Old Spanish edit

Etymology edit

From Old French corneline, ultimately from Latin cornus (cornel).

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit

cornelina f (plural cornelinas)

  1. carnelian
    • c. 1250, Alfonso X, Lapidario, f. 77r:
      DEl ſeſto grado del ſigno de capricornio, es la piedra aque llaman alaaquic en griego. ⁊ en latí cornelina. Eſta es de color uermeia que tira ya quanto a amariello.
      Of the sixth degree of the sign of Capricorn is the stone which they call alaaquic in Greek, and carnelian in Latin. It is red in color, but tends to be somewhat yellow.
    • Idem, f. 104v.
      Cornelina es otroſſi la quarta piedra de las del ſol.
      Carnelian is also the fourth stone of those of the sun.

Descendants edit

  • Spanish: cornalina