



From outcast +‎ -ness.



outcastness (uncountable)

  1. The state or quality of being outcast.
    • 1846, Julius Charles Hare, The mission of the Comforter, and other sermons[1]:
      You can hardly walk along the streets of a great city without seeing swarms rushing eagerly in chase of sin, although shame and scorn and outcastness and destitution and disease and death are glaring with fixt eyes upon them.
    • 1992, Patrick O'Sullivan, The Irish world wide: history, heritage, identity, page 66:
      Hence if we are to look to the roots of the outcastness of the Irish it is necessary to consider other things beside Catholicism.
    • 2008, Vivian Liska, Contemporary Jewish Writing in Europe: A Guide, page 198:
      Paradoxically counterbalancing this psychologically defined feature is the second, evreiskaja otver-zhennost’ (Jewish outcastness), which pushes the Jew toward sociological disintegration.