Hungarian edit

Alternative forms edit

Etymology edit

forr (to boil) +‎ -t (past-tense and past-participle suffix)

Pronunciation edit

Verb edit


  1. third-person singular indicative past indefinite of forr

Participle edit


  1. past participle of forr

Usage notes edit

This form also occurs when a verbal prefix is separated from the verb:

Declension edit

Inflection (stem in -a-, back harmony)
singular plural
nominative forrt forrtak
accusative forrtat forrtakat
dative forrtnak forrtaknak
instrumental forrttal forrtakkal
causal-final forrtért forrtakért
translative forrttá forrtakká
terminative forrtig forrtakig
essive-formal forrtként forrtakként
inessive forrtban forrtakban
superessive forrton forrtakon
adessive forrtnál forrtaknál
illative forrtba forrtakba
sublative forrtra forrtakra
allative forrthoz forrtakhoz
elative forrtból forrtakból
delative forrtról forrtakról
ablative forrttól forrtaktól
possessive - singular
forrté forrtaké
possessive - plural
forrtéi forrtakéi