Votic edit

Etymology edit

From Russian ю́бка (júbka).

Pronunciation edit

  • (Luutsa, Liivtšülä) IPA(key): /ˈjupkɑ/, [ˈʝupkə̠]
  • Rhymes: -upkɑ
  • Hyphenation: jup‧kõ

Noun edit


  1. skirt

Inflection edit

Declension of jupkõ (type V/poikõ, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative jupkõ jupkõd
genitive jupka jupkijõ, jupkii
partitive jupka jupkiitõ, jupkii
illative jupkasõ, jupka jupkiisõ
inessive jupkõz jupkiiz
elative jupkõssõ jupkiissõ
allative jupkõlõ jupkiilõ
adessive jupkõllõ jupkiillõ
ablative jupkõltõ jupkiiltõ
translative jupkõssi jupkiissi
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the terminative is formed by adding the suffix -ssaa to the short illative (sg) or the genitive.
***) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka to the genitive.
Declension of jupkõ (type V/poikõ, pk-bg gradation)
singular plural
nominative jupkõ jubgõd
genitive jubga jupkijõ, jupkii
partitive jupka jupkiitõ, jupkii
illative jupkasõ, jupka jupkiisõ
inessive jubgõz jupkiiz
elative jubgõssõ jupkiissõ
allative jubgõlõ jupkiilõ
adessive jubgõllõ jupkiillõ
ablative jubgõltõ jupkiiltõ
translative jubgõssi jupkiissi
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the terminative is formed by adding the suffix -ssaa to the short illative (sg) or the genitive.
***) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka to the genitive.

References edit

  • Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012) “jupka”, in Vadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language], 2nd edition, Tallinn