English edit

A lusterware cup

Alternative forms edit

Etymology edit

From luster +‎ -ware.

Noun edit

lusterware (countable and uncountable, plural lusterwares)

  1. A type of pottery having an iridescent metallic glaze
    • 1922, Sinclair Lewis, chapter XXXIV, in Babbitt, New York, N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace and Company, →OCLC:
      Besides these hearty fellows, these salesmen of prosperity, there were the aristocrats, that is, the men who were richer or had been rich for more generations: the presidents of banks and of factories, the land-owners, the corporation lawyers, the fashionable doctors, and the few young-old men who worked not at all but, reluctantly remaining in Zenith, collected luster-ware and first editions as though they were back in Paris.
    • 1961, Freya Stark, chapter 9, in Dust in the Lion's Paw: Autobiography 1939-1946, New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, page 172:
      The golden gates of Meshed have a rosy sheen, like lustre ware []
    • 2007 August 10, Wendy Moonan, “Newport Antiques (and Nantucket’s) in Summer Fair”, in New York Times[1]:
      In Nantucket, they sold most of their stock: [] English lusterware, an oak wall cupboard and a decorated leather sea trunk made in China.

Anagrams edit