Latin edit

Etymology edit

Present active participle of occaecō (make blind)

Participle edit

occaecāns (genitive occaecantis); third-declension one-termination participle

  1. blinding, making blind
  2. (figuratively) darkening, obscuring
  3. (figuratively) hiding, concealing
  4. (of speech) rendering unintelligible
  5. render senseless, depriving of feeling

Declension edit

Third-declension participle.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masc./Fem. Neuter Masc./Fem. Neuter
Nominative occaecāns occaecantēs occaecantia
Genitive occaecantis occaecantium
Dative occaecantī occaecantibus
Accusative occaecantem occaecāns occaecantēs
Ablative occaecante
Vocative occaecāns occaecantēs occaecantia

1When used purely as an adjective.