refluxo {m} [medicine] :: reflux (leaking of stomach acid up into the oesophagus)
refluxo {m} [distilling] :: reflux (liquid that returns to the fractionating column)
refogado {adj} [of food] :: fried with oil or butter and seasonings
refogado {m} :: food fried with oil or butter and seasonings
refogar {v} :: to fry with oil or butter and seasonings
reforçando {v} :: gerund of reforçar
reforçar {v} /ʁɨ.fuɾ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to reinforce
reforçar {v} :: to strengthen
reforçar {v} :: to intensify
reforço {m} /ʁɨ.ˈfoɾ.su/ :: reinforcement
reforço {m} :: intensification
reforma {f} /ʁɨˈfɔɾmɐ/ :: reform (the change of something that is defective, broken, inefficient or otherwise negative)
reforma {f} :: retirement
reforma {f} :: pension (gratuity paid regularly as benefit due to a person in consideration of past services)
reforma {f} :: renovation (repairs made to a building to improve or renew its appearance)
reformação {f} :: reformation
reformado {m} :: pensioner, retiree
reformador {adj} :: reforming
reformador {m} :: reformer
reformar {vt} :: to reform
reformar {vp} :: to retire
reformatório {m} :: approved school; reformatory (prison for young offenders)
reformatório {adj} :: reforming (that reforms)
reformista {adj} /ʁɨfɔɾˈmiʃtɐ/ :: reformist
reformista {mf} :: reformist
reformular {v} :: to reformulate (formulate in a different manner)
refração {f} [physics] :: refraction
refractário {adj} :: refractory
refractómetro {m} :: superseded spelling of refratómetro
refractômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: superseded spelling of refratómetro
refractómetro de Abbe {m} [European orthography, physics] :: Abbe refractometer (instrument used to measure the refractive index of a liquid)
refrão {m} [music] /ʁe.ˈfɾɐ̃w̃/ :: refrain (chorus burden of song)
refrão {m} :: proverb; maxim
refratando {v} :: gerund of refratar
refratar {v} :: to refract
refratário {adj} :: refractory
refratómetro {m} [European orthography] :: refractometer (instrument used to measure refractive index)
refratômetro {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of refratómetro
refratômetro de Abbe {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative spelling of refractómetro de Abbe
refrear {vt} :: to curb; to restrain (to prevent from progressing)
refrega {f} :: combat; battle; fight
refrega {f} :: hard work
refrescante {adj} :: refreshing (pleasantly fresh or different)
refrescar {v} /ʁɨ.fɾɨʃ.ˈkaɾ/ :: to refresh (to renew or revitalise)
refrescar {v} :: to freshen (to make fresh)
refresco {m} /ʁɨ.ˈfɾeʃ.ku/ :: a refreshing drink
refresco {m} :: solace (comfort or consolation in a time of distress)
refri {m} [Brazil] /ʁe.ˈfɾi/ :: clipping of refrigerante
refrigeração {f} :: refrigeration, cooling
refrigerador {m} :: refrigerator (appliance that refrigerates food)
refrigerando {v} :: gerund of refrigerar
refrigerante {m} /ʁe.ˌfɾi.ʒe.ˈɾɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: pop, soda (sweet, carbonated drink)
refrigerante {m} :: refrigerant (that which makes cool or cold)
refrigerante {adj} :: refrigerant (that cools or freezes)
refrigerar {v} :: to cool; cool down
refrigerar {v} :: to refrigerate
refugiado {adj} /ʁe.ˌfu.ʒi.ˈa.du/ :: seeking asylum
refugiado {m} :: refugee (person seeking asylum)
refugiar {vt} :: to shelter (to provide shelter)
refúgio {m} /χeˈfuʒju/ :: refuge, haven
refugo {m} :: refuse (discarded material)
refulgência {f} :: refulgence (the quality of being refulgent)
refulgente {adj} :: refulgent (shining brightly and radiantly)
refutação {f} :: refutation (an act of refuting)
refutar {vt} :: to refute (to prove (something) to be false or incorrect)
rega {f} :: irrigation
regaçar {vt} /ʁə.ɡɐˈsaɾ/ :: synonym of arregaçar; to roll up
regaço {m} :: lap (space in front of the lower abdomen, or over the legs of a seated person)
regaço {m} :: lap (the lower part of a garment that hangs loosely)
regaço {m} :: bowels (the deepest or innermost part)
regaço {m} :: a resting place or shelter
regador {m} /ˌʁe.ɡa.ˈdoɹ/ :: watering can (a container specific to carry and dispense water for plants usually with a sprout)
regador {m} :: waterer (one who waters)
regalar {vt} /ʁeɡaˈlaʁ/ :: to treat (to reward with a present)
regalar {vt} :: to regale (to treat or entertain)
regalar {vir} :: to chill out (to relax or take time out)
regaliz {m} [countable] :: liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra, a leguminous plant from which a sweet, black liquor is extracted)
regalo {m} /ʁɨˈɣ :: pleasure; satisfaction; contentment
regalo {m} :: gift (something given to another without charge)
regalo {m} :: muff (a piece of fur or cloth for keeping the hands warm)
regar {v} :: to water (to pour water into the soil surrounding (plants))
regar {v} [figurative] :: to provide beverages
regata {f} /ʁɨˈɡa.tɐ/ :: regatta (boat racing)
regata {f} :: wifebeater (kind of sleeveless shirt)
regatar {v} :: alternative form of regatear
regatear {v} :: to haggle over
regatinho {m} /ʁe.ɡa.ˈt͡ʃi.ɲu/ :: diminutive of regato
regato {m} /ʁe.ˈɡa.tu/ :: brook; stream; creek
regelar {vtr} :: to cool down (decrease the temperature)
regência {f} [politics] :: regency (government substituting that of a monarch)
regência {f} :: the process of governing (controlling the actions or behaviour of)
regência {f} [grammar] :: valency (the relation between a verb and its arguments)
regendo {v} :: gerund of reger
regeneração {f} :: regeneration
regeneração {f} :: reclamation
regenerando {v} :: gerund of regenerar
regenerar {vt} :: to regenerate
regenerativo {adj} :: regenerative
regente {mf} /ʁɨˈʒẽtɨ/ :: regent (one who rules in place of the monarch)
Regente Feijó {prop} :: Regente Feijó (municipality)
reger {v} :: to govern, rule, administer
reggae {m} [music genre] /ˈʁɛ.ɡi/ :: reggae (a music genre from Jamaica)
regiamente {adv} :: regally
região {f} /ʁe.ʒi.ˈɐ̃w̃/ :: region, district
Região Autónoma dos Açores {prop} {f} :: Região Autónoma dos Açores (autonomous region)
regicida {mf} :: regicide (one who kills a king)
regicídio {m} :: regicide (the killing of a king)
regido {adj} :: governed, directed
regime {m} /ʁɨˈʒimɨ/ :: regime (mode of rule or management)
regime {m} :: regime (form of government)
regime {m} :: regime (period of rule)
regime {m} :: diet (controlled regimen of food and drink)
regímen {m} /ʁɨˈʒimɛn/ :: regimen (all senses)
regimental {adj} :: regimental
regimento {m} [military] /ˌʁe.ʒi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: regiment (army unit)
regimento {m} :: the act of ruling, governing
regimento {m} :: statute (written law or norms)
Reginópolis {prop} :: Reginópolis (municipality)
régio {adj} :: regal, royal
regional {adj} /ʁe.ʒjo.ˈnaw/ :: regional (pertaining or limited to a specific region)
regionalismo {m} :: regionalism (affection to one’s own region)
regionalismo {m} [linguistics] :: regionalism (word or feature peculiar to a dialect)
regionalmente {adv} :: regionally
registar {v} /ʁɨʒiʃˈtaɾ/ :: (Portugal) to register, to record
registo {m} [Portugal] /ʁɨ.ˈʒiʃ.tu/ :: registration
registo {m} [Portugal] :: register
registrador {m} :: a device or person who registers information
registrador {m} [computing] :: register (part of the central processing unit used to store numbers)
registrar {v} [Brazil] :: to register, to record
registro {m} [Brazil] /ʁe.ˈʒis.tɾu/ :: alternative form of registo
Registro {prop} :: Registro (municipality)
rego {m} :: ditch (drainage trench)
rego {m} :: furrow (a trench cut in the soil, as when plowed in order to plant a crop)
rego {m} [Brazil, vulgar, slang] :: crack (space between the buttocks)
regolito {m} [geology] :: regolith (layer of loose rock that constitutes the surface of most land)
regozijar {v} :: to rejoice (to make happy)
regozijar-se {vr} :: to rejoice (to be happy about something)
regozijo {m} :: joy
regozijo {m} :: rejoicing
regra {f} /ˈʁɛ.ɣɾɐ/ :: rule (a regulation, law or guideline)
regra da mão direita {f} [physics] :: right-hand rule (common mnemonic for understanding notation conventions for vectors in three dimensions)
regrar {v} /ʁe.ˈɡɾa(ʁ)/ :: to rule (to mark paper or the like with lines)
regrar {v} :: to regulate, to control
regras {fp} :: menstruation, period
regredir {vi} :: to regress (to move backwards to an earlier stage)
regressando {v} :: gerund of regressar
regressão {f} :: regression
regressar {v} /ʁɨ.ɣɾɨ.ˈsaɾ/ :: to return, revert, regress
regresso {m} /ʁɨˈɣɾɛsu/ :: return (act of returning)
regrinha {f} :: diminutive of regra
régua {f} /ˈʁɛɣwɐ/ :: ruler (device)
régua de cálculo {f} :: slide rule (analog calculator)
régua-tê {f} :: T-square (ruler with a short perpendicular crosspiece at one end)
régua vazada {f} [rare] :: synonym of estêncil
regueifa {f} :: a pastry of fine flour, kolach
regueira {f} :: ditch (a small channel of water for irrigation or drainage)
regueira {f} :: feminine noun of regueiro
regueiro {m} :: synonym of regueira
regueiro {m} :: a fan of reggae
regueiro {m} :: a raggae musician
Reguengos de Monsaraz {prop} /ʁɨˈɣẽɡuʒ ðɨ mõsɐˈɾaʃ/ :: Reguengos de Monsaraz (village/and/municipality)
reguingar {v} :: alternative form of rezingar
regulação {f} :: regulation (all senses)
regulador {m} :: regulator (device that controls or limits something)
regulador {adj} :: which regulates
regulamentação {f} :: regulation
regulamentando {v} :: gerund of regulamentar
regulamentar {v} :: to regulate, control
regulamento {m} /ʁɨɣulɐˈmẽtu/ :: regulation, rule
regular {adj} /ʁɨɣuˈlaɾ/ :: regular
regular {adj} :: average
regular {v} :: to regulate
regular {v} :: to tune (an engine)
regular {v} :: to set (a watch, clock)
regularidade {f} /ʁɨɣulɐɾiˈðaðɨ/ :: regularity
regularização {f} :: regularisation (the act of regularising)
regularizador {m} :: regulator (someone or something that regulates)
regularizar {v} :: to regularise (to make regular)
regularmente {adv} /ʁeɡulaʁˈmẽt͡ʃi/ :: regularly
regurgitar {v} :: to regurgitate (to eject what has been swallowed)
rei {m} /ʁɐj/ :: king [monarch]
rei {m} [chess, cards] :: king
Reia {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Rhea (a titan, daughter of Uranus and Gaia)
Reia {prop} {f} [astronomy] :: Rhea (moon of Saturn)
Réia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Reia
Reich {m} /ˈʁajʃ/ :: Reich (territory of a German empire or nation)
rei-dos-ratos {m} [chiefly mediaeval folklore] :: rat king (conglomeration of rats with intertwined tails)
reificação {f} :: reification (consideration of an abstract thing as if it were concrete)
reificação {f} :: objectification
Reikiavik {prop} {f} [obsolete] :: rare spelling of Reykjavik, Reikiavik (capital city)
Reikjavik {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Reykjavik
Reikjavique {prop} {f} [dated] :: rare spelling of Reykjavik
rei morto, rei posto {proverb} /ˈʁɐj ˈmoɾ.tu ˈʁɐj ˈpoʃ.tu/ :: The king is dead, long live the king
Reimundo {prop} {m} :: given name
reinado {m} :: reign (the exercise of sovereign power)
reinado {m} :: reign (the period during which a monarch rules)
reinar {v} :: to reign (to be the king)
reinar {v} [figurative] :: to be influential or predominant
reincarnação {f} :: reincarnation; rebirth
reincidente {mf} :: recidivist; repeat offender (one who falls back into prior habits, especially crime)
reincidente {adj} :: who is a repeat offender
reincidir {v} [em] :: to relapse (to fall back on a prior habit)
reincidir {v} [em, .criminal law] :: to reoffend (to commit a crime again)
reineta {f} :: reinette (apple)
reinha {f} :: obsolete form of rainha
reiniciar {v} :: to restart (to start again)
reiniciar {v} [computing] :: to reboot (to restart a system)
reinício {m} :: restart (act of starting something again)
reino {m} /ˈʁɐ :: kingdom (nation having as supreme ruler a king and/or queen)
reino {m} [biology, taxonomy] :: kingdom
reino animal {m} [taxonomy] :: animal kingdom (the taxonomic kingdom Animalia)
Reino Armênio da Cilícia {prop} {m} [Brazilian orthography, historical] :: Reino Armênio da Cilícia (mediaeval principality)
Reino da Arábia Saudita {prop} {m} :: Reino da Arábia Saudita (country)
Reino da Bélgica {prop} {m} :: Reino da Bélgica (country)
Reino da Dinamarca {prop} {m} :: Reino da Dinamarca (country)
Reino da Espanha {prop} {m} :: Reino da Espanha (country)
Reino da Holanda {prop} {m} :: Reino da Holanda (country)
Reino da Noruega {prop} {m} :: Reino da Noruega (country)
Reino da Suazilândia {prop} {m} :: Reino da Suazilândia (country)
Reino da Suécia {prop} {m} :: Reino da Suécia (country)
Reino da Tailândia {prop} {m} :: Reino da Tailândia (country)
Reino de Aksum {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Reino de Axum
Reino de Axum {prop} {m} :: Reino de Axum (mediaeval kingdom)
Reino de Butão {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Reino do Butão
Reino de Camboja {prop} {m} :: Reino de Camboja (country)
Reino de Espanha {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Reino da Espanha
Reino de Lesoto {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Reino do Lesoto
Reino de Suazilândia {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Reino da Suazilândia
Reino do Butão {prop} {m} :: Reino do Butão (country)
Reino do Camboja {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Reino de Camboja
Reino do Lesotho {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Reino do Lesoto
Reino do Lesoto {prop} {m} :: Reino do Lesoto (country)
Reino do Meio {prop} {m} [dated] :: Middle Kingdom (a nickname for China)
Reino dos Céus {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Kingdom of Heaven (Christian concept)
Reino dos Países Baixos {prop} {m} :: Reino dos Países Baixos (country)
Reino Hachemita da Jordânia {prop} {m} :: Reino Hachemita da Jordânia (country)
Reino Haxemita da Jordânia {prop} {m} :: alternative spelling of Reino Hachemita da Jordânia
Reino Médio {prop} {m} [dated] :: Middle Kingdom (a nickname for China)
Reino Médio {prop} {m} [historical] :: Middle Kingdom (Egypt in the 12th and 13th dynasties)
Reino Unido {prop} {m} /ʁɐˈni.ðu/ :: Reino Unido (country)
Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte {prop} {m} :: Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte (country)
reinstalação {f} :: reinstallation (the act or process of reinstalling)
reinstalar {v} :: to reinstall (to install again)
reinventar {vt} :: to reinvent
reinventar a roda {v} [idiomatic] :: to reinvent the wheel (to redo work unnecessarily)
Reiquejavique {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Reykjavik
reis {m} /ˈʁɐjʃ/ :: obsolete spelling of réis
reiterabilidade {f} :: iterability (the capacity of being repeated)
reiteração {f} :: reiteration (act of reiterating)
reiterar {v} /ˌʁe.i.te.ˈɾa(ɹ)/ :: to reiterate (to say or do something for a second time)
reitor {m} :: rector
reitor {m} :: provost
reitor {m} :: dean
reivindicação {f} /ʁej.vĩ.dʒi.ka.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: claim
reivindicação {f} :: vindication
reivindicando {v} :: gerund of reivindicar
reixa {f} :: alternative form of rixa
rejeição {f} :: rejection
rejeição {f} :: refusal
rejeitar {v} /ʁe.ʒej.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to reject (to refuse to accept)
rejeitar {v} :: to disapprove (to refuse to approve)
rejeitar {v} :: to despise (to regard with contempt or scorn)
rejeitar {v} [medicine] :: to reject a transplanted organ
rejeitar {vt} :: to vomit something
rejeytar {v} :: obsolete spelling of rejeitar
re-jogar {v} :: alternative spelling of rejogar
rejogar {vit} /ʁe.ʒo.ˈɡa(ɾ)/ :: to replay
rejuntar {v} :: to rejoin; to join again
rejuntar {v} [construction] :: to grout (to insert mortar between tiles)
rejunte {m} [construction] :: grout (thin mortar used to fill the gaps between tiles and cavities)
rejuvenescendo {v} :: gerund of rejuvenescer
rejuvenescer {v} /ʁɨ.ʒu.vɨ.nɨʃ.ˈseɾ/ :: to rejuvenate (to render young again)
rejuvenescimento {m} :: rejuvenation (the process of rendering young again)
relação {f} /ʁɨ.lɐ.ˈsɐ̃w/ :: relationship
relação {f} :: relation, connection, association
relação {f} :: involvement between people, affective or not
relação {f} [euphemistic] :: sexual relation
relação {f} :: description
relação sexual {f} :: sexual intercourse (sexual interaction)
relacionabildade {f} :: relatability (quality of being relatable)
relacionado {adj} /ʁɨlɐsjuˈnaðu/ :: related
relacionamento {m} /ʁɨ.lɐ.sju.nɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: relationship (connection or association)
relacionamento {m} :: the act of relating (making a connection)
relacionamento {m} :: relationship (a romantic or sexual involvement)
relacionamento aberto {m} :: open relationship (the relationship with possible additional relationships)
relacionando {v} :: gerund of relacionar
relacionar {v} /ʁɨlɐsjuˈnaɾ/ :: to relate
relacionável {adj} :: relatable (possible to relate)
relações públicas {fp} [business] :: public relations (relations between an organisation and the public)
relâmpado {m} :: obsolete form of relâmpago
relâmpago {m} /ʁɨ.ˈlɐ̃.pɐ.ɣu/ :: lightning (flash of light caused by the discharge of atmospheric electrical charge)
relâmpago {adj} [in hyphenated compounds] :: sudden and unexpected
relampejar {v} :: to produce lightnings
relance {m} /ʁɨ.ˈlɐ̃.sɨ/ :: glance
relapso {m} :: relapse (the act of relapsing: returning a previous, worse state)
relar {vt} :: to pass by [something or someone] making pressure or friction; to brush past
relatar {v} /ʁɨ.lɐ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to narrate; to relate (to tell in a descriptive way)
relatar {v} :: to report (to recount an event or incident)
relativamente {adv} /ʁɨlɐˌtivɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: relatively (in relation to some larger scale thing)
relativamente {adv} :: relatively; somewhat
relatividade {f} :: relativity (the state of being relative)
relatividade {f} [physics] :: relativity (principle that the laws of physics should be the same for all observers)
relatividade especial {f} [relativity] :: special relativity (physics theory)
relatividade geral {f} [relativity] :: general relativity (theory extending special relativity and uniformly accounting for gravity and accelerated frames of reference)
relatividade restrita {f} [relativity] :: special relativity (physics theory)
relativismo {m} [philosophy] /ˌʁ͡ʃi.ˈ :: relativism (theory that truth and moral values are relative)
relativista {adj} :: relativist
relativista {mf} :: relativist
relativo {adj} /ʁˈtʃ :: relative (depending on something else)
relativo {adj} [grammar] :: relative
relato {m} /ʁɨ.ˈla.tu/ :: broadcast (usually in radio) of a sports event (mostly football)
relato {m} :: report
relator {m} [legal, politics] :: rapporteur
relatório {m} /ʁˈtɔ.ɾju/ :: report (information describing events)
relaxado {adj} :: relaxed (made less tight; loose)
relaxado {adj} :: relaxed (having an easy-going mood or temperament)
relaxado {adj} :: irresponsible (lacking a sense of responsibility)
relaxamento {m} :: relaxation
relaxante {adj} :: relaxing (which makes someone relaxed)
relaxante {m} [pharmacology] :: relaxant (substance that relaxes the muscles)
relaxar {vi} /ʁˈʃa(ʁ)/ :: to relax
relé {m} [electronics] :: relay (electrical actuator)
releitura {f} /helɐjˈtuɾɐ/ :: reinterpretation of a work of art, most times referring to a painting
releitura {f} :: recreation of a work of art; similar to pastiche
releitura {vt} :: to reread, to read a text once again
relembrando {v} :: gerund of relembrar
relembrar {v} :: to recall
relembrar {v} :: to remember
relento {m} /ʁeˈlẽⁿtʊ̥/ :: the air humidity of the night, that forms dew
reler {vt} :: to reread
reles {adj} /ˈʁɛ.lɨʃ/ :: despicable
reles {adj} :: lousy, cheap
reles {adj} :: vulgar, common
reles {adj} :: worthless
relevância {f} :: relevance (property or state of being relevant)
relevante {adj} /ʁe.le.ˈvɐ̃.tʃi/ :: relevant (directly related, connected, or pertinent to a topic)
relevo {m} :: relief; relievo (artwork in which shapes or figures protrude from a flat background)
relevo {m} :: relief (difference of elevations on a surface)
relevo {m} :: importance; relevance
relha {f} :: coulter
relha {f} :: ploughshare
relicário {m} /ʁɨliˈkaɾju/ :: reliquary
relicário {m} :: shrine
religião {f} /ʁɨ.li.ˈʒjɐ̃w̃/ :: religion
religiosamente {adv} /ʁe.ʎi.ʒi.ɔ.za.ˈmẽj̃.tʃi/ :: religiously
religiosidade {f} /ʁɨliʒjuziˈðaðɨ/ :: religiousness
religioso {adj} /ʁɨliˈʒjozu/ :: religious
relinchar {v} [of a horse] :: to neigh (to make its cry)
relincho {m} :: neigh (the cry of a horse)
relíquia {f} /ʁɨˈlikjɐ/ :: relic
relíquia {f} :: heirloom
reliquiário {m} :: rare form of relicário
relógio {m} /ʁɨ.ˈlɔ.ʒi.u/ :: clock (instrument to measure or keep track of time)
relógio {m} :: watch
relógio analógico {m} [retronym] :: analog clock, analogue clock (clock that displays the time using hands)
relógio atómico {m} [European orthography] :: atomic clock (extremely accurate clock whose operation is based on an atomic process)
relógio atômico {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of relógio atómico
relógio de bolso {m} :: pocket watch (watch with a cover and chain)
relógio de ponto {m} :: time clock (a device that records the times that employees start and finish work)
relógio de pulso {m} :: wristwatch
relógio de sol {m} :: sundial (simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight)
relógio do sol {m} :: alternative form of relógio de sol
relógio solar {m} :: sundial (simple timekeeping device which makes use of sunlight)
relojeiro {m} :: alternative form of relojoeiro
relojeiro {adj} :: alternative form of relojoeiro
relojo {m} [nonstandard, eye-dialect or obsolete] :: alternative form of relógio
relojoeiro {m} /ʁɨluˈʒwɐjɾu/ :: clockmaker; watchmaker (person who makes and repairs clocks and watches)
relojoeiro {adj} :: relating to clocks
relojoeiro {adj} :: relating to clockmaking
reluctancia {f} :: obsolete spelling of relutância
relutância {f} :: reluctance (all senses)
relutando {v} :: gerund of relutar
relutante {adj} :: reluctant (not wanting to take some action)
relutantemente {adv} :: reluctantly
relutar {v} :: to resist
relutar {v} :: to be reluctant
relutar {v} :: to be recalcitrant
reluzente {adj} :: glittering
reluzir {v} :: to glisten (to reflect light with a glittering luster)
relva {f} /ˈʁɛɫ.vɐ/ :: grass, turf
relva {f} :: herbage, hay
relvado {m} :: lawn (ground covered with grass)
Relvado {prop} :: Relvado (municipality)
relvar {v} :: to turf (to plant a lawn)
remador {m} :: rower, oarsman
remadora {f} :: female equivalent of remador
remake {m} :: remake (new version of a production, such as a film or a videogame)
remala {f} :: alternative form of remela
remandar {v} /ˌʁe.mɐ̃.ˈda(ɹ)/ :: to resend (to send again)
remanejamento {m} /ʁʒa.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: relocation, reorganization, redisposition
remanejar {v} /ʁˈʒa(ɾ)/ :: to relocate
remanejar {v} :: to reorganize
remanejar {v} :: to redispose
remanejar {v} :: ro redistribute
remanescente {adj} /ʁe.ˌˈsẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: remaining (which remains)
remanescente {adj} :: which survived
remanescente {mf} :: survivor (one who survived)
remanescente {m} :: remainder (part or parts remaining)
remanescer {v} :: to remain (to stay while others withdraw or are removed)
Remanso {prop} :: Remanso (municipality)
remar {v} :: to row
remasterização {f} :: remastering
remasterizar {v} :: to remaster
rematado {adj} :: full
rematado {adj} :: unmitigated
rematando {v} :: gerund of rematar
rematar {v} :: to finish off
remedando {v} :: gerund of remedar
remedar {v} :: alternative form of arremedar
remediar {v} /ʁe.ˌme.d͡ʒi.ˈa(ɹ)/ :: to medicate (to administer medication)
remediar {v} [figurative] :: to remedy (to serve as a remedy for)
remedio {m} :: obsolete spelling of remédio
remédio {m} [pharmacology] /ʁɨ.ˈmɛ.ðju/ :: medicine (substance which promotes healing)
remédio {m} [figurative] :: remedy (something that corrects or counteracts)
remédio {m} [figurative] :: alcoholic beverages
remeira {f} :: female equivalent of remeiro
remeiro {m} :: rower, oarsman
remela {f} /ʁɨ.ˈmɛ.lɐ/ :: rheum; sleep (substance found in the corner of the eyes)
remendar {v} :: to mend (to repair a tear in clothing)
remendar {v} [by extension] :: to repair something crudely
remendo {m} /ʁɨ.ˈmẽ.du/ :: patch (piece of cloth used to repair something)
remendo {m} [figurative] :: patch (a repair intended to be used for a limited time)
remessa {f} :: shipment (load of transported goods)
remessa {f} :: transfer, remittance (of money)
remetente {mf} :: sender (someone who is sending the mail)
remetente {m} :: return address
remeter {v} :: to submit, mail, remit, send, ship, transfer
remeter {v} :: to suggest, refer
remexer {vt} /ˌʁˈʃe(ʁ)/ :: to stir; to agitate (to disturb the contents of)
remexer {v} [em] :: to rummage (to search hastily and carelessly)
remexer {vpt} [or with a part of the body, colloquial] :: to swing; to move; to shake (to dance in a lively manner)
remexida {f} /ˌʁˈʃi.dɐ/ :: stir (the act of stirring)
remexida {f} [colloquial] :: swing (the act of dancing lively)
remexida {f} [colloquial] :: stir; tumult; uproar
remição {f} :: remittance
remindo {v} :: gerund of remir
reminiscência {f} :: reminiscence, recollection
remir {v} :: to redeem, remit
remir {v} :: to compensate
remir {v} :: to forgive
remir {v} :: to rehabilitate
remissão {f} :: remission
remissão {f} :: pardon
remitir {v} :: to remit; to pardon; to forgive
remix {m} [music] :: remix (piece of music formed by combining existing pieces of music together)
remixagem {m} [music] :: remixing (the process of creating musical remixes)
remo {m} /ˈʁ :: oar (implement used to row a boat)
remo {m} [uncountable, sports] :: rowing (the rowing of boats as a competitive sport)
Remo {prop} {m} [Roman mythology] :: historical given name
remoalho {m} :: cud (portion of food brought back into the mouth by ruminating animals)
remoção {f} :: removal
remodelação {f} :: remodelling
remodelação {f} :: renovation
remodelar {v} /ʁˈla(ʁ)/ :: to remodel
remoer {v} /ʁɨˈmweɾ/ :: to mill or grind repeatedly
remoer {v} :: to chew
remoer {v} [figuratively] :: to be preoccupied with, to brood over
remoinho {m} /ʁɨ.ˈmwi.ɲu/ :: whirlpool, vortex
remoinho {m} :: eddy (air or water running in an opposite direction to the main current)
remoinho {m} :: whirlwind
remontando {v} :: gerund of remontar
remontar {v} :: to remount
remontar {v} :: to reassemble
remordimento {m} :: the act of biting something again
remordimento {m} :: remorse (feeling of regret or sadness for doing wrong or sinning)
remorso {m} /ʁɨˈmɔɾsu/ :: remorse
remorso {m} :: regret
remotamente {adv} :: remotely
remotamente {adv} :: distantly
remoto {adj} /ʁɨ.ˈmɔ.tu/ :: remote, far-flung (at a distance)
removendo {v} :: gerund of remover
remover {v} /ʁɨ.mu.ˈveɾ/ :: to remove
remuneração {f} :: remuneration, pay, salary
remuneração {f} :: payment
remunerando {v} :: gerund of remunerar
remunerar {v} :: to remunerate
remunerar {v} :: to compensate
remuneratório {adj} :: remunerative
rena {f} /ˈʁe.nɐ/ :: reindeer
Renã {prop} {m} :: given name
Renan {prop} {m} /ʁe.ˈnɐ̃/ :: given name
Renânia {prop} {f} /ʁe.ˈnɐ.ni.ɐ/ :: Renânia (traditional region)
Renânia do Norte-Vestfália {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Renânia do Norte-Westfália
Renânia do Norte-Westfália {prop} {f} :: Renânia do Norte-Westfália (state)
Renânia-Palatinado {prop} {f} :: Renânia-Palatinado (state)
renano {adj} /ʁe.ˈnɐ.nu/ :: Rhenish (pertaining to the river Rhine)
renano {adj} :: pertaining to the Rhineland
renano {m} :: Rhinelander (someone from the Rhineland)
renano {m} :: Rhenish (Germanic dialects spoken in the Rhineland)
renascença {f} :: rebirth; revival
renascença {f} :: Renaissance (any revival of older culture)
Renascença {prop} {f} [art, historiography] /ˌʁˈsẽ.sɐ/ :: Renaissance (14th century revival of classical art in Europe)
renascendo {v} :: gerund of renascer
renascente {adj} /ˌʁˈsẽ.ˈt͡ʃi/ :: being reborn
renascentista {adj} /ʁe.ˌna.sẽ.ˈt͡ʃis.tɐ/ :: Renaissance (relating to the Renaissance)
renascentista {mf} :: an artist who was active during the Renaissance
renascer {v} :: to revive
renascimento {m} :: revival
renascimento {m} :: renaissance
renascimento {m} :: regeneration
Renata {prop} {f} /ʁe.ˈna.tɐ/ :: given name
Renaud {prop} {mf} :: surname
Renault {prop} {mf} :: surname
renda {f} [economics] /ˈʁẽ.dɐ/ :: income (money one earns by working)
renda {f} :: rent (payment made by a tenant at intervals in order to occupy a property)
renda {f} [uncountable] :: lace (light fabric containing patterns of holes)
renda {f} :: a piece of fabric or clothes made of lace
rendar {v} :: to rent
rendendo {v} :: gerund of render
render {v} :: to render
render {v} :: to yield
render {v} :: to dominate, command
render {v} :: to subject
renderizar {v} [computer graphics] /ʁẽ.de.ɾi.ˈza(ʁ)/ :: to render (to generate a display on a computer screen)
render-se {vr} :: to surrender (to give up in defeat)
rendez-vous {m} :: rendezvous (agreement to meet; a location or time agreed upon to meet)
rendição {f} /ʁẽdiˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: surrender, capitulation
rendilha {f} :: a small or delicate piece of cloth
rendilhar {v} :: to decorate with laces
rendilhar {v} :: to crop
rendimento {m} :: income
rendimento {m} :: yield, return
rendimento {m} :: revenue
rendimento {m} :: efficiency, productivity
renegado {m} /ʁɨ.nɨ.ˈɣa.ðu/ :: renegade (person who betrays or deserts his cause)
renegado {adj} :: who has reneged (broken one’s promise or commitment)
renegar {v} :: to renounce an ideology
renegar {v} :: to disown (to refuse to acknowledge as one’s own)
renegar {v} :: to renege (to break a promise or commitment)
renegar {v} :: to reject or detest
renhindo {v} :: gerund of renhir
renhir {v} /ʁeˈɲi(ɹ)/ :: to fight, to contend
renhir {v} :: to argue
renhir {v} :: to intensify
renhir {v} [Madeira] :: to mutter
rénio {m} :: rhenium
rênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of rénio
renmimbi {m} :: alternative spelling of renminbi
renminbi {m} :: renminbi (currency unit of China)
Reno {prop} {m} /ˈʁ :: Reno (river)
renomado {adj} :: renowned; famous
renome {m} :: renown (fame or wide recognition)
renomeando {v} :: gerund of renomear
renomear {v} :: to rename
renomear {v} :: to renominate
renovação {f} :: renovation
renovação {f} :: renewal
renovação {f} :: revival
renovamento {m} :: renewal (the act of renewing)
renovando {v} :: gerund of renovar
renovar {v} :: to renew, renovate, refurbish
renovável {adj} :: renewable
renque {mf} /ˈʁẽ.ki/ :: row (line of evenly spaced people or objects)
rentabilidade {f} :: profitability
rentável {adj} :: profitable
rente {adv} :: close
rente a {prep} :: very close to; almost touching
rentear {v} :: to shear (remove hair from sheep)
rentear {v} :: to crop (cut hair short)
rente de {prep} :: alternative form of rente a
rentista {mf} :: rentier (individual who receives income from assets and investments)
rentrée {f} [education, administration] :: the return to school or work after a vacation (usually the summer break)
renúncia {f} /ʁe.ˈnũ.si.a/ :: waiver (act of waiving)
renúncia {f} :: resignation (act of resigning)
renúncia {f} :: renunciation (act of rejecting or renouncing something as invalid)
renunciar {v} [a] /ʁɨ.ˌnũ.si.ˈaɾ/ :: to renounce
reocorrer {vi} [rare] :: to recur (to happen again)
reologia {f} :: rheology
reológico {adj} :: rheological
reordenar {v} :: to resort (to repeat a sorting process)
reordenar {v} :: to get something in order again
reordenar {v} [religion] :: to reordain (to ordain again)
reorganização {f} :: reorganization
reorganizando {v} :: gerund of reorganizar
reorganizar {v} :: to reorganize
reoxidando {v} :: gerund of reoxidar
reoxidar {v} :: to reoxidize
reparação {f} /ʁɨ.pɐ.ɾɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: repair
reparação {f} :: reparation
reparador {m} :: repairer (person who repairs)
reparador {adj} :: which repairs
reparadora {f} :: female equivalent of reparador
reparar {v} [em] /ʁɨ.pɐ.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to realize, to become aware
reparar {vt} :: to repair, to fix
reparável {adj} :: reparable
reparo {m} /ʁe.ˈpa.ɾu/ :: repair (the act of repairing, fixing something)
reparo {m} :: note; notice (the act of noticing or noting something)
reparo {m} [military] :: defensive works, such as trenches
reparo {m} [military] :: the support base of a piece of artillery
repartição {f} /ʁɨ.pɐɾ.ti.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: distribution
repartição {f} :: allocation
repartindo {v} :: gerund of repartir
repartir {v} /ʁɨ.pɐɾ.ˈtiɾ/ :: to share, apportion
repartir {v} :: to allocate, distribute
repassar {vt} :: to forward (send (something received) to a third party)
repelão {m} :: shove
repelindo {v} :: gerund of repelir
repelir {v} :: to repel (to push away)
repensar {v} :: to rethink (to think again about a problem)
repente {m} /ʀəˈpẽ.tə/ :: attack, upsurge
repente {m} :: sudden movement
repentinamente {adv} :: Happening quickly and without warning; suddenly; unexpectedly; out of nowhere; out of the blue
repentino {adj} :: sudden (happening quickly and with little or no warning)
repercussão {f} :: repercussion
repercussão {f} :: reverberation
repertório {m} :: repertoire (list of performances which a company or a person has rehearsed)
repertório {m} :: repertoire (set of skills possessed by a person)
repertório {m} :: repertoire (collection of items)
repescagem {f} [sports] :: repechage (heat for competitors who have lost in a previous round)
repetição {f} :: repetition
repetição {f} :: duplication
repetidamente {adv} /ʁɨpɨˌtiðɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: repeatedly
repetindo {v} :: gerund of repetir
repetir {v} /ʁɨ.pɨ.ˈtiɾ/ :: to repeat (do again)
repetir {v} :: to repeat (say again)
repetir {v} :: to flunk (fail a class; not pass)
repetir {v} :: to eat more than one plateful of something during a meal
repisando {v} :: gerund of repisar
repisar {v} :: to step back or again
repisar {v} :: to trample
replantação {f} :: replanting
replantar {v} :: to replant
repleto {adj} :: replete; full
réplica {f} /ˈʁɛ.pli.ka/ :: replication (the act of replicating)
réplica {f} :: replica (an exact copy)
réplica {f} [legal] :: answer (document filed in response to a complaint)
replicabilidade {f} :: replicability (the ability to be replicated)
replicação {f} :: replication
replicando {v} :: gerund of replicar
replicão {m} [Portugal] :: alternative form of replicon
replicar {v} :: to reply, answer, respond
replicar {v} :: to refute, contest
replicar {v} :: to replicate
replicável {adj} :: replicable (that can be replicated)
replicon {m} [genetics] :: replicon (region of DNA or RNA that replicates from a single origin)
réplicon {m} [Brazil] :: alternative spelling of replicon
repolho {m} /ʁɨˈpo.ʎʊ/ :: round cabbage
repolho branco {m} :: white cabbage (a cabbage cultivar)
repolho-gambá {m} [rare] :: either of two wetland plants of North America: Lysichiton americanus and Symplocarpus foetidus
repolho roxo {m} :: red cabbage (a variety of cabbage having red leaves)
repolir {v} :: to repolish (to polish again)
repor {v} /heˈpoɾ/ :: to put back
repor {v} :: to put again
repor {v} :: to restitute
repor {v} [computing] :: to reset
reportado {adj} :: reported
reportagem {f} /ʁɨ.puɾ.ˈta.ʒɐ̃j̃/ :: reportage
reportagem {f} :: report
reportando {v} :: gerund of reportar
reportar {v} /ʁɨ.puɾ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to report
repórter {mf} /ʁɨ.ˈpɔɾ.tɛɾ/ :: reporter (journalist)
reposição {f} :: the act of providing a replacement for something that is unavailable or was used up
repositório {m} :: repository (a location for storage)
repousar {v} :: to repose; to rest, to relax
repouso {m} [uncountable] /ʁɨ.ˈpow.zu/ :: repose; rest
repouso {m} :: the act of resting
repouso {m} [uncountable] :: repose; quietness
repouso {m} [uncountable] :: sleep (state of reduced consciousness for resting)
repouso {m} [euphemistic, uncountable] :: the state of being dead
repreender {v} :: to reprimand, to reprehend
repreender {v} :: to censure
repreensão {f} /rɨpɾẽˈsə̃ʊ/ :: admonition
repreensível {adj} :: reprehensible (deserving reprehension)
reprehender {v} :: obsolete form of repreender
represa {f} /ʁɨ.ˈpɾɛ.zɐ/ :: dam (structure placed across a flowing body of water)
represa {f} :: reservoir of a dam
represália {f} :: retaliation (act of responding violently to an act)
representação {f} /ʁɨpɾɨzẽtɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: representation (all senses)
representação {f} :: impersonation
representação {f} :: portrayal
representacionalismo {m} [philosophy] :: representationalism (the belief that the conscious perception of the world is actually an internal replica of the world of the mind of the beholder)
representacionalismo {m} [arts] :: representationalism (realistic representation of the world)
representacionismo {m} [philosophy] :: representationalism (the belief that the conscious perception of the world is actually an internal replica of the world of the mind of the beholder)
representado {adj} :: represented
representado {adj} :: reproduced
representado {adj} :: proprietary
representando {v} /ʁɨ.pɾɨ.zẽ.ˈtɐ̃.du/ :: gerund of representar
representante {mf} /ʁɨ.pɾɨ.zẽ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/ :: someone or something which represents
representante {mf} :: representative (someone who may speak for another in a particular capacity)
representante {mf} :: representative (someone or something that is taken as typical of its class)
representante {adj} :: which represents
representar {v} /ʁɨ.pɾɨ.zẽ.ˈtaɾ/ :: to represent
representar {v} :: to typify
representar {v} :: to depict
representativo {adj} /ʁɨpɾɨzẽtɐˈtivu/ :: representative (which represents someone or something)
reprimenda {f} :: reproach; reprimand (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism)
reprimendar {v} :: to reprimand (to formally express disapproval)
reprimir {v} :: to repress (to forcefully prevent an upheaval from growing)
reprimir {v} :: to restrain (to control or keep in check)
reprimível {adj} :: repressible
reprisar {vt} :: to rerun, to re-air
reprise {f} /reˈprizi/ :: rerun or re-airing of a TV program
réprobo {adj} :: reprobate; immoral
réprobo {adj} [religion] :: reprobate (rejected by God)
réprobo {m} :: a reprobate, immoral person
reprocessamento {m} :: reprocessing
reprocessando {v} :: gerund of reprocessar
reprocessar {v} :: to reprocess
reprochar {v} :: to reproach (to criticise or rebuke someone)
reproche {m} :: reproach (mild rebuke, or an implied criticism)
reprodução {f} [biology] /ʁɨ.pɾu.ðu.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: reproduction (the act of reproducing new individuals biologically)
reprodução {f} :: reproduction (the act of making copies)
reprodução {f} :: reproduction (a copy of something)
reproducção {f} :: obsolete spelling of reprodução
reprodutivo {adj} :: reproductive
reprodutor {adj} /ʁɨ.pɾu.ðu.ˈtoɾ/ :: reproductive
reprodutor {m} :: breeder
reproduzindo {v} :: gerund of reproduzir
reproduzir {v} /ʁɨ.pɾu.ðu.ˈziɾ/ :: to reproduce, breed, propagate
reproduzir {v} :: to copy
reprogramar {v} :: to reschedule
reprogramar {v} :: to reprogram
reprovação {f} :: reproof
reprovação {f} :: reprobation
reprovação {f} :: disapproval
reprovando {v} :: gerund of reprovar
reprovar {vt} :: to disapprove, condemn
reprovar {vi} [colloquial] :: to flunk (fail to pass an exam)
reptar {vi} :: to slither
reptar {vi} :: to crawl, to creep
reptar {vt} :: to challenge someone
réptil {m} /ˈʁɛp.tiɫ/ :: reptile (a cold-blooded vertebrate)
repto {m} :: challenge
república {f} /ʁɛ.ˈpu.βli.kɐ/ :: republic
república {f} [politics] :: state where elected officials represent the citizens
república {f} [political subdivision] :: a type of state-level subdivision used in Russia
república {f} :: rented house or apartment where various students live together
República Árabe do Egipto {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of República Árabe do Egito
República Árabe do Egito {prop} {f} :: República Árabe do Egito (country)
República Árabe Síria {prop} {f} :: República Árabe Síria (country)
República Argelina Democrática e Popular {prop} {f} :: República Argelina Democrática e Popular (country)
República Argentina {prop} {f} :: República Argentina (country)
república bananeira {f} [politics] :: banana republic (country dependent on a single export commodity with a corrupt dictatorial government)
República Centro-Africana {prop} {f} :: República Centro-Africana (country)
República Checa {prop} {f} /ʁɛ.pu.βli.kɐ.ˈʃɛ.kɐ/ :: República Checa (country)
República da África do Sul {prop} {f} :: República da África do Sul (country)
República da Albânia {prop} {f} :: República da Albânia (country)
República da Arménia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: Republic of Armenia (official name of Armenia)
República da Armênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República da Arménia
República da Áustria {prop} {f} :: República da Áustria (country)
República da Botsuana {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República de Botsuana
República da Bulgária {prop} {f} :: República da Bulgária (country)
República da China {prop} {f} :: República da China (country)
República da Coreia {prop} {f} :: República da Coreia (country)
República da Costa do Marfim {prop} {f} :: República da Costa do Marfim (country)
República da Croácia {prop} {f} :: República da Croácia (country)
República da Eslovénia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: República da Eslovénia (country)
República da Eslovênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República da Eslovénia
República da Estónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: República da Estónia (country)
República da Finlândia {prop} {f} :: República da Finlândia (country)
República da Gâmbia {prop} {f} :: República da Gâmbia (country)
República da Guiné {prop} {f} :: Republic of Guinea (formal name of Guinea)
República da Guiné Equatorial {prop} {f} :: República da Guiné Equatorial (country)
República da Hungria {prop} {f} :: República da Hungria (former country)
República da Índia {prop} {f} :: República da Índia (country)
República da Indonésia {prop} {f} :: República da Indonésia (country)
República da Irlanda {prop} :: República da Irlanda (country)
República da Islândia {prop} {f} :: República da Islândia (country)
República da Letónia {prop} {f} :: República da Letónia (country)
República da Letônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República da Letónia
República da Lituânia {prop} {f} :: República da Lituânia (country)
República da Macedónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: Republic of Macedonia (official name of Macedonia)
República da Macedônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República da Macedónia
República da Moldávia {prop} {f} :: República da Moldávia (country)
República da Polónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: República da Polónia (country)
República da Polônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República da Polónia
República da Sérvia {prop} {f} :: República da Sérvia (country)
República das Seychelles {prop} {f} :: República das Seychelles (country)
República da Turquia {prop} {f} :: República da Turquia (country)
República da Zâmbia {prop} {f} :: República da Zâmbia (country)
República de Angola {prop} {f} :: República de Angola (country)
república de banana {f} :: alternative form of república de bananas
república de bananas {f} [politics, idiomatic] :: banana republic (country dependent on a single export commodity with a corrupt dictatorial government)
República de Belarus {prop} {f} :: República de Belarus (country)
República de Botsuana {prop} {f} :: República de Botsuana (country)
República de Botswana {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of República de Botsuana
República de Burundi {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República do Burundi
República de Chipre {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República do Chipre
República de Curitiba {prop} {f} [politics] :: government officials in Curitiba working in the Lava Jato anti-corruption operation
República de Malawi {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República do Malawi
República de Malta {prop} {f} :: República de Malta (country)
República Democrática Alemã {prop} {f} :: República Democrática Alemã (former country)
República Democrática do Congo {prop} {f} :: República Democrática do Congo (country)
República Democrática Popular da Coreia {prop} {f} :: República Democrática Popular da Coreia (country)
República Democrática Popular da Coréia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of República Democrática Popular da Coreia
República Democrática Popular do Iêmen {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: República Democrática Popular do Iêmen (former country)
República Democrática Popular do Laos {prop} {f} :: República Democrática Popular do Laos (country)
República Democrática Socialista do Sri Lanka {prop} {f} :: República Democrática Socialista do Sri Lanka (country)
República de Nagorno-Karabakh {prop} {f} :: República de Nagorno-Karabakh (unrecognised country)
República de Níger {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República do Níger
República de San Marino {prop} {f} :: República de San Marino (country)
República de São Marino {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República de San Marino
República de Seychelles {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República das Seychelles
República de Uganda {prop} {f} :: República de Uganda (country)
República de Weimar {prop} {f} [historical] :: República de Weimar (former country)
República de Zâmbia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República da Zâmbia
República do Burundi {prop} {f} :: República do Burundi (country)
República do Chipre {prop} {f} :: República do Chipre (country)
República do Congo {prop} {f} :: República do Congo (country)
República do Kosovo {prop} {f} :: República do Kosovo (unrecognised country)
República do Malaui {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República do Malawi
República do Malawi {prop} {f} :: República do Malawi (country)
República Dominicana {prop} {f} :: República Dominicana (country)
República do Níger {prop} {f} :: República do Níger (country)
República do Peru {prop} {f} :: República do Peru (country)
República do Sudão {prop} {f} :: República do Sudão (country)
República do Tadjiquistão {prop} {f} :: República do Tadjiquistão (country)
República do Tajiquistão {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República do Tadjiquistão
República do Uzbequistão {prop} {f} :: República do Uzbequistão (country)
República do Zaire {prop} {f} :: República do Zaire (former country)
República do Zimbábue {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of República do Zimbabwe
República do Zimbabwe {prop} {f} :: República do Zimbabwe (country)
República Eslovaca {prop} {f} :: República Eslovaca (country)
República Federal da Alemanha {prop} {f} :: República Federal da Alemanha (country)
República Federal da Nigéria {prop} {f} :: República Federal da Nigéria (country)
República Federativa da Nigéria {prop} {f} :: República Federativa da Nigéria (country)
República Federativa do Brasil {prop} {f} :: República Federativa do Brasil (country)
República Francesa {prop} {f} :: República Francesa (country)
República Helénica {prop} {f} [Portugal] :: República Helénica (country)
República Helênica {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República Helénica
República Islâmica do Irã {prop} {f} [Brazil] :: alternative form of República Islâmica do Irão
República Islâmica do Irão {prop} {f} [Portugal] :: República Islâmica do Irão (country)
República Islâmica do Paquistão {prop} {f} :: República Islâmica do Paquistão (country)
República Italiana {prop} {f} :: República Italiana (country)
república marítima {f} [historical] :: maritime republic (city-state which established colonies around the Mediterranean)
republicanismo {m} :: republicanism (the advocacy of a republic as a means of government)
republicano {adj} [politics] :: republican (relating to a republic)
republicano {adj} [politics] :: Republican (relating to or affiliated to a Republican Party)
republicano {m} [politics] :: Republican (person affiliated to a Republican Party)
República Oriental do Uruguai {prop} {f} :: República Oriental do Uruguai (country)
república popular {f} :: people's republic (self-designation of states with Marxist-Leninist governments)
República Popular da China {prop} {f} :: República Popular da China (country)
República Popular do Bangladesh {prop} {f} :: República Popular do Bangladesh (country)
República Portuguesa {prop} {f} :: República Portuguesa (country)
República Sérvia {prop} {f} :: Republika Srpska (entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina)
República Sérvia da Bósnia {prop} {f} :: República Sérvia da Bósnia (administrative subdivision)
República Socialista do Vietnã {prop} {f} [Brazil] :: alternative form of República Socialista do Vietname
República Socialista do Vietname {prop} {f} [Portugal] :: República Socialista do Vietname (country)
República Socialista Federativa da Iugoslávia {prop} {f} [Brazil] :: alternative form of República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia
República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia {prop} {f} [Portugal] :: República Socialista Federativa da Jugoslávia (former country)
república socialista soviética {f} [historical, political subdivision] :: Soviet Socialist Republic (any of the republics forming the Soviet Union)
República Srpska {prop} {f} :: República Srpska (administrative subdivision)
República Tcheca {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of República Checa
Republika Srpska {prop} {f} :: alternative form of República Srpska
repúbrica {f} :: obsolete form of república
repugnancia {f} :: obsolete spelling of repugnância
repugnância {f} /ʁe.ˌpuɡ.ˈnɐ̃.si.ɐ/ :: disgust; aversion; repugnance
repugnante {adj} :: repugnant (arousing disgust or aversion)
repugnar {v} :: to be repugnant
repulsão {f} :: repulsion
repulsivo {adj} [physics] :: repulsive (having the capacity to repel)
repulsivo {adj} :: repulsive (arousing disgust or aversion)
reputação {f} :: name, reputation
reputando {v} :: gerund of reputar
reputar {vt} :: to repute (to attribute or credit something or someone to something)
requeijão {m} /ʁe.kej.ˈʒɐ̃w̃/ :: ricotta; cottage cheese (cheese curd product with a mild flavor)
requentar {v} :: to reheat (heat something again after it has cooled off)
requerendo {v} :: gerund of requerer
requerente {mf} :: applicant
requerente {mf} :: claimant
requerer {vt} /ʁˈɾe(ʁ)/ :: to require, need; to request
requerimento {m} :: application
requerimento {m} :: request
requestando {v} :: gerund of requestar
requestar {v} :: to ask, beg
requestar {v} :: to court, woo
réquia {f} :: alternative form of réquiem
Requião {prop} :: Requião (village)
Requião {prop} {mf} :: surname
Requiário {prop} {m} :: given name of historical usage: Rechiar, 5th century Suevic king of Gallaecia
réquie {f} :: alternative form of réquiem
requiem {m} :: alternative spelling of réquiem
réquiem {m} :: requiem (mass to honour and remember a dead person)
réquiem {m} :: requiem (music composed to honour a dead person)
Réquila {prop} {m} :: historical given name
requintado {adj} :: refined
requintar {vt} :: to refine; to perfect
requinte {m} /ʁɨˈkĩtɨ/ :: refinement; sophistication
requinte {m} :: perfection
requisição {f} :: request
requisição {f} :: requisition
requisitar {v} :: to request (to make a request)
requisito {m} /ʁˈzi.tu/ :: requirement; necessity
rés {adj} :: close
rés {adv} :: close
rês {f} :: neat (food animal)
resaõ {f} :: obsolete form of razão
resão {f} :: obsolete form of razão
rescaldar {v} /ˌʁɛs.kaw.ˈda(ʁ)/ :: to overheat
rescaldo {m} /ʁes.ˈkaw.du/ :: cinder (partially or mostly burnt material)
rescaldo {m} :: ember (a glowing piece of coal or wood)
rescaldo {m} [figuratively] :: aftermath, result
rescindir {vt} :: to rescind (to repeal, annul or declare void)
rescisão {f} :: rescission (undoing of a contract)
rés do chão {m} /ˈʁɛz du ˈʃɐ̃w̃/ :: ground floor (of a building)
rés-do-chão {m} :: alternative spelling of rés do chão
resecção {f} :: obsolete spelling of ressecção
Resende {prop} {f} /ˌʁɛˈzẽd(ɨ)/ :: Resende (village/and/municipality)
Resende {prop} {f} :: Resende (municipality)
Resende {prop} {mf} :: surname
Resende Costa {prop} :: Resende Costa (municipality)
resenha {f} /ʁe.ˈze.ɲɐ/ :: review (account intended as a critical evaluation of a piece of work)
resenha {f} :: detailed description
resenha {f} :: enumeration
resenhar {vt} :: to review (a piece of work critically)
resenhar {vt} :: to describe in detail
resenhar {vt} :: to enumerate
resentimento {m} :: obsolete spelling of ressentimento
reserva {f} /ʁɨˈzɛɾvɐ/ :: reserve (the act of reserving, or keeping back)
reserva {f} :: reserve (that which is reserved as for future use)
reserva {f} :: reserve (unexploited natural resource)
reserva {f} :: reserve (tract of land reserved, or set apart, for a particular purpose)
reserva {f} :: reserve (tract of land reserved for aboriginal people)
reserva {f} [military] :: reserve (body of troops in the rear of an army)
reserva {f} :: booking (a reservation for a service, such as accommodation in an hotel)
reserva {f} :: stockpile (supply for future use)
reserva {mf} [sports] :: reserve (player who does not participate from the start of the game)
reservação {f} :: reservation (the act of reserving something)
reservado {adj} :: reserved (slow to reveal emotion or opinions)
reservado {adj} :: reserved (set aside for later use)
reservado {adj} :: concealed, hidden
reservar {v} /ʁɨzɨɾˈvaɾ/ :: to reserve (to keep in store for future or special use)
reservar {v} :: to reserve (to book in advance)
reservatório {m} :: reservoir, store
reservatório {m} :: container, vessel
reservatório {m} :: deposit
reset {m} /ʁeˈzɛ.t(ʃ)(i)/ :: reset (button)
resetar {v} /re.ze.ˈta(ɾ)/ :: to reset
resfolegando {v} :: gerund of resfolegar
resfolegar {vi} :: to pant
resfriado {adj} /ˌʁes.fɾi.ˈa.du/ :: cooled; refrigerated
resfriado {adj} :: afflicted with the common cold
resfriado {m} [pathology, Brazil] :: common cold
resfriamento {m} :: cooling
resfriar {vt} :: to cool (to make colder)
resgatar {v} :: to rescue
resgatar {v} :: to redeem
resgatar {v} :: to ransom
resgate {m} :: rescue
resgate {m} :: ransom
resguardar {v} :: to shelter or protect something
resguardar {v} :: to observe (to follow or obey the custom, practice or rules)
resguardar {v} :: to face (to have the front in a certain direction)
residência {f} /ʁɨ.zi.ˈðẽ.sjɐ/ :: residence (the place where one lives)
residência {f} :: residency (position or term of a medical resident)
residencial {adj} :: residential
residente {adj} /ʁɨziˈdẽtɨ/ :: resident
residente {mf} :: resident (persons living at a given location)
residente {mf} :: resident (graduate medical student receiving medical training)
residindo {v} :: gerund of residir
residir {v} :: to reside, dwell
resíduo {adj} :: residual
resíduo {adj} :: remaining
resíduo {m} :: residue
resíduo {m} :: remainder
resignação {f} /ʁɨ.ziɡ.nɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: resignation (all senses)
resignação {f} :: submission
resignadamente {adv} :: resignedly
resignado {adj} :: resigned (to)
resignado {adj} :: uncomplaining
resignado {adj} :: long-suffering
resignado {adj} :: despairing
resignando {v} :: gerund of resignar
resignar {v} /ʁɨziɣˈnaɾ/ :: to resign
resiliência {f} :: resilience (the ability to recover quickly from negative circumstances)
resiliência {f} :: resilience (the property of material of restoring its original shape)
resiliente {adj} /ʁe.ˌˈẽ.t͡ʃi/ :: resilient (able to weather tribulation without cracking)
resina {f} /ʁɨˈzinɐ/ :: resin (secretion of conifer trees)
resina {f} :: resin (any viscous liquid secreted by plants)
resinoso {adj} :: resinous
resistencia {f} :: obsolete spelling of resistência
resistência {f} /ʁɨ.ziʃ.ˈtẽ.sjɐ/ :: resistance (act of resisting)
resistência {f} [physics] :: resistance
resistente {adj} :: resistent (capable of withstanding force)
resistente {adj} :: resistent (not affected or overcome by negative circumstances)
resistente {mf} :: resistor (person who fights against an occupying army)
resistindo {v} :: gerund of resistir
resistir {v} /ʁi.ziʃˈtiɾ/ :: to resist
resistível {adj} :: resistible
resistividade {f} [physics] :: resistivity
resistor {m} :: resistor (component that implements electrical resistance)
resma {f} :: ream (bundle of paper)
resmungão {m} :: nagger; grumbler (a person who complains too much)
resmungão {adj} :: who complains too much
resmungar {vi} :: to mutter
resmungo {m} :: muttering (words, specially complaints, uttered roughly or incompletely)
resolução {f} /ʁɨˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: act of solving; solution
resolução {f} :: resolution
resolutamente {adv} :: resolutely (in a resolute manner)
resoluto {adj} :: resolute; determined; unyielding
resolver {vt} /ʁɨ.zoɫ.ˈveɾ/ :: to solve (to find an answer or solution)
resolver {v} [a, .optionally, ._, .pronominal] :: to decide to do something
resolver {vt} :: to dissolve; to dissipate
resolver {vt} :: to annul (to formally revoke the validity of)
resolver {vp} :: to fade away
resolver {v} [em, .pronominal] :: to consist
resort {m} :: resort (a relaxing environment for people on vacation)
respectivamente {adv} [Brazilian orthography] :: respectively
respectivo {adj} :: respective
respectivo {adj} :: own; personal
respeitabilidade {f} :: respectability (quality of being respectable)
respeitadora {f} /ʁes.ˌpej.ta.ˈdo.ɾɐ/ :: feminine noun of respeitador
respeitando {v} :: gerund of respeitar
respeitante {adj} :: concerning
respeitar {v} /ʁɨʃ.pɐj.ˈtaɾ/ :: to respect, look up to
respeitar {v} :: to revere, venerate
respeitar {v} :: to honour
respeitar {v} :: to concern, regard
respeitável {adj} /ʁɨʃpɐjˈtavɛɫ/ :: respectable
respeitável {adj} :: reputable
respeito {m} [uncountable] /ʁɨʃ.ˈpɐj.tu/ :: respect (admiration for a person or entity because of perceived merit)
respeito {m} [uncountable] :: submission
respeito {m} :: respect (a particular aspect of something)
respeitosamente {adv} /ʁɨʃ.pɐj.tɔ.zɐ.ˈmẽ.tɨ/ :: respectfully
respeitoso {adj} :: respectful
respetivamente {adv} [European orthography] :: alternative form of respectivamente
respetivo {adj} :: respective
respeyto {m} :: obsolete spelling of respeito
respigar {v} :: to glean
respiração {f} /ʁɨʃpiɾɐˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: respiration, breathing
respiração {f} :: breath
respiração {f} :: breather (short break)
respiração abdominal {f} :: abdominal respiration (respiration controlled by the diaphragm)
respiração artificial {f} [medicine] :: artificial respiration (manual or mechanical forcing of air into someone’s lungs)
respiração boca-a-boca {f} :: mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (first-aid technique)
respiração de Kussmaul {f} :: Kussmaul breathing (laboured breathing associated with metabolic acidosis, renal failure and diabetes)
respirador {m} :: respirator (a device designed to allow breathing when it would otherwise be hindered)
respiradouro {m} :: vent (an opening through which air can pass)
respirar {v} /ʁɨʃ.pi.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to breathe
respiratório {adj} :: respiratory
resplandecente {adj} /ʁɨʃ.plɐ̃.dɨ.ˈsẽ.tɨ/ :: resplendent, glorious
resplandecente {adj} :: blazing, ablaze
resplandecer {v} /hes.ˌplɐ̃.de.ˈse(ɻ)/ :: to shine (to emit light)
resplandecer {v} :: to excel (to be much better than others)
resplandescer {v} :: dated form of resplandecer
resplendecente {adj} :: obsolete form of resplandecente
resplendecer {v} :: dated form of resplandecer
resplendente {adj} :: resplendent (shiny and pleasing to the eye)
resplendor {m} :: resplendency (radiant beauty)
Resplendor {prop} :: Resplendor (municipality)
respondão {adj} [colloquial] :: lippy, gobby
respondão {m} [colloquial] :: a lippy or gobby person
respondedor {m} :: answerer (person or thing that answers)
responder {v} /ʁɨʃ.põ.ˈdeɾ/ :: to answer; to reply (to give a written or spoken response)
responder {vi} :: to retort frequently
responder {v} :: to correspond to (to be equivalent to)
responder {v} :: to counterattack
responder {vi} :: to be responsible (for something)
responder {vi} [legal] :: to be a defendant
responder por {vt} :: to account to (to be responsible to)
respondimento {m} :: answering (the act of giving an answer)
respondível {adj} :: answerable (capable of being answered)
responsa {f} [slang] :: clipping of responsabilidade
responsabilidade {f} /ʁɨʃpõsɐβiliˈðaðɨ/ :: responsibility, responsibleness
responsabilidade {f} :: accountability
responsabilização {f} :: responsibilization
responsabilizar {v} :: to responsibilize, to hold responsible, to take responsibility for
responsável {adj} /ʁɨʃ.põ.ˈsa.vɛɫ/ :: responsible
responsável {adj} :: liable, accountable, answerable
responsavelmente {adv} :: responsibly
responsável por {prep} :: in charge of or responsible for
resposta {f} /ʁɨʃ.ˈpɔʃ.tɐ/ :: answer, response
resquício {m} :: residue (whatever remains after something else has been removed)
resquício {m} :: hint (small, barely detectable amount of something)
ressaca {f} :: storm surge
ressaca {f} [colloquial] :: hangover
ressaibo {m} :: aftertaste (the persistence of the taste of something no longer present)
ressaltar {vt} :: to highlight; to emphasise (make prominent)
ressalvando {v} :: gerund of ressalvar
ressalvar {v} :: to note, indicate
ressalvar {v} :: to caveat
Ressaquinha {prop} :: Ressaquinha (municipality)
ressarcido {v} :: past participle of ressarcir
ressarcimento {m} /ʁes.saɾ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: refund, repayment, indenization
ressarcimento {m} [figurative] :: compensation
ressarcir {v} :: to reimburse
ressarcir {v} :: to indemnify
ressecando {v} :: gerund of ressecar
resseção {f} [surgery] /ʁɨ.sɛ(k).ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: resection (surgical excision of part of a tissue)
ressecar {v} :: to desiccate
ressecar {v} [surgery] :: To resect
ressecção {f} [European orthography, Portugal] :: alternative form of resseção
ressecção abdominoperineal {f} [surgery] :: abdominoperineal resection (surgery to remove a portion of the large intestine)
ressentimento {m} /ʁe.ˌsẽ.t͡ʃi.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: resentment (feeling of anger, indignation or extreme displeasure)
ressentir {v} :: to be offended by something
ressequido {adj} :: parched (extremely dry)
ressequido {adj} :: extremely skinny
ressignificar {vt} /ʁe.siɡˈka(ɾ)/ :: to resignify; to attribute a new meaning or signification to
ressoar {vti} :: to resound (sound again)
ressoar {vt} :: to resound (echo a sound)
ressoar {vi} :: to resound (reverberate with sound or noise)
ressonância {f} :: resonance
ressonando {v} :: gerund of ressonar
ressonar {v} :: to resound, echo
ressonar {v} :: to snore
ressorção {f} [physiology] :: resorption (the loss and reassimilation of bone material)
ressurgindo {v} :: gerund of ressurgir
ressurgir {v} :: to reappear
ressurgir {v} :: to resurge
ressurreição {f} :: resurrection (the act of arising from the dead)
ressuscitação cardiopulmonar {f} [emergency medicine] :: cardiopulmonary resuscitation (a first aid procedure for cardiac arrest)
ressuscitação cardiorrespiratória {f} [emergency medicine] :: cardiopulmonary resuscitation (a first aid procedure for cardiac arrest)
ressuscitando {v} :: gerund of ressuscitar
ressuscitar {vt} :: to resurrect
restabelecer {v} :: to reestablish, restore, reinstate
restabelecimento {m} :: reestablishment, reinstatement
restando {v} :: gerund of restar
restante {m} :: remainder (what remains after some has been removed)
restante {adj} :: remaining (which remains after something has been removed)
restar {v} /ʁes.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to remain
restar {v} :: to stay
restauração {f} :: restoration
restauração {f} :: renovation
restaurante {m} /ˌhes.taw.ˈɾɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: restaurant (an eating establishment in which diners are served food at their tables)
restaurar {v} /ʁes.taw.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ :: to restore
restaurar {v} :: to renovate
restinga {f} :: reef (rocks at or near surface of the water)
restinga {f} :: spit (narrow, pointed, sandy peninsula)
restinga {f} :: vegetation next to a body of water
Restinga {prop} :: Restinga (municipality)
Restinga Seca {prop} :: Restinga Seca (municipality)
restituição {f} :: restitution
restituição {f} :: refund
restituindo {v} :: gerund of restituir
restituir {v} :: to repay, refund
resto {m} [uncountable, usually with article o] /ˈʁɛʃ.tu/ :: the rest (that which remains)
resto {m} :: remainder; leftover (something left behind)
resto {m} [arithmetic] :: remainder (amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend)
restolho {m} :: stubble (short stalk left in a field after harvest)
restrição {f} :: restriction, limitation
restringir {v} /ʁes.tɾĩ.ˈʒi(ʁ)/ :: to restrict; to restrain; to limit
restritivo {adj} :: restrictive
restrito {adj} :: restricted
resultado {m} /ʁɨ.zuɫ.ˈta.ðu/ :: result
resultando {v} :: gerund of resultar
resultante {adj} /ʁɨzuɫˈtɐ̃tɨ/ :: resultant
resultar {v} /ʁe.zuw.ˈta(ʁ)/ :: to result
resumidamente {adv} :: abridgedly (in an abridged manner)
resumidor {m} :: abridger (one who abridges)
resumidor {m} :: summariser (one who summarises)
resumidor {adj} :: which or who abridges
resumidor {adj} :: which or who summarises
resumir {v} /ʁɨ.zu.ˈmiɾ/ :: to summarize (to prepare a summary)
resumir {v} :: to show only the essential elements of something
resumir {v} :: to recapitulate; to review
resumir {v} :: to diminish (to make smaller)
resumir {v} :: to mostly destroy; to leave only remains of something
resumível {adj} :: abridgable (capable of being abridged)
resumível {adj} :: summarisable (capable of being summarised)
resumo {m} /ʁɨ.ˈ :: summary, abstract, brief
resvalando {v} :: gerund of resvalar
resvalar {v} :: to slide, slither
reta {f} [geometry] /ˈʁɛ.tɐ/ :: line (infinite one-dimensional figure)
reta {f} :: a straight section of a path or road
retábulo {m} /ʁɨ.ˈta.β :: altarpiece
retábulo {m} :: retable
reta final {f} :: home stretch (final stretch of a race)
reta final {f} [idiomatic] :: home stretch (final part of an effort)
retaguarda {f} [military] :: rearguard
retaguarda {f} :: rear
retal {adj} :: rectal
retalhando {v} :: gerund of retalhar
retalhar {v} :: to shred
retalhar {v} :: to furrow
retalhista {mf} :: retailer
retalho {m} /ʁɨˈtaʎu/ :: scrap, remnant
retaliação {f} :: retaliation (act of responding violently to an act of harm or perceived injustice)
retaliar {vi} :: to retaliate (to do something harmful to get revenge)
retangular {adj} [geometry] /he.ˌtɐ̃.ɡu.ˈlaɻ/ :: rectangular (having a shape like a rectangle)
retangular {adj} :: which has a rectangular base
retângulo {m} /re.ˈtɐ̃.ɡu.lʊ/ :: rectangle
retardado {adj} :: retarded
retardado {adj} :: delayed in development
retardado {adj} :: having mental retardation
retardado {adj} [slang, pejorative] :: lacking intelligence; stupid, dumb, irrational
retardado {m} :: a retarded person, a retard
retardado {m} :: a person affected by mental retardation
retardado {m} [slang, pejorative] :: fool, idiot
retardamento {m} :: delay
retardando {v} :: gerund of retardar
retardar {v} /ʁɨ.tɐɾ.ˈðaɾ/ :: to retard, to slow
retardar {v} :: to defer, to delay
retardo {m} :: retard, retardation (the state of being tardy)
retardo {m} :: mental retardation
retardo {m} [slang, derogatory] :: behavior perceived as stupid, nonsensical or childish
retenção {f} :: retention
retenção {f} :: detention
retendo {v} :: gerund of reter
retentor {m} :: retainer (any thing or person that retains)
retentor {m} [legal] :: holder (person who holds a property)
retentor {adj} :: retaining (that retains)
reter {vt} /ʁe.ˈte(ʁ)/ :: to retain, hold
reter {vt} :: to withhold
reter {vp} :: to restrain oneself
retesado {adj} :: taut (pulled tight, as in a rope)
retesar {v} /ʁetëˈzaχ/ :: to strain; to stretch
reteso {adj} /ʁëˈtezʊ̥/ :: strained; outstretched; stiff; tense
reticência {f} :: reticence
reticência {f} :: reluctance
reticência {f} :: aposiopesis
reticências {fp} [typography] :: ellipsis (mark used in printing to indicate an omission)
reticente {adj} :: reticent (keeping one’s thoughts to oneself)
reticulado {m} :: mesh (structure made of interwoven strips, with evenly spaced openings between them)
reticulado {m} [order theory] :: lattice (partially ordered set in algebra)
reticulado {adj} :: reticulate (network-like in form or appearance)
reticulado completo {m} [algebra] :: complete lattice (partially ordered set)
reticular {adj} :: reticular
retículo {m} :: reticle
retículo {m} :: reticule
retículo endoplasmático {m} [cytology] :: endoplasmic reticulum (network of membranes within the cytoplasm of cells)
reticuloendotelial {adj} :: reticuloendothelial
retidão {f} :: rectitude
retidão {f} :: probity
retidão {f} :: legality
retificação {f} :: rectification
retificação {f} :: correction
retificação {f} :: adjustment
retificador {m} :: rectifier
retificando {v} :: gerund of retificar
retificar {v} :: to correct, rectify, adjust
retiniano {adj} [ophthalmology] :: retinal (of or pertaining to the retina)
retínico {adj} [ophthalmology] :: retinal (of or pertaining to the retina)
retinir {v} :: to clank (make a metallic sound)
retinto {adj} :: (of a colour) dark, inky
retiramento {m} :: removal (the act of removing something)
retiramento {m} :: retirement; seclusion (state of being secluded)
retirante {mf} /ˌʁe.t͡ʃi.ˈɾɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: an emigrant, especially one who leaves the Northeast Region of Brazil
retirar {v} /ʁɨ.ti.ˈɾaɾ/ :: to remove
retirar {v} :: to withdraw
Retirolândia {prop} :: Retirolândia (municipality)
reto {adj} /ˈʁɛ.tu/ :: Not crooked or bent; straight
reto {adj} [of a person or institution] :: Not given to swindling, lying or fraud; honest; honorable; upright; righteous; just; fair
reto {adj} [geometry, of an angle] :: Having ninety degrees; right
reto {m} [anatomy] :: rectum (terminal part of the large intestine)
retocar {vt} :: to retouch (to improve something by making small changes)
retomar {v} :: to retake something lost
retomar {v} :: to resume (start something again that has been stopped or paused)
retoque {m} :: tweak (a slight adjustment or modification)
retoque {m} :: retouch (act of retouching)
retórica {f} /ʁe.ˈtɔ.ɾi.ka/ :: rhetoric (art of using language for persuasion)
retórica {f} :: rhetoric (meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress)
retórico {adj} :: rhetorical (relating to or reminiscent of rhetoric)
retornado {m} [Portugal] /ʁɨ.tuɾ.ˈna.ðu/ :: a Portuguese settler who was forced to return to Portugal from Africa during the decolonisation process
retornar {vi} /ʁe.toʁ.ˈna(ʁ)/ :: to return (to come or go back)
retornar {vt} :: to return (give something back to its original holder or owner)
retornar {vt} [specifically] :: to return (to take something back to the seller for a refund)
retornar {vt} [computing] :: to return (to pass back data to the calling procedure)
retorno {m} /ʁe.ˈtoʁ.nu/ :: return
retorquir {v} :: to object, oppose
retorquir {v} :: to retort, rejoin
retouçar {vi} :: to frolic (to behave playfully and uninhibitedly)
retractação {f} :: alternative form of retratação
retractar {v} :: obsolete form of retratar
retrair {v} :: to retract (to pull back inside)
retranca {f} [nautical] :: boom (spar extending the foot of a sail)
retranca {f} [horse tack] :: crupper (strap looped under a horse’s tail)
retranca {f} [sports] :: defence (tactics employed to prevent the other team from scoring)
retrasado {adj} /ʁe.tɾ :: delayed, retarded
retrasado {adj} [often used for years] :: one before the last, penultimate
retratação {f} :: retraction, recantation
retratação {f} :: withdrawal
retratando {v} :: gerund of retratar
retratar {vt} :: to portray, to paint, to depict
retratar {vt} [by extension] :: to describe
retratar {vt} [photography] :: to photograph
retratar {vp} :: to sit for one's portrait
retratar {vt} :: to retract, take back
retratar {vp} :: to recant (withdraw or repudiate a statement)
retrato {m} /ʁɨ.ˈtɾa.tu/ :: portrait
retrato {m} :: depiction (lifelike image of something)
retrato-robô {m} [Portugal] :: identikit, police sketch, composite sketch, facial composite
retrete {f} :: toilet (device for depositing human waste and flushing it away)
retribuição {f} :: retribution
retribuir {v} :: to retribute (to give retribution for)
retro- {prefix} :: retro-
retrô {adj} :: retro (imitative of past trends)
retroactividade {f} :: alternative form of retroatividade
retroactivo {adj} :: alternative form of retroativo
retroalimentação {f} [computing, electronics] :: feedback (the looping of a signal back into a system)
retroatividade {f} :: retroactivity
retroativo {adj} :: retroactive
retroceder {v} :: to regress (to revert to a previous state, especially one that is worse)
retroceder {v} :: to return (to go back to a previous location)
retroceder {v} [legal] :: to retrocede; to return (to grant property back)
retrocompatibilidade {f} :: backward compatibility
retrocompatível {adj} :: backward compatible
retrocontagem {f} [rare] :: countdown (backward count to mark the start of an even)
retroflexo {adj} [phonetics] :: retroflex
retrógrado {adj} /ʁɨˈtɾɔɣɾɐðu/ :: retrograde (moving backwards)
retrógrado {adj} :: opposing progress
retrógrado {m} :: someone who opposes progress
retroiluminado {adj} :: backlit (illuminated from behind)
retroprojector {m} :: superseded spelling of retroprojetor
retroprojetor {m} :: overhead projector
retrosaria {f} :: haberdashery (a shop selling sewing goods)
retrospectivo {adj} :: retrospective (examining or contemplating the past)
retrospecto {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: retrospect (consideration of past times)
retrospeto {m} [Portugal] :: alternative form of retrospecto
retrovírus {m} :: retrovirus
retrovisor {m} :: rear-view mirror (mirror in a vehicle giving view of the traffic behind)
retrucar {v} :: to retort, reply
retuitar {v} [Internet] :: to retweet (to repost or forward a Twitter message)
retuíte {m} :: alternative spelling of retweet
retumbante {adj} :: sounding, resounding
retwittar {v} :: alternative spelling of retuitar
réu {m} [legal] /ˈʁɛw/ :: defendant (person prosecuted or sued)
réu {adj} :: guilty
reumático {adj} [pathology] :: rheumatic (relating to, suffering from or characterised by rheumatism)
reumatismo {m} [pathology] :: rheumatism (any painful disorder of muscles, tendons, joints, bones or nerves)
reumatoide {adj} [pathology] :: rheumatoid (presenting analogies with rheumatism)
reumatóide {adj} :: obsolete spelling of reumatoide
reunião {f} /ʁju.ˈnjɐ̃w̃/ :: meeting, reunion
Reunião {prop} {f} :: Reunião (island/and/overseas department)
reunificação {f} :: reunification (the act of unifying something again)
Reunion {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Reunião
Réunion {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Reunião
reunir {v} /ʁjuˈniɾ/ :: to reunite
reunir {v} :: to gather, collect
reusar {vt} :: to reuse (to use something again)
reúso {m} :: reuse (the act of using again something that has been discarded)
reúso {m} [software engineering] :: reuse (the use of components that have already been programmed)
reutilizar {v} /ʁe.u.tʃi.ʎi.ˈzaɾ/ :: to reutilize
reutilizável {adj} :: reusable
revanche {f} :: revenge; vengeance
revanche {f} [sports, games etc.] :: rematch
revanchismo {m} [geopolitics] /ˌʁe.vɐ̃.ˈʃ :: revanchism (political policy of endeavouring to regain lost territory)
revanchismo {m} [chiefly politics] :: vindictiveness (a policy or tendency of seeking revenge)
reveillon {m} :: alternative spelling of réveillon
réveillon {m} /ʁe.vej.ˈõw̃/ :: a New Year’s Eve party, feast or celebration
revelação {f} /ʁɨ.vɨ.lɐ.ˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: revelation (the act of revealing or disclosing)
revelação {f} [photography] :: the act of developing a photograph
revelação {f} :: revelation (something that is revealed)
revelação {f} [theology] :: revelation (manifestation of divine truth)
revelação {f} :: revelation (a great, sudden success)
revelador {m} :: revealer (one who reveals)
revelador {m} :: developer (liquid used in chemical film processing)
revelador {adj} :: revealing
revelando {v} :: gerund of revelar
revelar {v} /ʁɨ.vɨ.ˈlaɾ/ :: to reveal, disclose
revenda {f} :: resale (the action of selling something previously bought)
rever {vt} :: To see again
reverb {m} [audio effects] :: reverb (electronic effect mimicking reverberation)
reverberação {f} :: reverberation (series of overlapping echos)
reverberar {v} :: to reverberate (ring with many echos)
revérbero {m} :: reverberation
revérbero {m} :: reflection
revérbero {m} :: reflector
reverência {f} :: reverence (profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context)
reverência {f} :: reverence (form of address for some members of the clergy)
reverência {f} :: bow (gesture made by bending forward at the waist)
reverencial {adj} :: reverential
reverenciando {v} :: gerund of reverenciar
reverenciar {v} :: to revere
Reverendo {m} :: Reverend (an honorary title added to the names of Christian clergy)
reversão {f} :: reversal
reversão {f} :: reversion
reversível {adj} :: reversible
reversível {adj} :: reversionary
reverso {adj} /ʁe.ˈvɛɹ.su/ :: reversed; turned around
reverso {adj} :: opposite; contrary
reverso {m} :: back (the reverse side)
reverso {m} :: opposite (the contrary of something)
reverter {v} :: to revert (to turn to the contrary)
revertério {m} :: turn of events
revés {m} /ʁɨˈvɛʃ/ :: backside (side opposite to the front)
revés {m} :: setback (an event that delays progress)
revestimento {m} /ʁɨ.vɨʃ.ti.ˈmẽ.tu/ :: covering, coating
revestimento {m} :: jacket
revestimento {m} :: revetment
revestir {v} /ʁɨ.vɨʃˈtiɾ/ :: to coat, clothe
revestir {v} :: to overlay
revezamento {m} [sports] :: relay, relay race
revezar {v} /ʁˈza(ɾ)/ :: to take turns, to interchange
revigorante {adj} :: reinvigorating
revigorar {v} :: to reinvigorate (give new energy or strength)
reviravolta {f} :: volte-face (a reversal of policy, attitude or principle)
reviravolta {f} :: turn of events (deviation from the expected)
revisão {f} /ʁɨ.vi.ˈzɐ̃w̃/ :: revision
revisão por pares {f} :: peer review (review by independent researchers of scientific manuscripts intended to be published)
revisar {v} /ʁˈza(ʁ)/ :: to revise (to review, alter and amend, especially of written material)
revisar {v} :: to review (to look broadly over)
revisionismo {m} [sciences] :: revisionism (advocacy of a revision of some accepted theory, doctrine or view of historical events)
revisionista {adj} :: revisionist
revisionista {mf} :: revisionist
revisor {m} :: reviser (one who revises)
revista {f} /ʁɨˈviʃtɐ/ :: magazine (periodical publication)
revista {f} :: search
revista {f} :: review, inspection
revista em quadrinhos {m} :: comics
revistar {v} :: search, seek
revitalização {f} :: revitalization
revitalizando {v} :: gerund of revitalizar
revitalizar {v} :: to revitalize
revogação {f} :: revocation
revogação {f} :: repeal, abrogation
revogação {f} :: countermand
revogando {v} :: gerund of revogar
revogar {v} :: to revoke, repeal
revogar {v} :: to countermand
revogar {v} :: to abrogate
revogável {adj} :: revocable, reversible
Revolta da Vacina {prop} [historical] :: Vaccine Revolt (vaccine-related revolt that occurred in Brazil in 1904)
revoltante {adj} :: revolting, repugnant
revoltar {v} :: to revolt (to repel greatly)
revoltar {v} :: to cause to rebel
revolto {adj} /ʁɨ.ˈvoɫ.tu/ :: billowy
revolto {adj} :: boisterous
revolução {f} /ʁɨˈsɐ̃w̃/ :: revolution
revolução do neolítico {f} [archaeology] :: Neolithic Revolution (discovery of agriculture)
Revolução Industrial {prop} {f} :: Industrial Revolution (major technological change in the late 18th and early 19th century)
revolucionário {adj} :: revolutionary
revolucionário {m} :: revolutionary
revolucionista {adj} [uncommon] :: revolutionary (relating to a revolution)
revolver {v} :: to turn over (e.g., earth)
revolver {v} :: to roll [the eyes]
revolver {v} :: to go through (e.g., archives)
revólver {m} /ʁɨ.ˈvɔɫ.vɨɾ/ :: revolver (a handgun with revolving chambers)
revulsão {f} :: revulsion (intense aversion)
revulsão {f} :: revulsion (violent feeling of disgust)
revulsão {f} [medicine] :: revulsion (the treatment of one diseased area by acting elsewhere)
rey {m} :: obsolete spelling of rei
Reykiavik {prop} {f} [dated] :: rare spelling of Reykjavik
Reykjavik {prop} {f} :: Reykjavik (capital city)
Reykjavík {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Reykjavik
Reykyavik {prop} {f} :: rare spelling of Reykjavik
reynha {f} :: obsolete form of rainha
reyno {m} :: obsolete spelling of reino
reys {m} :: obsolete spelling of réis
reys {m} :: obsolete spelling of reis
reytor {m} :: obsolete spelling of reitor
reza {f} :: prayer
rezador {m} :: prayer (one who prays)
rezadora {f} :: feminine noun of rezador
rezaõ {f} :: obsolete spelling of razão
rezão {f} :: obsolete spelling of razão
rezar {vi} [religion] /ʁɨ.ˈzaɾ/ :: to pray (to talk to a god)
rezar {vt} [religion] :: to pray (to recite a given prayer)
rezar {vt} [Christianity] :: to celebrate (to perform mass); the object is almost always missa (mass)
Rezende {prop} /ʁe.zẽ.d(ʒ)i/ :: surname
rezingar {v} :: to mutter, to complain, to bellyache
rezoens {f} :: obsolete spelling of rezões
rezoẽs {f} :: obsolete spelling of rezões
RG {m} :: ID card (ID card issued in Brazil)
RG {m} :: The identification number printed on the ID card
RH {m} :: HR; initialism of recursos humanos
Rheia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Reia
Rhenania {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Renânia
Rhenânia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Renânia
rhenano {adj} :: obsolete spelling of renano
rhenano {m} :: obsolete spelling of renano
Rheno {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Reno
rhetórica {f} :: obsolete spelling of retórica
Rhode Island {prop} :: Rhode Island (state)
Rhodes {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Rodes
Rhuan {prop} {m} :: given name
rhuibarbo {m} :: obsolete spelling of ruibarbo
ria {f} [hydrography] /ˈʁi.ɐ/ :: ria (rugged coastal inlet)
ria {f} [hydrography] :: branch; inlet (body of water extending from or flowing into a larger one)
Riachão do Jacuípe {prop} :: Riachão do Jacuípe (municipality)
riachinho {m} :: diminutive of riacho
Riachinho {prop} :: Riachinho (municipality)
riacho {m} :: stream
Riacho de Santana {prop} :: Riacho de Santana (municipality)
Riacho dos Machados {prop} :: Riacho dos Machados (municipality)
Riad {prop} {f} :: Riad (capital city)
Riade {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Riad
rial {m} :: rial (currency of Iran, Oman, Yemen and Saudi Arabia)
Riazan {prop} {f} :: Riazan (oblast)
Riazan {prop} {f} :: Riazan (city/administrative center)
ribaldo {m} :: rascal; rogue (deceitful and unreliable person)
ribaldo {adj} [of a person] :: deceitful and unreliable
ribalta {f} [theatre] :: stage; forestage
ribalta {f} [figuratively] :: limelight
Ribatejo {prop} {m} /ʁi.βɐ.ˈtɛ.ʒu/ :: Ribatejo (traditional region)
ribeira {f} /ʁi.ˈβɐj.ɾɐ/ :: bank [of a river]
ribeira {f} :: watering, irrigation
ribeira {f} :: stream, rivulet
ribeira {f} [Brazil] :: stock breeding area
Ribeira {prop} :: Ribeira (municipality)
Ribeira Brava {prop} {f} /ʁiˈβɐjɾɐ ˈβɾavɐ/ :: Ribeira Brava (village/and/municipality)
Ribeira Brava {prop} {f} :: Ribeira Brava (city/and/municipality)
Ribeira Brava {prop} {f} :: Ribeira Brava (stream)
Ribeira de Pena {prop} {f} /ʁiˈβɐjɾɐ ðɨ ˈpenɐ/ :: Ribeira de Pena (village/and/municipality)
Ribeira do Amparo {prop} :: Ribeira do Amparo (municipality)
Ribeira do Pombal {prop} :: Ribeira do Pombal (municipality)
Ribeira Grande {prop} {f} /ʁiˈβɐjɾɐ ˈɣɾɐ̃d(ɨ)/ :: Ribeira Grande (city/and/municipality)
Ribeira Grande {prop} {f} :: A Portuguese city in the Azores
Ribeira Grande {prop} {f} :: A city in the northeast of Santo Antão, Cape Verde
Ribeira Grande {prop} {f} :: One of the longest streams of Santo Antão, Cape Verde
Ribeirão Bonito {prop} :: Ribeirão Bonito (municipality)
Ribeirão Branco {prop} :: Ribeirão Branco (municipality)
Ribeirão Corrente {prop} :: Ribeirão Corrente (municipality)
Ribeirão das Neves {prop} :: Ribeirão das Neves (municipality)
Ribeirão do Largo {prop} :: Ribeirão do Largo (municipality)
Ribeirão dos Índios {prop} :: Ribeirão dos Índios (municipality)
Ribeirão do Sul {prop} :: Ribeirão do Sul (municipality)
Ribeirão Grande {prop} :: Ribeirão Grande (municipality)
Ribeirão Pires {prop} :: Ribeirão Pires (municipality)
Ribeirão Preto {prop} :: Ribeirão Preto (municipality)
Ribeirão Vermelho {prop} :: Ribeirão Vermelho (municipality)
ribeirinho {adj} :: riverine
ribeiro {m} /ʁiˈbɐjɾu/ :: a brook, creek or stream (small body of running water)
Ribeiro {prop} {mf} /ʁi.ˈbɐj.ɾu/ :: surname
ribeyro {m} :: obsolete spelling of ribeiro
ribitol {m} [carbohydrate] :: ribitol (a sugar alcohol formed by the reduction of ribose)
ribombar {v} :: to boom (to make a loud, resonant sound)
ribonucléico {adj} [biochemistry] :: ribonucleic
ribose {f} [carbohydrate] :: ribose (a naturally occurring pentose sugar)
ribossoma {m} [Portugal] :: alternative form of ribossomo
ribossomal {adj} :: ribosomal (of or relating to ribosomes)
ribossómico {adj} [European orthography] :: ribosomal (of or relating to ribosomes)
ribossômico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of ribossómico
ribossomo {m} [Brazil, biology] :: ribosome (organelle involved in the production of proteins)
ricaço {m} :: (slang) A very wealthy person, a moneybags
ricamente {adv} /ˌʁikɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: richly (in a rich manner, full of flavour or expression)
ricamente {adv} :: richly; wealthily (in a rich, wealthy manner)
Ricardão {prop} {m} [colloquial] :: A nickname typically given to any man who is the extramarital partner of a woman
Ricardo {prop} {m} :: given name
rico {adj} /ˈʁi.ku/ :: rich
rico {adj} :: luxurious
rico {adj} :: tasty
riço {m} :: a type of curly woollen cloth
riço {adj} [of hair] :: frizzy
ricochetear {v} :: to skim (rebound off something in a random direction)
ridiculamente {adv} /ʁɨˌðikulɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: ridiculously
ridicularizando {v} :: gerund of ridicularizar
ridicularizar {v} :: to ridicule, deride, mock
ridículo {adj} /ʁi.ˈð :: ridiculous
rifa {f} /ˈʁifɐ/ :: raffle (drawing in which tickets are sold to win a prize)
Rifaina {prop} :: Rifaina (municipality)
Rife {prop} {m} :: Rife (traditional region)
rifle {m} /ˈʁi.fli/ :: rifle
Riga {prop} {f} :: Riga (capital city)
rigidamente {adv} /ʁiʒiðɐˈmẽtɨ/ :: rigidly, stiffly
rigidez {f} :: rigidity (the quality or state of being rigid)
rígido {adj} /ˈʁi.ʒi.ðu/ :: rigid; stiff
rígido {adj} :: rigorous; strict
rigor {m} :: rigour (higher level of difficulty)
rigor {m} :: rigour (severity or strictness)
rigor {m} :: rigidity; inflexibility
rigor mortis {m} [physiology] :: rigor mortis (stiffness of a body following death)
rigorosamente {adv} :: rigorously
rigoroso {adj} :: rigorous (scrupulously accurate)
rigoroso {adj} :: rigorous (severe; intense; inclement)
rijo {adj} /ˈʁiʒu/ :: hard, tough, stiff, wiry
Rikako {prop} {f} :: given name
rilhar {v} /ʁi.ˈʎaɾ/ :: to gnaw (to bite something persistently)
rilhar {v} :: to gnash (to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger)
rim {m} /ˈʁĩ/ :: kidney
rim {m} [in the plural] :: small of the back
rima {f} :: rhyme
rimar {v} :: to rhyme
rímel {m} :: mascara (eyelash cosmetic)
Rinaldi {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rincão {prop} :: Rincão (municipality)
rinencéfalo {m} [anatomy] :: smell-brain, rhinencephalon (part of brain involved with smelling)
ring {m} :: alternative form of ringue
ringgit {m} :: ringgit (currency unit of Malaysia)
ringtone {m} :: ringtone (sound made by a telephone when ringing)
ringue {m} /ˈʁĩ.ɡi/ :: ring (place where some sports take place)
rinha de galo {f} :: cockfight (contest, in a cockpit, between gamecocks)
rinha de galos {f} :: alternative form of rinha de galo
rinite {f} [pathology] :: rhinitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose)
rinite alérgica {f} [pathology] :: allergic rhinitis (cold-like symptoms caused by allergens in the air)
rinoceronte {m} /ʁinɔsɨˈɾõtɨ/ :: rhinoceros
rinoceronte negro {m} :: alternative spelling of rinoceronte-negro
rinoceronte-negro {m} :: black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis, a species of rhinoceros)
rinoplastia {f} [surgery] :: rhinoplasty (plastic surgery done to improve a person’s nose)
Rinópolis {prop} :: Rinópolis (municipality)
rinque {m} :: rink (sheet of ice prepared for playing sports)
rinque de patinação {m} :: ice rink (a surface for ice skating)
rio {m} /ˈʁi.u/ :: river (large body of flowing water)
rio {m} [figuratively] :: a large amount of anything
Rio Acima {prop} :: Rio Acima (municipality)
Rio Amarelo {prop} {m} :: Rio Amarelo (river)
Rio Bonito {prop} :: Rio Bonito (municipality)
Rio Branco {prop} :: Rio Branco (municipality/state capital)
Rio Casca {prop} :: Rio Casca (municipality)
Rio Claro {prop} :: Rio Claro (municipality)
Rio Claro {prop} :: Rio Claro (municipality)
Rio das Antas {prop} :: Rio das Antas (municipality)
Rio das Flores {prop} :: Rio das Flores (municipality)
Rio das Ostras {prop} :: Rio das Ostras (municipality)
Rio das Pedras {prop} :: Rio das Pedras (municipality)
Rio de Contas {prop} :: Rio de Contas (municipality)
Rio de Janeiro {prop} {m} /ˈʁiw dʒi ʒɐ.ˈne(j).ɾu/ :: Rio de Janeiro (municipality/state capital)
Rio de Janeiro {prop} {m} :: Rio de Janeiro (state)
Rio do Antônio {prop} :: Rio do Antônio (municipality)
Rio do Campo {prop} :: Rio do Campo (municipality)
Rio Doce {prop} :: Rio Doce (municipality)
Rio do Oeste {prop} :: Rio do Oeste (municipality)
Rio do Pires {prop} :: Rio do Pires (municipality)
Rio do Prado {prop} :: Rio do Prado (municipality)
Rio dos Cedros {prop} :: Rio dos Cedros (municipality)
Rio dos Índios {prop} :: Rio dos Índios (municipality)
Rio do Sul {prop} :: Rio do Sul (municipality)
Rio do Sul {prop} {m} :: clipping of Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Espera {prop} :: Rio Espera (municipality)
Rio Fortuna {prop} :: Rio Fortuna (municipality)
Rio Grande {prop} {m} :: clipping of Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Grande {prop} {m} :: clipping of Rio Grande do Norte
Rio Grande {prop} {m} :: Rio Grande (municipality)
Rio Grande {prop} {m} :: Rio Grande (river between Texas and Mexico)
Rio Grande da Serra {prop} :: Rio Grande da Serra (municipality)
Rio Grande do Norte {prop} {m} /ˈʁiw ˈɡɾɐ̃.d͡ʒi du ˈnɔʁ.t͡ʃi/ :: Rio Grande do Norte (state)
Rio Grande do Sul {prop} {m} :: Rio Grande do Sul (state)
rio-grandense {mf} :: someone from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul
rio-grandense {mf} :: someone from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte
rio-grandense {adj} :: of, from or relating to the state of Rio Grande do Sul
rio-grandense {adj} :: of, from or relating to the state of Rio Grande do Norte
Rioja {prop} {f} :: alternative form of La Rioja
Riolândia {prop} :: Riolândia (municipality)
Rio Maior {prop} /ˈʁiu mɐˈjɔɾ/ :: Rio Maior (city/and/municipality)
Rio Manso {prop} :: Rio Manso (municipality)
Rio Negrinho {prop} :: Rio Negrinho (municipality)
Rio Novo {prop} :: Rio Novo (municipality)
Rio Paranaíba {prop} :: Rio Paranaíba (municipality)
Rio Pardo {prop} :: Rio Pardo (municipality)
Rio Pardo de Minas {prop} :: Rio Pardo de Minas (municipality)
Rio Piracicaba {prop} :: Rio Piracicaba (municipality)
rio-platense {adj} :: Platine (of, from or relating to the region around River Plate in South America)
Rio Pomba {prop} :: Rio Pomba (municipality)
Rio Preto {prop} :: Rio Preto (municipality)
Rio Real {prop} :: Rio Real (municipality)
Rio Rufino {prop} :: Rio Rufino (municipality)
Rio Vermelho {prop} :: Rio Vermelho (municipality)
riozinho {m} :: a brook, stream
Riozinho {prop} :: Riozinho (municipality)
ripador {m} :: hackle (instrument used to comb out flax)
ripador {m} [computing] :: ripper (software that extracts content from storage media)
ripanço {m} :: hackle (instrument used to comb out flax)
ripar {v} :: to rip [all senses]
riponga {mf} :: crusty
ripuário {m} [historical] :: Ripuarian (member of the Frankish people who lived in what is now Germany)
ripuário {adj} [historical] :: Ripuarian (relating to the Ripuarian Franks)
riqueza {f} [uncountable] /ʁi.ˈke.zɐ/ :: riches; wealth (valuable material possessions)
riqueza {f} [uncountable] :: richness (state or quality of being rich)
riqueza {f} :: the wealth of a person, organisation or location collectively
riqueza {f} [uncountable] :: wealth, abundance (great amount)
riqueza {f} [uncountable] :: sumptuousness (quality of what displays wealth)
riqueza {f} :: natural resources
Riqueza {prop} :: Riqueza (municipality)
riquíssimo {adj} :: superlative of rico
riquixá {m} :: rickshaw (two-wheeled carriage)
rir {v} [de] /ˈʁiɾ/ :: to laugh (to express mirth or derision by emitting chuckling sounds)
rir {v} [de] :: to laugh at; to make fun of (to make an object of ridicule)
rir {vi} [poetic] :: to laugh (to be or appear mirthful)
rir é o melhor remédio {proverb} :: laughter is the best medicine
rir para não chorar {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] /ʁi(ʁ) pɾa nɐ̃w̃ ʃo.ˈɾa(ʁ)/ :: to face a situation so tragic that one cannot help but laugh at their own misery
Risa {prop} {f} :: given name
risada {f} /ʁi.ˈza.ðə̥/ :: laugh
risada {f} :: smile
risadinha {f} :: giggle
Risako {prop} {f} :: given name
risca-de-giz {f} :: pinstripe (thin stripe on fabric)
risca-de-giz {m} :: clipping of terno risca-de-giz
riscar {v} :: to scratch, delete, suppress
riscar {v} :: to strike
riscas de giz {mf} :: alternative spelling of risca-de-giz
risco {m} /ˈʁiʃ.ku/ :: line (threadlike mark of writing instrument)
risco {m} :: scratch (shallow cut on a surface)
risco {m} :: a draft of a blueprint
risco {m} [uncountable] :: risk (likelihood of a negative outcome)
risco {m} :: a risky situation
risco de cabelo {m} :: alternative form of risco do cabelo
risco do cabelo {m} :: parting (line dividing hair)
risinho {m} :: giggle
risível {adj} :: laughable; risible; ludicrous (deserving contemptuous laughter)
riso {m} /ˈʁi.zu/ :: laughter, laugh
risonho {adj} /ʁi.ˈzo.ɲu/ :: laughing, smiling
risota {f} :: derision, scorn, ridicule
risoto {m} :: risotto (Italian savoury dish made with rice)
ríspido {adj} /ˈ :: rude; impolite
ríspido {adj} :: severe; strict; harsh
rissol {m} /ʀisˈɔl/ :: rissole (small croquette, enclosed in pastry or rolled in breadcrumbs, usually baked or deep fried)
rissole {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of rissol
riste {m} [historical] :: lance rest: a piece of iron that held a horseman's spear
Ritápolis {prop} :: Ritápolis (municipality)
ritmado {adj} :: rhythmed (having a rhythm)
ritmicamente {adv} :: rhythmically
rítmico {adj} /ˈʁitmiku/ :: rhythmic
ritmo {m} /ˈʁ :: rhythm
rito {m} /ˈʁi.tu/ :: rite, ritual
rito de passagem {m} [anthropology] :: rite of passage (ceremony to celebrate a transition)
ritual {adj} /ʁiˈtwaɫ/ :: ritual
ritual {m} :: ritual
ritualisticamente {adv} :: ritualistically (in a ritualistic manner)
ritualístico {adj} [chiefly religion] :: ritual; ritualistic (in the manner of a ritual)
ritualístico {adj} :: ritualistic (done in a specific and habitual manner)
ritualmente {adv} :: ritually (in a ritual manner)
rival {mf} :: rival (competitor with the same objective)
rival {adj} :: rival (standing in competition)
rivalidade {f} /ʁi.vɐ.li.ˈða.ðɨ/ :: rivalry
rivalidade {f} :: antagonism
rivalidade {f} :: jealousy
rivalizar {v} :: to be a rival; to compete (against)
Riversul {prop} :: Riversul (municipality)
Rivotril {m} :: clonazepam
rixa {f} :: feud (a state of long-standing mutual hostility)
rixa {f} :: brawl; fight; quarrel
Riyad {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Riad
Riyadh {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Riad
rizóbio {m} :: rhizobium
rizoma {m} :: rhizome
rizosfera {f} [soil science] :: rhizosphere (soil region influenced by plant roots)
rizotónico {adj} [European orthography, linguistics] :: rhizotonic (stressed in the stem)
rizotônico {adj} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of rizotónico
RJ {prop} :: initialism of Rio de Janeiro (Brazilian state)
RN {prop} {m} :: abbreviation of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazilian state)
RNA {m} [biochemistry] :: RNA; ribonucleic acid
RNAr {m} [genetics] :: rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
RO {prop} :: abbreviation of Rondônia (Brazilian state)
{m} :: rho (name of the Greek letter Ρ, ρ)
roaz {m} :: name for a group of cetacean animals such as the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
robalo {m} /ʁoˈ :: European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
robalo {m} :: snook (any fish of the family Centropomidae, especially the Centropomus undecimalis)
Roberta {prop} {f} :: given name, feminine of Roberto
Roberto {prop} {m} :: given name
robô {m} /ʀoˈbo/ :: robot
robot {m} :: alternative form of robô
robótica {f} :: robotics (the science and technology of robots)
robótico {adj} :: robotic
robotização {f} :: robotization/robotisation, roboticization/roboticisation
robotizar {v} :: to robotize/robotise, roboticize/roboticise
robozinho {m} :: diminutive of robô
robusto {adj} :: robust (evincing strength; firmly built)
roca {f} [spinning] /ˈʁɔ.kɐ/ :: distaff (part of a spinning wheel from which fibre is drawn to be spun)
roca {f} :: seacliff (cliff by the sea)
roca {f} :: a stony cliff
roca {f} [archaic] :: a large rock; a boulder
roça {f} /ˈʁɔsɐ/ :: countryside, rural area
rocambole {m} :: Swiss roll (a type of sponge cake roll)
rocar {v} [chess] :: to castle (to perform the move of castling)
roçar {v} /ʁu.ˈsaɾ/ :: to mow
roçar {v} :: to skim
roçar {v} :: to rub
Roca Sales {prop} :: Roca Sales (municipality)
rocha {f} /ˈʁɔʃɐ/ :: rock
Rocha {prop} {mf} :: surname
rocha-mãe {f} [geology] :: bedrock (underground layer of rock)
rochedo {m} :: crag (rocky outcrop)
rochedo {m} :: rock (island without vegetation)
Rochedo de Minas {prop} :: Rochedo de Minas (municipality)
rocim {m} /ʁu.ˈsĩ/ :: nag (useless horse)
rocinante {m} :: nag (weak and useless horse)
rock {m} /ʁɔk/ :: rock (style of music)
rock alternativo {m} [music genre] :: alternative rock (subgenre of rock music)
rock and roll {m} :: rock and roll (style of music)
rock arte {m} [music genre] :: art rock (experimental, intellectual rock music)
rock de arena {m} [music genre] :: arena rock (rock music made to be played in large venues)
rockeiro {m} :: rare spelling of roqueiro
rock pauleira {m} [dated] :: heavy metal (genre of music)
rococó {m} [uncountable] :: rococo (18th century French style of baroque architecture and decorative art)
rococó {m} :: a rococo-styled architectural piece
rococó {adj} :: rococo-styled
rocódromo {m} :: climbing wall
roda {f} /ˈʁɔ.ðɐ/ :: wheel
rodada {f} :: round (of drinks etc.)
roda d'água {f} :: watermill (mill powered by water)
roda de fiar {f} :: spinning wheel (device for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle)
roda dentada {f} :: gear wheel (wheel with a toothed rim)
rodagem {f} :: spinning, rolling, turning
rodagem {f} [cinema, TV] :: filming, shooting
roda-gigante {f} :: Ferris wheel (amusement ride consisting of a large, upright rotating wheel with seats)
rodamoinho {m} :: alternative form of remoinho
Ródano {prop} {m} :: Ródano (river)
rodapé {m} [carpentry] :: skirting board (panels on the angle between the floor and the wall)
rodapé {m} [printing] :: foot (the bottom of a page)
rodapé {m} :: clipping of nota de rodapé (footnote)
rodar {v} /ʁuˈðaɾ/ :: to rotate, revolve, turn
rodar {vt} [cinema] :: to film, to shoot
rodar {v} [Brazil, colloquial, computer] :: to run a program
rodar {vt} [dated] :: to copy [something written/drawn on paper] using a mimeograph
rodar {v} [slang] :: to be caught and punished (by authorities)
roda-viva {f} :: swarm (a mass of people or animals in turmoil)
Rode {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Rhode (the oldest Oceanid)
rodeado {adj} /ʁuˈðjaðu/ :: surrounded; (enclosed)
rodear {v} :: to surround; to encircle
rodear {v} :: to move around something
rodeio {m} :: detour
rodeio {m} [sports] :: rodeo
Rodeio {prop} :: Rodeio (municipality)
Rodeio Bonito {prop} :: Rodeio Bonito (municipality)
Rodeiro {prop} :: Rodeiro (municipality)
rodela {f} :: a round piece of food, such as a slice of banana or sausage
rodela {f} [colloquial] :: kneecap (bone of the knee)
rodela {f} [historical] :: a type of round infantry shield
rodela {f} [Brazil, colloquial] :: nonsense; malarkey
Rodelas {prop} :: Rodelas (municipality)
Rodes {prop} {f} :: Rodes (island/regional unit/and/city)
Rodésia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Rodésia (former country)
Rodésia do Norte {prop} {f} [historical] :: Rodésia do Norte (former country)
Rodésia do Sul {prop} {f} [historical] :: Rodésia do Sul (former country)
rodesiano {adj} :: Rhodesian (of, from or relating to Rhodesia)
rodesiano {m} :: Rhodesian (someone from Rhodesia)
rodinha {f} :: diminutive of roda
Rodínia {prop} {f} :: Rodinia (ancient world supercontinent)
ródio {m} :: rhodium (chemical element)
rodízio {m} /ʁoˈdʒiziu/ :: rodizio (Brazilian steakhouse restaurant)
rodízio {m} :: caster (a wheeled assembly attached to a larger object at its base to facilitate rolling)
rodízio {m} [Brazil, transport] :: road space rationing; driving restriction
rodo {m} /ˈʁoðu/ :: squeegee
rodocrosita {f} [mineral] :: rhodochrosite
rododendro {m} :: rhododendron (flowering shrub in the genus Rhododendron)
Rodolfo {prop} {m} /ʁo.ˈdow.fu/ :: given name
Rodolpho {prop} {m} :: given name
rodopsina {f} [biochemistry] :: rhodopsin (a light-sensitive pigment in the rod cells of the retina)
rodovia {f} /ˌʁˈvi.a/ :: highway (main, direct public road)
rodoviária {f} :: bus station for long-distance routes
rodoviário {adj} /ˌʁˈa.ɾi.u/ :: relating to highways
rodoviário {adj} :: relating to road transport
Rodrigo {prop} {m} /ʁu.ˈdɾi.ɡu/ :: given name
Rodrigues {prop} {mf} /ʁu.ˈdɾi.ɡɨʃ/ :: surname
roedor {m} :: rodent
roendo {v} :: gerund of roer
roentgen {m} [physics] :: röntgen (unit of exposure to ionising radiation)
roentgénio {m} :: roentgenium (chemical element)
roentgênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: roentgenium (chemical element)
roer {v} /ˈʁweɾ/ :: to gnaw
rogação {f} :: rogation
rogar {v} /ʁuˈɣaɾ/ :: to request
rogar {v} :: to beg
rogar {v} :: to pray
rogar {v} :: to curse
rogatório {adj} [law] :: rogatory
rogatório {adj} :: supplicatory
Rogerio {prop} {m} :: given name
Rogério {prop} {m} /ʁo.ˈʒɛ.ɾju/ :: given name
rogo {m} :: begging, supplication
rojão {m} /ʁoʒˈɐ̃w̃/ :: hard or onerous work
rojão {m} [Brazil] :: a firework or the sound produced by shooting it
rojão {m} [Brazil, colloquial, humorous] :: a loud fart
rojão {m} :: an agitated lifestyle
rojão {m} [music] :: a particular way of playing viola by dragging one's fingers
rojar {vt} :: to throw away
rojar {vt} :: to touch or caress slightly
rojar {v} [cooking] :: to fry
rol {m} :: list (enumeration or compilation of items)
rola {f} /ˈʁ :: A dove of the genus Streptopelia
rola {f} :: Eutinobothrus brasiliensis, a beetle inhabiting most of the Brazilian territory
rola {f} [vulgar, slang] :: penis
rôla {f} :: obsolete spelling of rola
rola-bosta {m} [vulgar] :: roller; dung beetle (beetle that rolls dung into round balls)
Rolador {prop} :: Rolador (municipality)
rolagem {f} :: roll (the act of rolling)
rolamento {m} :: bearing (mechanical device)
Rolando {prop} {m} /ʁo.ˈlɐ̃.du/ :: given name
Rolante {prop} :: Rolante (municipality)
rolar {v} /ʁu.ˈlaɾ/ :: to roll (to cause to revolve or to revolve)
rolar {v} [of a vehicle with wheels] :: to move
rolar {v} [Brazil, slang] :: to happen
rolar {v} :: to roam; to wander
rola-turca {f} :: collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto, a dove of Eurasia)
roldana {f} :: pulley (simple machine used to lift heavy objects)
roldão {m} /ʁowˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: confusion, precipitation
rolé {m} [Brazil] :: alternative form of rolê
rolê {adj} [Brazil] :: rolled
rolê {m} [Brazil, colloquial] :: walk; stroll
roleta {f} :: roulette wheel (slotted wheel)
roleta {f} [uncountable] :: roulette (game of chance played with a roulette wheel)
roleta {f} :: turnstile (rotating mechanical device)
roleta russa {f} :: Russian roulette (deadly game using a revolver)
roleta russa {f} [figurative] :: any situation involving high risk
roleta-russa {f} :: alternative spelling of roleta russa
rolezinho {m} :: diminutive of rolé
rolezinho {m} :: diminutive of rolê
rolezinho {m} [Brazil, neologism, slang] :: a type of flash mob
rolha {f} /ˈʁo.ʎɐ/ :: cork (bottle stopper)
roliço {adj} :: cylindrical (shaped like a cylinder)
roliço {adj} :: chubby (of a person, somewhat fat)
rolimã {m} :: ball bearing (bearing assembly with spherical balls)
rolinho primavera {m} :: spring roll (shredded vegetables wrapped in a pancake)
roller {m} :: roller skate (a boot with small wheels)
rollerblade {m} :: rollerblade (roller skate with wheels aligned in a row)
rolo compressor {m} :: road roller (heavy engineering vehicle used to compact asphalt)
rolo da massa {m} :: rolling pin (cylinder with a handle at each end, used to flatten dough)
rolo de carne {m} :: meatloaf (dish of ground meat formed into a loaf shape)
rolo de massa {m} :: alternative form of rolo da massa
rom {adj} :: Romani (of or relating to the Roma people)
rom {m} :: a member of the Romani people
ROM {f} [electronics, video games] /ʁɔm/ :: ROM
roma {adj} :: relating to the Roma people
Roma {prop} {f} /ˈʁo.mɐ/ :: Roma (capital city)
Roma {prop} {f} :: Roma (ancient civilisation)
Roma {prop} {f} :: the Catholic Church (Christian church centred in the Vatican)
romã {f} /ʁu.ˈmɐ̃/ :: pomegranate (fruit)
Roma Antiga {prop} {f} :: Roma Antiga (ancient civilisation)
Roma e Pavia não se fizeram num dia {proverb} :: Rome wasn't built in a day (it takes a long time to create something complicated or impressive)
romaji {m} /ʁumɐˈʒi/ :: romaji (romanization of Japanese)
rōmaji {m} :: alternative spelling of romaji
romanamente {adv} :: Romanly (in a Roman manner)
romance {m} [literature] /ʁu.ˈmɐ̃.sɨ/ :: novel (work of prose fiction)
romance {m} :: romance; love affair
romance {adj} [linguistics] :: Romance (of the languages derived from Latin)
romance de cavalaria {m} [chiefly medieval, historical] :: a story of chivalry popular in the former Roman Empire, especially France, Portugal and other places where Romance languages were spoken; a chivalric romance
romance gráfico {n} :: graphic novel
romanche {m} /ʁo.ˈmɐ̃.ʃi/ :: the Romansch language
romanche {adj} :: of the Romansch language
romancista {mf} :: novelist
romanço {adj} [of a text] :: in a Romance language
romanço {m} :: a story of chivalry popular in the former Roman Empire, especially France and places where Romance languages were spoken
romanholo {m} :: a person from Romagna, Italy
romanholo {m} [uncountable] :: Romagnol (Gallo-Italic language spoken in Romagna)
romanholo {adj} :: of, from or relating to Romagna
romani {mf} :: Rom, Romani
romani {m} :: Romani (language)
romani {adj} :: relating to the Romani people
români {mf} :: alternative form of romani
români {adj} :: alternative form of romani
romanicista {mf} [rare] :: Romanicist (scholar of Romance languages)
românico {adj} [linguistics] :: Romance (relating to languages descended from Latin)
românico {adj} [architecture] :: Romanesque (relating to an architectural style prevailing from the 8th century to the 12th)
romanização {f} :: Romanization (transliteration of text into the Latin alphabet)
romanizar {vt} :: to romanize
romano {adj} /ʁu.ˈmɐ.nu/ :: Roman (of, from or relating to the city of Rome)
romano {adj} [history] :: Roman (of, from or relating to the Ancient Roman civilisation)
romano {adj} [religion] :: Roman (relating to the Roman Catholic Church)
romano {m} :: Roman (a person from the city of Rome)
romano {m} [history] :: Roman (a citizen of ancient Rome)
Romanos {prop} {m} [book of the bible] :: Romans (book of the New Testament)
romanticamente {adv} :: romantically (in a romantic manner)
romanticismo {m} :: alternative form of romantismo
romântico {adj} /ʁuˈmɐ̃tiku/ :: romantic
romantismo {m} [uncountable] :: romanticism (the quality of being romantic)
romantismo {m} :: romanticism (a romantic act or quality)
romantismo {m} [pejorative] :: an idealistic but impractical act
Romantismo {prop} {m} [historiography, art, philosophy] /ˌʁo.mɐ̃.ˈt͡ʃ :: Romanticism (18th century artistic and intellectual movement)
Romaõ {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Romão
Romão {prop} {m} /ʁo.ˈmɐ̃w̃/ :: given name
romaria {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: pilgrimage
romaria {f} [by extension] :: crowd
Romaria {prop} :: Romaria (municipality)
romãzeira {f} /ʁo.mɐ̃.ˈze(j).ɾa/ :: pomegranate (shrub/tree)
rombencéfalo {m} :: hindbrain
rombencéfalo {m} :: rhombencephalon
rômbico {adj} :: rhombic
rombicosidodecaedro {m} [geometry] :: rhombicosidodecahedron (Archimedean solid with 20 regular triangular faces, 30 regular square faces, 12 regular pentagonal faces, 60 vertices and 120 edges)
rombo {adj} /ˈʁõ.bu/ :: blunt (having a thick point; not sharp)
rombo {adj} [figurative] :: obtuse; blunt (intellectually dull)
rombo {m} [geometry] :: rhombus (parallelogram having all sides of equal length)
rombo {m} :: a large hole or gap
rombo {m} [figurative] :: gap (lack of something)
rombo {m} [figurative] :: break-in (forceful entry into a place)
romboide {m} [geometry] :: rhomboid (parallelogram which is neither a rhombus nor a rectangle)
rombóide {m} :: obsolete spelling of romboide
romeira {f} :: alternative form of romãzeira
romeira {f} :: feminine noun of romeiro
Romelândia {prop} :: Romelândia (municipality)
Romélia {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Rumélia
Roménia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /ʁu.ˈmɛ.njɐ/ :: Roménia (country)
Romênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Roménia
romeno {m} /ʁo.ˈ :: Romanian (person from Romania)
romeno {m} [uncountable] :: Romanian (language)
romeno {adj} :: Romanian (of the Romanian language)
romeno {adj} :: Romanian (of or relating to Romania or its people)
romêno {m} [rare] :: superseded spelling of romeno
romêno {adj} [rare] :: superseded spelling of romeno
Romeu {prop} {m} /ʁo.ˈmew/ :: given name
Romeu e Julieta {prop} {m} :: Romeo and Juliet (the tragedy written by Shakespeare about two lovers)
Romeu e Julieta {m} [Brazil] :: goiabada with cheese
rompendo {v} :: gerund of romper
romper {v} /ʁõ.ˈpeɾ/ :: to break
rompimento {m} :: disruption
rompimento {m} :: rupture
rompimento {m} :: break
rom-rom {m} :: alternative spelling of ronrom
Romualdo {prop} {m} :: given name
Romualdo {prop} {m} :: surname
Ronaldo {prop} {m} :: given name
Ronaldo {prop} {m} :: Cristiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo {prop} {mf} :: surname
roncar {v} /ʁõ.ˈka(ɹ)/ :: to snore (to breathe during sleep with harsh noises)
roncar {v} :: to make harsh noises (such as the sound of a car’s engine)
roncar {v} :: to rumble (to make a low pitched noise)
ronco {m} /ˈʁõ.ku/ :: snore (noise produced by snoring)
ronco {m} :: rumble (low, heavy, continuous sound)
ronda {f} /ˈʁõ.dɐ/ :: round (circular or repetitious route)
ronda {f} :: patrol (the monitoring of an area)
ronda {f} :: round (song that is sung by groups of people with each subset of people starting at a different time)
Ronda Alta {prop} :: Ronda Alta (municipality)
rondante {adj} :: patrolling
Rondinha {prop} :: Rondinha (municipality)
Rondônia {prop} {mf} :: Rondônia (state)
rondoniana {f} :: female equivalent of rondoniano
rondoniano {adj} :: of or from Rondônia
rondoniano {m} :: someone from Rondônia
rondoniense {adj} :: of or from Rondônia
rondoniense {mf} :: someone from Rondônia
ronin {m} [historical] :: ronin (masterless samurai)
ronrom {m} /ʁõ.ˈʁõ/ :: purr (vibrating sound uttered by cats)
ronronar {v} :: to purr (of a cat, to make a vibrating sound in its throat)
ronrono {m} /ʁõ.ˈʁ :: purr (vibrating sound made by a cat)
root {m} [computing] /ˈʁut͡ʃ/ :: root (user with complete access to the operating system)
root beer {f} :: root beer (beverage made with sarsaparilla root)
roque {m} [chess] :: castling (move in chess)
roque {m} :: alternative form of rock
Roque {prop} {m} :: given name
Roque Gonzales {prop} :: Roque Gonzales (municipality)
roqueira {f} :: female equivalent of roqueiro
roqueira {f} :: alternative form of roqueiro (type of cannon)
roqueiro {adj} /ʁo.ˈke(j).ɾu/ :: rock (related to rock music)
roqueiro {m} :: rocker (musician who plays rock music)
roqueiro {m} :: rocker (someone passionate about rock music)
roqueiro {m} [obsolete] :: a type of cannon that fires rocks
roqueyra {f} :: obsolete spelling of roqueira
roqueyro {m} :: obsolete spelling of roqueiro
Roraima {prop} {m} :: Roraima (state)
roraimense {adj} :: of or from Roraima
roraimense {mf} :: someone from Roraima
rorqual {m} :: rorqual (any whale species with long skin folds below mouth)
rosa {f} /ˈʁɔ.zɐ/ :: rose (flower)
rosa {adj} :: pink
rosa {m} :: pink [color]
Rosa {prop} {f} /ˈʁɔ.zɐ/ :: given name
Rosa {prop} {mf} :: surname
rosa-canina {f} :: dog rose (Rosa canina, a wild species of rose)
rosácea {f} [architecture] /ʁu.ˈza.sjɐ/ :: rose window
rosácea {f} [pathology] :: rosacea
rosa da China {f} :: Chinese hibiscus; China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
rosa-de-cão {f} :: dog rose (Rosa canina, a wild species of rose)
rosado {adj} /ʁu.ˈza.ðu/ :: pink
rosa dos ventos {f} :: compass rose (circle indicating compass directions)
rosa-dos-ventos {f} :: alternative spelling of rosa dos ventos
Rosalina {prop} :: given name
Rosana {prop} {f} :: given name
Rosana {prop} {f} :: Rosana (municipality)
rosário {m} [Christianity] :: rosary (Catholic prayer beads)
Rosário da Limeira {prop} :: Rosário da Limeira (municipality)
Rosário do Sul {prop} :: Rosário do Sul (municipality)
rosbife {m} :: roast beef (beef cooked by roasting)
rosca {f} /ˈʁos.kɐ/ :: screw thread
rosca {f} :: any ring-shaped pastry
rosca {f} [slang] :: anus
róscido {adj} [poetic] /ˈʁɔsidʊ̥/ :: dewy; covered in dew
rosé {m} :: rosé [a pale pink wine]
Roseau {prop} {f} :: Roseau (capital city)
roseira {f} /ʁu.ˈzɐj.ɾɐ/ :: rosebush
Roseira {prop} :: Roseira (municipality)
rosela {f} /ʁoˈzɛ.lɐ/ :: roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa, a shrub grown for its fibre and edible flowers)
Rosenstein {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rosenthal {prop} {mf} :: surname
róseo {adj} :: pink, rosy
roséola {f} [pathology] :: roseola (rosy rash that occurs with various fevers)
roseta {f} :: rowel (small spiked wheel)
roseta {f} :: rosette (imitation of a rose used as an ornament or badge)
roseta {f} [South Brazil] :: a small plant with thorny seeds
rosicler {adj} :: pinkish-white
rosmaninho {m} [botany] /ʁuʒ.mɐ.ˈni.ɲu/ :: Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas)
rosmaninho {m} [botany, nonstandard, colloquial] :: rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
rosnado {m} :: growl (deep, threatening sound)
rosnar {v} :: to growl (to utter a deep guttural sound)
rosquinha {f} :: diminutive of rosca
rosquinha {f} :: doughnut (deep-fried piece of dough)
rossio {m} :: plaza (open area used for gathering in a city)
rosto {m} /ˈʁoʃ.tɯ̥̽/ :: face (part of head)
Rostov {prop} {f} /ʁos.ˈtɔv/ :: Rostov (oblast)
Rostov {prop} {f} :: Rostov (city/administrative center)
Rostov {prop} {f} :: Rostov (city)
Rostov-do-Don {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Rostov-sobre-o-Don
Rostov-no-Don {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Rostov-sobre-o-Don
Rostov-sobre-o-Don {prop} {f} :: Rostov-sobre-o-Don (large city/administrative center)
rostral {adj} [anatomy] :: rostral (in the direction of the rostrum)
rostral {adj} :: rostral (serving as a rostrum)
rota {f} /ˈʁɔ.tɐ/ :: route (course or way travelled)
rota {f} :: combat (a fight or battle)
rota {f} [military] :: defeat
rota {f} [musical instruments] :: rota (mediaeval string instrument)
rota {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: rota (ecclesiastical court of appeal)
rota {f} :: rattan (any of several species of climbing palm of the genus Calamus)
rotação {f} :: rotation
rotação {f} :: gyration
rotação de culturas {f} [agriculture] :: crop rotation (farming practice in which the same land is used to grow different crops in successive seasons or years)
rotacionar {vi} :: to rotate; to spin; to revolve
rotacionar {vt} :: to rotate (to cause to spin)
Rota da Seda {prop} {f} [historical] :: Silk Road (routes used by silk traders across Europe, Asia and northern Africa)
rotar {vi} :: to rotate (to spin, turn or revolve)
rotar {vt} :: to rotate (to spin, turn or revolve something)
rotatividade {f} :: turnover (rate of change or replacement)
rotativo {adj} :: rotary, rotating, revolving
rotativo {adj} :: rotational
rotatória {f} :: roundabout
roteador {m} [networking] :: router (device that directs packets of information using OSI layer 3)
rotear {v} :: to route (to direct or divert along a particular course)
rotear {v} [Internet] :: to route (to connect networks)
rotear {v} :: alternative form of arrotear
roteirista {mf} :: screenwriter (person who writes scripts for radio or television)
roteirista {mf} [nautical] :: person who chooses a maritime itinerary
roteiro {m} :: itinerary (route or proposed route of a journey)
roteiro {m} :: guide book (book that provides guidance, especially for travellers)
roteiro {m} [cinema] :: screenplay, script (script for a movie or a television show)
Roterdã {prop} {f} [Brazil] :: alternative form of Roterdão
Roterdão {prop} {f} [Portugal] :: Roterdão (city)
Roth {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rothkopf {prop} {mf} :: surname
Rothschild {prop} :: surname
Rothstein {prop} {mf} :: surname
rotim {m} :: rattan
rotina {f} :: routine (all senses)
rotina {f} :: habit
rotineiro {adj} :: routine; regular; habitual; not exceptional
roto {adj} /ˈʁo.tu/ :: torn, ruptured
roto {adj} :: tattered, ragged
roto falando do esfarrapado {m} [idiomatic] :: pot calling the kettle black (somebody who accuses someone else of a fault shared by the accuser)
rotor {m} :: rotor (a rotating part of a mechanical device)
rotor {m} :: rotor (central part of a helicopter’s wings)
rottweiler {mf} /ˌʁɔt͡ʃ.ˈvaj.leʁ/ :: Rottweiler (a large breed of dog)
rótula {f} [skeleton, dated] /ˈʁɔ :: kneecap
rótula {f} [regional, São Paulo, Bahia, South Brazil] :: roundabout
rotular {vt} :: to label with an adhesive label
rotular {vt} [figurative] :: to label (to categorise a person or thing)
rótulo {m} /ˈʁɔ :: label in the form of a sticker
rótulo {m} :: label (name categorising someone as part of a group)
rotundo {adj} :: rotund (roughly spherical in shape)
rotura {f} /ʁu.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ :: rupture
rotura {f} :: breakage
rotura {f} :: rent, crack
rotura {f} :: fracture
roubado {adj} [of a person] :: robbed (having had a possession stolen)
roubado {adj} [of a possession] :: stolen (taken without permission)
roubado {adj} [of a competition or victory] :: whose winners won by cheating
roubalheira {f} /ˌʁo(w).ba.ˈʎe(j).ɾɐ/ :: generalised thievery
roubar {vt} /ʁo(w).ˈβaɾ/ :: to steal (to take illegally or without permission)
roubar {vt} :: to rob (to steal objects from a location)
roubar {v} [em] :: to cheat (to violate rules in order to gain advantage from a situation)
roubar {vt} [figurative] :: to seduce (someone who is in another relationship)
roubar {vt} [figurative] :: to deprive, rob (someone or something) of (its qualities)
roubo {m} /ˈʁo(w).βu/ :: theft (act of stealing property)
roubo {m} [uncountable] :: robbery (the practice of robbing)
roubo {m} [uncountable] :: loot; swag (burglar’s or thief’s booty)
roubo {m} [figurative, pejorative] :: a price which is too expensive
roubo da identidade {m} :: alternative form of roubo de identidade
roubo de identidade {m} :: identity theft (the deliberate assumption of another person’s identity)
rouco {adj} /ˈʁo(w).ku/ :: hoarse, husky
rouco {adj} :: raucous
Rouen {prop} :: Rouen (capital city)
round {m} [martial arts] /ˈraw̃d͡ʒ/ :: round (segment of a fight)
round {m} [figurative] :: a stage of a dispute, confrontation or other difficult endeavour
roupa {f} /ˈʁow.pɐ/ :: clothing, clothes
roupa de baixo {f} :: underwear (clothes worn beneath other clothes)
roupa de banho {f} :: swimsuit (tight-fitting garment worn for swimming)
roupa de cama {f} :: bedding (textiles placed on a bed)
roupa interior {f} :: underwear (clothes worn beneath other clothes)
roupa íntima {f} :: underwear (clothes worn beneath other clothes)
roupão {m} :: dressing gown
roupão {m} :: bathrobe
roupa suja se lava em casa {proverb} :: don't wash your dirty linen in public; domestic or familiar affairs should be resolved internally, without bringing one's private problems to the attention of general society
roupeiro {m} /ʁo(w).ˈpe(j).ɾu/ :: a wardrobe for clothes
roupeiro {m} :: a person in charge of an organisation’s uniforms or outfits
roupeta {f} :: cassock; a priest's traditional vest
roupeta {m} [pejorative] :: a Catholic priest
rouquidão {f} /ˌʁˈdɐ̃w̃/ :: hoarseness
rousseauniano {adj} [philosophy] :: Rousseauian
Rousseff {prop} {mf} :: surname
rouxinol {m} /ʁo(w).ʃi.ˈnɔɫ/ :: nightingale (bird)
Rovaniemi {prop} {f} :: Rovaniemi (city/and/municipality)
Rovigo {prop} {f} :: Rovigo (province/and/town)
Roxana {prop} {f} :: Roxana (the wife of Alexander the Great)
Roxana {prop} {f} :: given name
roxo {adj} /ˈʁoʃu/ :: having purple as its color
roxo {adj} :: being bruised
roxo {adj} [figuratively] :: Overcome with envy
roxo {m} :: purple (colour)
royal flush {m} [poker] :: royal flush (ace-high straight flush)
RPG {m} [games] :: roleplaying game (type of game in which the players assume the role of a character)
RR {prop} :: abbreviation of Roraima (Brazilian state)
rRNA {m} [genetics] :: rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
rs {interj} [Internet slang, texting] :: laughs; lol; haha
RS {prop} :: initialism of Rio Grande do Sul (a state of Brazil)
RSS {f} :: initialism of república socialista soviética SSR
RSS da Arménia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: RSS da Arménia (republic)
RSS da Armênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of RSS da Arménia
RSS da Bielorrússia {prop} {f} :: RSS da Bielorrússia (republic)
RSS da Estónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: RSS da Estónia (republic)
RSS da Estônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of RSS da Estónia
RSS da Letónia {prop} {f} [European orthography] :: RSS da Letónia (republic)
RSS da Letônia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of RSS da Letónia
RSS da Moldávia {prop} {f} :: RSS da Moldávia (republic)
RSS do Azerbaijão {prop} {f} :: RSS do Azerbaijão (republic)
RTP {prop} {f} :: initialism of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal The public service broadcasting organisation of Portugal
rua {f} /ˈʁu.ɐ/ :: street; road (paved path)
rua {f} :: streets (urban areas outside buildings)
rua {interj} :: out! (strong, impolite demand for someone to leave)
rua de mão única {f} :: one-way street
Ruan {prop} {m} /ʁu.ˈɐ̃/ :: given name
Ruanda {prop} {f} :: Ruanda (country)
ruandês {adj} :: Rwandan (of, from or relating to Rwanda)
ruandês {m} :: Rwandan (a person from Rwanda)
ruão {adj} [of a horse] :: roan (having a coat of a dark base colour with individual white hairs mixed in)
ruão {m} :: roan (horse with a roan coat)
ruão {m} :: commoner; pleb
ruão {m} :: a type of linen fabric historically made in Rouen, France
rua sem saída {f} :: cul-de-sac (blind alley)
rubato {m} [music] :: rubato (timing played near, but not on the beat)
Rubelita {prop} :: Rubelita (municipality)
Rubem {prop} {m} :: alternative form of Rúben
Rúben {prop} {m} :: given name
Rúben {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: Reuben (first son of Jacob)
Rubens {prop} {m} /ˈʁu.bẽj̃s/ :: given name
rubéola {f} /ʁu.ˈbɛ :: rubella (disease caused by the Rubella virus infecting the respiratory tract)
rubi {m} /ʁu.ˈbi/ :: ruby (a deep red corundum gemstone)
rubi {m} :: ruby (a deep red colour)
rubi {adj} :: ruby (deep red in colour)
Rubiácea {prop} :: Rubiácea (municipality)
rubídio {m} :: rubidium
rubiginoso {adj} /ʁubiʒiˈnozʊ̥/ :: rusty; rust-covered; rust-colored
Rubim {prop} :: Rubim (municipality)
Rubineia {prop} :: Rubineia (municipality)
rublo {m} :: ruble (Russian monetary unit)
rubor {m} :: blush
ruborizar {v} :: to blush (to redden in the face from excitement or embarrassment)
rubrica {f} :: initials (simplified signature)
rubrica {f} :: heading; subject
rubrica {f} [journalism] :: feature
rubrica {f} :: rubric
rubricar {vt} :: to sign with an abbreviated signature, with a small mark or with one’s initials; to initial
rubro {m} [poetic] :: red (colour)
rubro {adj} [poetic] :: red in colour
rubro-negro {adj} :: relating to something whose colors are red and black
rubro-negro {adj} :: Relating to sports teams with red and black colours, notably:
rubro-negro {adj} :: Clube de Regatas Flamengo,soccer club from Brazil
rubro-negro {adj} :: Clube Atlético Paranaense, soccer club from Brazil
rubro-negro {adj} :: Sport Club do Recife, soccer club from Brazil
rubro-negro {m} :: Someone connected with the above teams, as a fan, player, coach etc
ruço {adj} /ˈʁ :: light, brownish grey; dun
ruço {adj} :: grey-haired; having light blonde or very light brown hair
ruço {adj} :: having lost some of its color from use; faded
rúcula {f} :: arugula; rocket (edible Mediterranean herb of the mustard family)
rude {adj} /ˈʁu.dʒi/ :: rude; bad-mannered
rudemente {adv} :: roughly (in a rough manner)
rudemente {adv} :: rudely (in a rude manner)
rudeza {f} :: rudeness
rudimentar {adj} :: rudimentary, simple, crude, primitive
ruela {f} :: alley (narrow street)
rufar {v} [music] :: to roll (to beat with rapid, continuous strokes)
rufião {m} :: ruffian
rufião {m} :: pimp
rufo {m} [percussion] :: roll (the fast, light, uniform beating of a drum)
ruga {f} /ˈʁuɣɐ/ :: wrinkle
ruga {f} :: crease
rúgbi {m} [Brazilian orthography] /ˈɾuɡ.bi/ :: alternative spelling of rugby
rugby {m} /ˈʁɐɡ.bi/ :: rugby
rugby union {m} :: rugby union (form of rugby)
rugido {m} :: roar (loud, deep cry, such as that of a lion)
rugir {v} /ʁuˈʒiɾ/ :: to roar (to make a loud, deep cry)
rugoso {adj} :: wrinkly (having wrinkles)
Rui {prop} {m} /ˈʁuj/ :: given name, but used independently of Rodrigo
ruibarbo {m} /ʁuj.ˈbaɻ.bu/ :: rhubarb (any plant of the genus Rheum)
ruído {m} /ˈʁwi.ðu/ :: noise
ruído {m} :: clatter, din
ruído branco {m} :: white noise (nondescript noise in the background)
ruído rosa {m} :: pink noise
ruidosamente {adv} :: loudly, noisily
ruidoso {adj} :: noisy (generating noise)
ruim {adj} /ʁu.ˈĩ/ :: bad
ruim {adj} :: unpleasant
ruim {adj} :: evil
ruína {f} /ʁu.ˈi.nɐ/ :: ruin (construction withered by time)
ruína {f} :: the process of becoming ruined
ruína {f} :: the process of becoming financially ruined
ruína {f} [uncountable] :: ruin (the state of being a ruin, destroyed or decayed)
ruína {f} :: ruin (something which leads to serious troubles)
ruindade {f} :: perversity, wickedness
ruinoso {adj} :: ruinous
ruir {v} :: to collapse (to fall down suddenly; to cave in)
ruir {v} [figuratively] :: To collapse
ruiva {f} :: madder (Rubia tinctorum, a herbaceous plant)
ruiva {f} :: feminine noun of ruivo
ruiva-dos-tintureiros {f} :: madder (Rubia tinctorum, a herbaceous plant)
ruivo {adj} /ˈʁ :: auburn, ginger (hair colour), red-haired
ruivo {m} :: redhead
ruivo {m} :: mullet
rum {m} :: rum
rumar {v} /ʁu.ˈma(ɹ)/ :: to head (move in a specified direction)
rumar {v} [nautical] :: to veer a watercraft to a specified direction
Rumélia {prop} {f} [historical] :: Rumélia (historical region)
rúmen {m} [anatomy] :: rumen (first stomach of ruminants)
rumiar {v} :: alternative form of ruminar
ruminante {adj} /ˌʁu.mi.ˈnɐ̃.t͡ʃi/ :: ruminant (which chews cud)
ruminante {m} :: ruminant (mammal which chews cud)
ruminar {v} :: to ruminate (to chew cud)
ruminar {v} :: to ruminate (to ponder over something)
rumo {m} /ˌʁ :: course, path
rumo {m} [nautical] :: heading, bearing
rumo a {prep} :: toward (in the direction of)
rumor {m} :: rumour (statement or claim from no known reliable source)
rumor {m} :: continuous noise
runa {f} /ˈʁu.nɐ/ :: rune
rundi {m} :: Rundi; Kirundi (Bantu language spoken in Burundi)
rupia {f} :: rupee (currency unit used in India, Pakistan and other countries)
ruptura {f} [Brazil] /ʁup.ˈtu.ɾɐ/ :: rupture
ruptura {f} [Brazil] :: breakage
ruptura {f} [Brazil] :: rent, crack
ruptura {f} [Brazil] :: fracture
rural {adj} /ʁu.ˈɾaw/ :: rural
rus {m} [historical] :: Rus (Scandinavian settlers and merchants in Eastern Europe)
rusalka {f} [Slavic mythology] :: rusalka (female water spirit that leads handsome men to their deaths)
Rus de Kiev {prop} {f} [history] :: Rus de Kiev (mediaeval principality)
Rus' de Kiev {prop} {f} :: alternative spelling of Rus de Kiev
Rusev {prop} {mf} :: surname
rusga {f} :: noise, uproar
rusga {f} :: quarrel, brawl
rusga {f} [colloquial] :: raid [of police]
rusguento {adj} :: of someone who is often involded in fights, brawls or quarrels
rusguento {adj} :: unsatisfied, unhappy
Rússia {prop} {f} /ˈʁu.sja/ :: Rússia (country)
russificação {f} :: russification (assimilation into Russian culture)
russificar {v} :: to Russify
russo- {prefix} :: Russo- (relating to Russia or the Russian language)
russo {adj} /ˈʁ :: Russian
russo {m} :: Russian (person from Russia)
russo {m} [uncountable] :: Russian (the Russian language)
russo branco {m} [historical] :: White Russian (Russian who supported the tsar in the Russian Civil War)
russofilia {f} :: Russophilia (a strong interest in the country, culture, or people of Russia)
russofobia {f} :: Russophobia (the fear of Russia or Russians)
rústico {adj} :: rustic
rústico {adj} :: rural
rústico {adj} :: crude
rústico {adj} :: homely
rústico {m} :: peasant
rutabaga {f} :: rutabaga (Brassica napus, a plant with an edible root)
Rute {prop} {f} [biblical] :: Ruth (book of the Bible)
Rute {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Ruth (a woman from Moab)
Rute {prop} {f} :: given name
Ruténia {prop} {f} [European orthography] /ˈʁɐ/ :: Ruténia (historical region)
Rutênia {prop} {f} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of Ruténia
ruténio {m} :: ruthenium
rutênio {m} [Brazilian orthography] :: alternative form of ruténio
ruterfórdio {m} /ˌhu.teɻ.ˈfɔɻ.d͡ʒi.o/ :: rutherfordium (chemical element)
Ruthenia {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Ruténia
rutherfórdio {m} :: rutherfordium
rútila {f} :: alternative form of rutilo
rutilância {f} /ˌʁu.t(ʃ)i.ˈlã.sja/ :: shine, brightness
rutilante {adj} :: rutilant, glowing, shining
rutilo {m} /ʁuˈtilɐ/ :: intense shine, brightness
rutilo {m} [mineral] :: rutile (mineral composed primarily of titanium dioxide)
rútilo {adj} :: shining intensely; dazzling
Rutkowski {prop} {mf} :: surname
rutura {f} [European orthography] :: alternative form of rotura
Ruy {prop} {m} :: given name; alternative form of Rui
Ruy Barbosa {prop} :: Ruy Barbosa (municipality)
Ryan {prop} {m} :: given name