See also: präsidial

English edit

Adjective edit

præsidial (comparative more præsidial, superlative most præsidial)

  1. Obsolete form of presidial.
    • 1892, James Christopher Scholes, chapter IV, in History of Bolton: with Memorials of the Old Parish Church, page 26:
      After the death of Constantine the Great, disturbances were revived in North Britain, and from the time of dividing the country into two consular provinces— Maxima Cæsariensis and Valentia— and into three præsidial districts— Britannia Prima, Britannia Secunda, and Flavia Cæsariensis (Lancashire being included in the first‐named province and in the last‐named district)— the power of the Romans rapidly declined ; further, the northern part, at any rate, of the empire was menaced with desolation by the Continental barbarians.

Anagrams edit