



From Italian politicastro, from politico + -astro (diminutive suffix), equivalent to English politic(ian) +‎ -aster.





politicaster (plural politicasters)

  1. A petty politician.
    • 1641, John Milton, Of Reformation of Church-Discipline in England:
      And for the Diſcipline propounded, ſeeing that it hath bin inevitably prov’d that the natural and fundamental cauſes of political Happineſs in all Governments are the ſame, and that this Church-diſcipline is taught in the Word of God, and, as we ſee, agrees according to wiſh with all ſuch States as have receiv’d it, we may infallibly aſſure our ſelves that it will as well agree with Monarchy, though all the Tribe of Aphoriſmers and Politicaſters would perſwade us there be ſecret and myſterious reaſons againſt it.
    • 2004 January 5, Samuel McChord Crothers, “In Praise of Politicians”, in The Wall Street Journal, New York:
      The politicaster is looking for small opportunities – for such pickings and stealings as a careless public may leave for those of his kind. The great politician is looking for great opportunities.