Votic edit

Etymology edit

From Proto-Finnic *harja.

Pronunciation edit

  • (Luutsa, Liivtšülä) IPA(key): /ˈɑrjɑ/, [ˈɑrʝə̠]
  • Rhymes: -ɑrjɑ
  • Hyphenation: ar‧jõ

Noun edit


  1. crest (of a roof, etc.)
  2. comb (of a rooster)
  3. cap (of a mushroom)
  4. brush

Inflection edit

Declension of arjõ (type III/jalkõ, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative arjõ arjõd
genitive arja arjojõ, arjoi
partitive arja arjoitõ, arjoi
illative arjasõ, arja arjoisõ
inessive arjõz arjoiz
elative arjõssõ arjoissõ
allative arjõlõ arjoilõ
adessive arjõllõ arjoillõ
ablative arjõltõ arjoiltõ
translative arjõssi arjoissi
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the terminative is formed by adding the suffix -ssaa to the short illative (sg) or the genitive.
***) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka to the genitive.