English edit

Etymology edit

From scientific Latin Azhdarchidae (family name), ultimately from Persian اژدر (mythological serpent).

Noun edit

azhdarchid (plural azhdarchids)

  1. Any member of the Azhdarchidae, a family of pterosaurs known primarily from the late Cretaceous including some of the largest known flying animals of all time.
    • 2017 February 8, Elsa Panciroli, The Guardian[1]:
      There are few creatures that embody the strangeness of the extinct quite like azhdarchids.
    • 2022, Thomas Halliday, Otherworlds, Penguin, published 2023, page 98:
      Azhdarchid pterosaurs, the largest-ever living flyers, bigger and lighter than Orville and Wilbur Wright's early aeroplanes, glided overhead.