User:SnowyCinema/Wiktionary hotline dream

So, tonight, I had a dream about Wiktionary getting a new phone hotline. This is one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had.

So, in the dream, I had heard about the hotline in the Beer parlour. Yeah, like Wiktionarians were actually discussing getting a phone hotline, and the vote passed so it happened.

Hell, I was editing entries, such as one I can't even fucking remember, in my dream, and I was having trouble with something about one of the synonyms. So, instead of going to the information desk, I just decided why not give this hotline thing a shot? So I called it (it's a 24/7 hotline) and someone answered the phone.

  • Operator: "Hello, and thank you for calling the Wiktionary hotline. How may I assist you?"
  • Me: "Hi. I know this hotline thing is new, so I decided to check it out."
  • Operator: "Okay."
  • Me: "I'm PseudoSkull on Wiktionary. May I ask what your username is?"
  • Operator: "My username is /koaf/." (that's how it was pronounced, and my brain translated that to Koavf)

Okay, I just want to note that this in no way whatsoever represents what Koavf or any other user might actually say in this situation. It's just a wild dream. So apparently, they hired Koavf to be an operator for the Wiktionary hotline.

  • Me: "Well, ha, it's so strange to be talking to someone whose username I see a lot on Wiktionary on the phone. Cuz you know, when I call someone on the phone, I usually call someone I know in person."
  • Operator: "Why would that be strange? And what is your question?"
  • Me: "Well, aside from just wanting to test this whole thing out, I'm having trouble with this entry on Wiktionary, {I can't remember the entry name, but I said it}, and I was wondering if an operator on this hotline could help out with it."
  • Operator: "Well, I apologize, but on this hotline I cannot really assist with dictionary content. This hotline is mainly meant for technical support."
  • Me: "Oh..."
  • At this moment, I heard a noise that sounded like a phonecall on the other end.
  • Me: "Well, I'm gonna go. Sorry for calling about the wrong thing here. It looks like you have another caller. I'll clear the line for them.
  • Operator: "It's okay. Thank you for calling. You can call anytime you have and issues."

*hang up*

This was probably the weirdest dream I ever had, and one of the only ones I had about Wiktionary itself.