Azerbaijani edit

Pronunciation edit

  • (file)

Adverb edit


  1. fragmentarily, brokenly, in snatches, intermittently, in fits and starts
  2. incoherently
  3. selectively, samplewise
  4. in (overlapping or nonadjacent) stripes (of land)

Adjective edit

adda-budda (comparative daha adda-budda, superlative ən adda-budda)

  1. fragmentary
  2. incoherent
    • 2019 May 15, Zöhrə Fərəcova, “Anasını öldürən uşaq”, in[1]:
      Bütün diqqətini toplasa da, heç nə başa düşmürdü. Adda-budda nəsə deyir, danışmaqdan çox gülürdülər.
      Although she focused all her attention, she did not understand anything. They were saying something incoherent, they were laughing more than they were talking.
  3. selective, samplewise (not total, not affecting all)
  4. overlapping or nonadjacent (of stripes of land)

Derived terms edit

Further reading edit