Finnish edit

Noun edit


  1. nominative plural of kalu

Anagrams edit

Indonesian edit

Adjective edit


  1. confused

Kedah Malay edit

Pronunciation edit

Adjective edit


  1. Unsettled, restless, too quickly of an action, cannot wait for something to happen (sometimes because too excited), too nervous .
    Hang toksah dok buat gheja kalut buleh dak? Benda tak laghi mana eh.
    Can't you please calm down a little bit (from your restlessness). It's not like the end of the world.
    Tu orang baghu sikit tu, dah kalut semacam, satgi lagi ghamai.
    That's only few people, and you seem very nervous, in a few minutes a lot of people gonna come here.
    Aih, kalut sangat aih, satgi pak hang balik lah.
    Be patient (of your unsettling behavior), Pa will come home in a few minutes.
  2. Nosy, like to pry into other people's affairs/business

Central Sama edit

Verb edit


  1. To dig for something; to find by digging.