See also: õunapuu and Õunapuu

Ingrian edit

Etymology edit

From ouna (apple) +‎ puu (tree). Akin to Estonian õunapuu.

Pronunciation edit

Noun edit


  1. (rare) Synonym of omenapuu

Declension edit

Declension of ounapuu (type 8/maa, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative ounapuu ounapuut
genitive ounapuun ounapuijen
partitive ounapuuta ounapuita
illative ounapuuhu ounapuihe
inessive ounapuus ounapuis
elative ounapuust ounapuist
allative ounapuulle ounapuille
adessive ounapuul ounapuil
ablative ounapuult ounapuilt
translative ounapuuks ounapuiks
essive ounapuunna, ounapuun ounapuinna, ounapuin
exessive1) ounapuunt ounapuint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.

Derived terms edit